Fallen For You (Killer Next Door #1)

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Fallen For You (Killer Next Door #1) Page 4

by Carlie Sexton

  “Looks like you are a little box heavy. I can help you carry all this out to your car, if you’d like.” She was just offering him customer service just like any other customer…well, that’s what she told herself anyway.

  “I’d really appreciate it,” he said with a wink, his eyes radiating the heat she felt deep down.

  Kate glanced around; only a couple customers milled about in the huge department. “I’m going to help Mr. Statton take his purchases to the car,” she called to Natalie. “Will you be okay here until I get back?”

  Natalie smiled widely as she folded some baby jumpers on a nearby display. “I’m fine,” she said loudly. “Take all the time you need.”

  “Thanks, Nat.” Why did she have to say that? It was bad enough Kate was succumbing to his masculine wiles. Did Nat have to encourage him? Like he needed encouragement. Kate followed Neil onto the escalator.

  “I’m parked on the second floor of the parking garage,” he said.

  “Great. Then you should be on your way quickly,” she said, not wanting to give anything away. She wasn’t going to blink first in this game he’d initiated.

  As they walked out the doors, he commented on how beautiful the moon looked. She concurred. He got out his keys and pushed the button that popped open the trunk on his Mercedes. It was black and sporty. Very elegant. He put the packages in the car. Then he turned and looked at her. He took her hand and said, “Please meet me for a late dinner after you get off of work.”

  “I’ve already had dinner and I really should get home. I need to study.”

  “I remember those days,” he said, brushing his thumb over her hand.

  Chills ran up and down her body, making her squeamish inside. That simple act lowered her defenses.

  “Tell me, when you get home from work, do you go straight to bed or do you take time to unwind?” he asked, the intensity of his eyes searing her.

  “It takes me a while to decompress,” she said after a moment’s hesitation, realizing she wanted him to continue his pursuit. It was hot and she was enjoying it.

  “Then meet me for coffee. It’ll take no time at all,” he said, his smile making a dimple appear in his cheek. “Please?”

  She felt her resistance melt away as he continued to hold her hand in his. His thumb continued to stroke the back of her hand. Being touched by him stirred desires she’d forgotten about. Neil’s hazel eyes twinkled with amusement—he could probably tell she was contemplating his invitation. She knew her thoughts had to be written all over her face.

  “Please give me twenty minutes for a cup of coffee. We won’t even consider it a date,” he coaxed.

  Kate sighed. “Okay, I’ll meet you at The Cheesecake Factory. I’ll be done here by ten.”

  He pulled her body close to his and whispered in her ear, “I’ll see you then.” Feeling his body against hers not only made her weak in the knees, but it also made her start to tingle all over. She pulled away and walked back into the store quickly. She could feel his eyes on her as she walked away.


  Natalie interrogated her the moment she entered the children’s department. “What happened? Are you going out with him? What did he say?” Natalie asked, her eyes wide. Apparently, it had been an eternity since she’d walked Neil to his car.

  “Well, we’re going for coffee at The Cheesecake Factory after work,” Kate said as nonchalantly as possible.

  “How did he ask you?” She bounced on her heels; Natalie could barely contain herself.

  “He took my hand in his and used his powers of persuasion to change my mind.” Kate shivered just thinking about it. “And the really sexy part was when I agreed to meet him. He pulled me close to his body and whispered ‘I’ll see you then’ in my ear. I could barely breathe. There’s something about him I’m finding difficult to resist.” Her voice was strained. She leaned against the counter for support.

  “Wow, that sounds so hot,” Natalie said, turning a little red in the face. “I can see why he’d be hard to refuse. He’s absolutely gorgeous.”

  Kate nodded. “I’m really nervous about seeing him again. He’s so handsome and worldly. I feel like he’s out of my league.”

  “Are you kidding? You have nothing to worry about. You’re a beautiful, intelligent, incredible woman. If anyone should be nervous, it’s him. You, my friend, are a real catch. Any man would be lucky to have you,” Natalie said, hugging Kate.

