Snow and Seduction: A Steamy Reverse Harem Winter Collection

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Snow and Seduction: A Steamy Reverse Harem Winter Collection Page 133

by Amanda Rose

  Jameson's handsome face appeared at the drivers window and tears of relief began to fall from my eyes like a waterfall as I realized he had come for me. When I saw Jasper and Wyatt behind him I actually let out a little laugh of joy. My boys had come for me. I knew they would. I knew they would...

  Jameson reached into the cab and unlocked the door from the inside. When he opened it and leaned in with an outstretched arm I took it with a shivering hand. He managed to gently pull me across the glittering shards of glass that littered the drivers seat and into his waiting arms. I buried my face in the hollow of his neck and continued to silently sob.

  I felt two more pairs of arms reach around me as Wyatt and Jasper joined us, completely enveloping me in their warm and protective embrace. I don't know how long we all stood there like that, it both seemed like an eternity and felt like a second. My body relaxed under their combined touch, and the physical ache of my recent trauma slowly diminished as I realized that my boys had come to save me, and that that they always would.

  “Are you alright, babe?” Jasper asked first. “Did he hurt you?”

  “No, I, I think I'm alright.” I sniffed, lifting my head from Jameson's firm shoulder and looking for the first time at the beautiful faces of my rescuers. All three of my men were looking at me with such tenderness and concern that tears began to well in my eyes once more.

  “Your safe now, darlin'.” Wyatt said in his soft and soothing way, reaching out to tuck a stray strand of dark hair behind my ear and wipe a tear from my cheek. “He's not going to hurt you ever again.”

  “Thank you.” I smiled at him. “Wait, what did you guys do to him?” I suddenly realized that I hadn't seen or heard Clint since they had pulled him from the SUV.

  “Oh, we took care of him, Miss Holly. I don't think he's going to be coming back here any time soon.” Jameson said with a note of revulsion. He nodded his head in the direction of a dark crumpled mass about ten feet away on the shoulder of the road. The headlights illuminated it, and as I looked closer I realized that it was quivering. When I listened closely I could hear soft moans coming from the lumpy pile too.

  “How bad did you hurt him?” I asked, not even sure I cared that much what the answer was.

  “He'll live.” Jasper said in disgust. “Not that he deserves to.” He added.

  “Let's go home, Love.” Wyatt said.

  “Yes, I wanna go home.”I replied.

  The boys had been driving around in Jasper's Jeep searching for me since shortly after I left. When I asked what had made them go looking for me Jameson had said. “There was something off about that guy. I didn't think you were safe and when I told the guys you had left with him we all knew that we couldn't let this asshole do anything to the girl of our dreams.”

  “Girl of your dreams?” I asked, a warm tingle coursing through me as we drove back towards the farm. I was curled up in the backseat between Jasper and Wyatt, both of them stealing little kisses and softly running their fingers through my hair or over my cheek. Jameson was driving very carefully over the dangerous terrain, and I felt totally and completely safe.

  “Well, babe.” Jasper laughed softly. “I don't know if you've figured it out yet, but we are all kind of crazy about you.” He gave me a tender kiss on my forehead.

  “Absolutely nuts.” Wyatt added.

  “Head over heels, even.” Jameson offered.

  We pulled through the gate and up to the house finally. Jameson cut the engine and we all sat there for a moment.

  “I'm head over heels for you all too.” I whispered.

  Jameson reached back and took my hand, and Jasper and Wyatt squeezed me a little tighter. Without another word we all climbed out of the car and walked into the house.

  I had never been happier to see it. As we walked through the grand entryway the boys guided me towards the living room. There was a roaring fire in the fireplace, a stocking for each of us with our names embroidered on them hanging from the mantle and a bearskin rug in front. The Christmas tree beside it was massive. A twenty foot tall Noble Fir that reached almost to the top of the vaulted ceiling and was bedecked with my uncles favorite white twinkle lights, a stunning collection of ornaments hung from every bough.

  As I stood there taking in the perfect holiday decor and letting the joy of being back were I belonged sink in, I felt Jameson come up behind me and lean down to plant a scorching kiss on my neck. I leaned back into him and closed my eyes in pleasure as he continued to trail his full lips up to my earlobe, sending a thrill of erotic sensation down my spine. I felt another pair of lips brush against mine all of a sudden, and I responded with enthusiasm, parting my own and deepening the kiss. Hands were at my waist now, gently moving under my sweater and teasing me with expert skill.

  We found our way to the bearskin, and my boys laid me down tenderly on the soft fur. Each of them caressed a different part of me, undressing me slowly until I lay naked before them, ready to receive my kings by the light of the dancing and crackling flames.

  That night I claimed them all, filled completely by my men as they made passionate love to me in unison. Their every touch, every thrust healing my pain with their pleasure. Not an inch of me was left unattended, as they worked me over together. I felt sensations I never knew existed, and now never knew how I had lived without. I brought each of them to the pinnacle of their own bliss, and they brought me to mine over and over again. When we had all finally been sated they carried me to my bed and crawled into it with me.

