Progressing with Storm [Granite County 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting ManLove)

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Progressing with Storm [Granite County 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting ManLove) Page 9

by Bellann Summer

“Thank you, sir,” Storm said.

  Storm opened the door and jumped back when an angry teenage girl holding a toddler’s hand stalked past him.

  “Daddy, I need my cell phone back. Lydia puked all over my best jeans. Ms. Bea won’t let me go down to the community center. Did you tell her that I was grounded?” The girl’s high-pitch whine pierced Storm’s ears.

  Storm studied the girl confronting the captain. An older gray-haired woman came into the room, holding a baby with two boys trailing behind her. Bringing up the rear was another little girl with short blond hair, dressed like a boy.

  Once the group was in the room, Storm slipped out and shut the door. Confused, he headed out of the station. While MD had changed Corey’s bandages yesterday, he had told Storm that he and the captain were texting each other and talked on the phone every night. A piece of the puzzle was missing, but that was MD’s puzzle to figure out, not his.

  Storm’s thoughts turned toward the two men waiting for him and the exciting news he had to share.

  * * * *

  The heavy door shut with a thump behind Storm’s departing figure. Kris turned toward Corey with his eyebrows lowered into a frown and his lips pressed tightly together. “Did you and Storm have sex?”

  Corey froze in place with two of his more mobile fingers still holding a muffin inches from his mouth, ready to take a bite out of it. He only moved his eyes to look over at Kris. In his mind, he envisioned a huge tiger hovering over him with its mouth wide open, exposing long, sharp teeth ready to tear his head off.

  Kris leaned over the table and put a hand on Corey’s arm. “Was it good?”

  Corey studied Kris’s face. He didn’t see any condemnation or jealousy. In fact, now Kris’s light blue eyes were sparkling with excitement, and his skin was flushed.

  “Um, it was more than good,” he admitted before putting the muffin on the white paper napkin in front of him. “Kris, are you going to be physically able to be a part of this thing we have going between the three of us?”

  “It’s called a threesome, a ménage, Corey,” Kris said. He lifted his finger to his mouth.

  Before Kris could chew on the nail, Corey carefully took it between his bandaged hands. “Please, talk to me. I love you with all my heart. Things are getting better between us. Let’s heal them completely and make a life with Storm. He makes us complete.”

  “I’m scared.” Fear reflected in Kris’s eyes. Corey ignored the stretching, pulling stitches and held Kris’s hand tighter.

  “Whatever you are afraid of, Storm and I can help you. I promise, Kris,” Corey said.

  “He cut pieces out of me,” Kris whispered. “I’m ugly now.”

  Corey’s mind raced. Because of patient confidentiality, nobody at the hospital would tell Corey about Kris’s injuries. He only knew Kris had been attacked and cut up by a madman. At that point, their relationship was so bad Kris had refused to tell him anything else, and he didn’t have the right to ask.

  Pushing aside the hurt that threatened to make him snap out a reply at Kris, Corey chose to try and bridge the hurdles that were keeping them from being a true couple again.

  “When I look at you, I see the man I love. I see Kris. Twenty years from now, when you have a face full of wrinkles and are so fat you can’t fit through a doorway, I will only see Kris. The man that I will still love with all my heart,” Corey promised.

  “What! There is no way I will be fat in twenty years. You’ve seen pictures of my grandfather. Winters men do not get fat,” Kris sputtered.

  Corey smiled. He’d gotten the reaction he wanted. Fire had replaced the fear in Kris’s eyes. “Can you show me, Kris?” he asked.

  Kris frowned and tried to withdraw his hand, but Corey held on and ignored the slight pain from his wounds.

  “Um, I don’t think that’s a good idea,” Kris said.

  “No more running for either of us. From now on, we face everything together, even the stuff we don’t want to tell each other. Avoiding the problems didn’t work before,” Corey said.

  Corey held his breath while he watched Kris lift the sleeve of his arm, exposing pale skin. About halfway up to the elbow, the smooth muscle of Kris’s underarm abruptly dropped off leaving a pit in Kris’s arm about two inches wide and four inches long. An angry red cut graced the center of the concaved flesh. Spots of irritated skin surrounded the cut where it was clear to Corey that stitches had once held the wound together.

