Goddess Revenge: Goddess Series Book 4 (Young Adult / New Adult)

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Goddess Revenge: Goddess Series Book 4 (Young Adult / New Adult) Page 14

by Muse, M. W.

  “Positive. Well, it’s the same voice I heard when I talked to her in the hospital.”

  “Legacy, that could be your mind putting her voice to those words. It doesn’t mean your mom is warning you about something,” Olive said.

  “True,” Lissa jumped in, “but someone’s warning her. If not her mom, then Legacy herself…or someone altogether different.”

  “Does it matter who’s warning me? Who is the person the voice is warning me about?” she asked while looking back and forth between the two of them.

  “I-I don’t know,” Lissa said, shaking her head. “Who do you think it’s about?”


  Lissa and Olive exchanged panicked looks. “Er, that…that’s not possible,” Lissa said. “River wouldn’t be a danger to you.”

  “That’s crap and you know it,” Legacy said. “River orchestrated the whole Venus debacle and that threw off my change. Now instead of enjoying a life with Adin, I have to avoid him to keep him safe. If Adin and River were both supposed to help me with my change and ascension, how could I not believe River is a danger to me? He’s forced Adin out of my life. I can’t turn to Adin anymore for help or support like I was supposed to. That was River’s doing.”

  “Legacy, you’re looking at this all wrong. We know River is why Venus is here, and we all understand the ramifications of the decision he made, but he didn’t bring her here to take you out. He brought her here to create an opportunity with you because he loves you. He’s bonded to you through the prophecy. If you kill Adin, it’ll be because of the consequences of River’s actions. If Adin dies, the prophecy is fulfilled, and you no longer would be bonded to River. I guarantee you River wouldn’t have done what he did had he known he would’ve set that into motion. He knows you’ll either be with him while Adin lives out his life, or you’ll be with Adin and kill him. He just doesn’t realize you know it was him who threw off the emotional state of your change.”

  “I know all this, Lissa,” Legacy said, exasperated.

  “River isn’t your enemy,” she said softly.

  Legacy felt tears forming in her eyes. “He…he hurt me. He deceived me. H-How could I trust him after that?” More importantly, why did a small part of her want to trust him again?

  Lissa walked over to her and stroked her arm. “You need to find a way to forgive him for what he’s done to you. You can’t keep that hatred bottled up inside. You’re better than that, Legacy.”

  “I’m not ready to forgive him,” she said, standing up.

  And she wasn’t. River had done irreparable damage to her life, not just to her change, to her life. How could she forgive him for doing that her? Even though she knew she was letting him believe she had strong feelings for him as punishment for what he’d done, she never really considered forgiving him. That didn’t feel like an option.

  She walked upstairs and changed her clothes. She took off the necklace, but decided to keep the earrings on. She wasn’t sure if she’d wear them every day. She didn’t really want to think about that. She just wanted to enjoy the earrings today.

  Once she was dressed, she got in her car and headed over to Calli’s house. She wanted to talk to her friend. When she pulled up to her gate, she noticed Calli’s car was gone. She buzzed the house anyway, but no one answered. She guessed they went to visit family since it was a holiday, so she pulled out of her driveway and started to leave. But she looked at River’s house and saw his car parked out front.

  She considered the idea of dropping in on him. She knew he wasn’t expecting her, but she figured he’d enjoy a little Christmas surprise. If she were really into him, she’d want to see him on Christmas. Stopping by would just further her cause, her agenda.

  Using the gate codes that Calli had given her, she entered the property and parked next to River’s car. As she walked around, she noticed a brand new motorcycle parked next to it with a red bow still on it. She figured this was River’s Christmas present since she couldn’t really picture Medusa riding one of these. She continued up the porch and knocked on the door.

  It opened.

  Medusa stood in the doorway, staring at her. Crap. Legacy knew it was highly probable that the head monster would be here since it was a holiday, but she hoped River would’ve opened the door.

  “Is River here?” she asked dryly.

  Turning her head, she yelled, “River!” She looked back at Legacy. “To what do we owe this pleasure?”

