Finding Our Forever

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by Lan LLP

  Finding our Forever


  Lan LLP

  Finding our Forever

  Book 2 of 3 of the Forever Series

  Published by Lan LLP

  Copyright © 2014 by Lan LLP

  The right of Lan LLP to be identified as the Author of the Work has been asserted by her in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patent Act 1988.

  All rights reserved. This book may not be reproduced, scanned, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of the publisher, nor be otherwise circulated in any form of binding or cover other than that which it is published and without a similar condition being imposed on the subsequent purchaser.

  This is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places and events portrayed in this book are all products of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, organizations and locales are entirely coincidental.



  Formatted by: Linh M. Le

  Edited by: Shane Michael Singh and Frances Torres

  Cover Designer: Marya Heiman with Strong Image Editing

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Love is silent

  It’s not meant to be heard but is meant to be felt with an open heart.

  To my devoted family and friends, I love you all.

  Thank you for being you—wonderful and generous in so many ways.

  Chapter 1

  Wesley Montgomery

  Damn Carson Bradley! Damn him straight to hell! Due to his discovery of lesser quality additives in the Montgomery NeoMed infant formula, my company has been slammed and trashed in all directions. Every TV station and social media platform is calling us Greedy Baby Killers. NeoMed has taken such a severe nose dive in the stock market that its future is uncertain. I have more lawsuits than sales coming endlessly from every country possible. To top it off, angry investors are now riding my ass, demanding compensation for their losses. What compensation? My company is now running on a negative budget.

  Fuck you, Bradley! Why couldn’t you just mind your own business and stick to curing cancer. Why meddle in someone else’s affairs? Why be my source of my aggravation and stress? I don’t know you and you certainly don’t know me, so why fuck with me? What’s your motive? Is it because of greed like my father and his father? Isn’t there enough to go around for all players? I think so, but maybe this greedy bastard doesn’t.

  In addition to my own personal hell, my father sent me the company jet yesterday and insisted that I rush back to Boston. “Wesley, our family business needs you here in the States. We have an emergency that I can’t handle alone,” he informed me last night during our phone conversation. “I need you, son,” he pleaded.

  My father begs no one. I wonder what’s troubling him. It must be really serious. Montgomerys don’t normally fuck up, but when they do, my father, Chandler, never fails to find a solution. Legal or illegal, it doesn’t matter to him as long as the job gets done. His father, my granddad Charles, did it for him and his brother, and now that granddad is gone, he has inherited that role. He’s the glue that has kept the Montgomery Medical Corporation together and prosperous. He’s a shrewd businessman who’s taught me everything I know. This is why I’m his liaison for the Asian market.

  Nine years ago, after I graduated from Harvard, father sent me directly to Hong Kong to handle his business there. I went—against my will. I resented the move, fought it every step of the way, and made it known to him that I blamed Mimi, my mother, for being the reason. Sadly, he never disagreed with me. It was a hard blow. Thinking and knowing are two separate things. Knowing your mother doesn’t love you is much more painful than thinking she doesn’t.

  * * *

  Chandler and Mimi Montgomery adopted me through an elite adoption agency after they discovered they couldn’t have any children of their own. Chandler wanted a son to pass on the Montgomery name. Initially, I was the center of Mimi’s attention until she grew bored of me. The responsibility of rearing a baby was cramping her social obligations, aging and diminishing her beauty. I was scheduled in between business meetings for my father’s affection. My blessing was and still is Ms. Polly. She’s been looking after me from the moment I was brought home to the Montgomery’s massive twenty-acre estate, until now.

  From the outside, our family appeared Photoshop perfect, but on the inside, we were far from being perfect. We were more screwed up and dysfunctional than most families. One thing granddad used to tell me that has stayed with me is, “Money can mask anything, even the ugliest.” I honestly believe this is the very adage that my father runs his business and lives his life by. Maybe this time he’s finally stumbled upon a situation where money can’t mask his problem.

  Carson Bradley

  “Lil, here’s the second pill,” I insist before we head for the airport. “It’ll take the edge off your cramping and pain.”

  “I don’t think I need it,” she replies faintly, dodging my eyes.

  “Please. Just take it,” I insist again, more firmly.

  Unwillingly, she takes the pill and water glass from my hands and agrees. “Okay.”

  The limo pulls around to pick us up. As soon as we take our seats, Lil’s eyes are fixed outside the window to avoid having any contact with mine.

  Give her time. She still loves you.

  I decide that if I keep reminding myself how much she still loves me, uncertainty will become certain and I won’t lose faith. She’s resentful because of the destructive events that surround us, not because of me. I pray. When I welcomed her into my world, I only had the purest intentions of offering her all my love and making her the happiest woman in the world because that’s what she’s done for me. I never meant to shower her with tears and heartache. Never. The road ahead of us will be long and challenging. This I know, but I’m willing to give it my all. I’ll set my pride aside and beg if I need to. Her love is all I want.

