Moon Shot

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Moon Shot Page 10

by Tara Wyatt

  “So impatient. So greedy,” he admonished, giving her clit a teasing lick. “You want to come? You want me to eat this gorgeous pussy until you come all over my face?”

  “Fuck, yes,” she sighed, angling her hips toward him. He gave her pussy another deep kiss, making her moan, before pulling away.

  “Then you have to be quiet. You make a sound, I stop.”

  She bit her lip and nodded, needing his mouth more than anything. God, it was so hot when he took control. She never let anyone tell her what to do. She was the one who gave orders, not the one who followed them. But with Javi, letting him take over felt so damn good she couldn’t help but go along with it.

  Hooking his arms around her thighs, he pulled her right to the edge of the desk and then closed his mouth over her, his tongue swirling over her clit as his lips slid against her swollen flesh.

  “Oh, you asshole,” she whispered through clenched teeth, her hips bucking as he sucked her clit into his mouth, working it relentlessly. She clamped her teeth together and held her breath, barely holding on against the onslaught of his mouth. Hot tension coiled low in her belly, building into something fierce and wild. Something dangerous and explosive.

  He worked her over with his lips and tongue until she was panting, her breath coming in sharp gasps, her body shaking, and then he slid two fingers inside her, curling them up, pressing and stroking. She bit down on her lip so hard it hurt, thrashing her head back and forth as she fought to keep the torrent of sound rising up in her throat inside her.

  “Shit, Javi. Oh my God,” she whispered just before the hot, heavy throbs took over, exploding through her, like a series of detonations, one after the other. Her legs started to shake, and her jaw ached from how tightly she’d clamped her teeth together. Hot, searing pleasure burst through her, over her, consuming her. Completely taking over her body and obliterating everything else. Unable to hold herself up, she fell back on the desk, sending a stack of folders crashing to the floor.

  He gave her one last lick and then started rummaging through her bag. Finding what he’d been looking for, he stood, sheathed himself in the condom, and with a bruising grip on her hips, thrust into her. Gasping at the stretching sensation, she wrapped her arms and legs around him, clinging to him. He was too big. It was too much. Too deep. Too intense.

  Too perfect.

  Without waiting or holding back, he started to fuck her, working his cock in and out of her in hard, deep strokes. She couldn’t hold back the sound that escaped her, a ragged sounding sob, and he closed his mouth over hers, claiming her with a deep, possessive kiss.

  “Fuck, Aerin,” he whispered against her mouth before diving back into the kiss. “We shouldn’t be doing this.” He pulled out and then thrust all the way back in, filling her, stretching her, making her burn and ache for him.

  “I know,” she said against his lips. “We said we wouldn’t.” He pulled her closer and ground his hips against her, brushing against her overly sensitive clit. She bit down on her lip and did her best to stifle her moan.

  “I can’t stop. You make me so fucking crazy,” he said, his voice raw and rough around the edges.

  “Don’t stop. You feel so damn good, Javi. I think about having you inside me all the time. I can’t stop thinking about it.” Oh God, she hadn’t meant to be so honest, but she couldn’t think straight with his massive cock stroking in and out of her.

  At her admission, he tightened his grip on her and fucked her harder, pulling her against him, as though he couldn’t get close enough. A simmering heat built low in her core, but along with it was a wisp of fear. Fear that she liked this too much. That he felt too good. That she’d never get her fill of the perfection that was Javier Flores inside her.

  That he’d ruin her, utterly and completely.

  He pressed his forehead to hers, his eyes dark, flashing with passion and intensity as he worked his cock in and out, in and out, leaving her floating in a kind of foggy bliss.

  “You feel so fucking good, baby. It’s so damn good with you.”

  She didn’t know if she could handle more of his words, so she kissed him, taking his mouth greedily as he rode her, hard and deep. The desk jostled against the wall, sending a pencil cup toppling over, pencils rolling onto the floor. But she didn’t care—she was too focused on the orgasm building, tightening everything inside her almost to the point of pain. She clenched around him, trying to pull him deeper.

  “Oh my God, Javi, I’m gonna come. You’re gonna make me come, don’t stop.” She dug her nails into his shoulders, needing something to hold onto as her orgasm crested over her, turning her entire body into a tingling, throbbing mess of nerves. She clawed at him as her pussy clenched and fluttered around him.

  “Don’t wanna…oh, shit, shit…” he panted, his thrusts becoming jerky and uneven. His cock flexed inside her, stretching her even more, and with a harsh grunt, he came, throbbing inside her. She pressed her face into his neck, inhaling him, trailing her lips over his heated skin. For a moment, neither of them said anything. Neither of them moved.

  “This how you conduct all your business meetings?” she finally asked, running her hands through the thick hair at the nape of his neck. Reverting to teasing because anything else would’ve felt too real.

  He shook his head, an almost bewildered expression on his face. “I…” He shook his head again and slowly slid out of her, then quickly disposed of the condom and did his pants back up. Leaving her feeling empty. Missing him already, even though she’d just had him. He rubbed the back of his neck, his gaze darting around the office. Looking at anything and everything except her.

