Fallen For You (Killer Next Door #1)

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Fallen For You (Killer Next Door #1) Page 18

by Carlie Sexton

  As they walked in the front door, they were welcomed by the front desk clerk. “How may I help you?” he asked.

  “We’re here to see Detective Jameson. My name’s Kate Simmons. He’s expecting me,” she said. The officer called Detective Jameson on the phone.

  “Kate Simmons and friends are here to see you. Yes, I’ll tell them,” he said, and then hung up the phone. “He’ll be right out to meet you.”

  “Thank you,” Kate said, taking Neil’s hand. She was beginning to shake from her nerves.

  Detective Jameson appeared a moment later. Kate stepped forward when she saw him.

  “You must be Miss Simmons. I’m Detective Jameson.” He reached out to shake hands with Kate.

  “It’s nice to meet you, detective. Please call me Kate. This is my roommate, Charlie, her boyfriend, Mitch, and my boyfriend, Neil.” She motioned toward her friends.

  “It’s nice to meet all of you. Sorry it’s under such unfortunate circumstances,” Detective Jameson said. He had kind eyes and a bright smile. “Please follow me. We’re going to the conference room at the end of the hall.”

  They all followed the detective. As they entered the room, he said, “Please take a seat.”

  “Is it okay with you all if I record our conversation? It’s easier for me than taking notes while you talk,” he explained.

  “Absolutely,” Kate said, feeling a little unsteady. She wasn’t eager to rehash the events from earlier in the day.

  “Why don’t we start with what happened this evening with Mr. Wilkins?”

  “Okay,” Kate agreed. She told the detective about Roger coming over to tell her about Rose’s death, his leaving for Germany, and asking her to hold onto his possessions. She expressed her concern about being considered an accomplice since she was keeping items he needed to leave the country.

  “Nothing he’s asked you to hold onto makes you an accomplice. He’s not been arrested and he’s free to come and go as he pleases. We don’t have any evidence linking him to Rose’s death. We’re hoping to find some, but so far we have nothing.”

  Kate nodded. She felt relieved yet distressed at the same time.

  “Please go ahead and tell me for the record what happened on the day Mark Baxter followed you home.”

  Kate told the detective everything she could remember.

  “Did you see Roger leave his apartment after Mark left?”

  “No, I didn’t, but I wasn’t looking either. I had an appointment to get ready for, so I have no idea what Roger was doing.”

  Kate frowned and looked down at the floor. Detective Jameson leaned forward. “Has something come to mind?” he asked.

  Kate looked at the detective. “Come to think of it, his car wasn’t there when I left for my appointment and he wasn’t home when I returned.”

  Charlie chimed in. “Roger wasn’t home for the next couple of days. I didn’t see him again until Thursday night when I got home from work.”

  “Did he happen to mention where he’d been?”

  “No, he asked about Kate and her whereabouts. When I told him she was staying with her mom for a couple of days, he ended our conversation by asking when she’d be back. I told him Friday night after work.”

  “Has he shown the same kind of interest in you that he does in Kate?”

  “No, but he met my boyfriend, Mitch,” she said, motioning to him, “on the day we moved in. He didn’t seem too happy to meet Mitch and he hasn’t given me the attention he’s given Kate.”

  “What kind of attention?”

  “Roger goes out of his way to invite Kate over to hang out and greets her when she’s leaving the apartment and coming home. She can’t come and go without seeing him and having a conversation with him.”

  “Okay, it sounds like Roger may view you as a love interest. If that’s the case, he might want to get anyone he considers a threat out of the way to have you to himself.” Kate’s gut tightened with anxiety at that comment.

  “So you think Kate’s in danger?” Neil interjected.

  “It’s a strong possibility. Have you had any romantic relations with Roger?” the detective asked.

  All eyes were on Kate. “Not at all. I’ve behaved like a neighbor. I was friendly, but I’ve never kissed him or held his hand or anything of the sort. I did, however, hug him this evening as a way to console him when he told me about Rose. Other than that hug, I haven’t encouraged him in the least. I thought, well, I had hoped he and Rose were in love and in a committed relationship.”

