T-47 Book II (Saxon Saga 6)

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T-47 Book II (Saxon Saga 6) Page 23

by Frederick Gerty

  Script running along the bottom of the screen on the dash caught her eye, but the air car remained silent for a brief time.

  “We will continue onward toward 47 Tucana?”


  “Then the child will be born on board the ship.”

  Not a question, a statement.


  Again, a silence between them.

  Then the air car said, “Congratulations, Lorelei, on the impending birth of an heir and a successor, to you, and to Hunter. This will be a first for a Saxon, to have a birth on a starship.”


  “And I will guard and protect your children, as I have all the Saxon, these many generations.”

  Her hand still on the screen, Lorelei said, “Yes, I am counting on that, especially if, well, when I suppose is more accurate, we all drop down into the gravity well of Uta.”

  “Then, and always,” the air car said.

  Lori dropped her hand, saying, “I wanted you to be the first to know the news, Eagle One. But now, I have many others to tell–the whole ship, really. Starting with Tarue.”

  “She already suspects, and waits to see you outside,” Eagle One said, surprising Lori again. As if reading her mind, it added, “She called you, inquired of me your location, and followed you to the outer door to the bay. Shall I tell her to enter?”

  “No, I’m feeling queasy again, and want to go back to my cabin. I’ll meet her on the way.”

  A click, and the air car said, “Lorelei, what is ‘queasy’?”

  “It’s a disruption to the normal and smooth functioning of my systems, as my body adjusts to the presence and demands of a fetus now growing inside me. It’s feeling different than I ever have before, and will take a few days to get used to, I think.”

  “Is it painful to you?”

  “No. Just a little–discomforting.”

  “Yes. So it was with Stephanie. And Amanda. They mentioned the discomfort, particularly in the mornings. And yet, they said later that the time of their first pregnancy was one of great joy, and pleasure. I trust it will be so for you, as well.”

  “I hope so, too. I’ll talk to you again soon, my love.”

  Just outside the door, Tarue and her kits sat in the hallway, facing her. Cocking her head sideways, Tarue said, “Well?”

  Lori smiled and said. “I’m following your example, Tarue. Like you, I am pregnant. And I will have a baby, too, on board the Koya.”

  “Two?” Dayu said. “You will have twins like Momma?”

  Taking their hands, and starting toward the elevator, Lori said, “Well, it’s a bit too early to say, but probably not. Unlike the Damai, twins are not common among my people, more likely, it will be a single baby. Not two. But we’ll see.”

  “So, boy or girl, male or female?” Nif added. “Can you tell?”

  “Yes, very soon. We’ll know that in a couple of weeks or so.”

  The kits squabbled back and forth as to which sex each preferred as they entered the elevator, while Tarue held Lori’s hand in both of hers, and gently caressed it.

  Tari waited in the cabin when Lori returned, and said immediately, “Is it true? You will have a baby?”

  Shaking her head at the swiftness of the on-board grapevine, Lori said, “There’s no secrets on this ship, that’s for sure. I meant to tell you immediately, Tari, and am sorry you heard it from someone else first.”

  The Kobi rushed to her, to hug her once, and say to Tarue, “It is wonderful news, and I care not who told me first, just that you are well, and comfortable.” Releasing her, she said, “Now what may we do for you? Something to eat, drink? What do you desire?”

  Exhaling, Lori said, “Just to sit, to rest for a while. I feel so tired all of a sudden. Just like not doing anything at all. And maybe a light lunch, in an hour or so, OK?”

  Guiding her to a soft chair, Tari said, “Sit, now, here, leave everything to us.” She brought over a container of hot tea, and prepared a cup for her. She and Tarue and the kits gathered around. “Now, you must tell us everything. We have never known closely a human about to become a mother. You must share everything, we are bursting with questions. How did it start?” And the four leaned closely, awaiting the answer.

  Lori arrived for dinner in the main dining room, her appetite restored, at least temporarily, with Hunter on her arm, and Tarue and the kits and Tari just behind. Cheers and applause, and calls of “Congratulations,” and “Way to go, Hunter,” greeted them, and the parents-to-be waved and smiled at everyone. At the table, fresh linens, and real flowers in a vase greeted them, with colorful notes and messages in a pile for Lori to read, while Tari and the kits brought them dinner.

