Snow and Seduction: A Steamy Reverse Harem Winter Collection

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Snow and Seduction: A Steamy Reverse Harem Winter Collection Page 116

by Amanda Rose

  We arrived at the fire site ten minutes later. Ben and Amber were already starting up the camp fire, and it was up to me and Jazz to get the food ready. We normally did chocolate orange cakes, bacon and other yummy treats. All while wrapped up cosy in hats, coats, and gloves.

  “Yo! Saffron, Jazz. How’s it going?” Ben shouted.

  “We’re great,” Jasmine answered for us both.

  I hoisted the cooler filled with food over my shoulder, and walked towards where one of the twins had set up a table near the fire. Though it could have been Amber who’d set it up, she wasn’t the kind of girl who refused to get her hands dirty.

  Daniel, Stacey and Delilah arrived as I was laying out the rest of it, meaning that we were still waiting for Lars and Cal. Well and possibly Cal’s brother, Evan. Apparently, he wanted to come, but might not have been able to get off work in time. Personally, I hoped he had. I wanted to see if he was as hot as his older brother.

  I plugged my speakers in, letting music fill the space we’d claimed as our own. Though we had a camping stove with us, we knew we wouldn’t use it. We never did. It was just good to have a backup.

  Cal arrived shortly after, in a Mini of all things. He looked amazing in jeans and a Guns ‘n’ Roses t-shirt under a smart coat and other winter wear. Or at least I thought he looked amazing, and that the t-shirt looked like it would be really comfortable to sleep in. He greeted everyone, but when his eyes fell on me, his whole face lit up. I knew I looked alright, in a casual way. I’d left my hair loose for a change and the blonde curls fell down to mid back. I smiled back, pleased to see him again, though the moment was broken by a loud beep from Lars’ four by four as he pulled up.

  The fire was crackling and we all had drinks in our hands as we ate and chatted easily. Once we’d finished, we all kicked back and relaxed while talking about our plans.

  “What about a game of capture the flag?” Amber asked. We’d played the game a fair bit, but because we all got so competitive it never actually got old. Everyone quickly agreed except Cal who clearly had no idea what was going on.

  “Boys vs girls?” Delilah asked to groans from both Lars and Jasmine.

  “Do we have to?” Lars whined, clearly not thrilled with the idea.

  “Just because we keep beating you,” I told him, sticking out my tongue childishly. I tended to get that way once I’d had a few drinks. Luckily, we’d already organised for taxis to take us back home. Jazz would then drive us back here tomorrow to pick up the car.

  “You had more players than us!” Ben protested.

  “Well, now you don’t. Cal could make all the difference.” I pointed to him, smiling to soften the potential rudeness. When he smiled back, my insides melted slightly. Jasmine snorted beside me.

  “Yes, he’ll make a difference because you’ll be distracted, Saf,” she whispered. I whacked her gently on the arm.

  “Ever known me to get distracted?”

  She laughed. “No, but then I’ve never seen you so into a guy before.” Though she was speaking quietly, I worried that the blush on my cheeks would give away what we were talking about. She was right, I hadn’t been this into a guy in a long time. Except Not going there. Not yet.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” I wasn’t sure what was making me deny that I liked Cal to my best friend, but I still did. Maybe it was some kind of protective instinct towards the bond we had, or something strange like that.

  “I’m off to get some more firewood,” Cal said suddenly standing up. “Anyone coming with?” Though he asked everyone, he looked straight at me as he said it.

  “Sure, I’ll come.” I stood up quickly. If I wasn’t careful, everyone would figure out that I liked him. As it stood, only Jasmine suspected anything. Well Daniel too. Maybe.

  We walked into the trees side by side, though Cal stopped as soon as we were out of sight.

  “I was hoping you’d come,” he said quietly, standing in front of me. There was a tree directly behind me, and I leaned against it. The rough bark kept me upright, which was definitely needed with the look he was giving me.

  “Oh?” I asked breathlessly. Cal took a step towards me.

  “Every time I’ve tried to see you alone, Daniel’s been there.” His voice was wistful, as if getting me alone was the best thing he could imagine.