  Curled together underneath the cutesy snowman quilt with the men I had fallen in love with, I slept peacefully until morning.


  I woke up the next morning to find myself in bed alone, the bright winter sunshine streaming through the frost covered window panes and casting a cheery glow over my bedroom. I had slept naked, tucked between the boys.

  I got up slowly, my body still wonderfully sore from last nights activities. As yesterday had been the last day the farm was open to the public, there was no work to get ready for and there was no call to hurry. I put on a pair of fuzzy blue pajama pants with a snowflake pattern on them and a sky blue cami. I threw a silk robe over it and headed downstairs to see where the guys had got to. This was the first day we had off together, and I was hoping that they would be willing to spend it with me.

  When I approached the kitchen I could hear the sounds of laughter and the clank of dishes. It seemed that everyone was already waiting for me. When I opened the door I was greeted by a loud chorus of “HAPPY BIRTHDAY!” from my guys and uncle Mark.

  There they were, standing beneath a hand painted banner. Red and green letters spelled out “Happy Birthday Holly!” with little bundles of holly leaves and berries framing the words perfectly. On the island in front of them was a breakfast buffet that put the ones we had been having so far to shame. And I had thought that those were pretty impressive. There was an array of pastries and cinnamon rolls, a mimosa making station with festively colored juices and fruits to add to the champagne, Belgian waffles with fresh whipped cream, and best of all, a red and green crepe cake with a lit candle on top.

  I had never expected anything like this, and I felt tears well up suddenly in my eyes again. This time it was one hundred percent the happy kind though. The guys all surrounded me and pulled me into their arms.

  “Happy Birthday, babe.” Jasper whispered into my ear. “We wanted to do something special for you.” He squeezed me tightly against him.

  “I can't thank you enough.” I said, holding them all close. At home in their arms like I'd never been anywhere else.

  We gathered around the island and they sang a proper Happy Birthday song to me as I blew out my crepe cake candle. I watched the smoke rise in a spiral above the extinguished flame and tried to think of a good birthday wish, but looking around at the love in this room, I couldn't help but think that my wish had already come true.

  The boys refused to let me serve myself, insisting on taking my order and bringi
ng my food to the table for me like I was a princess. Uncle Mark sat at the head of the table observing it all with a knowing smile on his face and a twinkle in his eye.

  “I take it that this means you're accepting my offer of a full time position, sweetheart?” He said in a low voice that only I could hear.

  “What do you mean, Uncle?” I asked, confused.

  “Well, Hon. I've been watching the four of you,” he nodded his head in the direction of the sexy men over at the counter, “fall in love since the moment y'all met. I've been around a long time, and I know something real when I see it. If you find a happiness like what they've found with you and you with them, well,you hold on tight and never let it go, honey.”

  I was completely shocked. I thought we had been so careful!?

  The guys brought my food and drink to the table just in time to hear me say, “You knew about us? For how long?!”

  They froze where they stood, heads snapping immediately to my uncle with hesitation in their emerald, sapphire and chocolate colored eyes. There was a second of tense silence, the boys clearly waiting to see if they were about to get in big trouble for dating the bosses niece.

  Uncle Mark finally let out a big guffaw.“I may be old, but I'm not stupid! I've known there was something between you kids since the moment you showed up, Holly, and all my best workers started walking around with a dreamy look on their face all damn day. You think I didn't notice you sneaking off in pairs in the evening? The lovey glances over breakfast and dinner?”

  We sat there looking at him in surprise. He had never let on once that he knew what was up, playing the part of happily oblivious to perfection.

  “Also, I found a pair of panties hanging on the tree this morning. Doesn't take a damn genius to figure that out, kids.” he added.

  We all burst out in uncontrollable laughter. As mortifying as that was, it was also the most hilarious thing I had ever heard. I guess we weren't as careful as we thought we were.

  When we finally settled down my uncle looked at us all with a smile.“Love is love, kids, and I'm nothing but happy for you if you've found it with each other.”

  At that, the boys relaxed and looked back at me. “So,” Jameson said, his voice laced in anticipation, “Have you decided if you're staying then?”

  “Hell yeah I'm staying.” I replied, and immediately found myself buried in another group hug, the guys converging on me and showering me in kisses. Uncle Mark rolled his eyes exaggeratedly, but still had a grin on his face as he dug into his breakfast.

  As I sat around the table with the people I most loved in the world I couldn't help but reflect on how my life had changed since coming here. I had thought this was temporary break from my real life, but it had turned out I had found my destiny here instead. I met three gorgeous men who had taught me what real love was and made me believe that I deserved it. My once dry and tidy world had been consumed by snow and seduction, and I had gladly succumbed to it.

  Tomorrow I was going to share the jolliest Christmas I had ever had with the men of my dreams, and then we were going to live happily ever after together.

  Raya Love

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  Flip the page for an excerpt of chapter one.

  Chapter One

  The sound of shattering glass echoed through the huge, empty kitchen as my wine slipped from my fingers and I choked over what I'd just heard. Clutching my phone to my ear, I took a breath before responding.

