Hit the Wall (Blythe College)

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Hit the Wall (Blythe College) Page 11

by Paige, Rochelle

  Jackson had kept our attraction burning at a low sizzle, backing away any time we got too hot and heavy. There was no doubt in my mind that he was in this for me and not for sex. If he had been, there had been plenty of opportunities where he could have gotten into my panties with the bare minimum of effort on his part. Or he could have claimed the prize he’d earned from our day at the batting cages for something sexual. Instead he’d just told me that he was keeping it in his back pocket for later. But we’d reached the point now where I felt like tossing my panties at him to make sure it was damn clear that I was ready for the next step. In fact, that wasn’t a bad idea.

  “Hey, Char?” I said to get her attention off her homework so that I could properly judge her reaction to my suggestion.

  She dragged her gaze from her computer to look at me. “Hey what, Kaylie?”

  “I have a date tonight with Jackson—”

  She quickly interrupted me. “And? It’s not like that’s unusual.”

  “And I had a crazy idea,” I continued.

  She jumped up and came over to me at that. “Oooh, crazy ideas are my specialty! Tell me more.”

  “Okay, but you have to promise to tell me if you think it’s a bad idea.”

  “Like I’d have a problem telling you something was stupid. Please,” she said as she rolled her eyes at me.

  “Good point. I was thinking about putting a pair of panties in my purse and giving them to Jackson to tell him I’m ready,” I rushed out as quickly as I could and waited for the explosion.

  She didn’t flip out and actually seemed to be considering it. “Hmmmm, that could actually work. But I don’t think you can just put a pair of panties in your purse. You’d have to skip wearing them altogether to get the best reaction from him.”

  “Seriously? That’s your great advice?” I asked. “Go commando and tell the guy you’re dating that y’all aren’t wearing panties before ya slip him a pair,” I continued in a deep Southern drawl to mock Char.

  “Yup, I’m pretty sure that’s what I just said. And it was totally based off your idea to begin with, so cut the sarcasm.”

  “Sorry,” I sighed.

  “I get that you’re nervous. But you don’t have to do anything that drastic. You could just tell Jackson that you’re ready. But I can damn well guarantee that if you did go commando and slip him a pair of panties at dinner, then you’d be in for the night of your life. He strikes me as the type of guy who would really go for that. In a big way. And you’d be the recipient of some major naked gratitude.”

  “You think so?” I asked. That’s what I thought too, but I was letting doubts creep in.

  “Oh, yeah. Like on-your-knees, lick-me-please gratitude.”

  “Ohmigod, Char!” I giggled. “Where the hell do you come up with stuff like that?”

  “I don’t know. It’s a talent you just have to be born with I guess.” She shrugged her shoulders.

  It took me a few minutes to settle down before I could speak coherently again. “I like the sound of naked gratitude, so I guess I’m going to go for it tonight.”

  “Good for you. And while you’re at it, wear a skirt, too,” she suggested. She must have noticed my shocked expression at her suggestion. “I didn’t say a miniskirt or anything. I don’t want you to flash your vajayjay at the whole world. Wear that pink one that goes to your knees. It’ll have more impact if you go pantiless with a skirt on. Trust me.”

  “And are you speaking from personal experience here?”

  She gave me a sly smile before answering. “Shane may or may not have talked me into doing it a time or two myself. There is something so sexy about having a naughty secret like that.”


  So here I was that evening freaking out, minutes before Jackson was going to pick me up for our date. I’d sent him a text letting him know I would meet him downstairs instead of having him meet me in my room like he usually did. He hadn’t seemed happy about the change in plans because he liked picking me up, but there was no way I’d make it out the door without my panties on in this skirt if we started the night in my dorm room. One of two things would have happened. Either I would have quickly thrown on a pair of panties or I would have told him my secret way too early in the night and we might not have made it out of the room at all.

  Jackson pulled up to the curb, and I hopped into his truck before he could even get out to open the door. “Hey,” I greeted him breathlessly.

