Broken Rules: Book 3 in The Broken Road Series

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Broken Rules: Book 3 in The Broken Road Series Page 8

by Huie,Melissa

  “God damn, that’s so fucking sexy.”

  I didn’t have to look to recognize the husky voice. My eyes opened slowly, taking in a very naked, very aroused Noah, standing outside the shower door, stroking his long, thick cock. All of my common sense went right out of the room. I opened the door and grabbed his hand, pulling him inside the steam shower. Primal need took over. He crushed his lips over mine, sweeping them with his tongue. I moaned, and his tongue plunged in. He ran his hands down my body, ending right under my ass. Gripping it, he pushed me up against the wall. My legs locked around him, with his cock pressed right at my entrance.

  “Look at me, Princess. I want to see those pretty blues when you come.” He teased my clit with the head of his cock. I writhed against him, needing him inside me before I exploded.

  “Noah, please!” I begged.

  “I love to hear you beg,” he growled, and thrusted into me. I let out a cry as he moved. My eyes locked onto his, matching his thrusts with my own. The steam thickened the air, but all I needed to breathe was him. I pulled his head to me and dominated his mouth, mimicking my tongue with his thrusts. It didn’t take much time before my world exploded. I closed my eyes as I teetered on the ledge.

  “Oh God, Noah!” I cried out.

  “You’re mine, Kate. I’m the only one that’s going to fill this pussy. This is my pussy.”

  My eyes closed in ecstasy, and I dropped my head to his shoulder. Just as quickly, I fell off the ledge again. My pussy clamped around his cock, taking everything he could give me.

  “Mine!” he roared, pulling out quickly and emptying onto my stomach, marking me as his.

  With our chests heaving, he pressed his lips against mine. The kiss was unlike the earlier one. It had less urgency. It felt more loving, more intimate. It shook me more than anything else. He let me down gently onto my trembling legs, and grabbed the soap. With a heated gaze, he washed my body. Caressing and gentle, his touch sent electric tingles through my core. I took the soap from him and followed his motions, my eyes traveling over the cords and ripples of his muscular frame. The phoenix, the quotes, and side piece glistened brightly in the water, the colors becoming more pronounced. My eyes landed on a new piece of ink. When we were together in Miami, he didn’t have the name Aubrey etched over his heart. I inhaled deeply as my stomach ached. For all his talk of how I was his, apparently, some other woman had made such an impression that she’d left a permanent mark on him.

  I rinsed him off, gave him a fake smile, and moved quickly out of the shower. I made fast work of drying off and changing into my clothes, and was out the door before he even turned off the water. I mentally chastised myself for being so weak, for trusting someone who had no intention of telling me the truth. In my room, I ran my comb through my hair and pulled on a clean hoodie. Whatever. It doesn’t have to mean anything. There was no reason why everything had to be so freaking complicated, why I had to make it a bigger deal than it needed to be. It was an itch that needed to be scratched. No big fucking deal. I pushed the nagging tinge of loneliness aside and padded down the stairs.

  Chapter 8


  SHANE AND MEGAN were in the kitchen, getting dinner ready. The ever-present Xbox blared the latest shoot ’em up game with Cole, Adrian, and Sketch at the controllers with new arrivals, Ryan and Sean. After giving them shit about showing up only for dinner, I looked around, but Karla seemed to be missing from the ruckus.

  I lifted my chin. “Where’s your girl, Cole?”

  “Her friend came by and picked her up. Said something about a spa, or whatever. They’ll be back later,” he answered, not bothering to look up from his game.

  Whatever. The less time I had to pretend to like her, the better. I walked over to the counter and inhaled the savory aroma of chicken pot pie.

  “What can I do?” I asked, hating the fact that once again, Megan was taking care of the group.

  “Yo, we asked if we could help, but Megan threatened to hit us with a spatula if we bothered her,” Adrian interjected from his spot on the couch.

  I snorted and stole a tomato from the salad, then wandered over to the sectional sofa, wedging myself in between Ryan’s muscular torso and Adrian’s massive frame.

  “You want in, Kate?” Sketch asked, his fingers rapidly pressing the buttons.

