Finding Our Forever

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Finding Our Forever Page 14

by Lan LLP

  “I don’t want to delay your meeting, I’ll be fine waiting for you,” she considerately replies as she glances subtly over at me, looking for answers. If anyone can read past my facade, it would be Lil.

  “Thanks, Angel.”

  We all pile into the limo and ride silently to BPC. There are plenty of questions weighing on all of our minds, but no one dares speak up. Owen instructs the driver to drop us off at the underground entrance. Lil and I take the private elevator to my office while Owen and Luke take the general one to Steward Lab conference room.

  “Good afternoon, Mr. Bradley,” Evelyn greets me as soon as the doors open. Instantly, her inquisitive eyes affix on Lillian’s face. I’m not sure if she recognizes Lil or if she’s wondering who’s the new girl I’m taking into my office.

  “This is Lucy, my cousin. She’s visiting for a few weeks, hoping to learn more about the corporate world,” I create a completely preposterous alibi for Lil to be here at the office. Lil gives me a shock expression. I’m guessing she’s astonished at how quickly I can bend the truth with ease.

  “Nice to meet you, Lucy. If there’s anything I can show you, please let me know,” she offers.

  “Thank you, Evelyn. I sure will ask if I need anything,” Lil replies with a Southern drawl to disguise her voice. Her instinctual wittiness makes me forget how young she really is. This is one of the many reasons why I was so quickly drawn to her, and of course, that gorgeous smile on her face.

  I open my office door and gesture my head for her to enter. She walks past me to wait on the other side. Closing the door behind me, I pull her back into my chest with both my arms around her waist. “Miss Lucy from the South, your cleverness is such a turn-on for me,” I flirt.

  “Gross, you’re coming on to your cousin,” she protests while laughing.

  “It’s acceptable somewhere in the South,” I reply and then help myself to her neck. “Do you remember what happened the last time I invited you to my office?”

  She turns to me and pouts, “No, it’s been so long ago that my memory escapes me.”

  “Nice try, baby. But we have six more days before I can bury myself deep inside you. Trust me, I’ve been counting the days, hours and minutes,” I assure her. “Will you be a sweetheart and wait here for me while I see what’s going on?” She nods her head and walks cautiously over to the large panoramic window behind my desk to stare straight out into the city.


  The entire room mutes when I enter Steward Lab. All expressions are solemn. I can feel the pressure of anxiety weigh heavily down on my shoulders. Owen, Luke and Alpha are huddled together with Hayden and his laptop.

  “Gentlemen,” I address them.

  “Mr. Bradley,” Alpha replies. “We have bad news. They sent us their demands along with our tracking tattoos for both researchers this morning.”

  “Are you fucking kidding me? They dared put their hands on my researchers?” I roar with as much rage as I can project. The thought of them carving into my researchers causes the sickening bile in my gut to climb up my throat. I force it back with one hard swallow as I seal my eyes briefly. When I unlock them, they’re no longer hazel but are now red—fury burns bright from them. “What are the demands? Money?”

  Uneasily, Owen walks over to me with a metal canister and a note. “They don’t want money. They want the formula for the Oss-Meta drug. They’re giving us two weeks to decide. After that, they’ll send us more missing researcher parts to persuade us to give into their demands. We had DNA testing for the bloody skin tattoos and the results confirmed they do indeed belong to David and Paul.”

  “Goddamn it! I was right. They just want the formula,” I confirm as I glare in disgust at the bloody skin pieces in the canister. “This drug isn’t worth me losing two researchers. Let’s give them what they want in exchange for their safe return!” I surrender. I’m normally not this passive, but I’m sick of this shit gnawing at my conscience every day that Paul and David are away from their family.

  “Sir, we can’t do that. If we yield to these assholes’ demands, other assholes will jump on board and make similar demands. We have to let them know who’s in charge,” Owen reminds me.

  “Fuck! I know. I just don’t want to be the one to tell David and Paul’s family we lost them because of a power struggle.”

