The Zoran's Baby (Scifi Alien Romance) (Barbarian Brides)

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The Zoran's Baby (Scifi Alien Romance) (Barbarian Brides) Page 9

by Luna Hunter

  She throws her head back, leaning into me. “I’m not sure if my body can handle one Zoran baby. Three would kill me!”

  “You’re stronger than you think.”

  My com beeps. This time I don’t ignore it. It’s Trent.

  “General, we have received a message in response to our distress call. It’s from an alien species called the Kua, and they only want to talk with you, via holocall.”

  “What do we know about their species?”

  “Next to nothing,” he answers, “but I can tell they don’t like to be kept on hold.”

  “Take the call, I’ll try to figure out who they are,” Aria says.

  I stand up and straighten my back, running my hands down my armor. Aria sits down in my seat and pulls up the ship’s database.

  “Patch them through, Trent.”

  I don’t know what I was expecting, but it wasn’t this.

  A lanky, floating fish fills the room. Blue-green scales for skin, with two arms, but a fin for legs. Two beady eyes stare at me, from underneath a massive, wafting fin.

  He opens his mouth, filled with short, sharp teeth, and seconds later I hear the robotic voice of the auto-translator.


  I answer in kind.

  “We have received your message. You are in need of a warp core?”

  “Correct,” I say.

  “Come to our planet. Alone. Only you are allowed entry. The coordinates will be sent to you.”

  The message is cut off abruptly.

  “Real charmers, huh?” I say to Aria. “Seems we have our lead.”

  She is looking at me, eyes wide.

  “You can’t go.”



  A hand forced

  “Why not?” Dost says. “They have a warp core. We need one. Beggars can’t be choosers.”

  “They didn’t explicitly say they had a core, they just want you to go there. Alone! You can’t!”

  The Zoran general nearly rolls his eyes at me.

  “I have no other choice, Aria. It’s that, or we’re stuck here.”

  “You can’t trust them. I found them, in the database! Sarah Granger encountered them on her mission to the Nezdek homeworld. She saw a Kua there. You know what that means, right? They are known associates of the Nezdek! We can’t trust them!”

  “Let me see,” Dost says. He reads the report and sighs. “She saw one Kua there. Hardly a damnation of their entire species. If we applied the same logic to humanity, the Zorans would have never allied with you.”

  “That’s different,” I puff. “Please. I have a bad feeling about this. You have to stay.”

  “I have to do what’s right for my crew. I have to get my men back home. No matter the cost.”

  Tears fill my eyes. Why won’t he listen?! He’s walking right into a trap!

  “Please! Please listen to me, Dost!”

  His face hardens, his normally so kind eyes losing a bit of their warmth.

  “I have made my decision, Aria, and it is final.”

  “W-what about me?”

  “Don’t make me choose between my crew and you,” he growls. “That is not fair. You know how much you mean to me. That’s why I must go. I have to get you back to Earth as well.”

  “I don’t want to go back,” I stammer. “I just want you.”

  “Aria,” he says, his voice growing louder. “I have made my decision.”

  He strides out the room, leaving me alone with my tears. I feel like I’m losing my mind. After all that’s happened, all we’ve been through, I don’t want to lose him like this.

  I don’t want him to risk his life to clean up the mess I made.

  If anyone ought to go down there, it should be me.



  In Hot Water

  I hate myself for leaving Aria like that, but she left me no choice.

  As a general, I have to make tough decisions. I’m well aware that this could be a trap, and that a warp core won’t come cheap. The universe wasn’t built on altruism.

  But, at this moment, it’s the best choice we have of getting my crew home safe. Without our warp engine online, we’re sitting ducks. If I have to risk my own life… so be it.

  I didn’t even give her a kiss goodbye. I hope she finds it in her heart to forgive me. I feared that if I gazed into those beautiful, brown eyes of hers one more time, I’d lose the will to come down here.

  The planet surface rises up to greet me.


  An aquatic world. The planet’s surface is covered with nothing but water, as far as the eye can see.

  A few months ago, I’d have jumped at the opportunity. Explore distant lands, meet new races… it’s what every warrior dreams of. Now? My thoughts are with Aria.

  I feel terrible for leaving her behind.

  And I hope with all my heart that it won’t be the last I’ve seen of her.

  “How is your descent going?” Trent asks through my headset.

  “Perfectly fine,” I answer. “About to hit the surface.”