  “Yeah, no thanks. I don’t need a video game to tell me that I’m a badass. I already know I am,” I replied, tucking my feet underneath me. A noise from the stairs had me looking up as Noah walked in. Dressed in a pair of sweat pants, and a long sleeve Ominous brand T-shirt, he looked relaxed, like he didn’t have a care in the world. That he wasn’t worrying about what just happened in the shower. If he didn’t care, why should I?

  “About time you bastards showed up. How the hell are you doing?” Miraculously, they paused the game so Noah could give them one of those weird half hug/handshake things. I just watched him interact with guys that I’d known for a while, and found it extremely funny that no one had mentioned him before. How the hell did they know each other?

  The conversation turned to topics of cars and the goings-on at Adrian’s shop, where Ryan and Sean worked, along with Shane. Not interested in hearing about the latest bike mod, I got up to allow the boys to have their time. Of course, Noah picked the same time to move into my seat. We did that awkward dance, not able to get out of each other’s way. After two missteps, he picked me up by my waist and moved me out of the way. I won’t lie, the touch of his fingers on my waist sent electric shocks through my body. His gaze held mine for a second longer than was necessary, searching for God knew what. He must not have seen what he was looking for, because he sat me down without another glance.

  I brushed off an uneasy feeling and went into the kitchen to open a couple bottles of wine. My favorite brand of Prosecco was chilled and waiting for me, thanks to Megan’s thoughtfulness. I had taken a big sip of the fruity, bubbly goodness, when the large front door was thrown open. Karla burst in, followed by the rest of the gym sluts, Jessica, Andrea, and PJ, or as I liked to call them, the Barbie trifecta. With their fake ass blonde hair and boobs to match, their claim to fame had nothing to do with fitness or fighting, but who could get on their knees the fastest. Their squeals of arrival did nothing to improve my mood, and I raised my eyebrow at Megan.

  “Seriously? Who let the skanks out of their cage? Karla’s all right by herself, but as a trio, they’re an absolute mess.”

  Megan shook her head. “We have six single, sexy men out there. They’ll leave us alone.” She handed me a plate of food and grabbed the bottle of wine. “The guys can have the sluts, we’re going outside.”

  I carried my food out to the wooden planked table and turned on the outdoor heat lamps that surrounded the table and seating area. With the sun setting, the night chill had set in. Megan set down the wine and her plate, with Shane right behind her.

  “You’re not eating with the boys?” I motioned to the crew still playing Xbox, while the girls lounged over the brown leather sofas, trying to draw their attentions.

  Shane scoffed. “Why would I eat in there, when I have the view of the most amazing stars right here?” He pulled Megan into his arms and gave her a lingering kiss.

  I rolled my eyes good-naturedly at the lovebirds and dug into my dinner. The tender chicken and flaky crust melted in my mouth, and I let out a tiny moan of delight. After weeks of fast food, pizza, and protein bars, it was exactly what the doctor had ordered. And so was the conversation. It felt good to talk about things other than the case, like I had a life outside of my FBI persona. To feel like a person again.

  Shane started a fire in the pit, while Megan and I took the plates inside. She set about making her special, super-secret adult hot chocolate, with Baily’s Irish Cream and vanilla vodka, while I grabbed the fixings for s’mores. We moved with the stealth of ninjas, but it wouldn’t have mattered. The skanks were too busy fawning over the boys, pretending to be enthralled with whatever video game they were
playing. I shook my head at the ridiculousness of it all and followed Megan outside, our arms laden with mugs, thermoses, and marshmallow goodness.

  The fire crackled brightly against the starry night sky. The absence of any real development in the area allowed the millions of stars to shine brightly. I leaned back in my Adirondack chair, and inhaled a deep, cleansing breath.

  “I’m so glad you came out here with us,” Megan said warmly, handing me a mug, filled to the brim with her specialty. I took a sip and nodded.

  “I’m glad Cole dragged me out with you guys. This is exactly what I needed.”

  Shane stood up and kissed Megan on her forehead. “Hot chocolate isn’t going to do it for me, so I’m going to let you guys get your chick talk in. I’ll keep the rest of the heathens at bay for as long as possible.”

  “Thanks, babe.” Megan shifted in her chair, tucking her legs underneath her and faced me. “We do need to talk.”