  “We won’t, sir. Mr. Carter has narrowed down the fifteen-mile search radius to a two-mile area. Mr. Ly contacted us this morning and will be sending reinforcement,” Owen assures me.

  “I’ll need a resolution before the two-week constraint is up or I’ll have to give into their demands. I don’t want their innocent blood on my hands,” I tell them before heading for the exit door. My goal of pursuing this line of work is to preserve life, not take it away because of greed. I find it’s getting more difficult for me to uphold my indestructible image. After all, I’m human which makes me breakable eventually.

  Walking into my office, I glance around the large, open space to find Lil curled up on my sofa, knocked out like a log. I creep over to sit by her side and admire the peaceful expression on her youthful face.

  God, I love this woman with all my heart.

  What if those assholes come after her? There’s no way in hell I can live with myself if they succeed. I’d die first before I let that happen. They’ll never get their hands on her because she’ll never be out of my sight again. My thoughts become more desperate and possessive as I continue to process the frightful possibilities. I reach my hand to stroke her cheek, and it wakes her, making her lids blink to open. Her light brown eyes are mesmerizing against the background light. I find myself often lost in them when I’m given a rare opportunity to stare intently into them.

  “Carson, are you back already?” she asks with a yawn. “How long has it been?”

  “Just long enough for me to miss you,” I whisper against her forehead before leaving a kiss there. “Are you ready to go home?”

  “Yes. How was your meeting?” she inquires, her tone concerned. “Owen seemed unusually tense.”

  “Fine,” I lie. “When you run a billion-dollar company, there’s always something that requires my immediate attention.”

  “Did you fix whatever they needed you to fix then?” she pries as her eyes study mine for honesty.

  “It’s a temporary fix until I decide how to approach it,” I embellish, hoping that it’s enough to satisfy her inquiries.

  “You would tell me if something was wrong, right Carson?” she asks with her left hand on top of mine.

  “Yes. Of course I would,” I reply softly.


  “Okay. Let’s go home and get some dinner.”

  “I’m more sleepy than hungry,” she yawns.

  “It looks like we’ll be retiring early tonight,” I add. “I wouldn’t mind cuddling up with my body pillow.”

  “I imagine most billionaires would want a perfect 10 to bed, but mine just wants a cuddly body pillow,” she giggles.

  “I’m not like most billionaires,” I assure with a wink.

  Chapter 12

  Lillian Ly

  I wake up to the chime of my phone, alerting me of a text message from Carson. I’m still slowly adjusting to the time zone change from Hong Kong to Boston. He was either so considerately quiet or I was really out of it because I never even heard him wake up for work this morning. Reaching over to the nightstand for Carson’s black phone, I read his text message.

  Morning, Angel. Five more painful days;) Left early. Didn’t want to wake you. Have a good day. x C

  I reply immediately to keep him from fretting about my whereabouts.

  Missing you in bed and wishing there are less than five:) Have a productive day, hazel eyes. XOX Lil aka Cuddly Pillow

  The phone chimes with another message.

  Hazel eyes? My new name? The only place we’ll be in five more days is our bed, Cuddly. x C (Plan on it!!!!)

  Hating that I’ve already wasted almost an entire mo
rning, I jump out of bed to get ready. My goal is to visit the Harvard campus today. I told my mother last night that I’ve switched schools. I didn’t give her any reasons, and she didn’t ask for any—thank god. I think she was just pleased to hear I’m in the States instead of being on some foreign island, further out of her reach. I also told her that I’d try to come home next weekend for Emma’s wedding. By the pleasant tone of her voice, I knew she was happy with that news. Carson’s name bounced around in my mouth and was ready to leap off the tip of my tongue, but never made it out. I had every intention on telling her about him, but I didn’t want to risk the chance of upsetting her again, so I chickened out. I figure since I’ve already waited this long, what’s a few more days? I’ll tell her when I see her face to face.

  Professionally dressed and ready to impress the people at my new school in my pant suit and black pumps, I march out to the kitchen for a late breakfast to find Nikki, Belle and Luke sitting at the bar having coffee.