  “That bloody cock blocker,” I muttered, more to myself than to Cal, but he laughed anyway and took another step forward. Any closer and we’d be touching, and considering my back was against a tree, there was nowhere for me to escape…not that I wanted to.

  “I’m guessing him being around wasn’t your idea then?”

  “No,” I agreed, I could feel my breathing becoming erratic, and the anticipation of what could happen building. “If I’d had my way he’d have left us alone the first time as well.”

  “Good. Then you won’t complain if I do this.” Cal took the final step towards me, one hand settling on my waist and the other touching my cheek. Before I’d quite figured out what was happening, Cal kissed me, his lips gentle and almost tentative. That is, until I caught on and kissed him back. It had been so long since I’d kissed anyone, that all the built-up passion within me exploded. Cal pushed me up against the tree so our bodies were pressed together and I moaned into our kiss. I dropped my hands to his waist and began to push his t-shirt up, feeling the smooth skin underneath, it was as if the dam had broken and all the sexual energy I’d been denying came out.

  “Please,” I breathed into our kiss. I wasn’t completely sure what I was begging for, maybe for the kiss not to end. Cal broke away, causing me to whimper, a sound I was pretty sure I’d never made before. Ever.

  “Not here.”

  “I really don’t care where Cal.”

  His kiss unlocked something in me that needed feeding, and it needed feeding quickly. He brushed my cheek with his fingers, then ran them lightly over my lips.

  “Don’t tempt me Saffron,” he said in a low voice. “I want to do this properly.”

  “Then you’d need to be a bit closer,” I purred seductively…or at least I hoped I was purring seductively.

  “No, as in dinner, wine and flowers.”

  I looked at him shocked, not quite believing what he was saying. “As in a date?” I asked shakily.

  “Well I would hope more than one,” he replied with a chaste kiss. Still stunned I didn’t even respond. “It can’t be that surprising, you’re beautiful, Saffron. Not to mention exceedingly talented.”

  “Oh, you don’t know half my talents.” His admission was making me flirty. He took a step closer to me again.

  “I’d very much like to discover them,” he murmured against my lips before kissing me again. Though this time there was more to the kiss than just raw sexual tension, this time there was something else there as well.

  Not wanting the others to get suspicious, we wandered back to the fire, picking up bits of wood as we went. Part of me felt like flying, another part of me worried this was all I was ever going to get from him. The rest of the time by the fire, flew by, the girls won capture the flag, as per normal, and we spent our evening relaxing and chatting. It was just a shame I didn’t manage to get any more alone time with Cal.


  “You did WHAT?!” I almost screamed at Jazz down the phone.

  “I slept with Ben.” Hmm, she sounded unusually uneasy.

  “Erm ok…when? How? Why?” Not that I could really talk considering I hadn’t told her I’d kissed Cal yet.

  “After the fire,” she admitted, her voice faint down the line.

  “I thought Ben was nothing more than ‘some guy you know and like to take the piss out of’?” I asked, though, to some extent, I’d seen this coming. That didn’t stop the shock that she’d actually done it.

  “Well yes. I’d had a bit to drink, and it seemed like a good idea.”

  “Oh, Jasmine, what am I going to do with you?” I sighed dramatically.

u could let me have a go at Cal. You’re not acting on the looks he’s giving you.”

  I spluttered, sending the tea I was drinking everywhere, and making strange noises down the phone.

  “Oh, not so keen on that idea Saf?” Jasmine asked, clearly plotting something.

  “Who says I’m not acting on them,” I muttered.

  “Spill. Now.” She used a voice that wasn’t to be messed with. I sighed.

  “There isn’t much to tell really,” I protested. She made a strange squeal down the phone. “I kissed him, or he kissed me…whatever we kissed.”


  “I don’t think I’ve ever been kissed like that before.” I stared off into the distance, glad there was a phone line between the two of us. If there hadn’t been, she’d have been able to tell just how into him I was. And then she’d start questioning me about Daniel. I was pretty sure she’d figured out I liked him too.