  Was she for real? “I was just in the neighborhood, so I thought I’d stop by.”

  The vile woman stepped closer to her. “I could turn you into stone right now if I wanted to,” she whispered.

  No beating around the bush, eh? “Oh, but then you wouldn’t get my powers,” she mocked. “I’m surprised you haven’t tried already.”

  She laughed a delicate, evil laugh. “My plan has been in motion from day one, and you won’t see it coming.”

  A shock went through her system, but she kept her cool. “I’m sure I’ll figure out whatever you’re doing long before it becomes a problem.”

  “Keep telling yourself that, Legacy.”

  “Mom! Get away from her,” River ordered, walking up from behind Medusa.

  She turned around to face him. “I wasn’t going to do anything.” Turning back toward her, she whispered, “Yet.”

  He stepped up to the door and gave his mother a dismissive look.

  “If you’ll excuse me, I have some business to tend to,” Medusa said with a sly smile as she turned and walked away.

  River walked outside, shutting the door behind him.

  “I was just telling your lovely mother I was in the neighborhood, so I thought I’d stop by.”

  River’s eyes searched hers as he took her arm and stepped away from the house. “You know I love seeing you, but please call me next time to make sure she isn’t here,” he said as he practically dragged Legacy back to her car.

  “Is…is that your Christmas present?” she asked, pointing to the motorcycle as they quickly passed it.

  “Yes,” he said evenly as they reached the driver side door of her car.

  “Is this your way of telling me I’m not welcome here?” she asked through a laugh.

  River sighed. “Of course you’re welcome here. You’re more welcome here than she is.”

  “Ha, ha. This is her house. I’m sure she won’t think too kindly of—”

  “This isn’t her house. It’s mine.”

  “Yours?” Her laugh sounded disbelieving even to her own ears.

  “Yes. Now will you please get in your car and—”

  “You’re serious?” she asked in a shocked tone while he opened her door for her to get in. “This, umm, this is your house?”

  “Ugh, yes. Now please, please go. I don’t want my mother near you. It’s bad enough when my mom’s here and I know you’re visiting Calli.”

  She shut her door and looked at him. “If this is your house, then your mom can leave, and I can stay,” she said with a smile. She was goading him, but she didn’t care.

  River clawed his hands in his hair out of frustration and looked up to the sky. “Baby, I have to protect you,” he growled.

  She reached up, grabbed his arms, and pulled them back down. He looked at her while she did that. She smiled gently and said, “I just wanted to visit with you for a few minutes on Christmas. We can talk out here, and then I’ll leave.”

  “She’ll be watching us, Legacy.”

  “Just a few minutes, please?” she asked softly.

  River shut his eyes and nodded. He wasn’t happy about this, but he seemed to be giving her what she wanted—or so what he thought she wanted.

  “So,” she started, “did your wicked mother buy you that motorcycle?”

  “Yes,” he murmured, looking warily into her eyes.

  “Maybe you should have the brakes checked,” she mumbled as she walked over to it.

  River chuckled briefly in spite of himself and walked beside her.

  “It looks really cool. What kind is it?”

  “Um, a Ducati.”

  She nodded like she’d understood what he meant. “Have you driven it yet?”

  “Yes,” he muttered, looking toward his house.

  She started to climb on it.

  “W-what are you doing?” he asked, grabbing the handlebars.

  “I’m sitting on it. What to give me a ride?” she asked as she wagged her eyebrows.

  He chuckled like he really meant it this time. “I’d love to give you a ride, but I don’t have any helmets yet, and you will not be riding without one,” he said, staring at her with one eyebrow raised.

  “Okay.” She smiled while she leaned into the bike. “How’s your Christmas been so far?”

  “Um, good. Paul’s on his way up and will be staying a few days. I was going to see if you and Calli wanted to hang out Friday night. I thought about inviting Seth and Kate over too. We don’t have to worry about Ellen since she’s out of town.”

  “Sure, sounds like fun,” she said, fiddling with the gadgets on his bike.

