Broken Rules: Book 3 in The Broken Road Series

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Broken Rules: Book 3 in The Broken Road Series Page 6

by Huie,Melissa

  I couldn’t help it, a chuckle bubbled up. “I have, unfortunately, more than once.”

  Evan shook his head. His gray eyes pierced mine. “It’s truly a traumatic experience, isn’t it?”

  I nodded slowly before spying the Madam, making her way into the room. Our eyes caught for a brief second, then she turned and walked toward the restroom. She captured the men’s attentions, as they followed her sensuous figure, clad in a high-waisted, black pencil skirt and tight, white button-down blouse, with their eyes. “Sadly, it is. Excuse me for a moment.” Giving Evan a slight smile, I followed the Madam to the luxurious bathroom.

  “Thank you for meeting me, Doctor,” I said politely, after checking the stalls for any guests.

  “I can’t say it’s a pleasure, Agent Parker. So please, tell me what you need from me.” Her green eyes scanned herself in the floor to ceiling mirror.

  Right to the point, I see. I gave the Madam a slight smile.

  “I wanted to check in with you, see how your latest business ventures are going.”

  She pursed her ruby red lips. “I see. Apparently, nothing goes unnoticed by the Feds.”

  “I noticed your signature on the Ravenous permits. Given the history of that location, I was curious as to what a successful relationship consultant was doing with a scotch and cigar bar,” I said nonchalantly, looking her in the eyes.

  Madam sighed. “Would it matter if I told you that I consider it an investment, and my partnership with Griffin and Associates is nothing more than a simple business strategy?”

  “Your investments are your business, Madam. I simply want to ensure that there are no other…obstacles that could prevent you from succeeding.”

  “Agent Parker, exactly what do you want fr

  om me?” The annoyance in her eyes flashed a warning at me, but it did nothing to keep me from holding my tongue.

  “I’m simply interested in the type of clientele that Ravenous is catering to.”

  Madam nodded. “Of the dangerous variety, I assume.”

  “Primarily, yes, unless there are other sorts I should know about?” I smiled at her.

  “Agent Parker, Mr. Griffin came to me with a proposition over three months ago, to provide consenting entertainment and company to the members of his club. I’ve been looking into expanding my brand to a more lucrative business model.”

  I nodded, but I didn’t quite believe her. Her gaze was steady, but a shift in her eyes revealed a glimmer of fear.

  “And what sort of business model are we speaking about?”

  The Madam’s gaze turned into an icy stare. “Why, Agent Parker, I do believe I’ll plead the Fifth. You’re more than welcome to apply for a membership and find out for yourself.” She leaned over, and artfully applied another coat of red lipstick to her already plump lips. “Is that all, Agent?”

  Obviously, we’re done here. I went to the door, but turned around before opening it.

  “Dr. Sinclair, I truly apologize for any intrusion. Please know that if I can be of any assistance, you can call me, no matter what. I hope I can say the same for you,” I offered, my voice low.

  “Of course, Agent Parker. Anything I can do to help the Feds.” The sincerity in her voice was fake, along with the smile she gave. Nevertheless, I passed her a business card with only the number to my cell on it and left the room. Whether she kept the card or tossed it, I didn’t care. Something was up with the Madam, and I was going to find out what it was.

  I paused at the coat check, handing over the ticket to the clerk, when Evan came to my side.

  “Tatiana, I told you to wait for me at the bar,” he said, in a seductive tone. I glanced at him, and immediately stiffened as he put his arm around me, and lowered his lips to my neck. “Security, at your three o’clock,” he whispered in my ear.

  I plastered a wide grin on my face, and tucked my face into his embrace. “Mics?”

  He emitted a quick, low chuckle. “You got it. Mics and cameras everywhere.”

  I looked up into his startling gray eyes, with what I’d hoped was an adoring smile. “Ready to go?” He just smiled at me, and helped me with my jacket. Our hands entwined as we strolled down to the elevator, as if nothing was wrong. All the while, our eyes discreetly scanned for any threats.

  Once we exited the building, I gave the valet the card for my Jeep and we waited. No words were spoken. After we got inside and pulled away, he typed something on his phone, then showed it to me.

