Finding Our Forever

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Finding Our Forever Page 10

by Lan LLP

  Are you sure you can’t spare fifteen minutes in the back?

  Lil puts up a weak fight initially, but surrenders shortly after I give her one of my signature kisses—the ones where my tongue playfully tickles hers to leave her panting for more. She knows she’s no match for me as I plunder her neck and breasts.

  “I’m not sure I can handle two weeks of abstinence,” I murmur along her neck. “The way you make my body feel whenever I’m around you is total chaos—the kind that makes worlds collide and fall apart completely. I can’t control myself.”

  “Then don’t,” she gasps as she gives into her desires.

  “Lil, don’t make it any harder for me than it already is,” I reply as I release my hold of her. “You know you’re my one and possibly only weakness,” I confess before urging her to go.


  Upon our disembarkment, Mr. Ly’s people greet us warmly at the bottom of the jet’s metal steps with bright red umbrellas. It’s sprinkling outside with the temperature being in the low 70s, a nice contrast to Boston’s bitter coldness and frost.

  “Good afternoon, Mr. Bradley. We hope you had a comfortable trip here,” a man in a traditional Chinese Tang suit nods his head respectfully as he speaks.

  “Yes, I had a pleasant trip,” I respond in a firm business tone. Because of my CEO position, Lil and Luke were specifically instructed to walk behind me before we stepped out of the jet. Respect and honor are everything in China. I had to explain to Lil on our way here that she has the role of being my personal assistant, Lucy. In public places, we’re not to be seen holding hands or embracing each other. She’s not allowed to speak unless I address her. Lil rolled her eyes at me several times as I rattled off the rules to her. She told me it would’ve been much easier for me to leave her at home than lugging extra baggage around, meaning her. Admittedly, I’m kind of relishing this control over her. For once, she’s abiding by all my rules without defying me, or at least I’m hoping she won’t. I’m having a hard time concealing my delight of the situation as I stifle another emerging smirk.

  “Mr. Ly has made arrangements for you at the prestigious International Hong Kong in a presidential suite and your assistants are setup in deluxe suites. Please come, we will drive you there,” the second man, also in a black Tang suit, speaks up. He directs me into a white limo and instructs Lil and Luke to enter a separate black one. I glance subtly over my shoulder to Lil’s direction and see her eyes narrow with irritation as she steps into her ride. Shit, Lil is going to swallow me whole for dinner tonight. I can feel her wrath saturating the air, increasing the humidity around me. She is probably the only person on this planet who can unravel me with just a single look.

  I tell them I’m fluent in Cantonese the minute I step into the limo to save them the embarrassment of talking about me and think they can get away with it. “Mr. Ly would like for you to enjoy your visit here in Hong Kong today. His granddaughter will show you around. She’ll meet you in the hotel lobby around 6:30 p.m.,” the first man reveals in his native tongue. Fuck, Lil will never forgive me for this. I should’ve listened to her and not dragged her here. “Tomorrow after breakfast, Mr. Ly will meet with you at his office. I’ll collect you at the hotel,” he confirms.

  “Thank you,” I reply and then quickly pull out my black phone to text Lil, praying she’ll have mercy on me.

  Forgive me? I admit I was wrong to force you to come here with me. x C

  I stare at the screen, waiting for a response text from Lil to appear, but it doesn’t. I send her another one, feeling more desperate.

  Sweetness, what if I throw in a box of truffles and your favorite movie in my room tonight? Forgive me now?

  Again, I stare at the bright screen hoping for a bubble filled with words, but nothing pops up. Damn, I think I’ve royally pissed her off. And just when I almost give up, my phone vibrates, and it’s a text from Lil.

  I’m not that easy! I need more than sweets and a movie! Lil

  I muster as much cleverness and charm as I can possibly gather and remember two movies that were set out by the T.V. the other night. Lil had made me watch one of them in St. Croix, but I wasn’t familiar with the other one. I quickly YouTube Princess Bride and see a short clip of a farm boy and girl falling in love. I respond to her text.

  As you wish, Princess. x C

  Immediately, she replies with another text.