  “What’s going on in here?” I ask with suspicious eyes while noting the women’s mischievous expressions.

  “We’re getting acquainted and waiting for you, Sleeping Beauty,” Nikki teases. “We have a fun day of dancing and shopping planned.”

  Oh no, not again. I thought that salsa lesson was just a one-time deal. I didn’t realize it’s going to be more than that. My appalled expression is probably insulting Nik’s efforts to keep me entertained.

  “But I have plans for today,” I object in the nicest protesting voice possible. “I need to check out the Harvard Medical School campus. I’m already so behind.”

  “Lil, we need to learn the waltz for Emma’s wedding. It’s always been her dream for everyone to do it on her special day,” Belle reminds me. “You can resume school after the wedding.”

  “I know Belle, but we can’t learn it in one week. Don’t you remember that I have two clumsy feet?” I whine as I point down to them.

  “This is why we need to practice every day from now until then,” Belle rationalizes.

  I exhale a defeated sigh and submit, “Sure, let me change into something more comfortable.”


  At this rate, I’ll never finish medical school. I rush back to the bedroom to find a change of clothing and see the pack of birth control pills that Carson mentioned in Hong Kong. I pick it up and read the specifications. Coincidentally, the timing is perfect for me to start taking them. I pop the first one out of the sealed pocket and toss it into my mouth. For a split second, a film of sadness glazes over me.

  No babies for now.

  I’m not married nor am I finished with school, so I can’t understand why this unexplained feeling of loss still resides with me.

  Shake it off, silly girl!


  As the four of us exit the Zen building, I spot Andrew entering through the revolving door.

  “Andrew,” I holler out and wave my hand excitedly at him. I haven’t spoken to him since I dropped my big secret a few days ago. I hope he was able to digest it as well as keep it locked up for me.

  “Lil…Lucy,” he yells back with a big smile. “Where have you been and where are you heading, cutie?”

  “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you I was going out of town. We’re heading to a dance studio,” I answer as I refrain from rolling my eyes.

  “I love to dance!” Andrew shrieks.

  “Do you want to join us? Do you have time?” I offer.

  “Really? Hell yeah! Count me in!” he exclaims and loops his arms around mine. Luke looks thrilled that I found a substitute for him.

  “Nikki, Belle and Luke, this is Andrew, my friend who also lives in this building,” I introduce them all before Luke alerts the driver to pull the limo around.

  We slip into the back of the limo and Luke sits in the front with the driver. Conversation is so casual like we’ve all been friends for years. There’s crazy laughter and excessive teasing, especially with Andrew. He’s a complete sport about it. Nik declares him my new dance partner, but Luke will be on standby. Belle’s photographer friend, Edison, is stepping in for Hayden since he’s busy working with Carson.

  The limo stops in front of a modern brick building with large black window frames. After Luke gives pickup instructions to the driver, we all head toward a crowded entrance. The studio is crammed full of energetic people dressed in colorful waltz style clothing, eager to learn the romantic dance. I’m completely underdressed in my comfy yoga pants and sweatshirt. This must be a happening place because the last studio we practiced at didn’t have nearly as many participants.

  Belle keeps her eyes peeled for her friend as she skims the room from left to right and then back the other way.

  “What does he look like so I can also be on the lookout for him,” I ask Belle.

  “He’s tall, lean, good-looking with dark brown hair and a cleft chin,” Belle describes Edison.

  “Sounds like my type,” Andrew squeals and then giggles.

  “Mine, too,” Nik adds. “Is he available?” she teases.

  “There he is,” Belle points out while waving to her friend. We all look over to our left and see Mr. Hotness in stonewashed denim jeans and a white t-shirt. I elbow both Andrew and Nik to break their trances. Edison is stunning, but he has nothing on Carson. His face is slender with full lips that are almost pouty looking. His expression is stern even when he’s smiling. He eyes me intently as he walks toward us.