  He looked at me oddly before leaning over to give me a kiss and buckling up my seatbelt. I knew he liked to do little things for me, but I also couldn’t help but notice that he always managed to sneak little touches into it. Like just now, when his fingertips skimmed my boobs as he drew the belt across my body.

  “Everything okay?” he asked.

  “Yup. I’m starving. Where are we headed?” I replied, hoping to divert his attention away from my nervousness.

  “I thought we’d just grab some burgers if that’s okay with you?”

  “Sure, burgers sound great. Whatever you have planned is fine,” I said as I made a waving motion so he knew it was okay to leave.

  He headed to a local burger joint that had a burger toppings bar that I loved. They made the best burgers, juicy and perfectly cooked. And they had all sorts of stuff that you could get on your burger. I usually stuck with my favorite combo of mushrooms, cheddar cheese, banana peppers, and steak sauce. This time around I thought it would be best to skip the peppers with all the butterflies in my stomach right now. Which got me another look from Jackson as he sat down across from me in the booth once we were done ordering at the window. I swear, I couldn’t put anything past him since he paid so much attention to my likes and dislikes.

  I waited until we were eating before moving I excused myself to use the bathroom. “I’ll be back in a second.” Jackson just nodded and watched me as I walked away.

  As I washed my hands, I stared at my reflection in the mirror and gave myself a quick pep talk since nobody else was around.

  “You can do this. Hell, you have to do this. There’s no backing down now. You heard Jackson when he said that sometimes you just have to take what’s coming to you. Go out there and do exactly that.”

  I pulled my panties out of my purse and tucked them into the palm of my hand before striding out of the bathroom and back to Jackson. I sat down in the booth next to him this time. The plates had been cleared while I was gone.

  “You want dessert?” he asked. “I wasn’t sure so I didn’t go up and order anything yet.”

  “Well,” I drawled out before leaning into him so I could whisper in his ear, “I kind of had an idea about dessert.”

  “Yeah?” he whispered back as he nuzzled my cheek. “What kind of idea?”

  I slipped the panties into his hand, which was resting on my leg, as my answer and waited for him to realize what I’d done. He looked down at my panties and back up at me with a shocked look on his face.

  “Did you go and slip these off for me?” he asked in a hushed tone.

  “Nope,” I answered. He heaved a deep sigh at my response, so I filled him in on the details. “I couldn’t have slipped them off just now because I put them in there tonight before I left. I haven’t been wearing any panties at all.”

  As soon as I said that, he gave me a look filled with so much desire that I could hardly breathe. He jumped out of the booth, pulling me behind him. He rushed me to the truck and helped me inside. I felt his hand on my ass, checking for panty lines as he helped me in, too. He hurried around to the driver’s side and revved the engine before speeding out of the parking lot. He still hadn’t said a single word.

  We drove in silence, and I wasn’t even sure where we were headed until I recognized the signs. We were nearing the lake. He was taking me back to the cabin. As we got closer, he reached his hand out to trail his fingertips on my thigh, slowly inching my skirt up. Since I was bare, my legs instinctively closed.

  “Spread ‘em,” Jackson growled.
  “What?” I gasped.

  “I’m calling in my prize from batting practice tonight. You’re it, Kaylie. The best fucking one I can think of. The only prize I want. Now spread those beautiful legs for me and show me that pretty pussy that you’re going to give me tonight.”

  “But, Jackson, someone could see,” I argued, torn between wanting desperately to part my legs and my fear of someone seeing me.

  “Nobody’s going to see you but me, Kaylie. We’re far enough out of town that there shouldn’t be any traffic, and I promise to pull your skirt back down if I see anyone around. Please, sweetheart. Show me how daring you were to come out tonight totally bare just for me.”

  I took a deep breath, closed my eyes, and slowly parted my legs. I felt Jackson’s fingers slide down the length of my leg and slowly inch the skirt up my thigh. There was a cool rush of air that warned me how high the skirt had gone before I heard Jackson.

  “Fuck,” he muttered. “I can’t believe you really did it. My brave girl.”