  Shit. Here comes the inquisition. I mimicked her movements and faced her. “About?”

  She raised her dark brown eyebrow at me with skepticism. “About a certain six foot, three-inch-tall sexy man with gorgeous brown eyes that can’t seem to stop looking at you.”

  I looked over my shoulder to see who was nearby, then shook my head.

  “Oh, hell no. You can’t go all quiet on me now. Especially since you weren’t exactly silent when you were in the shower.”

  My eyes bugged out and my face burned bright, and not from the heat of the fire. I buried my head in the crook of my arm and moaned. “Please tell me you’re joking.”

  She giggled and sipped her drink. “I’m just messing with you. You weren’t that loud. I was putting something away in the bathroom, and came in when you had…your grand finale. The bathroom ducts must be connected.”

  I groaned with embarrassment, but Megan wouldn’t let up. “You have to tell me everything. This isn’t the first time you’ve met him, is it?

  I sighed in resignation. Megan was relentless when it came to love stories, and knowing her, she wouldn’t give up. So I gave her the edited version—how we met, the lies, the way we found each other at my house. Her eyes widened at his claim of how I was his.

  “What do you think changed his attitude? Because you said he wasn’t like this in Miami, right?”

  I shrugged, wondering the same thing. “I have no clue. It’s not like I did anything to change his mind.”

  “Maybe you’re just that good,” she said with a laugh.

  “Well, yeah, I know I am. But damn, I’d have my own entourage of men if that were the case,” I joked, sipping more of the chocolaty goodness.

  “Maybe it has to do with…” she started to say, but a whore’s cackle penetrated the conversation. Male voices drifted out, and I knew our chat was over. Despite my intense sisterly bond with Megan, some things didn’t need to be discussed in-depth. Hashing it out with Megan made me uncomfortable, and I was thankful for the interruption. Whatever was going on with me and Noah, I’d deal with it later.

  “Great, the skanks found us,” I muttered. Shane walked up, carrying two folded blankets, another thermos, and his own bottle of ‘shine.

  “They caught me sneaking out,” he said sheepishly, handing me a blanket. I immediately shucked off my sneakers and tucked my legs underneath me, with the blanket over me.

  “They’re fine.” Megan waved her hands toward the empty chairs around us. “Have a seat!”

  I threw her a pointed look, then settled back into my chair. Shane and Sketch grabbed sticks to roast marshmallows for the s’mores, while someone hooked up their portable Bluetooth speakers to their phone. Florida-Georgia Line flowed through the speakers, pushing the quiet vibe out the way, replacing it with a more party-like atmosphere. The girls kept the boys entertained by dancing seductively with each other to the music. The guys were hypnotized by the swaying hips, grinding of pelvises, and roaming hands. Drinks were passed around; ‘shine and Fireball poured through their veins like water. I chuckled to myself…these boys are in for a hurtin’ tomorrow.

  My eyes caught hold of the sexy, chocolate brown eyes I had been searching for and raised my eyebrows, as if to convey, Seriously, this gets you turned on? He lifted his chin and gave me a sexy smirk, that Come here if you want it grin. I knew his game, though. His challenge was clear. He wanted me to make a move, to pursue him, to make a claim. Too bad I didn’t play those games. I always took what I wanted, when I wanted it. He could have the little sex show in front of him. If I wanted him bad enough, I’d have him.

  Chapter 9


  DESPITE MY BEST efforts, my internal alarm clock woke me up early the next morning. I threw on my clothes and sneakers, then tiptoed through the house, trying not to disturb anyone. But with the way the guys drank last night, it would take a freight train running through the house to wake them up. The view from the stairs into the living room proved that. With Sketch and Adrian sprawled out on the two sofas, and Ryan propped up in the recliner, the only place left for Cole and Sean to crash was on the floor. Bottles of booze and bags of chips were scattered everywhere. I looked at the mess in disgust, then nudged my brother’s leg. After a few times, and what were going to be a few nice bruises, he finally woke up from his stupor.

  “What the fuck, Kate?” he grumbled, holding his head for dear life. I snorted, then nudged him again with my sneaker.