  I tighten my grip on the cruiser’s control stick. I double-check my coordinates; this is where the Kua told me to land. The water approaches rapidly, and even though I’m in an airtight cruiser, I still take a deep breath before I hit the surface.


  The cruiser shakes violently as I push the nose down, into the water. The increased resistance slows me down, and when the water clears, I’m amazed at what I see.

  A massive underwater city, stretching onto the horizons, lights up the depths.

  My ship comes to a sudden halt, and I would have flown through the windshield if it wasn’t for my seatbelt. My scans tell me my cruiser has been caught in a net.

  A knock on my window.

  I look up to see two Kua, floating in the water, holding tridents, banging on my window.

  My welcome committee.

  I put the underwater breathing device into my mouth and prepare to open the door. Here I go.

  The Kua lead me down towards their shining city, tridents in hand. I’ve never seen such splendor, such extravagance in all my life. The walls of their buildings themselves seem to be made out of pure gold, and richly adorned with jewels. The Kua don’t seem to lack credits.

  I wonder what they want in return for their warp core, then…

  Unfortunately, the fish-men don’t take me to one of their palaces, or beautiful homes. I’m taken into a cave, deep into the bowels of the planet, into darkness.

  I cannot see a thing, but the Kua must have excellent vision, or perhaps have some kind of echolocation, for they move with purpose, dragging me along.

  I’m thrown, quite unceremoniously, into a pressurized room filled with air, while my breather is taken from me. The lights flicker on and I can see I’m alone, in some kind of reverse fishbowl. There’s water on the outside, completely surrounding me, and air in here.

  The aliens make me wait for well over an hour before someone appears. It is a Kua, but this one is wearing bronze armor which fully encapsulates him, reminiscent of ancient human diving-suits.

  Inside, the suit is filled with water.

  “Welcome,” the man says, my suit automatically translating his strange tongue, “to my domain. I am Prince Zava, and you are my prisoner. ”



  Face To Face

  “What do you mean he already left?!”

  “I mean that he already left,” Trent says. “Do I have to tell you again?”

  “You’ve got to be kidding me.”

  “Do I look like I’m kidding?”

  Trent is glaring at me, the veins in his neck about to pop.

  No, the Zoran warrior does not look like he is kidding. I back off and slump against the wall, resting my head between my legs.

  I can’t believe Dost ran out on me like that. I knew our conversation didn’t go exactly well, but… I wanted to see him before he left.

sp; Now he’s gone, and I didn’t even get to say goodbye.

  Damn it.

  The black pit in my stomach grows.

  I hope he’s safe, wherever he is.

  “Commander, we’re receiving a message from the surface,” one of the Zoran soldiers says.

  I scramble to my feet.

  “Is it from Dost?!” I say before Trent can even answer.

  “Negative, it’s coming from the Kua.”

  Trent glares at me. “Put it on screen, soldier.”

  A strange, scaled man-like fish-being fills the screen.

  “We have… your general.”

  Are they just confirming his arrival or are they ransoming him?

  “Hand over the human called… Aria Winters.”

  A cold chill runs down my spine. Did I just hear that right?

  “Or your general… will remain here. Forever.”

  The message cuts out abruptly.

  All eyes turn to me, while my heart rate skyrockets.

  This wasn’t a trap for Dost.

  It was a trap for me!


  “You’ll never get her!”

  I yank at my chains, but it’s of no use. The Kua have me locked up tight, chained against the wall like a mad dog. I ran at the Prince the moment he threatened me, but the bastards managed to shock me and lock me up here in this reversed fishbowl.

  A warp core, a glowing blue orb, lays on a pedestal, just out of my reach. Tantalizingly close. So much power contained in such a small container…

  All I need to return home is that blue little thing, but the aliens want the ultimate price.

  My mate.

  I’ll sooner die than hand her over.

  “We’ll see about that,” the Kua Prince answers. “We sent out a call demanding her, in return for your life. Now we’ll see where the loyalty of your men lie.”

  “They won’t hurt her,” I say. “If you think they’ll bring her to you just like that, you’re dead wrong.”

  “We’ll see, Zoran. It’s a pity, you know? What you want is right here, right in this tiny, blue little orb. All you have to do to get it is order your crew to give us the human, yet you resist so vehemently. Why?”

  “I’d rather die than give her to you,” I spit.

  “Honorable… I’d expect nothing less from a Zoran. But also foolish, and selfish. What about your crew, general? Will you condemn them to die, just because you lust for the human? Think about their lives, their families. Do you even know how selfish you are being, putting your own lust over their wellbeing?”