  “Thanks, Nat.” She always said the sweetest things. After working together for the last four years, they were very close. They had shared both happy and sorrowful times together. They knew each other’s secrets. She was Kate’s next closest friend after Charlie.

  They spent the rest of the evening organizing and straightening up the department. It was a slow night.

  “Well, my sales were good. Neil dropped eight hundred and fifty dollars on presents for his sister’s baby. He made my day sales wise,” Kate said to Natalie.

  But he had made her day in another way as well. He had put a chink in the armor protecting her heart. He’d found a way to get in. She’d agreed to see him and the time was rapidly approaching. As the store closed, butterflies began to stretch their wings in her stomach. She felt warm and flushed. After she and Natalie punched out and retrieved their purses from security, Kate popped a few mints she found in her purse, bent over to tussle her hair, swished powder over her face, reapplied lipstick and gloss, and lightly dusted more blush on her cheeks.

  Then it hit her like a thunderbolt. She wanted to look her best for him. She wanted him to find her appealing. Her attraction for him scared her. She hadn’t cared if any man found her attractive since—no, she wasn’t going to think about him right now. She was going to concentrate on the opportunity at hand, her coffee date with a delectable man.

  As she and Natalie walked down the back stairwell of the store, Natalie again assured her she was doing the right thing. Kate realized she should call Charlie and let her know she was going out after work. She pulled out her cell phone and found Charlie’s number, and when she didn’t answer, Kate left a voice mail. Her friend was probably spending a quiet evening with Mitch, curled up in his arms.

  “Hi, Charlie. It’s me. I wanted to let you know I’m going out for a little while after work. I won’t be home too late,” she said before ending the call. She turned to Natalie with a frown. “Nat,” she said, her heart racing, “I don’t know how to be on a date. It’s been so long.”

  “You’ll be fine. Pretend you’re talking to me, Charlie, or Mitch.”

  “Well, that’s easier said than done. I don’t find you, Charlie, or Mitch completely irresistible,” she said with a wry smile. “I better go. I told him I’d be there by ten. I’d hate to be late.”

  “Good luck, Kate. I have a good feeling about this guy,” Natalie said, giving her a hug before getting into her car.

  Driving to The Cheesecake Factory seemed to take a long time even though it was located in the mall. Kate began to feel herself shake as she parked her car. She took several deep breaths in an attempt to calm herself down. She saw Neil’s car parked a few spaces away from hers. What was she going to talk about with him? The cat had snatched her tongue and ran out of the building. She was at a complete loss. She needed to get a hold of herself. He’s just another human being. An incredibly gorgeous, sexy human being.

  When Kate walked in, she saw Neil sitting in the lobby with his eyes glued to the door. She saw him relax when their eyes met. She had felt a spark for him from the moment she saw him. When he’d pulled her body into his, the spark turned into a raging inferno. He’d smelled musky, sensual, all man. Clearly, from his tight hold on her, he’d been enchanted by her and didn’t want to let her go, but she’d pulled away from him regardless. He’d come on a little too strong, but she wanted to see where this might lead. He wasn’t just gorgeous, he was stimulating to her as well.

  He stood up quickly and held out his hand to her. She took it, glad to have him to hold o
nto. She hoped he couldn’t feel she was a little shaky.

  “How was the rest of your evening at work?” he asked.

  “Good. It went by quickly,” she said, looking into his gorgeous hazel eyes.

  “I’m really glad you agreed to meet me. Thanks for coming.”

  “Me too,” she said, still a little guarded.

  Neil nodded toward the hostess. As they followed her, he gently placed his hand on the small of Kate’s back. Electricity ran through her from his touch. She realized she wanted his hands to touch a lot more than her back. He guided her as they walked to their table. The hostess quickly seated them in a booth toward the back of the restaurant. Neil had obviously indicated where he wanted to sit for his coffee with her. They sat across from each other with awkward silence for a minute or so. At first, all he could do was gaze into her eyes. She stared back at him with the same intensity. She knew she wanted him as much as it seemed he wanted her.