  Some of her orgasm induced euphoria started to fade. Not because she regretted what had just happened—she absolutely didn’t—but because he wouldn’t look at her. She was used to being an object of scorn, of anger, of frustration. But never one of shame. Blood burned in her cheeks as his eyes studied the cinderblock walls of his suddenly airless office.

  After another agonizing moment, he finally met her eyes, his own filled with regret.

  “This can’t happen again.”

  She wasn’t sure if she was relieved or disappointed at his words. Objectively, she knew he was right. Absolutely right. And yet, she couldn’t ignore the tiny twinge of sadness pulling at her. It was all too complicated, and so she reverted to teasing again. “I think what you mean is that it shouldn’t. Can’t is a strong word.”

  Emotions flickered across his face. Frustration. Amusement. Worry. Lust. “Even now, you have to correct me. You can’t let anything slide.”

  “I shouldn’t let anything slide.”

  Suddenly, his hands slid around her waist, his mouth only inches from hers. “There must be something wrong with me. You come in here, you tell me how to run my team, you push all my buttons, you argue with everything I say, and you want to know what I’m thinking about right now? The only thing I want to do right now?”

  She nodded, swallowing thickly.

  “All I can think about is kissing you until neither of us can breathe.”

  “Javi,” she whispered, tipping her head forward, knowing that she shouldn’t. But it was too late, because his lips were on hers, his tongue teasing into her mouth. But then a sharp knock sounded at his door, sending them leaping apart as panic shot through her. The optics of being in a manager’s office, having sex—well, they were horrible, to put it lightly.

  “Just a sec,” called Javi, buying her precious seconds to get off the desk and arrange her skirt. As she did that, he hastily scooped up the folders and pencils that had fallen to the floor. After a moment, another knock sounded, followed by Abby Gossman poking her head in.

  “Oh, sorry, I didn’t realize you were in a meeting,” she said, her eyes bouncing back and forth between Javi and Aerin.

  “It’s fine, I was just leaving,” said Aerin, sliding her tote bag over her shoulder. She headed for the door, stopping when she was nearly there and glancing at Javi over her shoulder. “Play
Alvarez.” She smiled sweetly and batted her lashes. “Please.”

  Heat flashed in his eyes, but he didn’t say anything, and so she walked out of the clubhouse and away from the confusing jumble of emotions that embodied her attraction to Javi. As much as it pained her to admit it, he was right. Whatever this was between them, it couldn’t happen again, no matter how much she wanted it to.

  Javi lowered himself into the chair behind his desk, hoping to hell that Abby couldn’t smell the scent of sex hanging in the air. Nonplussed, Abby dropped into the chair across from him, apparently oblivious to the rough, dirty sex he’d just had on his desk with a woman he allegedly couldn’t stand. Heavy on the allegedly.

  “What was that about?” she asked, jerking her thumb over her shoulder and toward the door though which Aerin had just disappeared.

  What was that about? Fuck if he knew. She’d come in here, pissed him off, and somehow he’d ended up on his knees with his face buried between her legs. How the hell had that happened?

  Probably because Aerin Stone had the power to turn him into the world’s horniest idiot.

  And because he hadn’t stopped thinking about her since their night together at Jake and Abby’s wedding. Wanting and wondering and knowing he was an idiot for even letting himself want and wonder.

  Yeah. World’s. Horniest. Idiot.

  “Hello?” Abby waved a hand in front of his face. “Where did you just go? Actually, scratch that. I have a feeling I don’t want to know.” She shot him a knowing look, one eyebrow arched, her lips quirked to one side.

  Javi rubbed a hand over his mouth, trying to get his head on straight even as the aftermath of his orgasm still simmered in his blood. “Yeah, you probably don’t.” With a sigh, he leaned back in his chair. “What’s up?”

  “Nothing urgent, just wanted to go over tomorrow’s lineup with you. I had a thought about dropping Beau down to give him the space to work out some of his kinks. I think his shoulder’s still bothering him more than he lets on, so we might need to work on fine tuning his mechanics to make up for the way he’s been compensating.”

  Javi nodded, making a note on his clipboard. “Sure, yeah. Let’s put him in the seven spot for the next couple of games, and feel free to book him whatever extra time you think you need with him.”

  “Yeah, sure.” He expected her to get up out of the chair, but instead she leaned back, one arm flung casually over the back. “So. You and Aerin?”

  Javi shook his head, a hard, abrupt movement that rattled his brain. “No. No, that was a meeting.”

  “Uh huh. Were you also in a meeting with her after my wedding reception?” She sent him a sly, knowing grin.

  “No idea what you’re talking about.”

  “Okay, then. Liar.”

  “Okay, then.”

  But she wasn’t going to let it drop. He could tell from the mischievous glint in her eyes.

  “There’s a condom wrapper on the floor under your desk.”

  “Fuck,” he blurted out, quickly ducking down to retrieve it and almost smashing his head against the desk in the process. Sure enough, a silver foil wrapper lay discarded on the floor, accusingly crumpled and torn. Embarrassment coupled with a surge of protectiveness moved through him, heating his skin and tightening his chest. Dropping it into the trashcan, he forced himself to meet Abby’s eyes. “Listen, it’s not—” But before he could start what would surely be a rambling, incoherent excuse, she cut him off.

