(Dragonkin) Dragon Rider

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(Dragonkin) Dragon Rider Page 25

by C. E. Swain

  Valiny looked at Menimeth with a smile, and Menimeth almost started laughing. Brothers could be the cruelest people sometimes, but it was not out of malice.

  "I hope to see you at the banquet this evening, and your beautiful sister as well." Menimeth said. "I am looking forward, to speaking with you both again."

  When Menimeth was gone, Valiny walked to his sister's side. Looking out the window, they watched the warrior as he walked across the courtyard.

  "I like him." Valiny said, breaking the silence. "He is a better man than father ever was."

  "Yes, I like him as well." Dralessa said. "But he belongs to the empire, and it needs him."

  Menimeth walked into the building that held the offices of the steward and climbed the stairs. Semeon was waiting for him when he arrived, and greeted him at the door.

  "Please come in sire." He said as he stepped aside.

  "Thank you Semeon." Menimeth replied.

  "The items you ordered were sent to your rooms, and a few other items as well." Semeon said, as he walked from the door to his desk. "There are some parchments I need you to mark with your official seal, for the records."

  "Thank you for acquiring the items so quickly." Menimeth said, and used the ring Litlorn had given him to mark the official documents that Semeon had on his desk, as the official seal of the empire. "It will allow people to know who rides for the empire."

  "That is one problem I must speak with you about sire, six men have already asked to join your army. What do I tell them?"

  "I will have someone to train those who are able to become warriors, and there will be non combat positions available as well." Menimeth replied. "I will let you know who to send them to tonight at the banquet."

  "As you wish my lord." Semeon said. "There is the matter of the seating arraignments of the guests that are to attend the banquet. How would you like it arraigned."

  "The regents are to be treated as royalty of the empire, and their families as well. Donderan is one of the Dwarf lords of Kraudgov, and Litlorn is heir to the throne of the Elvin kingdom of Latrelarn. They are to be given the seats of honor. Brylen is a prince of the kingdom of Davinly far to the east, and should be shown all the honors accorded a prince. The other men of my guard will be seated at my table, and you as steward as well. You will not be able to change his mind, so Chanry will sit beside me. The rest you can seat according to their position."

  "An excellent choice, my lord. With this arraignment, the banquet should be the best we have ever had. All of the people of standing that attend, will feel as if they were considered special, and will be a lot merrier during the banquet."

  "Brylen will decide most of the business of the empire for now, but with my instructions." Menimeth said. "I will send him to you tomorrow, and he can report back to me daily. I will still be available to you for now, but will not be here often until the threat in the west has been eliminated."

  "I understand sire, and will do all in my power to help you." Semeon said, and rolled the parchments, placing them on a small cart.

  Chanry sat on a footstool, and was looking at the boxes stacked all around him when Menimeth entered the royal suite. The boxes were labeled to show what was inside them, and that made it easier for Menimeth to send them to whoever they were intended. Messengers were made available to him, and he sent one to summon the men from Alenvale. One he sent to Brylen, Darik and the commander, to summon them as well.

  The first to arrive was Commander Rayden, and most of the boxes were for his men. White cloaks with the golden dragon on them, trimmed in the red of their kingdom, and a bronze clasp shaped like a dragon for each. A purple sash trimmed in gold, with a golden dragon stitched in both ends to represent the Great Dragon Empire, was included in the items to be sent to The Lost Cavalry. A messenger was sent to bring back men to load the boxes onto a wagon, and they would be distributed among the men as soon as possible.

  Javen and Kyler arrived while the boxes for the Lost Cavalry were being removed from the royal suites, and loaded onto the wagons. Brylen and Darik arrived seconds later, and watched as the boxes disappeared. The armies of the empire would be forming soon, and leaders were needed to command them. The three men from Alenvale would become captains in the Dragon Guard, and with the help of Menimeth, would train and command the men who enlisted in it. The badges of their rank appeared on the items given to them, and with their armor, would reflect their position in the empire. Solders of honor and courage would once again wear the purple and gold of the empire.

  Brylen was given tunics and breeches that reflected his position and standing in the empire, along with the other items he would need to interact with the ruling class. The golden dragon was on all of the items given to him, but his family crest was there as well.

  Darik received robes of a dark purple trimmed in gold, with golden dragons of various sizes all over it. Soft leather boots dyed the same color, with a golden dragon that curled around each one from the tail at the top, to the head at the bottom, were included.

  All of them were given sashes like the ones sent to the Lost Cavalry, and even Menimeth wore one. The gifts were designed to increase the presents of the empire to the people, and bring men to the banner of the king. The empire needed men to build an army to protect it, and the realms would have to supply them.