  You’re much too rich to be my simple farm boy, but I’ll forgive you this time. XOX Lil

  The hugs and kiss symbols are back on her text message. I’m forgiven for now until I tell her another woman will be showing me the sights of Hong Kong and sharing dinner with me instead of her.

  Lillian Ly


  Carson’s only saving grace is his witty charm. I can’t believe he made me pretend to be his personal assistant. These damn heels are killing my feet, and the tight suit he insisted I change into right before we disembarked is too confining. I can barely walk without my thighs chafing. It’s a miracle my skirt didn’t split at the seams when I bent ungracefully to sit in the limo.

  Settling myself down and pushing my irritation aside, I gaze out the window to absorb the beautiful and lively views of Hong Kong. It’s an entirely different world here. The energy and culture is vivacious. It’s flocked with people, food and activities. Pedestrians of all ages are found tightly packed on every sidewalk carrying on conversations—some are serious while some are amusing, judging from their expressions. I appreciate the blend of old and new world with extraordinary architectural designs among a few scattered ancient structures.

  This is part of my heritage—where my mom was born and raised.

  As soon as we drive toward a lengthy bridge over deep water, fear overtakes my excitement. Oh geez, where’s Carson when I need him? He’s in a white limo ahead of us instead of holding onto my hands to soothe my anxiety of falling and heights. My phone vibrates as I silently discredit Carson and surely enough; it’s a text from him.

  I’m holding you and your hands are in mine.

  Carson makes it impossible for me to hold a grudge against him. He never fails at finding ways to keep me head-over-heels for him. Not only does he have my heart, but my soul is his as well. I love him as much as anyone who’s been in love with another for a lifetime, even though I’ve only known him briefly.

  The white limo, with Carson, drives up to a grand entrance of an extravagant hotel with ours tailgating. There are tall stone columns with polished reddish-brown marble flooring. Glass doors and windows line from ceiling to base. I watch the same two men from the airport step out first and then welcome Carson to follow. Carson turns his head back to look in my direction, but I know he cannot see me because the windows are tinted so only passengers can see out. Carson makes a sudden stop to speak to one of the men. Immediately, I see him stride to our limo. The driver lowers the window on my side for him to speak to me.

  “Come. Mr. Bradley would like for you to enter with him,” he barks.

  I already don’t like his condescending tone with me. Is it because I’m a woman or because he thinks I’m Carson’s bitch? I mean personal assistant.

  “I’m Lucy. I’d like for you to address me by my name please,” I retort.

  Luke gives me a “that-a-girl” smirk. Helpless damsel? Not me. I’m not afraid to call anyone out if I think they’re being rude to me. I’m a lot like my mom in that sense. She doesn’t take crap from anyone.

  “Miss Lucy, please come with me. Mr. Bradley requested I bring you to him,” he explains with less arrogance. It’s a little too late. I have his number, and he’s on my shit list already.

  Luke and I step out of the limo to follow the annoying man to Carson. The second our eyes meet, I bore a hole in his with my heated glare. Carson attempts to give me a subtle grin which I completely disregard.

  “Miss Lucy, I’ll need for you to accompany me to my room,” Carson requests sternly. “I have some errands for you to do for me.” I nod my he
ad with seething eyes.

  Even as exasperated as I am right now, I still remember that Carson is supposed to walk ahead of us. I wait for him to precede, but he subconsciously splays his palm on my lower back to encourage me to enter with him. Seconds later, he catches himself and drops his arm by his side. I’m laughing internally. Mr. Collective Bradley can falter like the rest of us—maybe not as often, but he can. The nicer gentleman leads Carson and me to a set of elevators. We all enter in silence. Carson looks over at me to communicate with his eyes. I know what he’s trying to tell me, but I’m still frightened regardless.

  “Miss Lucy, I plan on resolving some of those issues we had discussed on our flight as soon as we get to my room,” Carson confirms with a deadpan expression.

  “Yes, Mr. Bradley,” I reply softly while trying to stifle a semi-irate smile.