  “That must have been so painful,” Corey said. “It tears me up inside that I wasn’t there to help you and stop that bastard from doing that to you.”

  “He would have killed you in front of me and laughed while he was doing it. Sometimes I can’t get that horrible laughter out of my head,” Kris confessed.

  Corey rushed over to Kris and took him into his arms. “When that happens, come to me or Storm. We will help you.”

  A muffled whisper came from Corey’s shoulder. “I have more. He… He did that to me all over my arms and legs. But the worst is my stomach.”

  “Show me,” Corey said, kissing Kris’s temple. He took a small step back but kept his arms around Kris’s shoulders. Taking a silent, calming breath, Corey stiffened his spine and resolved to be what Kris needed.

  Kris kept his face tipped downward as trembling fingers lifted the soft black material of his athletic jacket. One hand shifted and pulled down the elastic band of his pants, revealing a thick, ropy scar that stretched from one hipbone to the other under Kris’s bellybutton. It reminded Corey of a huge, morbid smile.

  Corey’s heart wept for his lover.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Storm paused and took a moment to enjoy the sight on the other side of the picture window’s thick pane of glass. A glowing Corey stood behind Kris with his arms encircling the man’s shoulders while Kris tied a fancy ribbon around a vase of yellow flowers. Kris said something and smiled up at Corey. Storm liked this new closeness he saw between the two. Storm entered the shop. A bell chimed to his right as he set off the motion detector set inside of a ceramic frog.

  Both men looked over, their faces glowing with happiness. He wondered if they could see how pumped up he was that things were falling into place. As far as Storm was concerned, he had one last hurdle before he could claim these men completely. He walked over and dropped a kiss on each man’s lips before taking a step back.

  “How did it go?” Corey asked. The hazel color of his eyes changed shades, and a huge smile graced his face. Yep, expectation looked good on the smaller man. Storm hoped to see that look on Corey’s face when Storm was about to put his cock in the man’s tight ass. In his mind, he could see Corey wrapping his lips around Kris’s prick at the same time.

  Kris lifted his hand and started chewing on his nail. Storm decided not to prolong the men’s anxiety and made his announcement.

  “I start on Monday.”

  The two men rushed at him, laughter ringing out and faces wreathed in lovely smiles. Storm braced his legs when Kris and Corey launched themselves into his arms. He would never let these men fall.

  “That is so awesome,” Corey said, wrapping his arms around Storm’s neck and hugging him tight.

  “Wonderful,” Kris responded and put his hands flat against Storm’s cheeks and gave him a quick kiss on the lips.

  More kisses and hugs followed between giggles and bodies rubbing against one another. Storm loved it. Somewhere along the way. Storm’s lips collided with Kris’s and Corey’s in their first three-way kiss. For Storm, it was one of the most natural things he had ever experienced. No one seemed to want it to end, and the three stayed locked together, using their tongues to explore each other’s mouths.

  “Oh my.”

  The newcomer’s voice broke the moment and ended the kiss. The three men reluctantly parted. Storm looked over to see Heidi standing there. He would have laughed at the woman’s wide eyes and mouth hanging open, but he was too irritated at the interruption.

  “Sorry?” Heidi said when no
one spoke.

  Kris chuckled. “It’s okay. We were just celebrating Storm becoming Granite City’s newest firefighter. How’s Jerry?” Storm liked how red and swollen Kris’s lips were.

  “Congratulations,” Heidi responded. Her smile seemed genuine, so Storm let go of some of his ire.

  “Thank you,” Storm said. “How is your son?”

  Heidi frowned before sighing. “Jerry hasn’t been himself for the last couple of weeks. This morning his voice was hoarse, and he had trouble swallowing. I thought it might be strep throat. But the doctor said it wasn’t a virus. He said Jerry’s throat was irritated by something. He kept asking if Jerry had been exposed to any chemicals.”

  “Did Jerry have any idea what happened?” Kris asked.

