Falling For a Wolf Box Set (BBW Werewolf / Shifter Romance)

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Falling For a Wolf Box Set (BBW Werewolf / Shifter Romance) Page 35

by Mac Flynn

  I clasped her hands in mine and sighed. "I know it's really stupid of me to get involved with these werewolves, but I. . .I just don't want Adam to think I can't be a part of his world, especially the dangerous part. I want him to trust that I can be by his side."

  My mom caught my eyes with hers. "Chrissy, are you. . .are you wanting to become a werewolf?"

  I cringed and shrugged. "Maybe?"

  A smile slowly spread across her face and her eyes lit up. "Then does that mean I'll have that many more puppy grandchildren to spoil?"

  I snorted and rolled my eyes. "Mom, you're impossible."

  "A mother has to have her priorities, and neither of us is getting any younger," she pointed out.

  "I'd hate to burst your bubble, but werewolves don't have any more puppies-children then the average human," I told her.

  Her smile turned into a sly grin. "Then you've been talking about having children?"

  I blushed. "N-not yet, Mom! Geez, we're not even married!"

  She freed a hand so she could wave it in the air. "Pish-posh. Your generation isn't so old-fashioned to wait until marriage."

  "Mom!" I scolded her.

  "Oh Chrissy, sometimes you're such a prude," my mom teased. She hopped off the stool and turned to me with that devilish smile. "Besides, you won't find a better husband, human or werewolf, than Adam. He really does love you."

  I fidgeted on my stool. "You think so?"

  She put a hand on my shoulder and nodded. "I think so. Now let's get you young people some food. Nobody should go hungry on an adventure."

  Chapter 3

  Mom and I gathered as much non-perishable items as we could find and filled a hefty basket full of the goodies. Our work was interrupted a few minutes later when Dad slipped into the room. He went straight to me and grabbed my hands.

  "Chrissy, I don't want you going," he insisted.

  I snorted. "Dad, we've been through this before. I'm going."

  "But you can't help them in this. They're dealing with their own kind," he pointed out.

  "I can help like we helped with Eb the Werewolf, by being there ready to distract the werewolf," I argued.

  "That's the perfect idea!" my mom spoke up.

  "Annie, you're not helping," Dad scolded her. My mom smiled, walked up to him, and pecked a kiss on his cheek. He blinked at her and rubbed the spot. "What was that for?"

  "For giving me the perfect idea. Now why don't you get the rest of the food packed so Chrissy can get herself packed? Chrissy, you go up to your room this instant and start packing."

  This was my chance to get away from my remaining doubting parent. "Yes, ma'am!" I agreed, and hurried out of the room.

  "What? Hey, wait! Chrissy, get back here!" my dad yelled.

  "Can't hear you! Going up to my room!" I called back as I took the steps two at a time.

  I sprinted down the hall and slid to a stop in front of the two doors at the end. Voices caught my attention, and I turned to the door that led into Adam's room. I tiptoed over and pressed my ear against the entrance.

  "Do you know where Lilith is now?" I heard Adam ask.

  "Probably at our home some hours away from here, but I haven't dared make contact with her," Cain replied.

  "Chris, you can come in," Adam called to me.

  I cringed and sheepishly peeked my head inside. Cain sat on the end of Adam's bed, and Adam himself stood in front of his mentor. "I'm that loud?" I asked him.

  "No, it was your scent from beneath the door," Adam told me. He gestured for me to enter, and I slipped inside and closed the door behind me.

  "So what's up?" I wondered.

  Adam nodded to our guest. "Cain was just telling me the particulars of those involved."

  "And I haven't yet warned you about the judge's deputies," Cain spoke up.

  Adam returned his attention to the werewolf on the bed. "How many are there?"

  "An even dozen. He calls them his Disciples," Cain replied.

  I raised my hand. "Um, I'm a bit of a novice to the werewolf world. Mind explaining to me what 'deputies' are?"

  "Deputies are werewolves in the employ of the judge. They assist him in tracking down renegade werewolves and bringing them to the judge," Adam explained.