  The waitress approached and asked what they’d like to drink. Neil ordered a coffee and Kate asked for a decaf, not wanting to be awake all night. She had a feeling thoughts of Neil would be keeping her awake anyway. As soon as the waitress left, Neil began talking.

  “So, where are you from originally?” he asked, trying to break the ice.

  “I was born and raised in Louisiana.”

  “A Southern belle. What part?” he asked.

  “I’m from Lafayette, but I was born in New Orleans.”

  “I’ve been to New Orleans many times for Mardi Gras. It’s a great city. I always really enjoy myself there.”

  “Mardi Gras is amazing. So, what about you? Are you from California?”

  “Yes, I was born and raised in San Diego. I’m a rare native born Californian,” he said with a grin. Kate found his smile irresistible. He was too handsome for his own good. Most likely, he had gotten every woman he’d ever wanted as well.

  “Again, I want to apologize for not being there today,” he said, a sheepish look on his face. “We’re working on an embezzlement case involving one of our corporate clients and some important evidence was uncovered today. It could break the case wide open.”

  “I understand,” she said sweetly, nodding. “Your work has to come first. Let’s put it behind us.”

  “Sounds like a plan to me,” he said with relief. “So, what do you like to do for fun when you’re not working or going to school?” he asked. This was a question she dreaded. She hadn’t done anything for fun in ages. She used to go kayaking with her old boyfriend David, but she hadn’t kayaked since…

  “Well, working full-time and going to school keeps me busy, but I used to enjoy kayaking,” she said, the words spilling out of her mouth. Words she suddenly wanted to reel back in, but couldn’t. She was so not ready to answer questions. Why doesn’t life come with a rewind button like my remote? Kayaking was a painful subject.

  “Wow, kayaking sounds like a blast. When do you go? I’d love to go with you,” he said.

  “Well, I haven’t gone for a long time. I work on the weekends and my friends aren’t available during the week to go kayaking,” she said, trying not to give him a reason to ask any more questions about it.

  Before Neil could press the issue, she changed the subject. “What about you? What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?” she asked.

  “I play golf and tennis. Pretty boring compared to kayaking.”

  But Neil seemed to want to uncover more about her, so he redirected the conversation to her again, obviously wanting to be in control.

  “What are you studying at SDSU?” he asked as the waitress brought their coffees.

  “What can I get you to eat?” the waitress interrupted.

  “We’re having coffee,” Kate said quickly.

  “Well, actually, I’d love a piece of cheesecake,” Neil said. “My favorite’s the red velvet.”

  “Okay, one red velvet. Any cheesecake for you?” the waitress asked Kate.

  “No, it’s a little too late for me to have cheesecake. The coffee’s fine,” she said. Neil frowned and pursed his lips slightly. The waitress hurried off to get his order. “I’m studying speech communication, but considering getting my teaching credential and becoming a teacher,” Kate replied to Neil. “I thought a liberal arts degree might be more versatile than an education degree. The downside is right now the teaching profession’s saturated and a lot of teachers have been laid off. But I’m a junior, so I still have two years left.”

  “You seem very mature to be what, twenty-one?” he said.

  “Actually, I’m twenty-four. I took some time off from college the last few years.”

  “What have you been doing during your time off?”

  “I was working,” she said, her words clipped. She looked down at her hands, willing her posture to relax, but she could feel her shoulders stiffening as the conversation continued. She didn’t want to answer questions about her past. She wasn’t ready to tell a complete stranger what had happened and why she had dropped out of college. A sigh escaped her lips and she ran her fingers through her hair. Hopefully, Neil was perceptive and would realize she didn’t want to elaborate, especially on a first date.

  “So, how long have you been working at Nordstrom?” he asked, taking a sip of coffee. She was still adding her cream and sugar. Her friends teased her all the time about drinking cookies, not coffee.

  “I’ve been there for four years now.”

  “Do you like it?”

  “I love it. I work with great women who I consider my friends. Natalie, who I was working with tonight, is one of my closest friends. We’ve been through thick and thin together. Plus, most people who come shopping for baby clothes are really happy about the new addition to their lives, so it’s a great department to work in.”

