Claiming His Human Wife

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Claiming His Human Wife Page 3

by Sue Lyndon


  “I’ll be gone hunting for most of the morning,” Edwin said, placing a hand on Rhiannon’s sore bottom. “You will remain inside while I’m gone. There are grains and other foods inside the pack I brought. You’re a woman. You know what to do with it all.”

  “Yes, Edwin,” Rhiannon replied, relieved that he was leaving for a while, rather than take her immediately as his wife after witnessing her morning prayer to Stretta.

  He patted her bottom again, this time with more force. “I will make you my wife tonight as we lay by the fire,” he said. Rhiannon blushed deeply and felt her heart drumming in her ears.

  She recovered from her shyness quickly and smiled up at Edwin, feeling lost in his wide, blue eyes. “All right. Good luck with the hunt.”

  After Edwin had gone out into the snowy forests of the Cold Top with his spear, Rhiannon busied herself cleaning up the cabin and preparing the kitchen. They would be living there for quite some time, and it had to look livelier if it was to feel like a true home.

  Rhiannon unpacked the items brought by Edwin and used the grains and hearth to start baking bread for lunch and dinner. The smell of rising bread soon filled the cabin. Once the kitchen was cleaned up, Rhiannon eyed the curtains with disgust. They were so dusty that one touch left fragments of dirt floating in the air. Obviously, the curtains from both the large windows needed a good shaking outside.

  She took them down and walked toward the cabin door, humming a joyful tune all the way. Tonight Edwin would take her as his wife and after the cold season she would see her grandmother in the afterlife. There was no real separation between Ettonelli and Strellia. She felt like this was a fairytale, an unrealized dream come true. Edwin was handsome and gentle—when he wasn’t smacking her bottom. And he seemed to look deep inside her with his marvelous, twinkling blue eyes.

  They had spent the early morning hours becoming better acquainted, at his insistence. She had told him all about the village and he had told her all about his life before Strellia. The Crigons had inhabited lands near the Zertrin lands, living in the forests in marvelous tree houses. He had been a hunter and a builder, and though he had been married, he avoided all questions about his wife. He had left the mortal lands of Earth with the rest of his kind over five hundred years ago to join the goddess Stretta in the first immortal world.

  The rising dust from the curtains caused Rhiannon to pause, coughing herself back into reality. After she bundled them underneath her arm, she opened the cabin door and stepped out into the cold. She shivered and her feet were cold in the snow, despite the fact that she wore shoes.

  It was cloudy, but the profiles of trees were visible all around. Rhiannon left the door open and sloshed through the thick white for a good place to shake the dirty curtains. To her delight, she found a large rock underneath a tree that wasn’t snow covered, so she beat the curtains against it until the dust was gone. She breathed a sigh of relief that the outline of the cabin was still visible through the fog when she turned to walk home.

  Rhiannon immediately removed her wet shoes upon entering the tiny cabin. She restrung the curtains and huddled in front of the fire, adding two more logs of wood. The bearskin bed on which she knelt would be the very place Edwin would claim her as his wife, bringing her into womanhood. She found herself smiling at the thought, and she imagined how it would feel to touch Edwin’s warm, dark skin.

  After Edwin returned from a successful hunting trip a short while later, they sat at the table enjoying the fresh baked bread. Rhiannon felt faint each time she stole a glance at her husband-to-be. After lunch, she got a stew going with the rabbit he’d caught and tidied up the kitchen again. She heard the cabin door open and close, realizing that Edwin had gone outside without saying goodbye. Rhiannon felt a little miffed about that, but she continued around the kitchen, humming and cleaning and stirring the stew.

  The rattling slam of the door caused her to shoot straight up and gasp. Edwin stood with his arms crossed, glaring angrily at her.

  “You went outside today.” His accusation brought a chill to the room.

  Rhiannon fumbled. Yes, she had gone outside—but the curtains had been so dusty! Damn her wet boots by the door and footprints in the snow! The village had had plenty of ridiculous rules, most of which she had always ignored, going where she pleased without a second thought. Edwin’s rule about going outside hadn’t seemed much different, at the time.