  He gently pulled my leg towards him so he could trace the inside seam of my thigh. And then I felt the lightest of touches over my pussy lips. I’d gotten a Brazilian wax earlier in the week, so the skin was super smooth and very sensitive. I gasped and my hips inched up a little in the seat trying to get closer to his fingers.

  “Shit, Kaylie. You really are bare. You’re killing me here. Thank fuck the cabin is close by and nobody is there. Or else I’d be fighting with myself not to take you for the first time in my truck.”

  “Jackson,” I whimpered.

  “Shhh, it’s okay. We’re almost there, sweetheart. Just a couple more minutes,” he reassured me as he continued to trail his fingers over me.

  By the time we made it to the cabin, I was so wet and panting with need. I tugged my skirt down after Jackson got out of the truck. He came around to my side and lifted me out, carrying me inside. He kicked the door shut behind us and headed straight to the back for one of the bedrooms. He dropped me onto the bed and tossed off his coat. I pulled mine off too and started to remove my sweater next, but he stopped me.

  “No. You’re my prize. I’ve always thought that unwrapping presents is one of the best parts.”

  I watched as he dragged his sweater over his chest, revealing toned abs, broad shoulders, and his tattoo. I couldn’t wait to trace his tattoo. With my tongue.

  “But I’ll get a turn to enjoy you, right?”

  “Abso-fucking-lutely. I just can’t promise it will be tonight, sweetheart. I feel like I’ve waited to get a taste of you, and I intend to enjoy my prize tonight. Often.”

  He pulled his shoes off and tugged his jeans down his legs, pulling his wallet out of the pocket and tossing a couple condoms down onto the bed. I enjoyed the sight of him standing there in his boxers for a moment before he knelt onto the bed and leaned down to kiss me. He took his time, teasing me with little pecks and pulling away each time I tried to deepen the kiss. By the time he moved to licking my lips and sliding his tongue in and out of my mouth in a motion that mimicked what I’d really like him to be doing right now, I was writhing in frustration.

  “For someone who was in such a rush to get me here, you sure are taking your sweet time now,” I complained.

  “Patience, Kaylie. I’ve got you right where I want you, and I intend to enjoy every moment of it. Trust me when I say that you will too,” he murmured against my lips before he leaned back so that he was sitting on his knees next to me again. He lifted my sweater up over my head and stared at the bra I was wearing for a moment. “I wondered if it would match the panties you gave me.”

  “Was that what you were wondering about?” I teased. “Of course it does. I’d lose sexy points if it didn’t.”

  “No, you could have been wearing the ugliest bra that had ever been made and you still would look sexy right now,” he corrected me. “With what you pulled tonight, you earned so many damn points. But that bra adds even more.”

  It was my favorite. Black lace edged with red ribbon and a tiny bow in the center between the two cups. The panties matched perfectly except the bows were at both sides. “I figured it was a go-big-or-go-home moment, so I went with my favorite set.”

  “And one of these days, I want to see them both on you at the same time,” Jackson said as he ran his finger underneath the strap, pulling it down my shoulder. “But not tonight.”

  He kissed down my neck as he quickly removed my bra and pulled my skirt from my body. Holy shit! I’d just realized that I was naked. In bed. With Jackson Silver! This wasn’t something I had ever expected to happen to me, but I sure was glad that it was happening right about now.

  “If that’s what you want, then that’s what you’ll get,” I promised. “It’s my favorite set so I’m pretty sure you’ll see me in them again in the future anyway.”

  “That’s a dangerous promise to make, offering to give me what I want.”

  “I think I’m learning to like living dangerously from you.”

  “Well if that’s the case, then I’m really going to enjoy my prize,” he murmured before pushing me down so I was lying all the way back, stretched out naked for him. He trailed his eyes down my body and they darkened with desire. “Stay right there. Don’t move an inch,” he warned before he climbed off the bed and disappeared into the bathroom.