  “Edison, I’m glad you made it,” Belle tells him. “These are my friends: Lucy, Nik, Andrew and Luke,” she introduces us.

  He waves his hand shyly and says, “Hello, everyone. I’m terrible with names, so forgive me if I don’t remember them all on the first go-around,” he greets in a warm tone.

  “I’m Lucy,” I reply with a smile.


  “It’s a pleasure, I’m Nik.”

  “Luke,” Luke grunts with guarded eyes. I guess it’s his job to be suspicious of everyone.

  The dance instructor, a petite woman with dark braided hair as thick as a woven wicker basket, rings a bell to get everyone’s attention. Our focus is now on her. “Attention, please. Meet your partners on the dance floor,” she instructs in a commanding voice that doesn’t add up to her small frame. The eager crowd of dancers swarms toward the center and the music begins to play. I’m hoping Andrew is familiar with leading this dance because I have no idea where to begin. Right off the bat, I step on his right foot, and it makes me feel awful. I apologize for my clumsiness, but Andrew assures me his feet are tough. I look over to Belle and Edison and envy their gracefulness.

  I can do this.

  I’ve never met a challenge I can’t defeat. I’ll practice until I get this dance down perfectly.

  Andrew, I see a lot of dance practices in our future.


  I’m famished from all the dancing as well as from skipping breakfast. Carson wouldn’t be pleased if he found out I missed the most important meal of the day. Andrew suggests we dine at his good friend’s quaint little restaurant that specializes in locally grown vegetables and fresh caught seafood. It’s next to impossible to get a reservation there, but with his connection, we’re able to get one right away. “It’s who you know that gets you anywhere, but don’t forget who you are when you get there,” is what my mother used to tell me.

  Edison opts out because he has another photo shoot, so that leaves the five of us to indulge. You can’t judge a book by its cover is such a true statement for this restaurant. From the outside, it looks like an old run-down brick building that should be demolished. However, the minute you step foot into the lobby, you’re taken into an organic world of white flowers of all sorts painted on the walls as well as arranged in beautiful glass vases on all the tables. The fragrance of the flowers is perfectly balanced, sweet and pleasant—not overly offensive to the nose. The hostess recognizes Andrew and seats us in a private section. Entrée and wine menus are presented. The specials of the day are ra
ttled off to us by memory by a waiter dressed in all white except for his green apron with the restaurant’s logo embroidered across the front. Andrew, Luke and I all order the fish special while Nik and Belle both order the grilled organic vegetable blend.

  The food is as delectable as Andrew promised it would be. The grilled white fish melts in my mouth like sweet butter. I clean my plate and then help Belle polish hers as well. Nikki is impressed.

  “How do you stay so trim when you can out-eat Luke, a man twice your size?” Nik asks with a wink. I shrug my shoulders with an innocent grin.

  “I hate her,” Belle adds with her eyes rolling and nudges me. “She’s always been able to eat whatever she wants and never gains an ounce.”

  “You ladies want to know my secret?” I curl my fingers to reel them in. They both eagerly move their opened ears toward me to listen. “Wear loose yoga pants and a sweatshirt. You’ll have all the room in the world to eat whatever you want,” I share and then giggle. They both smack my shoulders simultaneously.

  “Brat,” Nikki brands me and laughs along with everyone.

  The waiter comes back with dessert menus and they all sound fabulous. But since I pigged out with no hesitation, I can’t find room for any of it. I decide to order a piece of white cake with raspberry filling to take home for Carson and me to enjoy later tonight. I know how much Carson loves his dessert. Nikki and Andrew share a fresh berry plate with a wine-infused crème brulee.

  Our waiter asks if we need anything else before handing the bill over to us. Nikki insists on paying, but Andrew wouldn’t have it. He generously picks up our hefty tab. We all thank him for the kind gesture and then head for the exit.

  “I have a fun idea. Let’s hit Le Dance Stylette. It’s a designer shop for dance apparels,” Andrew suggests after googling it on his phone.


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