  “I-I…it’s just that the curtains needed a good shaking and I was only out for an instant.” She swallowed hard and found herself looking at his wide belt, praying it would remain around his waist. So much for avoiding another spanking.

  Edwin stepped forward. “This mountain is crawling with over sized rolabears that would have you as a snack. I specifically instructed you to remain inside, did I not?”

  “Yes, Edwin. I’m sorry,” said Rhiannon, her already sore bottom tingling from the fear of being punished again at his hands. And they were supposed to make love tonight.

  “Remove your dress, now!” snapped Edwin. He advanced toward her with a livid gleam in his deep blue eyes. He looked like an otherworldly beast with his gaze so fierce and his muscles tensing. For a moment, she wondered if Crigons were descended from the giants who had once called the forests beneath the Cold Top home.

  As he closed the space between them, Rhiannon panicked. No, he couldn’t spank her. Not tonight. Not right before they would join as one on the bearskin bed before the fire. “Please, Edwin,” she begged. “I’m very sorry. I promise I’ll listen to you next time, just please don’t spank me now.” Her voice cracked over the last few words.

  “Remove your dress, lass, or you will feel the sting of my belt,” he threatened as he towered above her.

  Her throat burning, she shed her dress, leaving it on the kitchen floor as Edwin pulled her toward the center of the cabin. She waited on trembling legs as he retrieved the same chair from last night’s punishment. Anger radiated off him in sharp waves. His movements were swift and rigid, as if he were trying to rein himself under control.

  Edwin pulled her over his lap and fixed her into the same position as the previous night, legs pinned underneath his and hands clasped tightly behind her back. His free hand rested on her bare bottom. He held her like this for some time, not moving or speaking until he’d taken a series of deep breaths, and she sensed he was no longer as upset with her as he’d been when he’d drawn her over his knee. Though his anger has diminished, she knew he would carry out the punishment he’d promised her, nonetheless. Edwin struck her as a man of his word.

  “Rhiannon, you directly disobeyed me. You are going to learn that it is wise to heed my warnings, even if it requires I punish you daily.”

  She felt his hand rise up and tensed for the expected smack. When it didn’t come immediately, she twisted around to meet his darkened gaze. Was it desire making his eyes flash with such intensity? If she didn’t know better, she would think he intended to ravage her rather than spank her.

  Oh, if only she could be so lucky. Though her nerves about their impending wedding night had her stomach all aflutter, she would much prefer the ravishment.

  “Spread your legs more,” Edwin instructed.

  Rhiannon’s face burned, but she spread her legs slightly. Then she felt a light slap on her left thigh.

  “Just a little bit more.”

  She complied, spreading her legs wider and fighting the shame that came from knowing she was on full display to Edwin before the spanking had even begun. She wondered if it was his intention to cause embarrassment or to simply have a good look at her before their wedding night.

  And then the spanking began, heavy and unmerciful. Slap after slap landed across her writhing bottom and thighs. It hurt more than the punishment she’d received the previous night. Rhiannon squirmed in a desperate attempt to escape his falling hand and cried out promises to behave, but it was no use. Edwin was taking his husbandly duty seriously and teaching her a lesson that she wouldn’t soon fo

  “Please,” begged Rhiannon. “It hurts badly.”

  She heard the quirk in Edwin’s voice when he responded, “Good, perhaps this time the lesson will be longer lasting.” Smack! He continued with the vigorous spanking, raining several sharp slaps upon her thighs until her throat became hoarse from calling out. Her muscles ached from thrashing about and she gradually calmed down, despite the increasing sting of his descending hand, accepting that she couldn’t escape. In the village, because of her family’s power she had assumed she would have more freedom than most women after she got married. Two spankings from Edwin and she realized this would not be the case at all in their marriage. He would be very much in charge, and she needed to take his rules seriously if she wanted to avoid further trips over his knee.

