Wolf on a Mission: Salvation Pack, Book 6

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Wolf on a Mission: Salvation Pack, Book 6 Page 22

by N. J. Walters

  Which didn’t make sense since she was completely human.

  He closed his eyes and pictured Sue, hair tousled and eyes heavy from lack of sleep. She looked good enough to eat in another one of those thin nightgowns she favored and smelled even better. He could tell she’d showered. Her body smelled of her soap and warm woman, not of blood and fear as it had last night.

  He growled and pumped harder and faster, his hand rougher than her smaller, softer one would be. Water beat down on his head and trailed down his body. He wished Sue were with him. He’d love to lick beads of water from her skin. Hear her moans of pleasure as he laved the tight buds of her breasts.

  His balls drew up close to his body, and he gritted his teeth as his orgasm swept through him. There was no real pleasure. This was nothing more than a physical release. Elias didn’t stop until he was totally spent. It wouldn’t keep him from wanting her, but it would give him enough control so they could talk.

  He was too on edge, his wolf too close to the surface. He wanted Sue more than he’d ever wanted another woman.

  He leaned against the cool tiles and allowed the water to wash him clean before he turned off the tap. The towels were stacked on a nearby shelf, so he grabbed one and quickly dried, ignoring the desire still pounding in his veins. He tossed the wet towel over the shower rod and left the bathroom.

  Sue was waiting in bed for him, and that settled his wolf somewhat. Her big blue eyes widened as he closed the door and prowled toward her. Her throat rippled as she swallowed. “Ah, you’re still naked.”

  He nodded. “I am.” He pulled back the sheet and climbed in next to her. He propped himself up on one bent arm and brushed the backs of his fingers over her face.

  “What’s his name?” Elias needed to know the name of the man who hurt her.

  She shook her head and looked away.

  He used light pressure on her chin to get her to look at him once again. “Who?”

  “Connor McLennan and his brother, but you can’t go after them,” she hurried to add. “That would only make matters worse.”

  Unwilling to lie to her, and unwilling to agree, he turned his attention back to her injury. “Does this hurt?” The bruise on her cheek wasn’t as bad as he’d thought it would be. She must have continued to ice it after he’d fallen asleep.

  She shook her head. “Not really.” She touched the scar on his shoulder. “What about you?”

  “I heal quickly. It’s a byproduct of being what I am.”

  “A werewolf.” It was no longer a question but a statement.

  “Yes. You can never tell anyone,” he warned.

  Her laugh had a slightly hysterical edge to it. “Who would I tell, Elias? I have a son to raise and a custody battle looming. Trust me when I tell you I’d never run around sharing the fact you’re a werewolf. That wouldn’t be good for me.”

  She trailed her hand down his chest. His dick jumped to life again, going from half-mast to hard. “Is that your only reason for keeping my secret?” he asked.

  She shook her head. “No.” Her voice had dropped to a whisper. “What about Sage?”

  Elias sighed. “His father was my brother and his mother was a half-breed.”

  Sue frowned and shifted position so she was flat on her back staring up at him. “Half-breed?”

  “Yes, it’s very rare for a human and a werewolf to mate, even rarer for them to have children.”

  “So she was part werewolf and your brother was—”

  “Full-blooded,” he supplied the right word for her.

  “Okay, full-blooded. That makes Sage three-quarters werewolf.” She frowned and he could see her mulling over the implications.

  “Yes. The fact that they had a child is rare. He has most werewolf traits—enhanced hearing and strength and a superior sense of smell. He doesn’t get human illnesses and heals quickly from wounds.” He knew what she wanted to know, the question she hadn’t asked. “He can’t shift. Not like I can.”

  “Oh.” She nibbled on her bottom lip. “How does he feel about that?”

  “I won’t lie. It bothers him.” Elias took a breath and gave her the final secret. “Especially since his brother can shift.”

  “Brother?” Her mouth fell open.


  “I knew it. That’s why he healed so quickly from being shot. He’s like you.”

  “Yes, he is,” Elias confirmed.

  “This is all so confusing.” She rubbed her forehead. Elias noted the tightness around her mouth and eyes. She had to be exhausted and most likely had a headache.

  “You don’t need to figure it all out right this moment.” He rubbed his thumb over her forehead and down to her temple. She sighed and dropped her hand back down by her side. “It’s been a crazy night.”

  “You can say that again. What am I going to do?”

  “About what?” He wanted her to rest. She was far too pale for his liking.

  “You. Us. The McLennan brothers. My ex.” She closed her eyes, but not before he saw the tears welling there. She was worn out and stressed and he didn’t like it one bit.

  “We’ll figure it all out.” He leaned down and kissed her forehead. “You’re not alone. Not any longer.” He wanted her to know he’d be beside her through whatever happened. She’d been left alone far too many times in her life. No way was he leaving her to stand on her own.

  “You can’t promise that, Elias. No,” she said when he started to object. “You have Sage and Reece to worry about.”

  “They’re old enough to understand why I won’t leave you.” He kissed her temple and her bruised cheek. He growled before he could get his wolf back in check. Her eyes widened but she didn’t pull away from him.