  “Are you going to do more than kiss him?” she asked. She was the only person who could I suppose. The prerogative of a best friend.

  “I tried.”

  “You did WHAT?!” The echo of my earlier statement to her, made me to giggle. “But he didn’t take you up on it?”

  “No. He said he wanted to do it properly,” I told her.

  “As in properly with a bed?”

  “As in properly with a date. Well actually he said dates.” I didn’t have to be able to see my best friend to know that she was sitting there with her mouth open in shock.

  “You’re going to take him up on that, right?” she asked after a few moments.

  “If he’s serious I am.” Alright, so I was scared he’d feel differently now we were back in the day to day life. And yes, I realised that we’d only spent an evening away from it, but still. Jasmine seemed oblivious to my doubts and squealed down the phone.

  “Alright, alright. How’s work going?” Jasmine was training to be an accountant, something I thought sounded deadly boring, but she seemed to enjoy it.

  “Oh well enough. They’re letting me deal with a client now.” The smile in her voice came through her words, and I found myself returning it absentmindedly down the phone. I loved that our friendship was like that. I could be happy just because she was.

  “That’s fantastic! I knew they’d catch on to how brilliant you are.” She’d worked hard to get where she was, and deserved every moment of the success. I pressed my phone between my ear and shoulder so I could get on with the next part of setting up for the day, but got distracted by a delivery man knocking on my door.

  “Hang on a moment Jasmine.” I opened the door, having removed my phone from my ear. I frowned. I hadn’t ordered anything as far as I could remember.

  “I’ve got a delivery for you.”

  I always wondered why delivery people felt the need to point that out.

  “Sign here.”

  I took the machine from him and signed my name. He gave me a purple box, clearly addressed to me, and with the word ‘fragile’ in big letters.

  “Thanks,” I said, but the man had already turned away. I pressed the phone back to my ear.

  “So…?” Jasmine drew out the word.

  “I have a parcel.”

  “I got that. What is it?” she asked impatiently.

  “I don’t know, I haven’t opened it yet.” Knowing she wouldn’t stay silent for long, I peeled back the lid carefully. Lifting out what was inside I set it on the table. “It’s a plant.”

  “What kind?” She blurted the words too fast to conceal her excitement.

  “A flower I think. The buds are closed, but they look purple.” I examined the plant, which was when I noticed there was a card stuck to the pot, with my name written in clear handwriting. “Wait, there’s a card.”

  “Oooo read it to me!”

  “Crocus Sativus flowers between October and May. Give plenty of light and gritty soil. Known for producing the most expensive spice in the world.” Disappointed that the card only told me about the plant and not who’d sent it, I flipped it over. “There’s more, and this bit’s handwritten.”

  “Do you recognise the writing?” Despite the fact she couldn’t see me, I shook my head.

  “No.” I stared at the card a moment worried to read what was there. “It says; Did you know that it takes one hundred and fifty flowers to make one gram of spice. But I know one that’s rarer still. Cal.”

  “Oh my God,” Jasmine said down the phone, and breaking the slight daze I’d been in. “That’s so sweet!”

  “What is? Sending me a plant?” I asked. It was sweet, but I didn’t quite get what she was so excited about.

  “Not just any plant. He’s sent you saffron.”

  For some reason her words weren’t making sense to me. “I hate to point this out Jasmine but saffron’s a spice,” I said.

  “No no. Listen. Crocus Sativus, more commonly known as saffron crocus, is a flowering plant which is best known for producing the spice saffron.” From her tone, she must be reading from her laptop screen.

  “Oh.” Words deserted me. Slumping down onto one of the chairs, I discovered I was now facing the window, and the man with a shy smile standing outside. My heart skipped a beat. “Jazz...I have to go. Cal’s here.”

  “Oh! Go get him, Saf. Just make sure you tell me all about it.” I could imagine the exaggerated wink she was surely giving me.

  “Bye Jazz,” I said, putting as much finality into my voice as possible.

  “Bye, love ya.”