  When the spanking ended, finally, Rhiannon lay crying on his lap, feeling much more penance than on the night prior. Not only was her bottom stinging, but the heavy knowledge that she’d disobeyed the Crigon husband who would set her grandmother free from damnation in the Caves of Terr ripped at her conscience. She knew she had deserved this spanking. Her tears flowed down her cheeks and she bit back a fresh sob wrought from her guilt.

  Edwin’s hand came down gently on her bottom, rubbing and soothing her tenderized skin with the very hand he’d just used to administer her punishment. She was still pinned across his lap and wondered why he hadn’t yet released her, and her face burned again when she remembered how her nudity was on full display. If his fingers moved down just a bit more, he might touch her most intimate parts.

  It was then, as she imagined him touching her womanhood, that she felt a tremendous ache growing between her thighs, a feeling unlike any she’d ever known before. She realized with a gasp that it was her body desiring her husband.

  As if Edwin sensed her arousal, he began tracing the folds between her quivering thighs, dipping into her moisture while he still held her in the punishment position. Her whole body quivered with need.

  She felt herself being pushed further over his lap, and her heart hammered in her chest, her pulse racing with renewed fear. Did he intend to spank her more?

  “The next time you disobey in anything,” he said firmly, “you will feel the sting of my belt. Even for the smallest infraction. Do you understand, Rhiannon?” He spoke while swirling his fingers between her folds, spreading her wetness around and lighting every nerve on fire.

  “Yes, I understand,” she said, fighting the urge to thrust backwards so that his fingers would sink deeper into her opening. She never wanted him to stop touching her, and she tried not to think about how she must look to him right now, with her legs spread wide and her backside flaming red after her spanking.

  “I’m going to release your hands now, but I want you to pull your bottom cheeks apart for me.”

  Rhiannon panicked. Whatever his intention was, she couldn’t possibly comply. It was far too shameful. She felt her hands being freed, but she simply lay there unmoving, hoping she had misheard him, and if she hadn’t, that he would change his mind about whatever he was about to do.

  “I asked you to hold your cheeks open for me, lass. Now.” It was a command, delivered in his firmest voice.

  “Please. I can’t do that. It’s much too embarrassing.” Hot tears welled in her eyes.

  Before she could decipher Edwin’s intentions, she was brought up quickly to stand on her feet. She rubbed her bottom, unable to restrain herself from touching the stinging mounds. She tried to meet his gaze but couldn’t hold it, her shame and fear too great.

  “What did I say would happen the next time you disobeyed me?” Edwin asked, towering over her with his massive Crigon body.

  Her heart dropped into her stomach and she felt her eyes go wide.

  The belt. He was going to whip her with the belt.

  “Oh, please, Edwin. Not the belt. I didn’t realize…” But her voice trailed off when he tugged at his waist, sliding the thick leather from his pants in one swift movement.

  He led her toward the kitchen table, a stone cold expression on his face. “Bend over. Now.”

  The hot tears were now freely running down her face. She eyed the belt with terror once more before positioning herself over the table, with Edwin guiding her flat down, spreading her thighs and arching her bottom into the air.

  “Please, not hard, Edwin.” But before she could plead further, Rhiannon felt the stinging snap of the belt across her upper thighs. The pain!

  Again and again, the heavy belt swooshed through the air and snapped across Rhiannon’s bottom and thighs, delivering merciless sting after merciless sting. It took all of her willpower not to shoot straight up and dance around on her toes after each impact of the leather across her already sore bottom.

  Snap! “Will you obey me the next time I ask you to do something?” Edwin asked. Snap!

  “Yes!” Rhiannon squealed. “I’m sorry!”

  The belt cracked across her thighs twice more, and then Edwin laid it on the table directly in Rhiannon’s eyesight.

  “Now, we are going back to the chair. I highly recommend that you listen carefully to every word I say,” said Edwin.

  Her entire body trembled as she was pulled back into the punishment position across his lap.

  “Now, let’s try this again, lass. Pull those naughty red cheeks of yours apart and hold your bottom open. Wide as you can.”