  “I’m not sure I understand. You barely know me,” she pointed out. He couldn’t fault her logic, but he was ruled by instinct.

  “You’re mine.” Better she understand that going forward.

  She stilled and her breathing quickened. “What do you mean, I’m yours?”

  He nuzzled her neck and lightly nipped at the sensitive flesh before making himself move away. He was so on edge it wouldn’t take much prompting for him to mark her, and she wasn’t ready for that. She needed to understand all the implications before he asked her to join her life to his.

  Yes, it would create all kinds of complications in his already complicated life, but he didn’t care. Sue was meant to be his, and now that he’d found her, there was no force on earth strong enough to make him walk away. He’d been a fool to think he could leave her.

  “I mean you’re the woman I’ve been searching for all my life.” He pushed the sheet down and cupped her breast through the thin fabric of her nightgown. The nipple pebbled and he ran his thumb back and forth over the bud.

  She sucked in a breath and trembled beneath his touch. “You can’t know that. It’s too soon.”

  He shoved aside the hurt. What had he expected her to say? Take me, I’m yours? Maybe in a perfect world. Hell, he should be happy she hadn’t booted him out or called the authorities. She didn’t understand his culture, what it meant to be werewolf, or she’d know just how serious he was.

  “I’m not human. Not fully,” he reminded her. “I’m a creature of instinct. My wolf recognized you when we met. I knew you were the one for me. I fought it because you’re fully human, but that doesn’t matter. Not any longer. You’re the woman for me.” He needed her to understand that.

  “Whether you accept me or not is irrelevant. You’re it for me. If you turn me away, there will never be another woman for me.” He needed her to grasp the true depth of his feelings, his longing for her.

  “You can’t know that.” Her voice was pitched higher, and he hated the fear he heard there. He was scaring her with his declaration rather than wooing her. He was making a fucking mess out of this, but he forged onward.r />
  “I do.” He lifted her hand and placed it over his heart. “This belongs to you. It’s up to you what you do with it.”

  Giving her plenty of time to object, he kissed her. He kept the pressure light and undemanding. She sighed and kissed him back. Her lips moved beneath his, accepting and encouraging at the same time.

  She broke the kiss and her eyes fluttered open. “Anny’s husband. Is he like you?”

  Elias shook his head. “That’s their business and not mine to tell.” He hated the hurt in her eyes and the way she subtly pulled away from him. He wasn’t having it. If he couldn’t claim her as his mate, he was at least going to lay claim her body once again. That is if she’d let him.

  He sat up and gripped the neckline of her nightgown. “Stop me now if you’re going to.”

  For one eternal second, he thought she actually might push him away. His chest constricted and it got a lot harder for him to breathe. His wolf howled inside him and he clenched his jaw to keep from shifting.

  Then she shook her head and his world righted. “I don’t want you to stop.”

  Sue knew this was crazy. As much as she cared for Elias, they had no future. It just wasn’t possible. He was a werewolf, for heaven’s sake, and she was human. Although, his sister-in-law’s parents had made it work and, according to Elias, her father had been a werewolf and her mother a human.

  What was she thinking? She had a life and a young son to worry about. Elias had secrets and his nephews to protect. She still couldn’t quite believe Reece wasn’t just a wolf. She wondered if she’d ever see him in his human form.

  Then Elias ripped the front of her nightgown open and every thought in her head vanished. When he was staring at her like she was a feast and he was a starving man, it was difficult to be logical.

  He’d been shot last night. He’d been injured protecting her. He could have been killed.

  What were they going to do about Connor and his brother? They’d shot Elias. They couldn’t be allowed to just walk away. They had to pay for what they’d done. It was only right. But it wasn’t like they could go to the police. Elias’s wounds were already healed.

  “Stop thinking,” he admonished. “We’ll get everything sorted out. Right now, I need to touch you.” He put his words into action by running his hands over her arms, across her stomach and down the tops of her thighs.

  Her legs moved restlessly against the sheets. It didn’t matter to her if he was part man and part beast, she still wanted him.

  She loved him.

  Oh God, when had it happened? How had it happened?

  Was it when he’d risked his life for her? The way he looked at her? His loyalty to his family and love for his nephews? Elias was such a good man.

  He’d told her he wanted her. He hadn’t mentioned love, but he’d made his claim pretty clear. He wanted her. And if he were to be believed, he wanted her indefinitely.

  “Still thinking too much,” he scolded.

  “I can’t help it.” She was going to ruin this time with him. And despite what he wanted, he might be forced to choose between a life with her and what was best for his nephews. She didn’t want him to have to make that kind of decision. But the people Anny was living with were secretive. She didn’t think they’d open their ranks to her easily.

  And would she want them to if it meant leaving behind her old life?

  It was all so confusing and there were no easy answers.

  Elias straddled her, careful to keep his weight off her. He covered her breasts with his big hands. She couldn’t hold back the moan of pleasure at the sizzling sensation that shot through her.

  “I’m going to make you forget everything but you and me,” he promised. Then he brushed his thumbs over her puckered nipples. Arousal flashed from her breasts and settled between her thighs. Maybe forgetting everything but them for a short while wasn’t such a bad thing. The problems would still be there later, but at least they’d have had this time together.