  “How’s your Christmas been?” he asked softly.

  She shrugged. “Good. My parents sent me a strand of pearls.” She sat up, looking at him. “They’re really beautiful. I never really liked my birthstone, but, River, these pearls are so cool,” she said in wonderment.

  He smiled at her. Then sighed. “Er, and the earrings?” He nodded his head toward the ear facing him.

  She reached up, rubbed her fingers on both ears briefly, and half-smiled at him. “Adin.”

  He huffed. “Of course.”

  “Look,” she said, reaching up and stroking his arm. “I considered putting them away and not telling you, but I figured that wouldn’t be very honest.” She paused, thinking about her dream. “Lying never helps.”

  River pursed his lips and nodded. “And you’re wearing them because…?”

  “Because they were a Christmas gift, it’s still Christmas, and I think they’re beautiful.”

  “Are you going to keep wearing them?” he asked, stepping up to her.

  “I don’t know.” She shrugged. “Does it matter? Adin giving me a gift doesn’t change anything.”

  “If you want to wear diamond earrings, I’ll go buy you some. I’ll buy you several different cuts and sizes. A different pair for every day of the week.”

  “You are not allowed to buy me diamonds.” She laughed, but River didn’t find the humor in it.

  “I can’t, but he can?”

  “Are you really going to get worked up about something as trivial as a gift?” she asked, leaning back and crossing her arms.

  “That’s not just any gift, Legacy. Your ex-boyfriend gave you diamonds for Christmas. You shouldn’t be surprised that I’m threatened by that, especially since I had to agree to a ridiculously low budget on your gift.”

  Twisting to the side, she reached up and pulled River closer to her. “You couldn’t have given me anything I would have loved more,” she whispered.

  “I-I know. It’s just…” He sighed, putting his arms on top of her shoulders. “I don’t want him buying you things. At all.”

  “Men,” she muttered playfully.

  He chuckled while he stepped closer to her. He wasn’t pressed up against her, but he was awfully close. “I want to kiss you,” he whispered, running a hand through her hair.

  “Then what’s stopping you?”

  “My mother,” he sighed. “She knows how I feel about you, and she knows about the prophecy, but she doesn’t know anything has actually started happening between us. She’s probably already flipping out seeing me hold you like this,” he said, reluctantly stepping away.

  Taking that as her sign to leave, she hopped off the bike and walked to her car with River beside her. “Merry Christmas, River.”

  “Merry Christmas, Legacy.”

  They hugged briefly before he opened her door again. He watched her drive off.

  When she got back home, she heard her phone beep. She pulled it out to see who’d sent her a message. Her heart fluttered when she saw it was from Adin.

  You’re welcome. You’re beautiful. Merry Christmas.

  Chapter Fourteen

  “What time are you coming over?” Calli asked Legacy while she rummaged around her closet.

  “As soon as I find something to wear.”

  “Well, hurry up. Seth and Kate are already on their way. I’m actually excited about you and Kate spending the night after River’s little get-together. We can hang out and gossip about the boys.”

  Legacy couldn’t concentrate on what her friend was saying. “I have to let you go, Calli, or I’ll never get out of here.”

  “Fine, I’ll leave the gate open. Just park at my house and walk over to River’s. I’m heading over as soon as Seth and Kate get there.”

  She got off of the phone, so she could find something, anything that looked right to wear. She needed something alluring, but not too suggestive. Something warm, not bulky. She knew they would be outside at least part of the evening because River mentioned something about the fire pit and marshmallows. She decided on a mini jean skirt with Capri tights underneath, a fitted green sweater—River loved her in green—and some flats. She put her hair up since she didn’t know how windy it might be. She debated on the diamond earrings, but ultimately decided to go with hoops. It was a stylistic choice based on what accessory looked best, not because she didn’t want to wear them over to River’s again.

  Once she was ready, she grabbed her overnight bag and drove to Calli’s house. She took her things to her friend’s bedroom before heading over to River’s house.