  “Sounds like you’re happy there. Work’s too important to dread it.”

  “You’re right. How about you? How do you like being a lawyer?”

  “I have to say my job’s continually fascinating. I get to witness the triumph and defeat of the human spirit on a regular basis. It’s both exhilarating and humbling. There’s never a dull moment.”

  “I bet you could write a book on all of the crazy things people have done to each other.”

  “Yeah,” Neil said, chuckling. “I sure could.”

  Just then, the waitress returned with his cheesecake. “Here you go, sir. Can I get you anything else?” she said, batting her eyelashes at him. Does every woman he meets throw herself at him? But who can blame her? He’s a beautiful man.

  “No. That’ll be all. Thanks,” he said, dismissing her. He picked up his fork and smiled at Kate.

  “Okay, I will be highly offended if you don’t try a bite,” he said with a sparkle in his eyes. She opened her mouth and leaned forward. He scooped up a piece with his fork and slid it on her tongue. She closed her mouth around the fork and he smoothly pulled it from between her lips, his heated gaze watching her closely. She moaned softly, blushing a little.

  “This is so good,” she said after swallowing the cake. He took a bite for himself, but he clearly wanted to feed her more. He scooped up another bite and moved the fork in her direction. After she took the next bite he offered, he again slid the fork slowly between her lips. Another soft moan floated up through the air while she savored the cheesecake. He ate another piece, then offered her more. Finding this to be an extremely sensual experience, she could be fed this way all night. It was a great surprise, the feelings he was stirring deep down within her. She could feel herself becoming aroused. Who knew eating cheesecake could be so sexy? What would it be like to kiss him, lose herself in him, be with him?

  She needed to get a hold of herself. She barely knew this man. But she wanted to take a chance and get to know him. Maybe she needed to take a chance. She hadn’t had anyone special in her life for a long time. But was he special, or just a guy who wanted to get her into bed?

  The feeding continued until the cheesecake was gone. Their sensual inter
action had taken the place of conversation. But they were communicating in another way, causing a sensation between her thighs she had forgotten about long ago.

  “That was the best cheesecake I’ve ever had,” she said, sighing heavily while shifting in her seat.

  “Judging by those moans of pleasure, I’d have to agree. For me, it was especially good feeding it to you. I’d like to have the opportunity to feed you again. How about dinner on Friday night?” he asked.

  “You sure are a very persistent man, Neil Statton. I suppose you’re used to getting your way?” she asked, tilting her head to one side.

  “I’m not going to lie, I’m very determined, and I’ll take that as a yes. I’m a man accustomed to getting what I want when I want it.”

  “Well, in that case, it’s a yes. I get off of work at seven on Friday. I could meet you,” she said. She wasn’t ready for him to pick her up at her apartment. Having her own car to escape in if necessary gave her a sense of control.

  “Okay, how about we go to PF Chang’s since it’s in the mall. That’ll make it easier for you.”

  “PF Chang’s is perfect.”

  “Well, I know you’re tired. We should get going,” he said.

  She nodded. “You’re right. I am tired and I have three classes tomorrow.”

  They got up and walked out of the restaurant. Again, he placed his hand on the small of her back. As much as she was happy to have his hand on her, she was definitely hoping he’d touch a lot more of her on Friday night. His touch sent simultaneous sparks and shivers throughout her body.

  He walked her to her car. “Thank you for the coffee and dessert,” she murmured, turning to face him.

  “Thank you for agreeing to meet me. I’m looking forward to our date on Friday.”

  “Date?” she asked, raising an eyebrow.

  “Yes, date,” he stressed. He leaned in to kiss her but she turned her head, offering him her cheek instead. She was worried if she kissed him on the lips, she might not be able to stop. He’d managed to lower all of her defenses. He pulled her in close for a hug, and she could feel the length of his erection against her stomach. Her muscles clenched deep down between her legs as he pressed his chest against hers. He was so muscular, and she was completely aroused.


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