Men Love Curves: BBW Romance

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Men Love Curves: BBW Romance Page 11

by Ruby Madden

  “Oh, come on, Day! Let’s have some fun.” Amy coaxed. “When’s the next time we’ll be at a party like this with so many cute older boys?”

  “Go ahead. I’m not stopping you. I’ll just watch.” Daylen said firmly.

  Amy stepped closer to her so that she could whisper. “Maybe you’ll get a chance to kiss you know who.” Amy gave her a knowing look.

  At that moment, Daylen wished that she’d never told Amy that she had a crush on Chase. Before she could think too deeply about the fact that she wanted to choke Amy. Her traitor friend and Miguel grabbed both of her arms and pulled her towards the circle. She was completely humiliated and the game hadn’t even began. But she didn’t fight them because she didn’t want to cause a scene and embarrass herself further.

  As she sat between Amy and Miguel, Daylen looked around the circle. Many of the boys smiled brightly at her, which she figured wasn’t too bad of a sign. At least they didn’t look grossed out. Of course, Whitney was shooting daggers at her, but Daylen just rolled her eyes and then looked over at her best friend. Chase looked irritated. Daylen hoped that it wasn’t because of her.

  “Since I’m the hostess with the mostest, I’ll spin the bottle first!” Miguel shouted out. His declaration was met with eye rolls and exaggerated sighs.

  Miguel leaned forward and spun the empty beer bottle as hard as he could. It landed on one of the older girls that Daylen didn’t recognize. From the satisfied grin that spread across Miguel’s face, Daylen assumed that this was a good thing. The girl looked nervous, not that Miguel noticed.

  Daylen watched as they both stood up and walked towards a closet in the entryway of the house.

  “Who’s got the clock?” Miguel asked.

  “We got it!” A group of guys not yet participating hollered back.

  “Ready. Set. Go!” Several teenagers bellowed as the two slipped into the closet and closed the door.

  After that everyone began to chitchat in their own little conversations, waiting out the seven minutes. Daylen’s eyes kept going back to the occupied closet. She had no idea what all could be done in there and her nerves were frayed. She kept her palms flat against her thighs, afraid that if anyone looked close enough, they’d see her hands shaking uncontrollably. She could even feel the sweat from her palms seeping into her tights. She self-consciously rubbed her tongue over her braces, fearing she would cause someone serious damage if any of the boys kissed her.

  Finally, the boys keeping time started a loud countdown.

  “…five, four, three, two, one!” The whole party yelled out, joining in the countdown.

  Daylen watched as the door opened and the partygoers grew quiet in anticipation. Miguel stepped out and the biggest grin Daylen had ever seen was plastered on his face. Along with a decent amount of pink lipstick. The girl walked out behind him with a coy smile as she wiped her lips and adjusted her shirt. And Daylen nearly jumped out of her skin when the crowd burst out suddenly with whooping cheers.

  Miguel grabbed the girl’s hand and went over to one of the couches in the living room. Where they continued their make-out session. Apparently, all had gone well in the closet. Another guy and girl replaced their spots in the circle and the game continued.

  Daylen’s heart started to pound when it was Whitney’s turn. She started up a chant in her head. Please don’t land on Chase. Please don’t land on Chase… Luckily, someone must have been listening, because it landed on a fairly cute boy, though Whitney turned up her nose and flat out said no. In fact, whenever a boy spun the bottle and it landed on her, she seemed to be the only person in the group that was allowed to say no. Daylen didn’t think it was very fair, but she guessed popularity overruled fairness.

  Next up, it was Chase’s turn. At this point, Miguel had rejoined those who were watching the game. He couldn’t help but be a part of the revelry, and seeing his friend up next, got him pumped.

  “Uh ohhhh!!! It’s the birthday boy! Who’s gonna be the lucky lady?!” Miguel called out.

  Chase smiled slightly and leaned forward to grip the bottle. He gave it a hard spin. All the girls in the circle seemed to hold their breath in excitement. Daylen watched in slow motion as the bottle began to decrease speed. On its last revolution, she held her breath as it nearly landed on Whitney. When it did finally stop, the whole room held its breath. It took several beats for Daylen to register where it had landed.