  Now that she knew his secrets, she was realistic enough to know their relationship, if they truly had one, might not last. The question she needed to ask herself was if she thought it was worth fighting for, worth risking her heart and her son’s happiness?

  Elias slid his hands upward, over her collarbone and neck until he was cupping her face in his hands. His eyes darkened with need. The thought that this strong man needed her was very alluring.

  “What are you thinking?” he asked.

  Sue shook her head, not ready to answer his question. Not yet.

  She sensed his disappointment, but he swallowed it back and kissed her. It was at that moment she knew she loved him enough to risk it all—her heart, her future and her son’s happiness. Elias was worth the gamble.

  She’d played it safe for years, ever since William had walked away from her and Billy. And what had it gained her? She was a single woman in a dead-end job. Yes, she had her son, and that made up for everything else. Was it wrong to want something more for herself? And, yes, for Billy too?

  The thought of being part of a real family, of waking up with Elias every morning was worth the chance of being hurt. If their relationship failed, at least she would have tried.

  Brave words when she didn’t know if her heart could take more pain, more loss.

  Elias slipped his tongue between her lips and heat rushed through her. Love was worth the risk. Otherwise you weren’t really living.

  “Come back to me,” he whispered.

  “I’m here,” she promised.

  He caught her hands in his, raised them over her head and rested them on the pillow. His large body covered hers and his mouth took hers in a searing kiss. His erection prodded her stomach. He was more than ready but seemed to be in no hurry.

  She squirmed against him, but he only tightened his hold on her. “Not this time,” he told her. “I’m not going to be rushed. I want to savor every inch of your smooth skin.” He nuzzled her face. “Touch you.” He licked her jawline. “Taste you.” He sniffed her neck. “Smell you.”

  Her toes curled and she was practically panting. The sensitive area between her legs was wet with desire and her pussy throbbed with need. She wanted Elias and she wanted him now. “Elias.”

  “Soon,” he promised. “Soon.”

  Sue wasn’t sure she’d survive his sensual torture, but he wasn’t giving her any choice.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Elias wished he knew what was going on in Sue’s mind. She’d had a lot thrown at her and she’d kept it all together, dealing with her attackers, his revelation and her son’s sudden appearance in the midst of it all. She was a hell of a woman and she was his.

  He wasn’t lying when he told her she was it for him. Being with any other woman after her would feel wrong, like cheating. She was perfect for him.

  Now all he had to do was convince her of that.

  He was a man of action more than a talker, so he set out to bring her the most exquisite pleasure possible. He wanted her to know what it could be like between them. Just how damn good it would be if she became his.

  He easily held her hands in his. Her fingers curled into fists and her pulse fluttered wildly in her neck. He swallowed and clamped down hard on his wolf, whose first and only instinct was to claim her. Elias took a deep breath. Big mistake. The heat from her body mingled with her soap and her arousal, setting his body on fire.

  His muscles tensed and he had to force himself to relax. He had to make this good for her.

  He rubbed his rough cheek against her softer one, the stubble from his jaw abrading her skin. She sucked in a breath, which pushed her breasts into his chest. The hard nubs rubbed against him. He grazed her jawline with his teeth and she shivered. The sweet smell of her arousal grew stronger and richer.

  Elias wanted to please her in all ways. He concentrated on her neck, which seemed parti
cularly sensitive. He was playing with fire but didn’t care. He warned his wolf that they needed to woo Sue, and if they pushed her, they might lose her. The beast grumbled and settled down.

  He nuzzled his way up to her ear and blew on the sensitive whorls. She moaned and tilted her head to the side, giving him better access. His cock swelled and pulsed, hungry to be inside her.

  He caught the lobe of her ear, tugged gently and then swirled his tongue over the delicate shell. She freed her hands from his hold and gripped his shoulders. “Elias, stop teasing me.”

  He raised his head and grinned at her. “I’m only starting.”

  She groaned but didn’t stop him when he shifted lower on her body. Her breasts were full and firm. He plumped them with his hands and ran his tongue over one straining nipple and then the other. He worked her until she was writhing beneath him. Small cries broke from her lips as he teased and aroused. Her hands roamed his back and shoulders, touching and squeezing wherever she could reach.

  He didn’t want to leave her breasts, but there was so much more of her to explore. He kissed a path over her torso, gliding his tongue over the dip of her waist and into the hollow of her belly button.

  He nipped her hipbones and made a place for himself between her legs. She groaned and crossed her arms over her face. Her cheeks were bright red. Sue was blushing.

  Elias ran his hands up the insides of her legs, admiring her silky skin. “What’s the matter, sweetheart?” He spread her legs wide, licking his lips at the sight of the slick folds of her pussy. So pink and swollen and absolutely perfect.

  “You’re looking at me. And it’s light out.”

  He barely swallowed back a chuckle. He didn’t bother reminding her that with his preternatural vision, this wasn’t the first time he’d seen her. The sun had just risen and light filtered into the bedroom. Sue was sprawled across the crisp white sheets that were decorated with tiny flowers. She was like some pagan offering to the gods, and she was his.


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