  “It's going to cost me how much?” I needed to clarify because surely I'd just heard him wrong.

  “Seventeen thousand, ma'am. And to be honest, that's a stretch. If we ran into any more unexpected problems along the way, that price would go up.” The man on the other end was so matter-of-fact about it. So uncaring that he was delivering such gut-wrenching news to me. “Look, I'm not going to fuck around on this. It's a seriously old house, and no one has touched that plumbing practically since the day it was installed. I just don't think I have the manpower to spare on a job like this right now.”

  “But what am I supposed to do?” I hated the fact that my voice had just come out in a whimpering squeak, like a pathetic little girl. I was a tough bitch normally, but not having a toilet in the house was rough. For the last few days, I'd been walking three blocks to an antique store just to pee. “I can't live here without any plumbing, and I already gave up my apartment …”

  Of course this guy didn't care about my problems. He didn't care that my grandmother had just died and left me her crumbling Victorian mansion, or that I had just spent nearly every cent to my name on her funeral. Truth was, I would have had to give up my apartment regardless, because I no longer had any way to pay my rent since I was fired from my job at the local coffee shop. They simply hadn't understood why I needed so much time off to care for my grandmother in her final weeks. It was kind of lucky, in that case, that Gram had left me this house or I really would have been out on the street.

  “I'd usually tell you to sell it, but no one will buy it without working plumbing so you don't really have a choice here, ma'am.” The man was still speaking, oblivious to my descent into desperation, and I sucked in a shaking breath, swiping the dampness off my cheeks with the back of my hand.

  “Can you recommend anyone else?” I asked politely, but my voice shook like a leaf in a blizzard. There wasn't anything quite so stressful as having toilets that didn't flush. “I'm not from around here so I don't know where else to find good plumbers.”

  A long sigh came down the phone.

  “Yeah, look, I'll put in a good word for you with my son and his friends. They're just starting out with their own business, so they've probably got the time free to take on a job like this. He might cut you a deal or a payment plan or something, but no guarantees. At least you'll know he learned from the best.”

  “Oh, god that would be … fucking incredible!” Relief flooded over me. This plumbing needed fixing, but I was flat broke. The next door neighbor's tree roots had messed up all of the plumbing in Gram's mansion, meaning none of the taps, toilets or anything was working. It had been years since Gram had done any maintenance whatsoever, so who knew how bad the damage was?

  “Don't thank me yet,” the man grunted, “these boys are known around these parts for having a bit of a wild streak. Personally, I wouldn't hire them—even with my son involved—but you're not exactly in a position to be picky so …”

  “Uh, right.” Asshole, no need to rub it in. “So do you have a contact number for them?”

  “No need. I'll let them know about the job and they can get in touch with you.” He sounded a bit reluctant, like he was already regretting his suggestion. Hopefully not because of how big this job was? Or maybe he was worried about those famed wild streaks?

  But please. Plumbers? How crazy could they be? I imagined them all in their late forties with big bellies and butt cracks covered in wiry hair. No, thank you. How much action could they really be getting?

  “Thank you so much, sir. I really appreciate it,” I gushed politely. Never hurt to have manners. More flies with honey and all that … Or wait, flies were actually more attracted to shit, huh? Which is what I was going to be ankle-deep in if I didn't get this plumbing fixed.

  “Don't thank me yet,” he muttered, then disconnected our call.

  Strange man. Fuck I need more wine.

  I eyed the mess of gla
ss and liquid on the tiled floor, then shrugged to myself and grabbed the bottle. No one else was here to judge me. Swigging straight from the bottle, I headed back into the living room to watch Pretty Little Liars, my guilty obsession.

  Hey, it was better than the Maury Show, right?

  But only by a little.

  The obnoxious chiming of my grandmother's doorbell woke me, and I made a mental note to disconnect it. Or at least change the tune. My head was pounding and my eyelids felt like they were lined with sandpaper. Cracking one open, I spotted the empty bottle of wine on the carpet in front of my face; I must have passed out in front of the TV.

  Groaning, I hauled myself off the couch when the doorbell played its cheery tune once more.

  Who the fuck is at my door?

  “Fuck me, I'm coming!” I yelled, not caring who I was snapping at. My hangover didn't discriminate. “What?” I slammed the front door open and was momentarily blinded by bright sunlight streaming in from behind my visitor.

  “You must be Arizona,” a husky voice commented, and I blinked to clear the spots from my vision.

  “Ari,” I corrected, “who the fuck are you?”

  With my eyes adjusting to the light, I inspected my visitor, then blinked a couple more times in case my eyes were playing tricks on me.

  The man on my doorstep stood well over six feet, with broad, lumberjack shoulders and rough stubble shading his jaw. His denim blue eyes, framed with lush black lashes, were laughing at me as they dragged a slow path all over my body. My skin seemed to ripple and react with the path of his gaze and I knew my nipples were standing out like headlights through the thin cotton of my tank top.


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