  Back in the cabin after dinner, Tarue and the kits and Tari continued fussing over the future parents. They drew a bath, with scented oils and dimmed the lights, leaving only several small electric candles glowing in the room, and invited both Lori and Hunter to soak for a while. The kits kept them company, asking question after question, getting a personal education in reproduction, at least the human kind.

  Tarue brought in cups of herbal tea, and when finished, helped Tari lather and wash both people, and everyone helped dry them off. Hunter felt self conscious, his penis at half-mast, and throbbing.

  “I think the humans wish to mate once more, to celebrate their previous success,” Tari said, pointing at Hunter.

  “They do that again?” Nif said. “More of the sex?”

  “Why do they need more of the sex?” Dayu asked.

  “Because we really like the sex, and enjoy it as often as we can,” Hunter said.

  “Yes, you are most fortunate in that regard,” Tarue said.

  “Yeah, but it can be a problem, too, much mischief and pain results from the constant ability to have the sex,” Lori said, as they left the bathroom.

  “You don’t want it tonight?” Hunter said, disappointment in his voice.

  “I didn’t say that. I really do, I’m horny as hell,” Lori said, looking down at his growing erection. She nodded behind him. “Looks like we could have an audience tonight.”

  He moved to her, saving, “OK with me, I don’t mind. You?”

  “It’s OK. Educational. We’ve been discussing it all day.” She smiled over his shoulder, until he picked her up, and carried her into the bedroom.

  “Oh, my,” Hunter said, as he entered. The room was semi-dark, more candles lit, soft music on, the sheets drawn back, and a tiny light cast sparkling flecks on the upper walls and ceiling. “This is romantic.” He eased her down onto the bed, and glanced at the door. Four alien faces watched him. Putting a finger on his lips for a moment, he waved them inside, and the four scurried to the sides of the bed, and squatted there.

  Lying next to Lori, he said, “What would you like?”

  “Anything,” she said, dreamily, “Everything,” and felt his hand start to caress her body. He did that for a while as he kissed her, eventually winding up with his fingers deep between her legs, rubbing her there. When he sucked her nipples, his fingers plunged into her labia, and she groaned.

  “They haven’t seen me do this in a while, I don’t think, but I’m gonna anyway,” Hunter said, and she felt him leave her nipples, work his way down her stomach, across her hips, and move between her legs. He pulled a pillow down, slid it under her legs, and up against her ass. She raised it, he slid the pillow under her, and she eased down onto it. Lifting her legs, he pushed them wide apart, and bent down between them.

  She said “Ah...” as she felt him there, and she moaned, as he began working on her pussy. She let her orgasm climb, and build, and overtake her, as she moaned and cried in joy and pleasure for the lingering duration.

  “Is there more?” Nif asked quietly as Hunter sat back. She heard him say, “Yes, the best part.” She saw him look around, and say, “You can all help. Get me some lube?” He motioned to Tarue and pointed to the small bottle on the nearby table.

  Tarue brought it to him, and he
said, “Put some on me,” and he presented his erection to her. Lori thought he looked enormous, and he seemed to grow even more as Tarue slowly rubbed a little lotion on it. “Now, help me get inside,” he said, and moved between Lori’s legs, and lowered himself downward.

  Lori felt small fingers pulling her apart, Hunter bumped into her, then she felt him pulled downward, and eased forward. He poked at her entrance, she rolled her hips upward a little, and he slid down and into her, and stopped. His face, millimeters above hers, grew ecstatic, his eyes closed, and he exhaled slowly. Opening his eyes, he said, “You’re magnificent.” Then he lowered his head, kissed her, and settled it next to her, and began moving in and out.

  She looked around the room. Nif and Dayu came up on the bed, and sat next to them, each taking one of her hands in theirs. Tari and Tarue remained at the end of the bed, watching their coupling intensely. Tarue reached out, to touch Hunter’s balls as he moved. “He likes this,” she said, and Tari reached a hand over, too.