  The nicer gentleman steps out of the elevator first to lead us to the presidential suite. Omgeez! This place is ginormous with two floors, a personal fitness area, pool, kitchen, living and dining room. The view of Victoria Harbor is breathtaking—tranquil blue water all around. It reminds me of St. Croix and how much I missed being there and the friends I’ve left behind. I know I want to be with Carson more than anything, but delaying my dreams of becoming a physician has been extremely disheartening for me.

  Before the nicer gentleman turns on his heel to leave, he reminds Carson in Chinese that he’s to meet a woman in the lobby at around 6:30 p.m. Carson nods his head.

  Oh flippin geez!

  Carson can understand Chinese.


  I’m sure he heard me telling my mother I don’t love him. No wonder he looked so wounded after I spoke to her a few days ago. Can I just dig a hole deep enough to take me back to Boston to hide from my shame?

  Ignoring the fact that I realize he comprehends Chinese, Carson turns to me with lustful eyes as soon as the door clicks to lock. Unbuttoning his jacket, he tosses it on the floor. He loosens his tie and down it lands on top of his jacket. He removes his cufflinks and then his shirt. By the time we’re face to face, his white briefs and socks are the only things covering his taut body. My heart is hammering with eagerness. With his left hand, he circles his fingers around the crook of my neck and then tilts my chin up to him with his thumb. “Remember those issues, Miss Lucy?” he asks in a low, sultry tone. I nod my head willingly. “How do you feel? I don’t want to hurt you,” he expresses his concerns.

  “I feel normal. I guess,” I answer honestly. The only thing I can tell that’s still different about me is the tenderness along my ribs. Other than that, my spotting has stopped, and I don’t have any more cramping.

  “Maybe we shouldn’t. We…I…should follow the doctor’s order. I’d never forgive myself if I hurt you,” he regrets. Talk about a mood killer. He’s becoming more and more like me as I become more and more like him.

  “What do we do now? You’re practically naked?” I ask in a playful, pouty voice while I tug at his waistband.

  “Lil, you’re playing with fire, baby!” he warns me as he grasps my wrists and detains them gently behind my back with one hand. He uses his free one to undo my jacket and blouse. Releasing my wrists, he unzips the back of my skirt. It slides down around my heels. The only three things remaining on my body are a lacy white bra, matching thong and my pumps. “Stay,” he orders me as he walks over to an L-shaped leather sofa to sit in the corner. “Now walk slowly toward me,” he instructs as he gazes intensely at me. “Stop!” he orders me as I stand inches away from him and the coffee table. “Turn your back to me, bend and place your palms flat on the table,” are his last commands before I feel his hands on my calves, sliding up to my thighs. I can’t understand why I’m so turned on by his bossiness and dominance. Normally it would bother the heck out of me.

  “Carson…,” I begin to ask.

  “Miss Lucy, I haven’t given you permission to speak yet,” he reprimands me. “Remember I’m your boss, and you’re my subordinate,” he reminds. “I’m evaluating your performance, checking to make sure your credentials are up to par,” he explains as his hands grip my buttocks tightly. My legs begin to quiver because of the high heels as well as being in this awkward position.

  He leans forward with his head between my legs. The softness of his lips pressed against my inner thigh urges an almost silent pant to escape. “Uh...” And then I feel his moistened fingers trace my slick folds before entering me to kindle a fire that’s been dormant since he last touched me.

  “Sit back on my lap,” he orders. I do as I’m told. Slowly, he guides his erection inside me as I lower my bottom against his thighs. His thickness is always impressive, stretching and filling me. “Don’t move,” he instructs. “I just want you to contract and relax your walls around my cock,” he murmurs and then places his fingers over my aching sex to satiate its hunger. Who would’ve thought Carson’s guarded sex can be so intense and satisfying? With the absence of physical thrusting, I can truly appreciate the faintest of sensation from his pulsing erection against my walls. His skin is warm, shielding me from the blowing air that’s much too cool as I snuggle my body against his. “Still fine, Angel?” he considerately asks before resealing his lips along my right shoulder.

  “Yes,” I gasp as I near my climax. Carson gently thrusts in and out, deepening our connection. His breathing is labored. I know he’s close as well and then I feel his throbbing increase as I clench tighter. His warm fluid fills me after his last penetration. We’re both at the finish line enjoying our much anticipated prize.