  Stay quiet.

  I nodded. First thing we needed to do was ensure we weren’t being followed, then we needed to ensure the car wasn’t bugged. Overreaction? Possibly. However, our group was keen on being overzealous with our security measures ever since Tommy hit the wind. Evan pulled out a small device, fitted with a radio sensor to determine if there was a frequency transmitting a signal. After a few seconds, the indicator light turned blue, meaning it was clear to talk.

  “Well, that was fun,” I quipped, taking the exit for the interstate. “I’m Kate, by the way. But I guess you already knew that.”

  “Nice to meet you, Kate,” he said easily, watching the side mirrors for any cars changing lanes.

  “So what was the deal back there?” I switched lanes and sped up, taking the next exit, leading back into the city.

  “I don’t think they were watching you as much as they were watching out for her. There was a heavier amount of security in that hallway than in any other part of the room.”

  “A protection detail,” I confirmed.

  “Exactly. Now, the question is why she needs so much muscle. There were six guys watching her when you walked in.”

  I mentally scolded myself. I’d only counted the four.

  He shook his head. “There’s no way you could have seen all of them. Two were in the alcove, out of your line of sight.” And this, folks, is the reason to have backup.

  “Was I the threat?”

  Evan shook his head again, his black hair falling into his eyes. “Possibly. Because you’re a woman, they didn’t take you as seriously as they should have. Plus, there’s no way you could have been hiding a weapon in that dress,” he said with a chuckle.

  I joined in, relieved that the tension was over.

  “How are we doing?” I asked a few minutes later.

  “We’re good. Go ahead and drop me at Pickles. I have a car waiting for me.”

  I turned back on to Pratt street, headed toward the stadiums, and in no time, we were in front of Pickles Pub, a game day favorite hangout.

  “Hey, thanks for covering me today,” I said with a smile.

  “No worries. Tell Rick he owes me. I missed out on dinner with my wife.”

  “Will do.” And with that, his imposing figure exited my Jeep. I did a quick U-turn and headed toward home. I immediately put the phone to my ear and called Lucy, my go-to for finding dirt on anyone. She was always on point, and could fly under the radar at work. Most people loved taking credit for their work, but Lucy was happier working in the background.

  “What’s up, Wonder Woman?” Her nickname for me never failed to make me smile.

  “I got a job for you, Luce.”

  “Of course you do. Why else would you call me at nine thirty on a Friday night?”

  I chuckled, knowing that she was right. We hadn’t been out on the town in forever. Lucy was one of only a few girls I could call a friend outside of work. Like me, Lucy kept to herself, but once we got her out of her shell, she rocked the town.

  “We’ll go out soon. I’m hoping that next week will be easier.”

  “Hey now, don’t worry about me. I’m happy staying on my butt at home. Last time I went out with you, I ended up with a hickey on my tit from some dude with an eyebrow ring, and I couldn’t find my damn phone for a week. I think I’m okay with once a year.”

  I let out a snort of laughter. “I promise, next time you’ll remember. I swear! But back to business. I need you to find all the info you can on a Dr. Paulette Sinclair, especia
lly financials.”

  “On it. Need it now?”

  “No, that’s okay. I’m going out of town this weekend. Whatever we find can wait until I get in on Tuesday.”

  “Got it, Wonder Woman. Have a great night.”

  We disconnected, and I tossed my phone onto the passenger seat. Whatever Madam Sin was hiding, Lucy would find it.

  I stopped at the light at route 301 and Waugh Chapel, and a huge yawn escaped. Not feeling much like shopping, but knowing my brother would give me hell if I didn’t, I pulled into the nearest grocery store to stock up on food. With Shane’s and my brother’s appetites, we’d end up having to hit the store before going home, so I overloaded my grocery cart. I left the store with a lighter wallet and aching calves. Note to self, don’t wear four-inch Jimmy Choo’s to the grocery store.

  I pulled up to the house, only to find that my spot in the driveway was taken by the same large black truck that was there when I’d left. Are you for real? The urge to lay on my horn was strong, but I didn’t want to be the douche that woke everyone up at ten o’clock at night. And knowing my brother and his boys, they wouldn’t hear it anyway.