  Lori closed her eyes, and enjoyed the love making, her hips high, Hunter deep inside her, moving just right against her, the kits holding her hands, everyone silent, to let them concentrate on what they were doing. She came first, saying, “I’m gonna come again,” letting them know she approached the climax, and softly screaming her joy, squeezing Hunter, her hips taunt. That did it for him, he said, “I’m coming, too,” and he moaned in high-pitched glory, on and on, as he throbbed inside her.

  “I felt him,” a voice whispered, and another answered, “I did, too.”

  Lori, her eyes closed, just lay there, moist with sweat, Hunter a welcomed weight on top of her, he still and breathing hard to catch his breath.

  “That was wonderful,” he whispered in her ear. He pushed his erection into her, held it there.

  “You didn’t mind the audience?” she said, squeezing him.

  “No, that added to it. How about you.”

  “It knocked my socks off.”

  “You don’t have socks on,” Dayu said. “How could it knock them off?”

  “It’s just an expression, meaning, it was a wonderful sensation.”

  “The sex was good for you?” Nif asked.

  “Yes, very good. Very, very good.”

  “You will have another baby, inside now? A second baby?”

  “No, just the one.”

  “Why have the sex again, then?”

  “Because, we told you, we love to have the sex, together, to bring joy and comfort to each other. It just feels so good, is why.”

  “Is this so for us, we Damai, also?” Dayu asked his mother.

  “Oh, yes, when we are in season, and the time is right, there is nothing like it. Nothing else in life, like the sex, with your mate.”

  Hunter eased up and slowly slid out of Lori, moved out from between her legs, and lay next to her. She remained on the pillow, her legs still a little apart.

  “Euw, something is running out of you. Something white and thick. Is it bad?” Nif said, looking up between Lori’s legs.

  “No, it’s just semen, from Hunter. That’s what he left behind, and the extra part is running out.”

  “I will get it,” Tari said, wiping Lori with a tissue.

  Lori rolled to her right, closing her legs, and stood up, heading for the bathroom again. She’d sit on the toilet, and let the rest of Hunter’s excess dribble out, though it’d keep that up for hours, she knew. When she returned, he was sitting up in bed, sipping a cordial. Tari was just finishing wiping off his penis, and left with the cloth. He raised the glass to her. She shook her head.

  “None for me, not till after the baby’s born. No alcohol, or drugs, or whatever. Sorry.”

  “It’s OK. Want anything else?”

  She shook her head again, and moved into bed and down next to him. To her delight, he put his arm around her shoulders. Tari and Tarue repeated Hunter’s question about refreshments, and sat near them on the floor, and the kits climbed back up into the bed. They were full of questions once more, now pointing to Hunter’s penis, and how it changed shape, and what happened to his balls. He patiently answered them all. They all talked for an hour more, of babies, and kits and love, and mating and penises and vulvas, and alien genitals and ways of reproducing. An education for them all.

  “A boy?” Lori said, perhaps a hint of surprised dismay in her voice.

  “Yes, surely, see, there is the penis. Very small, but there.” The doctor high-lighted a tiny line on the screen.

  Next to her, Hunter’s ecstatic face dimmed, he said, “You’re disappointed?”

  “No, no, it’s not that. It’s just that, well, a surprise, every first born down the maternal Saxon line, recently anyway, you know, five generations now, has been a girl. So I expected one, too, I’m just surprised.” She smiled at him. “But I’m not disappointed.”

  Hunter’s grin returned. “Wait’ll Dad hears. He’ll be overjoyed. Man, a son, a grandson, it’s great.” He went back to looking at the 3-D image on the screen, a swirl of colors and shapes. “Show me the penis again,” he said to Dr. Parus.