  He groans appreciatively along the crook of my neck. “Mmm…It’s been too long. I’ve missed you, baby,” he purrs with a dimpled grin before withdrawing himself. “You did start the birth control pills Dr. Laurent left for you, right?” Carson confirms as he drops his head back on the sofa while his fingers run the length of neck and shoulder.

  After the ultrasound, I must’ve been so overcome with sadness that I didn’t hear anything about pills. “I…haven’t taken anything,” I nervously reply, not sure how he will react to my obliviousness.

  He lifts his head up to face me and panic. “Shit! It’s my fault. I should’ve reminded you,” he tells me with irritation directed at him and no one else. “How could I have expected you to remember anything from that day? I’m sorry, Lil.”

  “I think we should be okay,” I comfort him. “I’ll start taking those pills when we get back to Boston,” I assure Carson, and it appeases him instantly.

  He seals his perfect lips over mine and kisses me til I’m breathless. “Ending with forever is where I see us,” he vows. “I can’t wait until all these issues are resolved and left behind so I can call you my wife. Now when can I marry you?”

  “Are you pressuring me, Mr. Bradley?” I ask lightheartedly with my eyes narrowed, staring directly at him.

  “Yes, of course. You know I’m an impatient man. I want to call you my wife—share my name with you,” he asserts.

  Hearing Carson sound so sincerely excited about me becoming his wife makes me want it sooner, too. “Maybe we can choose a date after we speak to my mom,” I suggest nervously as I check his reaction to the mention of my mother. I guess there’s no better time than now to confess my guilt to him.

  “Lil, why did you tell your mother you don’t love me?” he asks without sparing any sugar coating. “Are you ashamed of me for some reason? I don’t understand why you would lie to your mother unless you’re lying to me,” Carson continues to question while displaying wounds I’ve inflicted with my dishonesty.

  “Carson, you don’t understand. My mom has issues with men, especially wealthy ones. She has instilled in my heart and mind that they can’t be trusted, and they’re incapable of loving anyone,” I attempt to explain my mother’s bias and how it has affected me. “You’re different. I know you love me, and I want to clarify that to her in person—not after a phone call about my near-death experience. The timing was all wrong,” I rationalize. “Can you forgive me?” I pl

  Cuddling me against his chest, he tells me, “Yes, baby, I can forgive you. I’ll do all I can to convince your mother that your heart is my lifeline. I hope you know I love you more than my own life,” and then kisses my forehead. My astonished mind is racing as rapid as the beating of my chest. Carson just confessed his love for me surpasses his own life. What did I do to deserve this magnitude of love?

  “I do,” I whisper into his heart—the one that loves me generously and unequivocally.

  “Good,” he replies and hesitates before resuming. “Lil, it’s now my turn to ask for your forgiveness.”

  Oh geez. Was he just sweetening me up earlier to tell me bad news?

  “What is it?” I ask, nervous as can be as I tread through the worst case scenario.

  “I’ll be having dinner with that woman I’m expected to meet in the lobby at 6:30 p.m.,” he reveals while gauging my worried reaction. “She is the granddaughter of the man I’m scheduled to meet with tomorrow morning,” he explains. “It’s all business and nothing personal,” Carson clarifies, making sure I don’t mistake it for anything else.

  “Oh, is that all?” I reply with a hint of jealousy in my weak tone. I know we’re here for business, so I shouldn’t be a little biddy about his obligations. “I’m good with Luke. We can do a little sightseeing and find some authentic Chinese food for dinner,” I assure him to put his stressed mind at ease.

  “Are you sure, Angel?” he confirms. “It shouldn’t take me long.” I nod my head to show him I’m fine, pretending to be the understanding fiancée I’m supposed to be. “You’re amazing,” he tells me before lifting me off his lap and setting my bottom on the cool leather.

  “Yes, flattery will get you far,” I trifle. Leaning my head back on my clasped hands, I ogle over his sexy, nude body as I watch him climb up a small flight of steps to the bedroom, I’m presuming. I have to be the luckiest woman in the world to be the center of this handsome man’s affection.


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