  “He claimed that they were doing experiments in science class. But I’m not sure if I believe that. I thought about asking George, but those two seem to be at odds lately.” Heidi put her purse into a drawer behind the counter. “The doctor gave him some throat spray and said he’d be fine in a few days.”

  “That’s great. Hopefully, things can get back to normal. At least as normal as things are with a teenager around,” Kris said.

  The snort that came out of Heidi didn’t fit her petite figure. “You’ve got that right. There is no normal, especially trying to figure them out. Now, what’s on the list, boss?”

  “We’ve got a couple of orders for the Johnsons’ anniversary tomorrow. And we have a proud papa that needs a bouquet for a wonderful wife and new baby daughter.” Kris’s face beamed with delight, and Storm almost grabbed the man and kissed him until they both needed some naked and alone time.

  Storm winced at the squeal Heidi emitted. “Mike and Erica had the baby? Oh, I’m so happy for them. I need to send over a card.”

  “Mike’s bouquet is in the cooler. It has tight pink roses with baby’s breath sprinkled throughout the flowers, with a large open ruby red rose in the middle. He’s picking it up this afternoon,” Kris said. “I’ve set aside cuttings of yellow and peach Gerbera daisies, and blue Lobelia. I thought you could make up something and send it along with Mike from us.”

  “That sounds fabulous. Are you taking off for the day?” Heidi asked.

  Kris’s gaze locked onto Storm before settling on Corey. Storm watched Kris’s light blue eyes seem to shift back to Heidi reluctantly. “Yes, I believe I have a dinner date with two handsome men. We’re dating you know.”

  “Well, I guess more congratulations are in order,” Heidi responded. Acceptance in their unusual relationship was clear in her tone and warm smile.

  After a few more instructions and a few teasing remarks, Storm managed to get Kris and Corey out of the shop and walking down Main Street. Storm liked Kris as the confident boss who was organized and at ease with making decisions. Like Corey, Kris had many layers to his personality. And Storm was enjoying every one of them.

  Taking their hands, he asked, “Where would you two like to go for lunch?”

  “Marcy’s café is just a few stores down, or we could go the hotel. It has a great lunch menu,” Kris said.

  “Since we’re celebrating. I vote the hotel,” Corey chimed in.

  “The hotel it is then,” Storm said. At the far end of the block, he saw the hotel’s old-fashioned white sign with scrolling letters spelling out Granite City Hotel.

  As they passed by Marcy’s café, Storm recognized Sheriff Steve Titan having coffee with another man wearing a police uniform who looked so similar he had to be a brother. Storm waved and received a greeting back. He had first met the sheriff at Mr. Saint’s bachelor party and found he liked the man. It was especially entertaining watching Steve’s mouthy partner, Haley, poke at the sheriff until he got a reaction. The two had disappeared for a while. When they came back, Haley looked happy, settled, and was sitting a bit gingerly. The adoration on the sheriff’s face had reminded Storm of the void in his life, until now.

  When they reached the end of the block, the three paused near the front entrance of the hotel letting a couple pulling luggage on wheels pass by. Storm presumed they were heading toward the side parking lot, where a car sat with its trunk wide open.

  “The next door leads to the restaurant.” Corey pointed to a smaller entry farther up the street. Its unadorned door was much different than the elaborate, canopy-covered, double-wide doors of the main entrance.

  Storm held open the door for Kris and Corey before following them into a small area with coat racks lining the walls. They walked through the coat area to a welcome desk where a nice-looking woman stood behind the counter. The name Kim was embroidered above the left pocket of the twentysomething's gray and mauve uniform.

  Kim smiled at them before picking up three large menu folders and asking, “Would you like a booth or a table today?”

  “We’d like a table, thank you,” Storm answered. Most of the time booths didn’t fit his large frame.

  Storm glanced around, taking in the general layout of the hotel. A wide opening to the left of the desk revealed the hotel’s large lobby equipped with a check-in counter and a comfortable sitting area. To the right was the dining room filled with an array of different-sized tables. Booths lined the wall on either side. In the left-hand corner of the room was a good-sized dance floor, and behind it was a hallway with a big restroom sign above the doorway.