  I heard a ripping noise, and then he came back moments later with what looked like pieces of a sheet gripped in his fist. He glanced down to find me in the exact same position he’d left me in and flashed me a sexy grin before walking around the bed. He pulled my arm up a little bit and leaned over so that he could look me straight in the eyes.

  “Do you trust me?” he asked.

  “Yes,” I answered without hesitation. He’d earned my trust in the time we’d spent together.

  “I want to tie your hands above your head. Is that okay with you?”

  Now that was a tougher question. I’d never really gotten into anything too kinky before, but I’d certainly heard the gossip around campus about Jackson’s exploits in bed. And from what I’d heard, he liked to try things that I wasn’t sure I would enjoy.

  “I don’t know,” I answered honestly.

  “Just your hands. And I swear I’ll release them the second you ask me to, no matter what we’re doing at that time.”

  “You’re not going to hurt me, are you?” I blurted out. At his horrified expression, I rushed to continue. “It’s just that I’ve had enough pain in my life already. I’m not really turned on by the idea of it in the bedroom.”

  He looked down at the floor and heaved a deep sigh before climbing on the bed to kneel by me again. “Shit, Kaylie. You never have to try anything in bed with me that you’re not comfortable with. I know there are rumors that fly around about me. I heard all about them the first time someone decided it was a smart idea to share them with my sister. But I swear to God, you never have to worry about doing anything you don’t want to do with me. Fuck, I’d be happy just to lie here with you naked,” he said as he glanced down at the front of his boxers, where his very hard cock was pushing against the fabric. “Frustrated, but happy to be here with you.”

  “I’m sorry,” I apologized. “I ruined the moment, didn’t I?”

  He lay down and pulled me into his arms. “No, Kaylie. If the moment’s ruined, it’s my fault. I don’t know what the fuck I was thinking. It’s our first time together. I never should have asked you about that shit tonight.”

  “Why did you then?” I couldn’t help but ask, curious to know what he had been thinking.

  He drew me tighter against his body and drew my leg over his thighs. I could feel his hard-on against my knee. I was now painfully aware that we were having an awkward conversation while lying here naked together. And that we were both still incredibly turned on. I sincerely hoped that the night wasn’t ruined.

  “I wasn’t thinking straight. Between wanting you so badly, the whole no-panties thing, finding you completely bare, and fantasizing
about having you like that pretty much constantly since we’ve met, I just went a little overboard,” he explained.

  “So the whole tie me up thing—that’s what turns you on?”

  He started to rub up and down my spine, a trail of goose bumps following the path of his fingers. “It’s something I’d like to try with you, yes.”

  “And no pain?” I clarified.

  “No, Kaylie. I have absolutely no interest in wanting to hurt you.”

  “But what about—” I started.

  “Hush, Kaylie. I wish you could unhear some of the things that I’m sure have been said about me in the past. Hell, I wish I could undo them if it’s gonna fuck up my chances with you now because none of it was worth losing this with you. Yes, I’d love to be able to tie you to this bed and explore every inch of your body while I have you completely under my control.”

  I shivered at his explanation. “Yeah?” I asked.

  “That’s what it would be about for me with you. You trusting me with your body. Knowing that all I want to do is bring you as much pleasure as I possibly can. It’s not just some game with you for kicks. I dream about you. I can picture it in my head so clearly and it’s so fucking hot.”

  The way he described it sounded pretty damn interesting, but I just wasn’t ready for that yet. “Can we maybe work up to that stage and start off with something a little more vanilla tonight?”

  “I didn’t fuck up too badly?” he asked as he touch became bolder, his hand drifting down to my ass to give it a squeeze.

  “God, I hope not. Because I am so turned on right now I can barely stand it,” I admitted. I reached down and brushed my fingers over his hard cock. “And it sure does feel like you’re up for it too.”

  “Damn straight,” he muttered before flipping me onto my back and pouncing on me. “I can’t leave you in need, now can I?”

  “No, you definitely don’t want to do that.”

  Straddling my thighs, Jackson leaned forward to whisper in my ear. “One thing you can bet on—I will do everything in my power to make sure you’re satisfied, Kaylie.”


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