  “By our estimations, Roger’s a very dangerous man. What makes him particularly treacherous is he seems so normal. He has a job, follows societal norms, and looks like a nice guy. But I can assure you it’s a façade. He has devised a clever mask to cover up what he really is—a killer. We may not have sufficient evidence, but I have been doing this job for twenty years and I’m pretty confident he’s guilty. So you need to take whatever precautions necessary to be safe. Since he has keys to your apartment, you should barricade the door with a chair underneath it at night.”

  “See, baby. That’s why you need to stay with me right now!” Neil exclaimed.

  “Well, Mitch brought up a good point after we spoke. He thinks if I’m suddenly gone it might make Roger suspicious that I think he’s guilty. I don’t want to cause Roger to be alarmed. He’s going to Germany soon, so we’re going to move then.”

  Neil’s furrowed brow gave away his frustration. “Detective, what do you think about the idea of Kate staying with me right now to get away from Roger?” he asked.

  “If Roger’s really obsessed with Kate, then it might be a mistake to make any sudden changes at the moment. He’s most likely killed two people who were very close to him. We don’t know why. So far, we don’t know what his motive is. Kate needs to be extremely careful. I do like the idea of you two young ladies moving when he goes to Germany. You need to do whatever it takes to not be found by him.”

  “So what are the police doing to get Roger off the streets?” Neil inquired.

  “Our hands are tied by the law, and until we come across some evidence, there’s nothing we can do. Just like we didn’t have enough evidence to arrest him for the murder of Rick Holloway,” the detective stated. Kate recognized Rick’s name when she heard it. Roger had talked to her about Rick.

  “Roger told me he was missing and he thought Rick had taken off. What happened to Rick?” she asked hesitantly.

  “Roger was having an affair with Rick’s wife, Darcy. Rick knew she was cheating, but he didn’t know it was with Roger. We have no idea if Rick found out it was Roger or not. The last time Rick was seen alive was at Roger’s apartment. Unfortunately, we have never found Rick’s body, so we can’t even prove he’s dead, let alone that Roger killed him.”

  Kate sank into the chair. There were three potential murders. Could there be more? Was Roger actually capable of killing people he was close to and making them disappear? Her head hurt from all of the events of this day. She didn’t want to believe this was happening or that she was in danger.

  “What should I do now, detective? Should I keep the money and ticket or give the items back? I don’t want to be in the middle of this,” she said softly.

  “That’s completely up to you. If you want to hold onto his stuff, then do so. If you want to give it back to him, then give it back. Quite frankly, it isn’t safe for you to keep two thousand dollars in cash in your apartment,” he said.

  Detective Jameson handed out his business card to the whole clan. “If you think of anything else or need my help in any way, please give me a call.”

  “Thank you. If anything comes up, I’ll be in touch.”

  They all got up to leave and shook hands with Detective Jameson as they walked out.

  Once they were outside, Mitch asked, “Do you guys want to go get a drink?”

  “Sure, that sounds good. I think we could all use a drink after today’s events,” Neil said.


bsp; Kate and Neil agreed to keep their communication to phone calls and texts for the next few days. She knew Neil wasn’t happy about the situation, but he respected her decision. She was worried if Neil came over, he could become Roger’s next target. It had been five days since Roger had asked her to hold on to his airline ticket and money, and she knew the time was rapidly approaching when Roger would need his stuff. Thankfully. She’d managed to avoid him entirely for a couple of days, which was quite a feat. The times when she saw him on the way to campus gave her a perfect excuse not to hang out or talk.

  She’d been trying to think of a good reason to return his things. What would sound benign and innocent? She finally came up with her plan and decided to execute it after work when she got home. He’d most likely have his front door open. As she bound up the stairs, he opened his door as if he was Pavlov’s dog and she was ringing a bell.