  She stared down at the open mouth of the bottle, as it stared back at her. Oh. My. God! Her eyes flew up to Chase and he looked like he was going to have a heart attack. Whitney got up and stormed off in a fit of rage. Amy bounced happily next to her. It was Miguel that finally broke the silence.

  “Oh shit! It’s the birthday boy and the birthday girl! It’s…about…to…go…down!” Miguel whooped excitedly.

  At their immobility, the crowd started to chant, “Do it! Do it! Do it!”

  Miguel quickly walked over and tugged Chase up to his feet. He then stepped through the circle with Chase in tow. He reached Daylen and pulled her up as well. Miguel walked them over to the closet, opened the door and pushed them in.

  Daylen could hear the boisterous sounds of the crowd on the other side of the door. She was surprised she could even hear them over the sound of her pounding heart. The closet was pitch black, but she was glad because she didn’t want to see Chase’s face when he rejected her.

  She’d never really kissed a boy before. Maybe a peck on the lips in the first grade. Other than that, she didn’t know the first thing about it. Her entire body trembled with anxiety and she wrung her hands compulsively. Oh God, what if his lips get caught on my braces?!

  “You don’t have to-” Daylen began but was cut off by soft lips on her nose and part of her top lip.

  Shock made her stumble back and she fell over some shoes on the floor. She heard laughter on the other side of the door and assumed they were all listening closely. Everyone, curious to see if the two best friends would really go through with kissing each other.

  “I’m sorry, Day.” Chase’s voice reached her as she felt his hand blindly trying to find her.

  When their hands connected, he pulled her back to her feet.

  “I-It’s okay. I just wasn’t r-ready.” Daylen stammered.

  “D-Do you wanna try again?” Chase’s voice sounded nervous. Daylen couldn’t fathom why. She figured he kissed girls all the time.

  “O-Okay,” she whispered.

  She felt his hands slowly move up her arms, over her shoulders and neck, till they clasped either side of her face. She figured he was making sure he didn’t miss her lips this time.

  Chase slowly tilted her head back and this time his lips connected with hers. Daylen felt warmth spread from her tummy outward. She couldn’t believe that she was finally kissing the lips she had dreamed about since she was nine.

  He gave her super soft kisses and his thumbs rubbed her round cheeks. He pulled away and Daylen thought that was it, that he was done. Chase leaned his forehead against hers, his breath fanning her face.

  “Open your mouth, Day,” Chase instructed her.

  She did as she was told and she felt his lips again. This time, though, she felt his tongue dip into her mouth and her breath hitched. Daylen didn’t dare move a muscle. She just kept her mouth open and shivered every time his tongue hit hers.

  Chase pulled away and chuckled softly. “Day, you have to kiss me back. Move your tongue like mine.”

  Daylen nodded her head in understanding before Chase dove in again. A few minutes passed as they explored each other’s mouths. Chase’s hands moved from her face to her shoulders. Just as his arms started to wrap her in a warm embrace, the door was flung open. Miguel stood on the other side with a grin from ear to ear on his face.

  As he took in their faces and Daylen’s lipstick on Chase’s face, he nodded happily. “Ohh…shit!!! They did it!” He shouted out, to Daylen’s utter mortification.

  Miguel pulled
Chase out by his neck, shaking him happily. Chase clasped his hands in front of his pants, graciously took the praise, and then made a beeline to the bathroom. Amy pulled Daylen from the closet and tugged her to a quiet corner to get all of the details.

  Chase slammed the door to the bathroom and collapsed against it. He couldn’t believe that he’d kissed his best friend and it had given him a stiffy. He’d had a chance to kiss a few girls in the last year or so, but something about kissing Day was different. She was completely innocent and he felt like a total jackass, though. He didn’t want to corrupt her or anyone else to, for that matter.