  Kim ushered them to a table near the back of the room. Storm pulled out a chair for each of his men. After they had sat, Storm helped Corey push his chair closer to the table while Kris scooted his chair into a comfortable position.

  Storm kissed Kris’s cheek and whispered in his ear. “Next time I will help you with your chair.”

  Kris frowned and bit his lip. Storm thought he looked adorable in his confusion.

  “Oh, okay,” Kris replied.

  Corey chuckled before leaning over and giving Kris a kiss. “It’s okay. Storm’s just being courteous. Don’t worry about it.”

  Kris’s frown deepened, and his confused expression turned troubled. “Why don’t I see it when you need help?” Kris asked Corey.

  “Actually, the only people I’ve ever seen you help on your own are the customers at the shop and Storm,” Corey answered. “I think you go into a professional mode at the shop and automatically assist the customers. As for Storm, most of the time he tells you what he wants, so you feel safe that you aren’t doing something wrong when you help him.”

  Storm could see Kris was turning Corey’s thoughts over in his mind. A waiter came to the table and introduced himself as Jared. He proceeded to pour ice water into glasses for them before taking their drink orders.

  The three studied the menu while they waited for their drinks. Storm sat back in his seat and closed the menu folder.

  “Do you two know what you want?” Storm asked. Under the table, he shifted his leg and pressed it against Corey’s. Warm hazel eyes gazed at Storm, and he received a tender smile.

  With one finger, Corey closed his menu. “I think I can manage a chicken wrap without dropping it all over. Thank goodness the doctors are going to take the stitches out at my appointment tomorrow.”

  “What about you, sugar?” Storm asked before he reached across the table and brushed his thumb across Kris’s bottom lip.

  Kris’s tongue peeked out and licked the spot where Storm had just touched. Storm wanted to run his tongue across Kris’s mouth and dip inside for a taste.

  “The chicken tenders look good,” Kris answered. “What are you going to order?”

  “I think the tenderloin toasted sandwich will hit the spot,” Storm answered.

  Jared, the waiter, brought their drinks before taking their orders. Storm noticed Kris was looking at the spot where Jared’s arm accidently touched his when he had set the drink down. For once, Storm couldn’t read his expression.

  When the three were again alone, Corey leaned forward. “Now that you’ve gotten the job, what are your plans?”

  Storm took a deep breath. This was it. He was go
ing to lay it on the line. The craziest part was he hadn’t been intimate with both of these men yet. But his feelings were already running deep.

  “My long-term plans include the two of you. I’d like to try and make a life with you. It’s actually as simple as that,” Storm answered.

  “I like that plan,” Corey said.

  “Me too,” Kris chimed in before asking, “Does that include Ralph and Alice?”

  Storm laughed a deep belly laugh that had people at the other tables around them smiling. “I think we can include Ralph and this Alice you keep talking about.”

  The waiter brought their meals, and Storm dug into his steak sandwich. Storm decided he would be returning to try more of the restaurant’s delicious food in the near future. When Jared the waiter came back and inquired how their meals were, Storm enthusiastically assured him his meal was great. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Corey and Kris frowning.

  Not sure what was going on, Storm decided it was time to tell the men his other plans.

  “We talked about my long-term plans. I think we need to discuss what I need to do right now,” he said. “My first day at the fire station is Monday. I’ve been using up my personal and vacation days from my job in the Twin Cities to be here for Saint’s wedding and my extended stay. I need to go back there and officially hand in my resignation.” Storm grabbed Kris’s hand and Corey’s wrist. “I also need to pack stuff up and have it shipped here and close up my apartment.”

  “Are you telling us you’re leaving?” Kris asked.

  “Of course he is,” Corey said. “But we could go along.”

  “You have to get your stitches out tomorrow.” Kris reminded Corey. “And you can’t delay removing the staples from your head.”

  Both men’s faces were red, and Storm felt the tension rising at the table. He decided to lay the rest of his thoughts out before them and see what happened.

  “If I leave now, I can be in the Twin Cities in four hours. I’ll take the rest of the day and tomorrow getting things wrapped up. I figured I would be home by the next day.”


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