  “Hey, Kate, what are you doing tonight?” he asked.

  “I have studying to do, but I was hoping you could come over for a minute.”

  “I can come over right now,” he said a little too eagerly.

  “Good.” Roger followed her inside her apartment. She didn’t shut the door behind him. She walked into the kitchen and opened the freezer, taking out the Ziploc bag containing his belongings. Strolling back over to him, she extended her hand that held his things.

  “Listen, I want to give back your airline ticket, money, and other items. I don’t feel comfortable keeping this much cash in my apartment. If we were robbed, I wouldn’t be able to replace it,” Kate said.

  She looked at him intently, unwilling to back down. This was her chance to take back some control.

  “I’m sure that won’t happen,” he said.

  Kate kept her hand extended. “Also, the police can’t charge you with a crime you didn’t commit. You really don’t have anything to worry about.”

  Roger reluctantly took back his stuff. He looked defeated.

  “I guess you’re right, Kate. I overreacted when the police questioned me. I’m sure you can understand. I couldn’t believe they thought I’d do anything to hurt Rose. I loved her so much. I was planning on asking her to marry me since she was pregnant with my child.” His voice was flat.

  Kate’s heart sank. She held back tears for Rose and her unborn child. She was conscious of her facial expression and did everything in her power to soften it, but she couldn’t bring herself to believe him, even though she pretended she did.

  “I’m so sorry you have to go through this terrible situation. I can’t imagine what a huge loss this is for you. I know how much you loved her,” she said.

  “Thanks,” Roger said.

  “Well, I probably should eat dinner and get to studying. I have a big exam to prepare for. I hope you have a wonderful time visiting Jacob. I bet he will be very excited to see you.”

  “I’m sure we’ll see each other before I leave. I was hoping we could hang out and talk over a glass of wine. It would be good to have a friend to talk to about Rose,” he said with a smile.

  If she didn’t believe he was the killer she would have consoled him, made some tea, and been there for him.

  “Oh, I’m sure we will see each other. I’m super busy right now. It’s difficult going to school full-time and working,” she said, managing a weak smile.

  Roger nodded. He looked like a beaten man as she walked him toward the door. She wouldn’t give in to what he wanted. They said good night and she closed her door.



  Roger crossed over to his apartment. He was very frustrated Kate wasn’t following his plan. Why the hell isn’t this working out the way I want it to? Doesn’t she realize how much I want her? He was going to have to tell her soon. Before his trip seemed like an appropriate time. She needed to know he had feelings for her. She must be holding back because she thought he was grieving over Rose. That made sense. He’d be leaving in less than a week. He’d make her listen and understand.



  Kate and Neil had made plans to meet at his place for lunch on Thursday. Neil had scheduled a three-hour break from the office, picked up takeout, and set the scene for their afternoon tryst.

  Kate knocked on the beautiful oak door. She’d been eager to see Neil all day. Going to her classes had practically been a waste of time. It was hard to concentrate when she knew she was going to see him.

  Neil opened the door. He looked sexy and sophisticated in his black suit and grey tie. Drawing her to him, her body melted into his.

  “Hi, my beauty,” he whispered to her. “I’ve missed you so much these past few days.” He began kissing her hair and slowly made his way to her mouth. Once he found his target, he kissed her with intense passion while his hands roamed her body. He moved her inside his apartment and shut the door while kissing her. He took her breath away.

  Stopping for a brief moment, he said, “Let’s go upstairs. I have a surprise for you.”

  She followed him upstairs to his master bathroom. It was lit with candles and he’d drawn them a bath. He had added bath salts and bubbles to their bath, creating an idyllic setting.

  “Oh, Neil, you’re so romantic. I have a feeling I’m really going to love this bath in particular.”

  “I hope so. I want you to relax and shut out everything in this world but you and me.”

  “Sounds heavenly.”