  Legacy had felt butterflies in her stomach all day at the thought of being over here with River in front of Calli, Seth, and Kate. This would be the first time they were all together after her date with River. He was careful around her at school, but now that they’d actually gone out on a date and were officially exploring this thing between them, she didn’t know if that meant he wanted to go exploring in front of everyone.

  She inhaled deeply as she knocked on the door. Showtime.

  She was relieved when Calli opened it.

  “It’s about time! Everyone’s out back. I just came in to get some graham crackers and chocolate to go with the marshmallows.”

  Legacy nodded as she stepped in. “You look cute,” she said as she took in Calli’s outfit.

  “Thanks. You too.”

  They walked out back, and everyone was sitting by the fire pit. River was leaning over, talking to Seth, when she walked out. He turned to look at her, smiling, when he heard the backdoor open. He got up and walked over to her while Calli walked over to the table to put down the snacks.

  “You look beautiful, baby,” River whispered as he wrapped his arms around her waist and hugged her.

  “Thanks. You look nice too.” And he did. He had on jeans and an unbuttoned shirt over a fitted t-shirt. Casual but sexy.

  He took her hand and guided her to the empty chair that was beside the one he’d been sitting in. She sat in front of the fire with her feet propped up on the stone facing, chatting with Kate while River walked over to the ice chest. He grabbed some drinks and came back over to the seat beside her.

  Calli walked up with a hotdog on a skewer and stuck it in the fire. “Did you see River’s new bike out front?” she asked Kate.

  “Er, no. I didn’t notice,” she said, taking a sip of her soda.

  “Seth’s begging him to let him take it for a ride,” Calli said, glancing over at River.

  “But I told him hell no!” River laughed, leaning forward to look at Kate.

  Paul walked up with his hotdog in hand. “He wouldn’t even let me take it out, and we’re blood,” he said incredulously, giving River a light punch in the shoulder as he stepped up to the fire to cook his hotdog. “What’s up with that, bro?”

  “It’s good he’s not letting anyone drive it. It’s a powerful piece of machinery,” Calli
said as she put her hotdog in a bun.

  Legacy turned toward her. “How do you know?” she asked with her eyebrows raised.

  “’Cause he gave her a ride this morning.”

  Her head popped to the side and her eyes flashed to River’s. “What?” she yelled in mocked outrage. “You refused to give me a ride when I was over here. How do you explain yourself?”

  Everyone laughed.

  “Uh-oh, you’re in trouble now,” Paul said as he laughed.

  Laughing with everyone, River said, “I didn’t have a helmet for you. Calli came over after I bought one.”

  “Likely excuse. I see how important I am. My feelings are hurt,” she teased.

  River stood up. “Oh no. C’mon, I’ll take you out right now.”

  “Nope. I don’t want to ride now,” she said, looking away from him with a smile.

  “Please? Please let me take you out on it,” he begged, sitting back down and leaning toward her.

  She sighed playfully, not looking at him. “Maybe later.”

  River groaned through a chuckle. “I’ll find a way to get you on that bike tonight.”

  Her eyes flashed to his. “Only if you play your cards right, darling.”

  “Mmmm…I always play my cards right,” he murmured.

  “Okay, you two,” Calli said, taking a bite of her hotdog.

  She stood up, and River grabbed her hand. “Where are you going?” he asked quickly.

  “I’m going to cook a hotdog. Want one?”

  “I’ll get it,” River said, standing up. They walked over to the food and put some hotdogs on skewers. He carried hers to the fire and cooked both of them.

  Calli turned on some music, and they all ate, laughed, and talked.

  After the sun had set, it was getting really cold. Legacy stood by the fire, shivering, while Paul and Calli walked around River’s backyard and Seth walked Kate inside to use the restroom. River stepped over to her and chafed his hands along her arms.

  “You want to go inside for awhile?”

  She nodded, and River put his arm around her to escort her in the house. He turned to the side, looking at Paul. “We’re going in,” he said to him across the yard. “We’ll be in the game room.” He leaned over to her, putting his lips to her ear. “Unless you want go for a ride?”


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