  “No, don’t. She’s not who I would’ve picked for you, but I’m happy you’ve found someone, Javi. You’re a good guy. You deserve some love. And if you’re keeping whatever this is on the DL, believe me, I get it. I won’t tell anyone. Promise.” She held her hand over her heart. “After the way you went to bat for me after shit went down because of my relationship with Jake, keeping my lips zipped is the least I can do.”

  Relief flooded him, loosening his limbs and making him slump back in his chair. Abby was his friend—a good friend—and she had his back, just like he’d had hers not that long ago.

  “But I do have questions,” she added, that dangerous smile reappearing.

  “And I don’t have answers. I appreciate the support, but this conversation is over.”

  “Aw, you’re no fun. Shit, maybe you and Stone are made for each other.”

  “We’re not anything for each other,” he said despite his better judgement. “It’s just a…fuck, I don’t even know what the hell it is,” he admitted, pushing a hand through his hair.

  Abby licked her lips and leaned forward. “What do you want it to be?”

  “I don’t know. Nothing? Something? I don’t know.”

  “Well, Skip, there’s your homework. Figure it out. And then go for it.” Abby winked and finally saw herself out of his office.

  Leaning back in his chair, Javi laced his fingers behind his head, trying to gather his thoughts. Did he want something with Aerin? Maybe…probably not. Granted, he got the distinct impression she wasn’t looking for any kind of serious relationship either. And it wasn’t that he was looking for a serious relationship—he had a lot of his own shit to work out before he’d be ready for that—but he had to admit that the idea of dating didn’t repulse him the way it used to. The idea of dating Aerin, however…he didn’t know how he felt about it. And that was assuming she didn’t shred his balls for even thinking about it.

  Maybe what this was between them was purely a sex thing. A white hot, multiple orgasm kind of sex thing that would burn hot and fizzle itself out once they’d had their fill. Javi sat up in his chair, his brow furrowed.

  They’d built up all this tension, all this animosity between each other that maybe what they needed to do was to fuck each other out of their systems and then go their separate ways. And in the meantime, he could figure some shit out—how to be a better dad to the girls, how to not make the same mistakes he’d made in the past—so that when the right woman came along, he’d be ready.

  Maybe, what he needed most, was to convince Aerin Stone to be his fuck buddy.


  The camera pans across a sun-soaked Dell Park, every single seat filled with a fan, nearly all of them in Longhorns T-shirts, jerseys and caps. An almost electric buzz fills the air as the camera slowly sweeps from the third base line to the first. The grass is green and fresh. The chalk on the diamond is pristine. The umpires chat jovially with Javier Flores, Longhorns manager, and Joe Vidali, the Pirates’ manager.

  The camera then cuts to Jake Landon, wearing a Longhorns jersey, in front of a green-screened weather map.

  “Good afternoon, and I’m Jake Landon with your Longhorns weather report. It’s a beautiful seventy-three degrees out there with only a bit of cloud cover that should blow over by the first pitch. My forecast for the afternoon? Keep your eyes on the skies and get out your baseball gloves because it’s gonna be raining baseballs out there. It’s opening day. Let’s go Longhorns!”

  Alone in her penthouse apartment, Aerin turned off the massive TV in front of her after watching the Longhorns win their opening day game 5-3. Really, she’d only been watching to make sure Flores had played Alvarez—he had—and definitely, absolutely not for any glimpses of Javi in the dugout. No, she definitely hadn’t been watching for that.

  She also definitely hadn’t thought about him at all in the two weeks that had passed since he’d nearly fucked her into oblivion on his desk and they’d almost been caught by his hitting coach. And she absolutely hadn’t replayed it—along with the night of the wedding reception—over and over and over again.

  And she certainly hadn’t worn out her vibrator batteries while replaying it, over and over and over again.

  No, none of those things had happened because if they had, it would mean that she liked Javier Flores, even more than she’d originally thought. If those things had happened—and they hadn’t—it would mean that she couldn’t stop thinking about him. And that just couldn’t happen. He was as much of a mess as she was, and she wasn’t
going down in flames again. No fucking way. She wasn’t fool enough to need to learn the same life lessons more than once.

  “Stop,” she told herself out loud, pushing up off of the sofa and padding into the kitchen for a glass of water. She poured herself a drink and then chugged it down, her throat suddenly feeling scratchy and parched. From its spot on the marble-topped island, her phone chimed. Grateful for the distraction, she picked it up, praying for some kind of work emergency that would force her to push her relentless thoughts about Javi aside, even if only for a few hours. But luck wasn’t on her side. Her stomach did an enticing little swirl when she saw that the text message was from none other than Javier Flores.

  Javi: Hey, can we talk?

  * * *

  Aerin: Is this about a player?

  * * *

  Javi: No. It’s not.

  * * *

  Aerin: Then it’s about…

  * * *

  Javi: Us.

  * * *

  Aerin: There is no us.

  * * *

  Javi: There could be.

  * * *

  Aerin: No, there couldn’t.

  * * *

  Javi: What if there could be an us without there actually being an us?


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