  "Ah, and do any of them know you're here?" I wondered.

  Cain shook his head. "Doubtful. I have been here for a week and haven't seen any sign or smell of them. They wouldn't have given me free rein for that long, not if they believed they could catch me."

  "That is a point in our favor. We may yet be able to travel northward without trouble," Adam mused. "We will keep to the roads for as long as we can manage and will rent a car to ensure the deputies don't connect Chris to us."

  "What are we going to do if we do run into these deputies?" I asked the pair.

  "We will hope that doesn't happen, but if it does we will 'wing it,'" Adam suggested.

  I snorted. "I guess that's a plan. Not a good one, but it's a plan. When are we leaving?"

  "As soon as possible. I merely need to pack a few things, and only the essentials. You should do the same," Adam advised.

  "No problem. Give me a few minutes and I'll be ready for any hiking fun," I assured him.

  I slipped from the room and across the hall to my own domain. I pulled my overnight bag from my closet and tossed in a few clothes. The packing was only half completed when I heard my door open. I turned in time to see Adam slip inside. His lips were pursed together and his eyes fastened on me with a worried expression.

  "I am worried about your decision to join us on this dangerous endeavor," he admitted as he walked over to me. "Are you sure you wish to join us?"

  I rolled my eyes. "Everybody's asked me that, and I'm giving you the same answer I gave them. Yes, I'm going, and no, I'm not going to listen to reason," I insisted.

  He set his hands on my shoulders and looked me in the eyes. "This will be the most dangerous adventure we've yet had. Our foes will be werewolves, and they will not have mercy on you though you are a woman and a human."

  I frowned. "What's that supposed to mean? What's wrong with me being a woman?"

  "Nothing, but they will not differentiate you from any other enemy," he pointed out.

  I stepped from his grasp and folded my arms. "Good, and neither should you. I'm not going to be some dead weight. I'm going to help you stay out of trouble, and if I can't do that then I'm going to get you two out of trouble," I told him.

  "I may not be able to save you if trouble comes our way," he warned me.

  I smiled and patted him on the shoulder. "I'll handle myself. I promise. Now how about you go pack your bag? This is going to be a hell of a ride and I don't think either of us wants to forget our toothbrushes."

  I was surprised when Adam smiled. He swooped down and pecked a kiss on my cheek. "That's my girl," he whispered.

  I felt my cheeks redden, but a sly smile slipped onto my lips. "How about you show me what you really think about me with a better kiss than that?"

  I leaned towards him, but Adam pressed his finger against my lips. "For this adventure we must avoid intimacy. If we are captured, I would rather they not know our relationship. Otherwise our foes may use it against us." His eyes trailed down to my engagement ring.

  My shoulders drooped and I sighed as I removed the sign of affection from my finger. "Maybe this won't be as much fun as I was hoping."

  Adam chuckled and petted my hair. "Our honeymoon will more than make up for this short bit of suffering. For now we will take your advice and pack. Prepare well, for the next few days will be very long day." He left, and when the door closed I plopped myself onto the foot of my bed and glared at the entrance to my room.

  "This is going to be a really long adventure. . ." I mumbled.

  I packed my bag and opened my door as the entrance on the opposite side of the hall opened. Adam and Cain stepped out, each with their own bags with Cain borrowing one from Adam. Our little group marched downstairs and joined my parent
s by the door. They were dressed in their coats and my mom had a small canvas bag in her hands. The bag was closed by a drawstring, and was large enough to hold a small chicken.

  Mom held out the bag to me. "A few surprises for your trip," she told me. I took the bag and pulled at the strings, but she arrested my hands with her own. "Not here. When you're alone," she advised me as her eyes flitted to the werewolves.

  I snorted, but didn't attempt to open the bag. "All right, but can you at least tell me what's in it?"

  She smiled and shook her head. "I won't spoil the surprise. From what you've told me about your adventures I'm sure you'll find out soon enough."

  I wasn't sure whether to thank her or curse her for jinxing us. "Um, thanks, Mom," I replied. I tucked the bag into my larger one.