  A sob escaped her throat, but she moved quickly to comply, not wanting another session with his belt. She held her bottom apart so that she was on full display to Edwin. Why couldn’t she have just listened in the first place? Perhaps then whatever he had planned for her would already have ended.

  “Good girl. Now keep holding just like that.”

  His fingers returned to the mound between her thighs, stroking and exploring the area between her folds. She felt as if her mound was glowing, and Edwin was giving her great pleasure, despite the shame brought on by this extremely vulnerable position.

  Then, without warning, Edwin’s fingers moved away from her moist folds and touched her puckering hole. She tensed, but she remained still with her hands holding her cheeks spread apart. Rhiannon had never before imagined a man touching her in this secret place, but she dared not resist Edwin’s ministrations. Without warning, the exploring finger pushed into her tight hole, prompting her gasp. A slight sting surrounded the fullness of his penetrating digit. Tensing made his one finger feel like five.

  “Relax, this might bring you pleasure,” said Edwin, chuckling for a moment afterwards. “But in any case, it is a punishment you undoubtedly deserve. After disobeying my instructions to remain inside today, a simple spanking would not do.”

  Rhiannon was mortified. This was part of her punishment! What Edwin was doing to her bottom at the moment wasn’t horribly painful, but it brought her heaps of unbridled humiliation.

  Edwin continued to explore Rhiannon’s bottom, sliding his finger with a rhythm that she tried not to enjoy. She felt her nether lips burning with an urgency unlike any other, and she wondered what Edwin would do after releasing her. Would he administer another punishment? Would he immediately take her as his wife?

  Finally, he withdrew from her bottom hole and rested his hand on her still spread bottom. She winced from fear that the spanking would continue. He seemed awfully determined to teach her a lesson, and if what he said about the dangers on the Cold Top were true, she supposed she understood his need to keep her safe. If something happened to her, he would have to search for another human female from amongst the mortals. Her throat burned and her regret deepened. If that happened, there would be no saving her grandmother from the Caves of Terr, either.

  She took a long breath, prepared to take another spanking if he chose to continue with this lesson, but his next words filled her with relief.

  “Relax, my dear,” Edwin soothed. “Your punishment is over.”

  Rhiannon soon found herself being cradled gently in Edwin’s lap, her shoulders rising and falling with
her sobs. Edwin was truly a good man, having climbed the Cold Top in search of her in an effort that would save her life and her grandmother’s soul. The realization that she’d both disobeyed and disappointed him tore at her heart, and she sobbed against his chest.

  Edwin rocked her and whispered comforting words into her ear, and he stroked her long dark hair with the utmost gentleness.

  “Do you forgive me?” Rhiannon asked through her sobs. Though they hadn’t known each other long, she found herself aching for his forgiveness. She’d gladly take another spanking, even another bottom hole punishment, if only he’d forgive her.

  Edwin looked down, brushing her hair away from her face. “Of course I forgive you, sweet lass. And I look forward to making you my wife in the near future.” He paused for a moment. “I know you may think I was too harsh with you, but you’ll soon come to understand that my discipline is fair. I spotted several pairs of rolabear tracks close to this cabin yesterday. That is why I told you to stay inside.”

  Rhiannon inhaled several deep breaths to calm herself. “I don’t think you were too harsh, Edwin. I know I deserved to be punished.” She leaned into him again, loving the feel of his warm body and his soft, leathery shirt. And then she realized his manhood was rock hard underneath her bottom, poking up at her insistently.

  He placed a soft kiss atop her head, lingering with his face close to hers. “Let us move to bed now.”

  Anticipation flooded Rhiannon. She was a virgin, unfamiliar and anxious over what was about to take place. She knew the basics of what happened between a man and his wife, but hearing about it and experiencing were two completely different matters.

  She nodded and rose to her feet, and he guided her toward the bearskin bed in front of the fire. She lay down nervously on the makeshift bed, wincing as her sore bottom made contact with the floor. Edwin stripped off his pants and shirt, tossing the garments away. He was a massive, tall, muscled man—perfect and well-endowed in every way. She stared at his manhood and gulped, wondering how in the name of Retta he would fit inside her.


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