  He also didn’t want to ruin their friendship. She was the best, best friend he’d ever had. She knew everything about him and didn’t judge him. When things were going really bad with his dad, she’d sit there for hours comforting him, just with her presence. He didn’t have to say anything and she understood, and vice versa.

  Chase pushed off of the door and stood in front of the mirror. His lips and face were smeared with her red lipstick. He shook his head in frustration at himself.

  “What are you doing, Chase? You can’t like your best friend, asshole. Find someone else to screw around with.” He grumbled to his reflection.

  He turned on the faucet and washed off her lipstick. As he wiped his face off with one of the hand towels, a knock sounded on the door.

  “Just a second,” Chase shouted towards the door.

  His body hadn’t calmed down yet, with the memory of her lips still on his. He pulled off his flannel and tied it around his waist. The sleeves dangled in front of his jeans, blocking his situation. Chase reached for the lock on the door and turned the knob. When he opened the door, he was surprised at who stood there waiting.

  Whitney smiled at him brightly. “Hey, Chase. I thought you might want to spend seven minutes in real heaven, not with some inexperienced freshman.”

  “Lay off, Whitney. She never did anything to you that you didn’t do first.” Chase went to move past her.

  “Aw, come on. Don’t be like that.” Whitney pouted.

  She stepped closer to him and stroked a finger down his chest. When he didn’t move or knock her hand out of the way, she walked forward, making him step backwards until she could shut and lock the door.

  “Okay, I’ll be honest. The only reason I hate her so much is because she gets to spend so much time with you.” Whitney looked up at him coyly, through her long eyelashes. “I’ve always wanted you, Chase.”

  Chase didn’t know what to do. His defenses were completely down. His emotions, brain, and body were all at war. He’d just realized that he had feelings for his best friend. He didn’t want their relationship to get ruined. He was completely turned on like any normal virginal teenage boy with raging hormones. And this pretty, albeit snotty girl was making herself available to him.

  Chase thought for a few moments more as Whitney bit her bottom lip invitingly. He took a single step towards her and a triumphant smile spread across her face. The smile said, Gotcha! His body won the battle.

  “So do you think he’s going to ask you out now?” Amy asked Daylen after grilling her for every detail that happen in the closet.

  “I don’t know. I hope so.” Daylen said as her eyes scanned the room for Chase. “He’s been in the bathroom for an awfully long time.” Daylen frowned when she didn’t see that he’d returned yet.

  “Well, maybe if you go find him, you can kiss him again.” Amy smiled, her eyes lighting up with excitement for her friend.

  “I don’t know about all that, but I wouldn’t mind,” Daylen said, hopeful.

  Amy pushed her towards the hallway where the bathroom was located. Daylen slowly walked up to the closed bathroom door. She raised her hand to knock when she heard a familiar voice.

  “Oh God, Whitney!”

  Daylen stumbled back against the wall, at the sound of Chase’s voice moaning her tormentor’s name. She stood rooted to the spot. Frozen with dread. A few minutes later, Whitney opened the door as she straightened her skirt. A satisfied smile turned up her lips when she saw Daylen standing there. Daylen looked past her into the bathroom and saw Chase zipping up his pants.

  “Sorry, he needed a real woman.” The delusional fifteen-year-old proclaimed proudly with a smirk.

  Daylen’s entire body flushed hot with anger and she pushed off the wall towards the girl. Whitney flinched back. It would be the only bit of satisfaction that Daylen would get from her heart being broken.

  “That’s what I thought.” Daylen sneered at the girl. She watched as Whitney hightailed it down the hall.

  Daylen’s hurt-filled eyes turned back to Chase. His soft brown eyes returned her gaze guiltily.

  “Daylen, I-” Chase began.

  “I’d like to go home now,” Daylen said softly as she looked away from him.

  She wasn’t sure if she’d ever look at him the same again. It felt like her heart had splintered into tiny pieces. Her throat felt like it had swollen shut, as it worked up and down convulsively. The backs of her eyelids burned and she had to keep blinking back tears.

  “Day, I’m sorry.” Chase reached out and touched her shoulder.