  Menimeth hoped that some of the displaced solders from the kingdoms overrun by the forces of the mage king would find their way into his army. They would be hardened warriors who hated Arnoran, and would fight for the empire that much harder. There was sure to be spies who would try to enlist in the Dragon Guard, but there would also be deserters. News of his dragon would reach the towns of the empire within weeks, and men would begin to travel to Corlindum.

  The private rooms were in the back part of the suite, and Semeon put the scrolls and other items of the empire, in the private rooms of the king. After the last two of his friends were gone, Menimeth went to his rooms and removed his armor, to rest before the evening's events were to begin. He would look at the items Semeon had placed in his rooms after the banquet, and decide what to do from there. He needed news on the camp in the northwest where the threat was located, but had no way to gather that information at this time. He knew a war was coming, but he did not know how long he had to prepare for it.

  That night at the banquet, Menimeth was dressed in the new clothes that he had ordered for these kinds of events, and looked like the king he was. He spent a lot of his time at the main table with the regents and their families, and ate while he discussed their realms. The south was growing faster than the other realms, and was better protected as well. The north was still wild in the western part of the realm, but it also was well protected where the towns were located.

  Valiny and his sister sat across from Menimeth, and to his right, while Kyler sat across from them. The green and black of their realm made Dralessa look very beautiful, and Kyler seemed to look at her often. It did not go unnoticed by the woman of his interest, for she too was looking at him.

  Valiny was free to be himself after years of his father's oppression, and talked to all the other regents openly. He had not been allowed to speak around them when his father was alive, and they were very impressed by him. Menimeth liked the man, and believed he would be good for the empire. He would find out soon enough that Valiny was the best choice that he could have made.

  Darik entertained Falendor's younger children with small magic tricks he had learned as a boy, and delighted in their laughter. Saesic was the only one of Falendor's children that did not make the journey to Corlindum, and the banquet was the better for it. Chrisanna hardly removed her eyes from Javen, and they smiled at each other throughout the night. There were musicians in one end of the hall, and he danced with her several times as the evening progressed. Falendor and Aliseain watched them when they danced, and looked at each other smiling.

  Borlund asked many questions about the problems of his realm, and the increase in brigands on the road.
He was worried about the people of his land, and Menimeth liked him for it. Most of his questions would be answered at the council hall when the council of regents resumed, and Menimeth would be there to represent the interests of the empire.

  Menimeth walked around the hall, and spoke with as many people as he could. Corlindum would no longer be abandoned after the council was over, since a king would be in Glansford again. Many of the people that were here now would go back to their homes, but others would take their place. The business of the empire would be conducted here, and in Glansford across the great road. No longer would the capitals of the empire be abandoned, but would thrive in the coming years, provided it survived the forces that were building in the west, and the war that would follow.

  Later in the evening, the regents and the princes that were present at the banquet, talked to Menimeth about the future of the four realms. They were alone on a balcony, and away from the other guests, and the conversation went unheard by all but Chanry. Chanry would not let his master out of his sight while he wore no armor, and he would not be dissuaded for any reason.

  "When the council begins again tomorrow, Valiny will not be speaking for his father." Menimeth said. "He will be speaking as the new regent of the east, and will represent the people of his realm."

  "I believe he is someone with which we can agree about the business of the realms." Borlund said.

  "He has turned out to be more than we had hoped, and I believe you are right in your assessment." Thadric replied. "I know his people love him, and he, them."

  "I look forward to our working together here at the council, and in the future." Falendor said. "The empire has needed someone who would rule for the people in the east for a long time, and who would think of his people first."

  "The four realms are united again, and with the king on the throne, will regain its former glory." Thadric said, but did not know then how united the realms would become.

  "I thank you for your support, and hope we will all prosper under our new king. I am sorry I must beg your leave, but there is something I wish to do." Valiny said, and walked from the balcony.

  "You may be working with Valiny more than the rest of us." Falendor said, as Valiny walked away. "I believe he has an interest in

  your realm that you do not know of."

  "You think he is like his father, and will try to take my realm?" Thadric asked Falendor, alarmed at what he heard.

  "It is not your realm he wants I think." Falendor replied with a smile.

  "What could he want of my realm if not to supplement me?" Thadric asked puzzled.

  "To unite east and south would be my guess." Menimeth said, and smiled at him.

  The whole thing confused Thadric, until he looked into the banquet hall and saw Valiny and Dranella together. She was laughing as they spoke, and he held her hand in his. Hand in hand they walked to the musicians, to dance with the others who were already there. Thadric smiled and shook his head.

  "That girl is smarter than I am." He said. "I think you are right Falendor, but he had better be a very strong man if he intends to tame that girl."

  "I think he already has." Menimeth said, and watched as the girl placed her head on Valiny's chest, while they danced.