  Dad stepped in front of the door and turned his attention to Adam. "I did as you asked and placed a call in to the local car rental place. It should be ready to pick up when we get there."

  Adam bowed his head. "Thank you for your help."

  Dad scoffed. "It's not you I'm helping, it's Chris. I don't want her any deeper into this mess than she is."

  "Dad," I scolded him.

  "This isn't a fun adventure like you'd read in some book. This is real, with foes who could really hurt you," he insisted.

  "Dad, this isn't my first run-in with werewolves, remember? I told you about the other times," I reminded him.

  "That doesn't make this time any safer," he countered.

  Mom placed a hand on his shoulder and her calm voice soothed my dad's worries. "We should go, dear, otherwise it'll be dark before they leave the county."

  Dad harumphed, but pulled his keys out of his pocket and turned away to face the door. "You'd better protect her with your life. . ." he mumbled.

  "Always," Adam promised.

  Chapter 4

  We piled into the old station wagon and Dad drove us into town to the local rental car business. A smiling employee and a sleek, four-door sedan awaited us.

  My dad pulled out his wallet to pay the fee, but Adam interrupted his plan. "I will pay for the car to avoid any trace back to you," he offered.

  Dad paused and frowned at my fiance. "I'll pay for it to ensure you're extra careful with both the car and my daughter," he insisted.

  "Dad," I hissed.

  Adam smiled and bowed his head. "A very wise idea. I will bow out."

  I sidled up to my dad as he paid the bill and folded my arms across my chest. "I know what you're trying to do," I whispered to him.

  "I'm trying to keep you as safe as I can. That's what fathers do," he told me.

  I sighed and patted him on the shoulder. "I'll be fine. This'll be over in a couple of days, a week tops, and we'll come back to eat your food and watch you mercilessly tear into some machinery."

  That got a smile on his face. "You'd better because Old Greg happens to have a four-wheeler he doesn't want any more. Something about it not running. I might be able to-"

  "-make a mess of the engine and give the parts to someone who can use them. I know the drill," I teased.

  "Good, so you'd better be there for the operation. I can't do it without my surgeon's assistant," he insisted.

  I snorted and gave his shoulder a hearty shake. "I'll be there."

  "Chris, we must be leaving," Adam called to me as he stood by the driver's door of the rental car.

  "Coming." I returned my attention to my dad and jumped onto him. He wheezed when I gave him a big, strong hug. "Just a few days. A week, tops," I whispered into his ear.

  "I'll be waiting," he promised.

  I slid off him and hurried to the car. I didn't want my parents to see the tears in my eyes. It was never easy leaving those crazy two, but this time it was extra hard to force myself from their warm, protective embraces and into the arms of Madam Danger. I slid into the backseat because the two front ones were occupied. I leaned forward between them and glanced at Adam, the driver, and Cain, the front passenger.

  "How come I'm not driving? I always drive," I wondered.

  "We are more familiar with the way, and should something happen I want you to hit the floor," Adam explained.

  "Comforting thought," I quipped as we pulled out of the lot.

  I turned around and waved at my parents through the rear window. Dad cupped his hands over his mouth. "Look straight ahead and put on your seatbelt, young lady!" he yelled at me.

  I snorted, but did as I was commanded. We bumped onto the road and sped our way northward along one of the busier state highways. Traffic was light because of the mid-morning hour, and the gray skies were nonthreatening and promised to remain so for the rest of the day. I leaned my back against my seat and sighed.

  "So anybody know any good car games?" I asked the pair ahead of me.

  Cain turned his head so one side of his face was towards me. There was a small smile on his lips. "You seem very relaxed for a dangerous mission such as this."

  "It's my defense mechanism. I act brave until I accidentally shoot someone," I quipped.

  Cain chuckled. "You seemed very brave handling the werewolf and the three drug dealers," he commented.

  I raised an eyebrow. "How much did you see spying on us?" I leaned towards him and looked him in the eye. "You didn't peak into the cabin at any time, did you?"