  “You boys trashed this living room, and I’ll be damned if Megan’s going to clean this shit up. Get up and get moving. If this isn’t done by the time I get back, you are all going to be sorry.”

  Cole groaned and rolled onto his back, then looked up at me, bleary-eyed. “Where the hell are you going?”

  “I’m perfectly fine this morning, so I’m going to enjoy the cold mountain air. I mean it, Cole. Megan and Shane come out to this mess, I’m totally kicking y’all’s asses.”

  He grumbled under his breath as he shielded his eyes. I didn’t hear exactly what he said, just fragments, of something along the lines of “epic, raging bitch.” I smiled sweetly at him and blew him kisses as I walked out the front door.

  I inhaled the crisp, fall air. The cleansing affect was instant. I stretched my calves and hit the trail that circled the lake. I purposely left my earbuds at the cabin, so the sound of the morning was my playlist.

  I jogged at a nice pace for a good while, until pounding of feet on the trail behind me caused me to increase my stride. Like clockwork, my mind took stock of my location, exit points, and any possible additional getaways. But outwardly, my cool remained in check, and I casually looked to the side, only to find Noah running side by side with me. With his aviator glasses on and his earbuds in, he barely acknowledged my presence, with the exception of a slight nod. I exhaled and rolled my eyes, and increased my pace. Unfortunately, he kept matching my speed until I was all out sprinting for the last quarter mile of the trail, leading to the end of the trail.

  “I beat you.” My chest heaved as I desperately sucked in some much needed oxygen.

  “Not a chance, Princess. I did the gentlemanly thing and let you win.” He chugged his bottle of water and tossed it into a trash can.

  “Whatever helps you sleep at night, Noah.” I guzzled my own bottle of water and let my eyes travel the scenery below. The trail we ran climbed up the side of the mountain, overlooking the beautiful lake. My gaze landed on the sexy specimen next to me. The drenched shirt clung to his broad shoulders and narrow waist. The urge to lick the sweat from his sculpted abs was almost overwhelming, but I looked away and wiped my brow with my sleeve. It’s just the endorphins from the run…You are not some hormonal teenager, Kate. Get it together.

  “No, what would help me sleep at night would be your tight, naked body, completely sated, and curled up next to me,” he replied nonchalantly. I looked up and caught his smoldering gaze. I wasn’t sure what unnerved me more, the fact that he was dead serious, or the fact that my heart skipped a little beat when he said it. Apparently, my heart a
nd my head were on two different paths.

  “Not going to happen, so get that out of your head right now,” I grumbled.

  He chuckled. “You keep saying that, but you’ll see. My bed is where you belong. Mine, and no one else’s.”

  “Since when are you into sleeping together?” I scoffed and raised my brow. “When we first started this…whatever the hell you want to call it, we were on the same page. No overnights. No feelings. No strings. Why the hell are you changing the rules?”

  “Life happened,” he said simply, with no other explanation. I threw up my hands and shook my head.

  “Life happens all the time, so I’m not sure what the hell happened to you that would make ‘claiming me’ something to consider. I don’t want a relationship. I don’t need to be claimed. I’m not anyone’s property, and I’m sure as hell not yours.” I pushed past him and headed down the trail.

  That big jerk. What the hell does he think he’s doing, bringing feelings and commitments into this? What happened to just sex? To satisfying a damn need? That’s all I wanted. The running commentary in my head distracted me, and for the first time in a long time, with my mind preoccupied, I wasn’t focused on my surroundings. So I completely missed the copperhead snake that crossed my path until I was almost on top of it. With a yelp, I leapt to the side, off the trail, stumbling over exposed tree roots and rocks. I tumbled to the ground with my arms flaying, rolling down the hill. My arms protected my head as I rolled, until I finally came to a stop.

  My eyes popped open, and a moan escaped my lips. I heard my name shouted from above, but my voice couldn’t answer. I laid still, taking stock of my limbs before trying to sit up.

  “Stay down, Kate. Don’t move.” The shout from above me filtered through the trees, and I grimaced at the panic I heard in his voice. Pain shot through my shoulder and arm, and I ground my teeth together to keep in my scream of agony. After what felt like forever, Noah finally came to a stop next to my head.


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