[Love in Stone Valley 02 - Ruby's Two Sexy Hunks

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[Love in Stone Valley 02 - Ruby's Two Sexy Hunks Page 6

by Sam Crescent

  She stood and faced them again.

  “Your turn,” she said.

  Troy didn’t wait for another instruction. He kicked off his boots and tore the jeans from his body. Chris did the same beside him. Within moments, they were naked and ready to claim her.

  Ruby climbed onto the bed. Her knees splayed open, waiting for them. Fuck, she was the picture of perfection.

  “Come here,” she said, crooking a finger at them. Troy rarely took orders from a woman, but at that moment he’d do whatever Ruby said.

  He walked to where she stood. Chris got there first. His friend didn’t wait for instruction. Troy watched as Chris banded an arm around her waist and tugged her against him. Their kiss was hot, fiery and everything he imagined watching.

  She pulled away first, tapping Chris’s lips.

  “It’s Troy’s turn now.”

  Her gaze fell on him. She crawled to where he stood on the opposite side of the bed. He didn’t move, waiting for her to come to him.

  Troy made his move slowly. There was nothing rushed in his movements. Her hands caressed up his chest to circle his neck. “What do you want, Troy?” she asked. Her head tilted to the side.

  “You.” Sinking his fingers into her red hair, he pulled her forward. She collapsed onto his chest, but he took her back onto the bed, forcing her back. Ruby fell to the bed. She moved her legs out from behind her.

  “Always in a rush,” Chris said, joining them.

  “I don’t mind,” Ruby said, fingering his collarbone. “Are you going to kiss me, Troy?”

  Her question lingered on the air between them.

  “I’m going to kiss you.” Letting go of her hair, he moved down her body. “Just not on your lips.”

  He smiled as her eyes flashed with desire. She was so fucking expressive. He was getting turned on by the look of her eyes alone. There was no way he’d be able to survive a night with her.

  Crawling down her body, Troy opened her thighs wide. Dropping his gaze, he admired the swells of her breasts, the roundness of her stomach and down to where her pussy, with neatly trimmed pubic hair, lay before him. The lips of her sex were wet with her arousal.

  Chris’s hand appeared over her mound. Troy watched as he opened her lips, revealing the tiny pearl of her clit. Fuck, everything about this woman screamed sexuality and passion. There was not a chance he’d ever be getting away from that. Ruby was everything they’d been looking for.

  “You’re so fucking beautiful,” he said.

  Ruby gasped. “Such language.”

  “I’m going easy on you. I’ve got a lot of language I could use to describe your body, baby.” Swiping a finger down her slit, Troy groaned.

  Her cream made it easy for him to press a finger to her core. She was tight and gripped him as he pressed two fingers deep into her cunt.

  “She’s tight, Chris.”

  “I knew she would be.”

  “We need condoms,” Troy said, thinking about protection.

  “I’ve got some. They’re in my nightstand,” Ruby said, pointing toward the head of the bed.

  Chris grabbed the box.

  “It’s been three years since you’ve been with a man, yet you’ve got a large box of condoms?” Chris asked.

  “A girl can dream of having sex. I’ve not been with anyone else besides Brad.”

  “No one before him?” Troy asked, mesmerized by her pussy.

  “No. He was my first and my only until now.”

  Troy looked at his friend. They communicated the same thought. “Ruby, baby, it’s your lucky day. We’re going to wipe all memory of that asshole from your mind,” Troy said.

  He was going to have her screaming his and Chris’s name by the end of the night. Her body was theirs and he intended to take full advantage of the night he had ahead of him.

  * * * *

  Opening the box of condoms, Chris dropped them back on the bed. He fisted his cock, pumping the length as he watched Troy work between her thighs. Ruby was open for them to love and fuck as they pleased.

  Reaching out, he stroked her face, caressing her cheek.

  Her gaze went from his face to the length of his cock.

  “I want to suck you,” she said.

  His cock jumped in his palm. Her words were what every guy wanted to hear. “I’m clean, baby. I’ve not got anything and before I moved here I got a clean bill of health.”