  “Love you too,” I muttered, hanging up the phone and going over to open the door. Suddenly feeling very shy, I didn’t know what to do when face to face with Cal.

  “Hi, Saffron,” he whispered. “Can I come in?” He seemed unsure. Then again, all I could do was nod, so I couldn’t really talk.

  “How are you?” I asked, feeling slightly awkward.

  “I’m good. You?” he responded, clearly as anxious as I was. I nodded again.

  “Thank you for the flower. I don’t think anyone has ever put that much thought into something for me.” I was worried I’d start rambling at any moment, so getting the thanks out early seemed important.

  “I don’t know why not,” he almost growled. My legs felt weak at the sound, and my thoughts gained confidence, straying back into the realm of misbehaving.

  “I guess I’m not the kind of girl that people do those kinds of things for.” I sounded wistful even to myself. I walked slowly over to where the coffee machine sat. “Coffee?”

  “Please.” He nodded. “But why not?”

  I shrugged. “I don’t know, I’m just not.” That seemed to be the breaking point for him and in three swift steps he was standing right in front of me. His arms were around my waist before I could even process he’d moved.

  “Well I think you are. I told you, I’m going to do this properly, flowers, wine, dinner…the lot.” His words might have been innocent, but the tone of his voice, and his body pressed against mine, didn’t say the same.

  “If you’re trying to seduce me then you may as well stop, Cal.”

  His face fell and he looked as if I’d kicked his puppy or something. I backtracked quickly after realising how my words must have sounded. “I just meant you already managed.” His smile returned instantly, as did the glint of mischief in his hazel eyes.

  “I’m not just trying to seduce you, Saffron. I want to win you.” My mouth went dry. I’d expected the amazing man in front of me might want me in his bed, I’d never actually envisaged he might want more than that.

  “Are you sure?” Damn it Saffron, I scolded myself. Why was I questioning him when he’d just said he wanted me? Cal chuckled low in his throat and I felt my stomach tighten, and I don’t think it was nerves that caused it. Instead of answering me, he slid one of his hands up from my waist and used it to tilt my chin so I looked him in the eye. His heated gaze bore into me, and I was pretty sure I was returning it.

  His lips met mine an instant later and I moaned at
the contact. Pressing against him I could feel every inch of his body. He tangled his hand in my hair, keeping our mouths pressed together, while the other was on my lower back. If only it would move lower. My body thrust against his naturally and he lifted me up by my hips, sliding me onto the work top. I’d never felt like this when anyone else had kissed me. There was no thinking about what we were doing, we just did it.

  The kiss broke, with Cal standing between my legs and our faces just inches apart. His breath and mine were coming in ragged pants and there was no doubt we’d both been affected by the kiss. I wasn’t sure whether I was happy I’d put on jeans, so we didn’t have easy access, or disappointed because they were getting in the way of some serious fun.

  “Saffron,” he murmured. “Fuck.”

  I giggled. “Yes, fuck Saffron.” Wait…where the hell had that come from, I was never normally so forward. Or at least not in a situation where they could actually take me seriously. Though if I thought about it, I wanted him to take me seriously. Cal let out a laugh.

  “I want nothing more, Saffron. But I don’t want you to think sex is all I’m interested in.”

  I growled in frustration. “And if I don’t care?”

  “Then all the more reason to show that I intend to treat you right.” The disappointment must have shown on my face, but his voice lowered again to the pitch that I already associated with him being turned on. “We will have sex. It will be amazing and it will be soon,” he reassured me. I gulped.

  “Promise?” I asked weakly, betraying how much he affected me. He caressed my cheek with the back of his hand.

  “Trust me, Saffron. That is one promise I fully intend to keep.” I shivered in anticipation.

  “It’s a good thing I can sort myself out then, isn’t it?” I asked playfully. I really didn’t know what it was about Cal that made me ignore my inhibitions, but I sure as hell liked it. Shock briefly flitted across his face and I tapped his nose gently. “Enjoy thinking about that.”

  “I’ll have that image in my head all day,” he growled.

  “Don’t let it distract you too much.” My playfulness caught him off guard.


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