  “If I can’t have my spot, then they’re bringing the damn bags in,” I muttered, stalking up the driveway. I resisted the temptation to key the black monstrosity. I opened the door to Jax’s welcoming, and the loud voices of juvenile men playing video games. I seriously need my own place.

  “Hey! If you want to eat this weekend, I suggest you get your asses out to my Jeep and bring in the food,” I shouted, turning my back to them as I removed my trench coat to hang in the jacket cupboard. All of a sudden, the room went quiet, with only the video game sound effects filling the air. I turned around slowly to find three faces staring back at me.

  “What?” What the hell is going on? I frantically checked my dress, but everything was in place. “What the hell is your problem?”

  “You…ahem…look great, Kate,” coughed Adrian, and quickly averted his gaze. I rolled my eyes as Cole smacked him upside his head. “What!”

  “That’s my sister, dumbass.” Cole turned to me and gave me a pointed look. “You need our help?”

  “Yeah, so get your minions together and bring it in. Some asshat decided to take my spot.”

  “I guess I’m the asshat.” A low chuckle came from the recliner. With the back toward me, I couldn’t see who laughed at my expense, but a knowing feeling came over me and my stomach dropped. The chuckler stood up and stretched his long, muscular arms over his head. His dark green Henley creeped up over his sculpted abs, giving me a peek of the Japanese dragon on his lower left side. My eyes widened, then I quickly composed my face.

  “So, you’re the one with the jacked up truck? What, your old ass Challenger couldn’t hang?” I said, moving away from the door so Cole and the rest of the guys could get to the Jeep. I stepped out of my heels, and without waiting for his comment, I headed to my bedroom. I felt his presence behind me, but I ignored him. I grabbed a pair of yoga pants and a gray thermal shirt and went into the bathroom, locking the door behind me. I couldn’t help the bitchiness bubbling out. I knew he didn’t deserve it, but it was either be the ice-princess I was known to be, or turn into a melted pile of butter at his feet. I mean, hell, how could he not know how badly his presence was messing me up?

  “What’s up with all the grouchiness, Princess?” His voice came through the door, low and clear as a bell.

  “I’m just not feeling like chatting right now. Is that an issue?” I said loudly, pulling my shirt over my head. I stood on my toes, trying to stretch out the kinks in my calves, but it just made the pain worse. After washing my face, I opened the door, brushing past him as I walked to the kitchen to help put away the groceries that were sitting on the counter. Sounds of the guys in the basement playing pool filtered up the stairs. Thanks for dropping them off and running, boys!

  “No, Kate. That’s not an issue because I don’t plan on chatting for long.” He grabbed the gallon of orange juice and put it in the fridge.

  “Not happening, Noah,” I muttered, throwing him a tight smile as I put the cereal and pancake mix in the box that we were taking with us.

  “Tell me why, then. Why is it so different up here than down in Miami? What changed?” He stood close to me and folded his arms across his chest.

  Because you were an escape from everything up here! I wanted to say so badly, but the words faltered at my lips. He tried to dip his head for a kiss, but I ducked and moved back. I couldn’t let him get close. Time to nip this shit in the bud.

  “Because it is. It’s complicated. My life is too stressful right now to deal with this. But I’m always down for more friends.”

  Noah smirked. “If that’s what it’s going to take to make you realize you’re meant to be with me, then sure. Friends it is.”

  I sighed, and flashed him a fake smile. “Great. If you’re crashing in the basement, there’s towels, blankets, and pillows in the back. Cole can set you up. Good night.”

  I moved to walk out of the kitchen, when he caught my elbow and yanked me back into him. He crushed his lips to mine, capturing the slight gasp I let out. His tongue swept in, and heat hurtled through my body. He cupped the back of my head; his long fingers tangled in my hair as he deepened the kiss. Then, without warning, he broke it off. My eyes flew open and I stared at him, panting.

  “But I guarantee that we won’t be ‘just friends’ for long. Good night, Princess.” He adjusted the bulge in his jeans, gave me a cocky grin, then headed out of the kitchen. I heard him chuckling as he took the stairs to the basement. Damn, it’s going to be a long weekend.