  Daylen flinched back. “P-Please, can we just go home now?” Her voice broke on the first word.

  Chase bowed his head sadly. “Yeah, I’ll go find Xavier.”

  Daylen blindly found Amy but refused to tell her anything other than the fact that they were leaving. Chase came down the stairs with Xavier following closely behind. Daylen and Amy trailed them out the door. Chase got in the front seat with Xavier and the girls got in the back.

  “So…you kids have a good time.” Xavier teased.

  “Yeah!” Amy exclaimed, but the two best friends remained silent.

  Amy’s bright smile died quickly at the solemn mood of the birthday boy and girl. Neither knew whether their friendship would survive the fallout from this night.

  They rode home in relative silence. When Amy asked if she was still staying the night at Daylen’s house, Daylen told her that she wasn’t feeling up to hanging out. Xavier dropped Daylen and Chase off, out front of their houses and drove off to take Amy home.

  Daylen walked away quickly before Chase could say anything to her. She started to open the door to her house and turned briefly to look at him. Her vision was blurry with tears, but she could still tell that he was looking at her. She turned away from him and walked inside. She had nothing else to say.

  Chapter 7

  Chase thought that his newfound attraction to his best friend was going to ruin their friendship. He had no idea that getting his very first blowjob would actually be the cause. School was about to start in a few days, and still Day refused to talk to him.

  He had tried climbing across the branches of their tree and knocking on her window. She would just close the blinds. He went to the door and tried to talk his way in through her mother. She just told him that Daylen wasn’t in the mood to hang out. He even tried to catch her one day when he saw her outside. But she just ran inside before he could get to her. And his calls definitely weren’t getting through to her.

  Chase honestly didn’t know exactly why she was that mad. It wasn’t like they were boyfriend and girlfriend. They were just friends. Eventually, they both would lose their virginity to someone. Even though the thought of her losing her virginity to anyone pissed him off so badly that it made his stomach hurt.

  Not being able to talk to Day or see her face was starting to make him crazy. He didn’t have anyone to vent to about his parents. No one knew of his home life, except her. Everyone else thought that he was the golden boy with the perfect life. He didn’t want anyone to know that his home was broken. Any bruises that he received when his dad got really drunk and felt like smacking him around, he blamed on football. He hid his sorrow well, with a cocky sideways smile and playful brown eyes.

  But Daylen knew him. She was the bright spot in his day. He’d barely went a day with
out talking to her, before this impasse. Whether it was in their treehouse, soup cans with strings attached, or walkie talkies her mom had bought them. They talked every day. He had to find a way to get her to speak to him again.

  He found his opportunity the night before the first day of school. He laid in wait in their treehouse. Finally, Day came to the window and opened it. Chase smiled because he knew that she loved fresh breezes and it was a beautiful night. Whenever a soft breezed blew by, Day would stop whatever she was doing just to enjoy the feel of it on her skin. He loved that even at a really young age, she was insightful enough to enjoy things that most people ignored.

  Chase waited for a moment before he made his move. He was glad that he paused when the first strains of her cello reached his ears. She never let him hear her play and discouraged him from going to her concerts, telling him that orchestra concerts were lame. He took the opportunity to listen now.

  Whatever she was playing was melancholy, but the most beautiful thing he’d ever heard. He let the notes wrap around him. Chase was amazed at how wonderfully she played. He didn’t know much about the orchestra or classical music, but if he didn’t know it, he would’ve thought it was a seasoned professional playing. He wondered if she was a prodigy. She never talked about her music, always thinking that it was nerdy. But he could tell that she must love it.

  As the song came to an end, Chase realized that his cheeks were wet. He had never had any strong emotions like that over a song before, but her choice in music fit his mood perfectly. He swore he felt a hundred-years-old from all the things he’d already been through in his short life thus far.

  Chase slowly rose and made his way towards the one thing, the one person that always made him feel better. When he reached her window and looked in, her face was so sad and tears also stained her cheeks. He didn’t knock, knowing that she’d probably only shut and lock the window on him.


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