  “I’m clean as well.”

  He didn’t imagine Brad was fucking everything in sight. Daisy appeared to be keeping him on his toes. “I know.”

  She gasped.

  Staring down the length of her body, he saw why. Troy held the lips of her sex open and was tonguing her clit. She’d been neglected for three long years. Between him and Troy, he hoped to rectify that little problem.

  Her body was aching with need. How could no one see how desperate she was for some loving?

  Their loss was his gain. Chris intended to lay his claim on her. She wouldn’t know how to live without either of them, with the pleasure they could provide.

  Kneeling beside her head, Chris grabbed a couple of pillows, resting them behind her head so she could suck him easily without pain in her body.

  She replaced his hand with her own. Ruby pumped the length and licked the tip. A droplet of pre-cum leaked onto her tongue. Chris didn’t know where to look. Watching Troy between her thighs turned him on and seeing her take his cock also turned him on. Her other hand cupped his balls, winning the fight he was having. Gazing down into her eyes, he watched her lick the tip of his cock and then take the whole head into her mouth. She sucked in her cheeks, working down his length.

  “Fuck, suck my cock, baby,” he said, fisting her hair and thrusting into her mouth. Her green eyes flashed up at him.

  Returning his gaze to Troy, he saw his friend nibbling on her clit. Her cream coated Troy’s face.

  “How does she taste?” Chris asked.

  Ruby moaned around his length, taking more of him to the back of her throat.

  “Sweet, musky and so fucking addictive. I could lick her all day long. I intend to lick her all day long.” Troy wiped the juices from his face. “Would you like a taste?”

  “Hell yeah.”

  Chris pulled out of her mouth and he changed places with Troy. Ignoring what was happening above him, he concentrated all of his thoughts on her sweet pussy. Running his fingers through her creamy slit, he coated himself in her cream. Her clit was swollen, peeking out of its protective hood. Slowly, he caressed the tip of one finger over the nub, watching her body shake.

  Glancing up, he saw Troy holding her down with his cock inside her mouth.

  He eased two fingers into her dripping cunt, pressing his thumb to her sweet clit.

  She gripped his fingers and he turned them inside her, stroking over her G-spot.

  Her cries echoed around the room. She’d pushed Troy’s cock out of her mouth to moan. Ruby’s body shook with pleasure.

  “How have you got yourself off, baby?” Chris asked.

  “With my fingers.”

  “No dildos or vibrators.”

  She shook her head.

  “Why not?”

  “My family knows the mailman. I saw chaos waiting to happen. I couldn’t risk it. It would be too embarrassing.”

  “We’ll rectify that problem. Come to Pleasure Palace on Monday and you’ll get a dildo free of charge,” Chris said.

  “Are you done? I want my cock-sucking,” Troy said, growling the words.

  “I’m done.”

  He eased down so his face was directly above her mound. Opening her lips, he dived in, licking her pussy.

  She moaned, but the sound was muffled because of the cock in her mouth. Troy was right, she tasted amazing, and he would gladly spend a whole day licking her out.

  Chris licked her juices, teased her clit and plunged his tongue deep into her aching channel. Ruby thrust up to meet him. Coating his fingers in her excess cream, he eased them to her
ass. She tensed as he pressed on her anus.

  He didn’t try to penetrate, merely stroked her ass, driving her wild as he did. Looking up he saw her sucking the hell out of Troy’s cock. Her body was flushed with her efforts. Chris brought her to the edge of release and got up. Standing away from the bed, he palmed his erection, watching her suck Troy’s cock.

  “Why did you stop?” she asked, seconds later.

  “I’m not ready for you to come.” He walked to where the condoms lay on the bed. Taking one from the packet, he tore into the foil and tugged the latex out.

  He rolled the condom over his cock. Moving back to the bottom of the bed, he gripped her ankle and yanked her down the bed.

  She squealed and giggled.

  “You like being in charge?” she asked.