  Neil began undressing her. He started with the lavender knit top that clung so nicely to her curves, unhooked her bra, freeing her breasts, and then slid her jeans and panties down her legs. In no time, he had her totally naked. Kate helped him take off his clothes and they entered the extra-large bathtub. Neil got in first, then Kate, so she could lean against his body, her back lying on his chest. The aroma from the tub was familiar. It took her back to their shopping adventure in Seaport Village.

  “Neil, you used the bath products from Sinfulicious, didn’t you?” she asked with a glint in her eyes.

  “Yes, I did,” he said, kissing her shoulder.

  “I love you’re so thoughtful.” She held onto his arms, which were wrapped around her.

  “Well, I enjoy pleasing you. I want to make you happy.”

  “Happy? You make me more than happy. You’re so attentive. You make me feel…special.”

  “You’re special to me, Kate. I’m so crazy about you. You have captured me and I don’t want to be released,” he said, turning her body over so she faced him. Her chest was pressed against his. “I know everything has happened rapidly. I can’t help myself. I’ve fallen in love with you and…”

  Kate put her fingers to his lips. “I’ve fallen in love with you too, Neil. I’ve tried to make sense of all of this over the last couple of days, but I’ve concluded love doesn’t make sense. It just is.”

  He kissed her reverently on the lips. “Baby, I have something to ask you,” he said.


  “When you and Charlie move out, I want you to move in with me. I want us to live together. I know it’s soon, but please don’t refuse me,” he said, looking adoringly into her eyes.

  “I have found you very difficult to refuse since I helped you carry your packages out to your car and you pulled me close and whispered in my ear. You’ve pretty much had me since then.”

  “So, is that a yes?” he asked, his enthusiasm bubbling over.

  “Yes, it is ba—”

  She couldn’t finish because his tongue had enraptured her mouth. He kissed her like an addict in desperate need of his next fix. He pulled her out of the tub and wrapped a huge towel around them both to absorb the water, dried her, then led her to his bed. The whole time he kept his mouth covering hers, his velvet tongue stroking hers. His hand roamed down her hip to her sex. He slid his finger down to her clit, between her tender folds of flesh, and found her wetness as his finger entered her.

  “Oh, I love how your body’s always ready for me,” he growled. With that, her knees bent and she fell
on his bed. He got down on the floor and spread her apart. He began licking her clit in a circular motion. She groaned under his skillful tongue. He inserted two fingers in her. She propped herself up on her elbows so she could watch him between her legs. The image of his head between her thighs had been on her mind all day, and now that it was there, she knew it wouldn’t be long until she came. His eyes were locked on hers as she felt the pleasure from the assault of his tongue mounting deep down within.

  “Neil,” she began to say as her elbows gave way and she lay back.

  “Baby, I’m going to take care of you. Let it all go. Come for me.” With his command, she found her release, groaning loudly. “That’s the sound I like to hear. I want to hear you utter those sounds every day.”

  She was pulsing around his fingers. He smoothly pulled them out and moved on top of her. His lips were glistening with her juice. Rubbing his hardened tip against her, he began circling her clit. His kisses were sticky with the evidence of what he’d done to her. Sinking into her, he let out a hiss. “God, you feel so good. I love slipping in and out of you.”

  Neil’s pace quickened. As he went faster, her breasts began bouncing. “You turn me on so much,” he whispered. She could feel him harden more. She knew he was ready to come. She squeezed him as hard as she could with her pelvic muscles. He yelled out as he exploded inside her. His pace slowed as he spilled into her. “Baby, what you do to me. Promise me you’re mine, always. Promise me.”

  “I promise, Neil. I’m yours, always,” she said, looking deeply into his eyes.


  On Friday morning, when Kate’s alarm went off, she moaned when she smelled the delicious aroma of coffee brewing. Charlie was such a great roommate. She always got the coffee ready in the morning. Kate got up and headed to the kitchen where Charlie was already sitting with a cup of java, reading a file for work.

  Charlie looked up as Kate entered the kitchen. “I really hate we have to move out of our apartment,” Charlie muttered.


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