  Chapter 6


  THANKS TO NOAH and a fully charged battery operated friend, I didn’t get as much sleep as I had hoped. As much as I had said I didn’t want him, the fact that he didn’t come upstairs to see me had me slightly disappointed. So needless to say, I wasn’t in a friendly sort of mood.

  After my shower, I stuffed clothes into my duffle bag, threw in some toiletries, and grabbed one of my many hoodies from the closet. Since we were going to be all muddy, and with no one to impress, there was no reason to worry about what I was going to wear. I put my gun case and duffle bag in the backseat of Cole’s truck, then headed back inside for coffee.

  The guys slowly ambled their way upstairs, and by looking at the recycling bin, they were having a rough morning. My smart-ass self was dying to bring out the cymbals to make them cringe, but my brother was all about the paybacks. And Lord knew, I had been subjected to those more than once. Instead, I did the nice sister routine and made sure the coffee was fresh and the donuts I hid away last night were open for all to see. At six in the morning, it was only going to get worse. Hopefully, we’d stop for breakfast.

  “Mornin’ fellas,” I chirped cheerfully, much to their disdain. Their grumbles were loud and clear, and I just grinned at their discomfort. Cole finally left his bedroom thirty minutes later, dressed and bag in hand. While the guys made sure the four-wheelers were strapped on tightly, I packed the rest of the food into the coolers for the three and half-hour drive.

  “Morning, Princess. How’d you sleep?” Noah asked, taking my coffee mug from my hands and taking a sip. Oh, this boy doesn’t realize that’s the ultimate sin. Nothing comes between me and my coffee. Seeing as how it was his first offense ever, I let it slide.

  “Like a baby. How about you?” I lied through my teeth. I’d slept like shit again, and it was his fault. Was it wrong of me to hope he didn’t sleep at all?

  “The same. Ready to get a little muddy, friend?” He turned his Baltimore Orioles cap backwards and pulled on his black leather jacket.

  “Abso-fucking-lutley.” I whistled for Jax, grabbed my purse, and headed out the door. Jax ran around like a lunatic, happy to be outside with the guys. Sketch and Adrian climbed up into the black truck that was taking my place in the driveway, and I went over to Cole’s blue truck to let Jax in.

  “Oh…hey, si
s. I need you to ride with the guys.”

  “Wait, what? Why?”

  “Because I’m picking up Karla on our way, and the girl likes to get a little freaky on road trips.”

  I scoffed and rolled my eyes. “Are you fucking kidding me? Are you that hard up that you can’t wait three and half hours for some pussy?”

  “I can’t help it. She’s pretty talented.” His dark green eyes pleaded with me to understand, so I threw up my hands in surrender.

  “Fine. You’re taking your stinky ass dog, though.” I grabbed my purse and bags, then stomped over to the truck. Sketch’s shoulders were shaking with laughter.

  I climbed into the backseat, next to Sketch, and smacked his arm.

  “That’s for laughing like the hyena you are.” I pulled my phone and headphones out of my purse and plugged them in. The sexy country drawl of Brantley Gilbert filled my ears. I caught Noah’s watchful brown eyes in the rearview mirror, so I gave a tight smile, then settled in for the long ride. My exhaustion from the past six months had finally pulled me in, and I surrendered to its grasp.

  A gentle caress on my cheek, and a sexy southern drawl woke me later.

  “Wake up, Princess. We’re here.”

  My eyes popped open and I took in the gorgeous, chiseled jaw covered in scruff, his full bottom lip, and his soulful brown eyes. My heart did a little leap, and I groaned softly at how my heart did its little dance. But just as swiftly, I averted my gaze and discreetly wiped the drool from my mouth. I climbed out of the truck and surveyed the area and our weekend home. The two-story log cabin looked like it came from a storybook, with the pine trees surrounding it and Deep Creek Lake shimmering behind it. From the noises around back, the guys were getting the four-wheelers set up.

  “Where’s Cole’s truck?” I slid my sunglasses onto my face, guarding my eyes from his.

  Noah’s lips twisted into a smirk. “They’re about thirty minutes behind us. Something about taking in nature.”


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