  “Always.” He eased his cock between her slit. The condom was a minor distraction. He wished he could be irresponsible, tear it off and take her. No matter how much he wanted to feel her naked around him, Chris couldn’t do that to her. “Three years, Ruby,” he said, thrusting into her slit. He held her ankles in his hand moving her how he liked.

  Even with her full figure, he moved her into position easily.


  “Are you ready to break your fast, baby?”

  Her eyes glazed over. “Yes, God, yes.”

  Aligning his cock with her entrance, Chris looked into her eyes. Leaving her legs over his shoulders, he cupped her hips and with one long thrust, he embedded himself deep into her cunt.

  Ruby cried out, gripping the flesh of his arms. Troy settled next to her head, feeding her mouth his cock. Chris stayed still, letting her grow accustomed to being inside her. Her pussy gripped him tight and fluttered around his cock. Her cum made it easy for him to plunge inside her.

  Tightening his grip on her hips, Chris pulled out of her pussy, watching his cock slide out. The sight was amazing. Everything about the woman beneath him was amazing. He’d never felt anything so possessive before in his life. Even with Sandra, he’d not really cared for her enjoyment of the act. He wanted Ruby to enjoy herself. He wanted her to crave him and Troy.

  One night. That was all he had to make her addicted to his touch.

  * * * *

  Darla gasped for breath as she made it back home without Luke catching up with her. Her son was with her mother and she had the house to herself for the night. Pushing the hair off her face, she dropped the keys onto the counter and looked at the mirror. She was pale and shaking. Wrapping her arms around her body, she tried to force the memories out of her mind.

  She’d promised herself she’d never tell another living soul about who fathered her child. It was on the night she turned eighteen and was completely legal for her. Luke was older than her. He’d been drinking and she should have turned him away. Instead, she’d welcomed him into her body like he already owned her heart.

  It was insane. She’d been in love with the Willis brothers for as long as she could remember. Growing up with the youngest Willis brother, Ryan, she’d known Jon and Luke for a long time.

  “Darla, open the fucking door,” Luke said, slapping his fist against the wood.

  How could she have been so stupid? Her own mother didn’t know the truth.

  “I’m not going away. You can’t just throw that on me and let it go.”

  Shaking, she turned the handle of the door, opening it a crack. “Why can’t you just let it go?”

  He pushed the door open, slamming his way inside. Luke kicked the door shut, staring at her.

  “Let it go? You’ve just told me you’ve given birth to my kid, my son, and you think I should let it go?”

  She backed away, but Luke followed her until she was backed into a wall. His hands rested on either side of her head.

  “Tell me,” he said. His breath brushed across her face.

  “No. You forgot everything. Nathan doesn’t even register on your pathetic radar.”

  “I’ve a right to know my son.”


  His palm slammed against the wood. “Why didn’t you ever tell me?”

  “You forgot your night with me, Luke. Why would you believe I birthed your child?”

  Tears filled his eyes and they matched her own.

  “I wouldn’t have let you go through this alone.”

  “Mom was by my side. I wasn’t alone.”

  He cupped her cheek. “I should have been the one to be with you.”

  She stared up into his dark eyes and was struck dumb again. Why couldn’t she be stronger against this man? When it came to the Willis brothers, she’d always had a weakness.

  He tilted her head back. “I need to fix this, and I’ve got to taste you again.”

  Before she got chance to move away, Luke pressed his lips against hers and Darla was lost once again. When it came to Luke, she was always lost. He was the only man who’d touched her. She’d shared kisses with Ryan and Don, but nothing compared to Luke.

  His hands dropped to the top of her dress as his tongue plunged into her mouth. She’d not been touched with passion for so long and right now, her body was responding. Darla needed him desperately.

  “I’m so sorry, Darla,” he said, kissing down to her neck.

  Would this time be any different?

  Chapter Six

  Ruby cried out as Chris fucked her hard. She’d never been taken so completely. Troy worked his cock inside her mouth. She moaned, trying to take as much of his length to the back of her throat as she could. Chris slammed into her hard and deep. She loved every second. His grip tightened on her hips, plunging inside her.

  “You look so beautiful,” Troy said, stroking her hair.