  Peering out the opposite window from Lil, I see that we’re approaching the airport. The driver slows down and then comes to a complete stop. He waits for an approval from security. They give him a light signal for clearance to board the jet.

  “Ready, Angel?” She nods her head warily. “As soon as we’re safely flying in the air, you can sleep in the cabin until we land in Boston.”

  “Sounds good,” she replies, her tone distant.

  Give her time. She still loves you.


  Checking in on Lil, I see that she’s finally sound asleep. The pain pill has momentarily knocked her out and the sadness that torments her. Seizing this opportunity, I sit down beside her and reflect upon all the misfortunes that she’s had to endure since we’ve met. It’s too cruel to believe.

  “I’m sorry, Angel. Sorry for all your suffering. Sorry for all your tears and sorry for failing you,” I whisper against her temple and caress her face. “Please find it in your heart to forgive me, love me again.” How did I do so much damage to one person’s life in just a two-month span? Am I that dangerous to be around?

  I can’t allow her to
suffer anymore. I just can’t. Last night I contacted Owen to arrange for someone to come into the penthouse and remove all the baby furniture and anything else that could remind Lil of our unborn baby. I don’t want anything to trigger memories of her miscarriage. From this point onward, if I can shield her from more tears, it will be my priority.

  After I ended my call with Owen, I contacted my parents to fill them in about the accident. My mother was especially affected, urging me to get to the bottom of this so-called accident that has ended her unborn grandbaby’s life. She wept as hard as Lil did, insisting that I do all I can to support her through this delicate time. She assured me that her welcoming arms will be waiting for me when I see her. I don’t know what I’d do if I didn’t have my parents. I’d be loss without them. They’ve been my source of strength and support through every step of my life. I know they’ll help me get through this just like they did for me with Emily’s death.

  Following her meltdown, mother warned me about Bianca. Ever since their heated confrontation, mother is convinced Bianca is the devil himself. She told me I shouldn’t overlook Bianca as a suspect. I agreed of course, but can Bianca be that heinous? She might be selfish, spoiled and conniving, but attempted murder seems far-fetched to me. However, I’m not ruling anything out, especially after her picture scam and the fact that Lil recognized Sasha from the island. Luke is already investigating Bianca’s possible involvement since late last night after he flew into Boston. In a few days, I’ll find out what kind of bitch work Bianca is having Sasha do for her.

  My thoughts fade into the background when I feel Lil shifting her body under the sheets. She’s awake. Rubbing her eyes and forcing them to stay open, Lil asks, “Carson, are we there yet?” Her solemn voice and empty expression depresses me. I miss her beautiful smile. Her sadness is all I can see in her dull brown eyes. Who can I blame for her misery, but myself?

  “Almost, Angel. We have about twenty more minutes before we land. Can I get you anything?” I offer while I stroke her face gently with the back of my hand, savoring the silkiness of her skin.

  “I need to call my mom as soon as I can. I don’t want her to worry about me.” Her tone is composed as she rolls her back to me. God, this is going to kill me if she continues to detach herself from me. I want to hold her, feel her against my body, but she’s doing all she can to keep me from touching her. I know I shouldn’t push her during this fragile period, but how can I help her if she won’t let me in.

  “No problem, babe. You can call her as soon as we land,” I assure. Before continuing, I stall briefly, knowing that she’ll be upset with me as soon as I give her my stipulations. “But, you can’t divulge our location, and no one can know that you’ve talked to her.” She glares at me in response. If looks could kill, I’d be lying dead in a pool of blood, my own, from flaming glares lodged in my chest. “I’m sorry, Lil, but it’s for security reasons,” attempting to convince her as I avoid her furious and lethal stare.

  “How am I supposed to tell her that bullcrap? She’ll blow a blood vessel from being so angry with me,” she retorts crossly while huffing heavily.

  “We’ll figure something out,” I attempt to placate her heat, but fail miserably to diminish it and her doubts. Reaching for her hands, I plead, “Lil, please. I love you. I’ll do anything to make you happy again.” She beholds me with her moist eyes and nods her head to acknowledge my plea—finally, a glimpse of hope.

  “How long will I have to be your prisoner?” she smarts off, wiping away my sliver of hope.

  “Lil, you’re not my prisoner, you’re my fiancée. I’m keeping you safe with me, not holding you against your will,” I reply, praying my temper will not overshadow my patience. “I know your world is far beyond complicated because of me, and I hate myself for it. I wish I can undo it all, but I can’t.” My frustration this time is clearly obvious in my voice. “I promise I’ll spend the rest of my life, if I have to, to make it up to you, Angel,” I pour out my soul to her, pleading.

  A small but noticeable smile sidles across her face, and what a beautiful sight it is for me. “Please don’t hate yourself,” she consoles. Leaning into her lips, I kiss them for the first time since yesterday.

  Please don’t pull away.