  "Your daughter has someone as well, Falendor?" Thadric said, looking at where Chrisanna sat with Javen, oblivious to all that happened around them.

  "Yes, my wife likes him, and hopes I will stay out of it." Falendor said. "We were not much older when we fell in love, and looked at each other, the same way."

  "Valiny's sister has captured another of the warriors who protect the king." Borlund said "Or has he captured her, I wonder."

  "You are lucky fathers, to have your daughters receive the interest of such men." Menimeth said as he looked at them. "For they hold the very heart of the land and its people in their hands. All of you have a part to play in the events of today, but they will rule the future of your realms."

  "The mage who travels with you appears to be born to be a teacher." Falendor said. "He has already taught my children simple magic, and my wife as well."

  "You should think about allowing some of your younger children to study magic from him." Menimeth said. "I intend to ask him to teach magic to the people of the empire who can learn it."

  "I just may do that." He replied. "The empire was once a realm of mages, long ago."

  Menimeth returned to his private rooms long before his friends, and he worried that he would not be ready to defend the west when the assault on it began. The council of regents would be the beginning of his attempt in bolstering the defenses in the west, but he had little time to assemble the men he would need.

  Magic was the answer Menimeth thought. Glansford held the sprit of dragon and rider within, and that is where he would need to start. Among the items left in his rooms, was a scroll of Glansford and some of its secrets. After the council was over, he would have to delve into the ancient secrets of the old empire, and become its master.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Menimeth stood in the center of the great road with his hand on the head of his dragon, and watched the sun as it slowly rose in the east. Something pulled him from that direction, but it was not to the realm of men he was called. Danorathin felt it also, but knew he could only go so far with his master on that journey. The time was coming when they would follow that calling, and they would not travel alone, but it was not now.

  The great bronze dragon spread his wings, and vaulted into the air. With one downward stroke, he was above the trees, and out of sight seconds later. He was hungry, and the time to hunt had come, he told his master.

  The regents began to rise early, and prepare for the day's activities with enthusiasm. The years of council meetings before today had gotten them nowhere, and they knew it would be different now. Beloran had always held them back in the past, but he was gone now, and Valiny was the regent of the east. The empire would move forward at last, and a king would speak for the first time in the history of the council, since Corlindum had been built after the dragon riders had disappeared. It was going to be an exciting day for them all, and all of them were looking forward to it.

  Semeon entered the council hall with the scrolls he would need when the king asked him questions about the empire of the past. He laid them on the table assigned to him as the steward, and separated them into groups. When the scrolls were arranged to his satisfaction, he hurried from the hall, and returned to his office. Brylen appeared in the doorway while Semeon gathered up the remaining scrolls, and he greeted the man with a smile.

  "I have come in the name of the king of the Great Dragon Empire, to offer my assistance to the steward." Brylen said as the king's councilor, and bowed to Semeon. "The king sends his greetings, and wishes you well."

  "As steward of the empire, I accept your offer." Semeon replied, and bowed back. "My friends call me Semeon, and I hope you will be one of them."

  "Thank you." Brylen replied. "Mine call me Bry."

  "I was about to return to the council hall with these scrolls, but there is another item you could help me with if you would." The steward said.

  "That is why I am here." Brylen replied. "To do what I can for the empire."

  "This chest needs to be taken to the council chambers, it is something I believe the king will need." Semeon said. "If you would not mind carrying it for me."

  Brylen picked up the chest from the desk, and followed the steward from his office.

  "Normally we would arrive well before the regents," Semeon told him as they walked from the room. "But today is not a normal day, so who knows what we will find."

  "It is all new to me." Brylen said. "But I would still tend to agree with you."

  The regents slowly made their way to the hall without guards to escort them for the first time that any of them could remember. They never spoke to one another before reaching the council hall before, but now they walked together, and talked as they did. Without the threat of Beloran and his sol
ders there was no need to be escorted, and the men were much more at ease.

  Brylen and Semeon reached the steps to the hall, and were soon inside, and at the steward's table. The regents all walked in together minutes later, and took their seats as people began to pour in. Once, long ago, the people of the empire would sit in the great hall, and listen to their regent's debate. This was the first time in many years that it happened, and when the king arrived, the hall would almost be full.

  Menimeth looked at the old dragon rider capital once again, before turning and walking from the great road, and back into the city of Corlindum. He could feel the threat growing in the west with the passing of every day, but for now he needed to reunite the realms, and set the empire in motion.

  When he arrived at the great hall, he was announced at the door, and escorted to the seat of the king. All of the people inside the hall bowed as he walked to his seat, and did not rise until he was seated. He did not mind being watched all the time, but the bowing had to stop. It was not what he wanted from the people of the empire, and he intended to let it be known.


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