  She closed her eyes, taking as much of him as she could. Fingers tweaked her nipples creating a delicious torture. Troy and Chris worked her body hard.

  “Fuck, I’m not going to last. She’s stroking me with her tongue.”

  “Let go, Troy. We’ve got all night.”

  Opening her eyes, Ruby stared up at him. She’d never seen a man lose control. Brad was always reserved with her. Their sex life was boring. She’d not missed Brad at all.

  “I’m going to come, love. You’re going to have to let go if you don’t want me to explode inside your mouth,” he said, stroking her hair.

  She’d never swallowed a guy’s cum before. Troy looked close to losing it. The look in his eyes turned her on. He looked so desperate, as if she was the only woman in the world. She liked the look and being on the receiving end of it.

  “Fuck, she’s not letting me go.”

  Troy thrust into her mouth and she opened her lips wider, taking more of him.

  “Yes, so fucking good.”

  Ruby noticed Troy swore a lot more the closer he got to coming.

  His grip tightened in her hair and his cock pulsed into her mouth. The first wave of semen hit the back of her throat. Ruby swallowed him down. It was either swallow or choke. She took each spurt, relishing the look in his eyes as he stared down at her.

  When she’d taken every last drop, Troy pulled out.

  She licked the excess off her lips. Troy leaned down, kissing her lips. “You’re so fucking beautiful.”

  “Troy, are you going to help me out here?” Chris asked, drawing the attention to him.

  Ruby glanced down to see her legs resting over Chris’s shoulder with his cock deep inside her. Troy caressed her breasts, tweaking the nipples.

  She looked down at where they were connected. Chris thrust inside her pussy and then out, his cock wrapped in a condom. She was so turned on. Brad had never filled her so beautifully.

  “I’m going to take her on her knees. Are you in the mood for licking her?” Chris asked.

  The sinful look in Chris’s eye made her aware of the night to come. Were they one-time guys, or could they go more than once?

  From the look in both of their eyes, she knew it was going to be a long night.

  “I’ll lick her out.”

  In one swif
t move, she was on her knees with her ass in the air. Chris plunged back inside her and Troy moved under her body. She felt his tongue stroking her clit at the same time Chris fucked her pussy.

  The two sensations were too much. Troy’s tongue was driving her crazy. Chris’s thick cock pounded inside her, making her pulse with need.

  “You’re so tight. I’m going to fuck you all night long,” he said, with a promise to his words.

  “Yes,” she said, opening her legs wider.

  Chris slapped her ass and the burn made her yelp.

  “Don’t move. We’re the ones working your body.”

  Troy bit down on her clit. Not enough to draw blood, but enough for her to hesitate.

  “Three years without anything, baby. Three years without the use of a cock. We’re going to make you forget everything else.” Chris pulled out of her, only to slam back inside her, hitting her cervix deep inside. “You’ll never remember that little shit. We’re the only two men you’ll ever remember.”

  She moaned. It was all she ever wanted.

  Staying still on her knees, she gave herself over to Troy and Chris, finally submitting to them truly. Chris caressed her ass, slapping the cheeks when he saw fit. Troy licked and sucked on her clit, teasing her nipples in between.

  Their touches and possession were too much. She felt the first stirrings of her orgasm coil deep in her stomach. Every other orgasm only left her shuddering and a little satisfied. She’d never felt the need to curl her toes or gasp out loud.

  “You’re so close, baby. Let it go. Let us look after you,” Chris said, caressing her back.

  His fingers teased down the crease of her ass, pressing on her anus. She’d never been touched on her ass before. The caress of his fingers pressing on her forbidden channel was too much for her.

  Her orgasm crashed into her, taking her by surprise. The pleasure combined with the pain as Troy pinched her nipple between his thumb and forefinger. She screamed, finally feeling a true release. There was no stopping and Chris pounded deep into her body.

  Crying out, Ruby would do anything to keep the pleasure coursing through her body. Chris and Troy didn’t let up, even as she felt Chris growl and tense inside her. His cock kicked as the condom he wore filled with seed.


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