  God, I miss the sweet taste and feel of them. Her lips separate, welcoming my tongue to enter and stroke hers. The kiss is intense, full of broken sentiments, waiting to escape. I can sense that she misses me just as much. I cherish our intimacy because this is the closest I’ve been allowed to be near her since the miscarriage. Her eyes seal tight to shut me out and then opens after she stows her brittle emotions. Again, sadness glazes over her dark pupils, dulling its vibrant gleam and making me feel defeated. She exhales, “I need more time, be patient with me,” and intertwines our fingers.

  Bringing the back of her left hand to my lips, I reassure my commitment to her with a kiss. “We have forever,” I tell her. Another stunning smile spreads across her face, and it melts my heart, like the warmth from a brilliant summer sun.


  Captain Franco lands the jet at a private tarmac for BPC. I peer out the window to see Owen waiting by a black limousine with a driver. He surveys the area several times before giving me the hand signal to lead Lil down the steps toward him.

  “Mr. Bradley. Miss Ly,” he greets us with a nod of his head and a concerned expression. Lil waves ‘hello’ while shivering from the freezing wind.

  I rush her into the limo to shut out the cold and then address Owen openly, who’s sitting in the front with the driver. Lil threatened that if I don’t keep her completely informed, I’ll have to deal with her wrath. Since I’m already treading on thin ice, I decide to accept her terms within reason for now.

  “Owen, any news on our missing researchers?” I inquire. Owen shakes his head while giving me a subtle are you sure look through the rear mirror. “Miss Ly knows everything,” I verify. “Go ahead and give us both the update.”

  “Mr. Carter thinks they may have found the homing tattoos and disabled them. The signals are lost. The only thing we can confirm is they’re in Massachusetts somewhere,” Owen informs. “But don’t worry. I already have a team of five highly decorated ex-Navy SEALs who can track any target down. They will meet us at Steward Laboratory tomorrow morning for a quick briefing and then head out to find your missing researchers.”

  Lil turns to me, staring with shock and disbelief. She’s shaking her head with eyes as wide as an owl’s, probably thinking, What the hell did I get myself into? I can only imagine how overwhelming this is for her. Her mouth drops open like she wants to say something, but she’s too stunned to speak, I’m guessing. I drape my arms around her shoulders and squeeze them gently to reassure her that I won’t let anything happen to her.

  “Well done, Owen. To assemble a team together this quickly under such short notice is very impressive. Will Luke be meeting us at the penthouse? I want him with Miss Ly at all times. She’s never to be out of his sight.” The tone of my voice sounds more desperate than I want it to project. This isn’t a good time for me to lose my poise. Immediately, my overbearing demand causes her body to stiffen against mine. I’m definitely not helping my situation with this attitude. I need to fix the damage quickly. Tilting her chin up with my index finger so our eyes are locked, I attempt to ease her concerns. “I promise it’s only temporary, baby.” But she doesn’t buy my bullshit. Her doubts are obvious in her roaming brown eyes.

  “You already promised me that once before,” she snips and folds her arms across her chest while trying to avoid looking at Owen through the rear mirror. I’m almost positive that he’s feeling like an unwanted third wheel right about now. Yes, it’s a terrible position for him to be in, but I’m glad he’s here to absorb some of Lily’s percolating heat. I know she wouldn’t be this calm if he weren’t trapped here between us.

  “Lil, I understand why you’re upset, but like I said, it’s only cautionary. Please give me some time to sort this al
l out,” I practically beg as I attempt to hold her hand.

  “Carson, do I really have a choice?” she answers bluntly. She then glares out the window on her side, ignoring me. For once, I’m at a loss for words. She’s absolutely right. She doesn’t have a choice. Not in this matter.

  Owen turns his head to face the window on his side, avoiding any awkward eye contact from the rear mirror. I’m guessing he’s in shock, witnessing me yield to a woman. This is a first for me, but I don’t give a shit. Let him see my weak, vulnerable side. I’m not ashamed. I’ll do whatever it takes to make Lily happy again.

  Chapter 2

  Lillian Ly

  The soft creases around his tired eyes and the helplessness reflected from his face tells me he’s as disheartened as I am. Even though Carson is trying his best to be sympathetic and accommodating to my situation, it’s still not enough to unscramble my uncertainties. I’ve lost my identity and strength, and I’m ultimately blaming him for all my misfortunes. When I found him nearly dead on the beach about three months ago, I never imagined my life would become this complicated. I lost my virginity , and a pregnancy that I’m struggling to accept. My future to become a physician is now unclear, and I have no control over the direction of my life. He’s cutting me off from the world until who knows when, making me feel completely isolated. I know my heart will always belong to him, but my ragged mind implores me to flee from this nightmare. How much more can I endure before I let his obstacles defeat me entirely?

  Crisscrossing my hands, my fingertips brush against a protruding smooth surface. The sensation draws my eyes from the tinted window down to my ring finger to spot Carson’s pink diamond. Heartfelt memories of happier times flood in, and I’m reminded of our promise of forever. Regardless of how difficult my situation is, I can never picture a life without him because I’m hopelessly in love with this man.


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