  Lori’s dismay grew. Yes, since Stephanie, her great grandmother, and the finder and first pilot–she refused to say “owner”–of Eagle One, all the first born had been girls, and all, well all, save her own mother, who didn’t care much for the machine for some unfathomable reason, had inherited the intelligent air car. Now a son, a first born, too, would he automatically have first dibs on the air car? And what would a male do with it? Take it into imperilment, hasty or ill-thought battle, and lose it and himself in the action? That’s what her brother said he wanted to do–“Shoot the neat weapons.” Well, here she was, not long from nearly losing the air car herself, in fact, she had really nearly killed it, and herself, and the Damai, and her fiancé in the bargain, in the night fight over the Caribbean. But that was an ambush, an assassination attempt, so was the one in Florez, that killed Leta. Man, how could a male do much worse than she already had? And if a teenaged son ran off to another planet with the air car, like she had, what would she do?

  She watched the image in the screen, trying to feel the tiny object in her womb, somewhat detached, still fretting with the dilemma, as Hunter asked for a couple of file copies to save, and send back to Earth sometime or other.

  Lori knew that she might yet skip a generation, if she wanted, or needed to, also, like what had happened with her own mother. Yes, if her son married, and had children, one, the first born, a girl, she daydreamed, yes, she might qualify, might fall in love with the marvelous air car, the intelligent machine, one sworn long ago to protect the children and heirs of Stephanie. Just as she had. Who knew they’d be so many or the air car last so long? And last it would, live, really, outlive her, go on and on, maybe forever? Well, not forever, but it had been getting more and more obsolete, maybe, but like any machine, she’d had it renewed, refurbished, restored and updated lately, and no matter, it was always, always undyingly loyal. To her, to her children yet to be born. She’d need to make sure her son married early, and had kids soon thereafter, as well. She’d work on that from the start.

  Stephanie struggled with the fame, the notoriety, the envy, the kidnapping attempts, what not, always thinking they’d diminish over time. And they did, to some extent, with Amanda. And now, somehow, she, Lorelei, had stirred it all up again, here, well, back on Earth, and on Florez, and Ixixil, and the Twin Worlds, man, everywhere she’d gone. To a lesser extent on Uta, thank goodness, there, the air car was just one of many magical devices, one among the host flitting about in the sky and impressing the natives to no end. Well, that should not change, anyway, there, she could use Eagle One for what it was designed for–planetary exploration, and travel. That use could continue indefinitely, there were always going to be new planets to explore. Yes, but dammit, they were further and further away. And every one of them contained unknown dangers. Few would be as backward and undeveloped as Uta. Even there, she nearly got killed, almost stuck with the knife thrown by
Mackanima. Lucky he missed, and he might not have if Eagle One had not called out to her at the crucial instant.

  Would her son leave her for years and years in her older days as she did Amanda and her parents?

  More babble of voices, now Tarue and the kits joined them, clustering around a second viewscreen, marveling at the image, calling her from her reverie to look at what they saw.

  Lori looked.

  Hunter, the proud father-to-be, sat at her side, holding her hand, his voice full of excitement as he talked to the kits.

  She watched as the image moved about a little, and faded, and wondered again what future and fate would hold for her son, and her air car.

  Morning sickness diminished over the succeeding weeks, but not as quickly as she was led to believe. By turn-around in mid-April, she showed, her stomach a rising mound, her appetite improved, she swam and exercised daily, and kept busy in plans and research and reading and various administrative duties concerning the expedition and the ship, and potential after market plans for their return to Earth in two years.

  She was not surprised when Tarue, remembering her own pregnancy on board this very ship, organized a birth pool, and every visit to the doctor resulted in a flurry of new entrants. The medical staff grumbled they were not eligible, nor was Hunter, and she suspected he, and the medics, all had proxies for their own bets. She visited the birth pool site a few times, looking at the cluster of picks around mid-August, wondering if any would be right? Even staying busy, time seemed to drag as the months went by.

  Her first contractions felt like a stomach cramp, or a reaction maybe to something she ate? She kept them to herself, and only as they slowly built over the space of maybe 20 hours, sent the doctor a coded line agreed to much earlier. The Anawoka’s visit to her cabin a bit later hardly went unnoticed, though she’d done so from time to time before.

  “Anything happening?” Hunter asked, looking over at her.

  “Will sooner or later,” Lori said.


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