  The man coughed and looked ahead. "Perhaps more than I should have seen, but my propriety forced my eyes away at the intense moments," he assured me.

  I was not assured. Actually, I took a hold of the headrest atop his seat and yanked it off. "You sneaking, disgusting, perverted old wolf!" I yelled, and proceeded to beat him with his own headrest.

  Cain raised his arms to protect himself from my blows. "I sincerely apologize! Mercy! Uncle!" he pleaded.

  "I am trying to drive!" Adam reminded us as he veered us from one side of our lane to the other.

  I stopped my thrashing on the old werewolf and sullenly sat back in my seat. "He deserved that. . ." I muttered.

  Cain straightened in his seat and smoothed out his filthy clothes. He looked to Adam with a ghost of a smile on his lips. "I can see why you chose this human as your mate. She is as feisty as you are," he commented.

  I raised the headrest in both hands and glared at him. "Feistier," I corrected him.

  "You still have yet to inform us how you found me," Adam interrupted my little fun.

  Cain shrugged. "Like I said before, I kept tabs on your whereabouts, or the general area of them, and I knew you always kept your first name whenever you changed identities. I merely asked around the local general store for those in the area and your name came up in the conversation."

  I frowned. "Wait, so you're the guy Agnes warned us about? The one asking who lived up in the mountains?"

  "Guilty as charged," Cain admitted. "I watched your adventures with the drug dealers. It was a very-well, electrifying experience watching you both outmaneuver them."

  "And that wasn't enough to prove to you Adam could help you?" I asked him.

  Cain shook his head. "I needed to know how well he could handle our kind, thus the new recruit. I knew the online papers would sniff out the sensational story faster than a werewolf on the trail of a deer, and my intuition was correct. That, and I did happen to put in a call to your employer giving them a hint of the story," he admitted.

  "So if you've been around that long how come Adam hasn't smelled you?" I wondered.

  Cain raised a clothed arm and I wrinkled my nose. "My clothes are infused with natural aromas so I could blend in with the environment. That is how I alluded capture, and how Adam wasn't made privy to my presence."

  I waved a hand in front of my nose. "I can smell why."

  "Does Judge Hawthorne's men still surround the manor?" Adam spoke up.

  Cain pursed his lips. "I have no conclusive evidence, but his policy is to maintain control over a crime scene until the crime is solved."

  "Even after two months?" I pointed out.

  "Even after two decades
," he told me.

  "That guy has the patience of a saint," I commented.

  "And the tenacity of a devil. If he finds our trail he will stop at nothing short of exposing the existence of werewolves to capture us," Cain warned us.

  With that gloomy information we retreated into our own thoughts. Mine had images of us being led to an execution platform with hanging nooses, so I forsook thinking and glanced out the window. The white world of winter passed by in blurs of deep snow, and the farther north we traveled the higher grew the piles along the road. The outside air grew chilly and I was glad to have packed a pair of long underwear and an extra sweater.

  Several hours later we found ourselves approaching a gas station. "We will stop here for a moment," Adam announced as he pulled us into the pump area.

  "Good. This old bladder of mine isn't what it used to be," Cain commented. He jumped out and scurried for the convenience store attached to the filling station.

  I leaned forward between the two front seats as Adam shuffled through his wallet for his credit card. "So how far until the fun starts?" I wondered.

  "If my memory recalls, and I haven't been there in many years, we should arrive tomorrow. That is, if we don't meet with resistance from the weather or the judge and his deputies," he told me.

  "And how dangerous are these deputies? I mean, if they attacked us would we be dead?" I asked him.

  "Perhaps. Judge Hawthorne is without mercy, and surrounds himself with like companions. If they see we will not be taken they could decide they would rather drag us dead to Hawthorne then have us escape."

  I cringed. "Nice guys."

  His soft eyes swept over me and he pursed his lips. "Do you regret coming?" he wondered.

  I snorted and waved my hand at him. "And let you have all this fun? No way. I want to see if these werewolf deputies know kung fu or ninja moves."

  Adam smiled. "Werewolves have little use for dexterity when our strength is so great," he reminded me.


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