  “Your mind-tricks won’t work on me. Why do you even want her in the first place?”

  Prince Zava smiles thinly.

  “Let’s just say I have friends in high places.”


  “You can’t go.”

  “I have to!” I say. “Dost is in danger!”

  Trent shakes his head. “The general would never allow it. He is their prisoner now, and Zorans don’t negotiate with the enemy.”

  I throw up my hands in frustration. My mate is in grave danger, and all they want is me.

  I’d gladly trade my life for that of Dost.

  He’s a fierce warrior, a leader, a hero. I’m just a human that keeps making mistakes that cost people dearly.

  Perhaps, this way, I can redeem myself…

  “There is no other way,” I huff. “Or do you want to go down there and get him yourself? Invade an entire enemy planet?!”

  “We need time to think,” Trent growls. “To plan. To strategize.”

  “There is no time! We need to act!”

  Trent’s voice drops down to a whisper. “You have a baby to think about. It’s too risky. You need to remain calm, while I do my best to save the general.”

  My eyes widen. “He told you?”

  Trent smiles — and I think that’s the first time I’ve seen the gruff warrior crack a smile.

  “I’m his second-in-command, of course I know. I can read him like a book. Now, I’m having you confined, for your own safety.”

  “You’re what?!”

  Trent motions for two soldiers to come over. “Escort Miss Winters to her personal quarters and make sure she doesn’t leave.”

  “You can’t do this!” I say as the Zoran guards grab my arms and lift me up effortlessly. “Let me go!”

  “It’s for your own good,” Trent says. “I know you by now. You’ll try to be a hero.”

  I kick and scream, but it’s of no use. The Zorans are much too strong for me. They place me in my room, and I’m left with my fears and worries.

  Yes, I’m carrying a baby so perhaps I shouldn’t be reckless, but… I can’t imagine raising this baby without Dost by my side. I just can’t.


  “So this is the Zoran who’s keeping me from my pet.”

  A ghostly pale alien, his golden suit richly adorned with jewels, stands in front of me. His hair is as white as his hate-filled eyes.

  “You’re Nezdek,” I growl.

  “How astute,” the man answers. “What gave it away?”

  “You attacked Earth… is that why you want Aria? You haven’t caused enough pain and death already?”

  The Nezdek shakes his head. “A man needs his playthings. One Winters girl has already cost me dearly… I’ll make her sister pay for it.”

  He balls his fists, his face contorted with rage.

  “I’ll make all those humans pay for what they did to me… but in the meantime, I’ll start with you, Zoran.”

  “Do your worst,” I growl.

  The Nezdek holds up a metal rod. At the tip a jewel is placed — and it’s sparking with electricity.

  “Oh, don’t you worry. I will.”


  I shimmy my way down the dark vent.

  There’s no way I’m going to just sit and wait while Dost is in danger.

  I follow the same path that monstrous plant used when it abducted me, and after a few minutes I find myself in the engine room, breathing heavily. Luckily, there’s no one here, and I manage to tip-toe my way to the docks unseen.

  I climb into one of the cruisers, grabbing the control stick with purpose.

  Looks like I’m stealing a ship after all.

  I push down and the ship brims to life. Moments later I hear Trent’s desperate voice over the intercom.

  “Don’t tell me that’s you!”

  “Sorry,” I say. “But I’ve got to do this.”

  “I won’t open the hanger doors.”

  “Then I’ll have to blast my way out,” I say.

  “You wouldn’t.”

  “Are you sure about that?”

  I hear a deep, deep sigh.

  “You’re impossible, Aria.”

  “I’ll take that as a compliment.”

  “Let the general know I explicitly forbid you from doing this.”


  The hanger doors slide open, and I awkwardly pilot the ship down to the surface of the water planet. I’ve piloted ships before, just not a Zoran battle cruiser… but the basics are the same. Kinda.


  Pain courses through my veins.

  My vision turns to black spots, my knees buckle, but I grin and bear it.

  I won’t give the Nezdek torturer the pleasure of seeing me beg.

  He’s prodding me with his shock-stick, an alien weapon sending jolts of pain to every inch of my being, but the thought of Aria keeps me going, keeps my heart beating, keeps me alive.

  I just hope she doesn’t do anything… foolish.

  Oh, who am I kidding.

  She left her home world to try and save her sister without a single lead. Foolish acts of bravery are her thing. If I know her, and I like to think that I do, she’s on her way right now.

  Aria… you brave, lovable fool. Stay away.


  The water rises up to greet me as I race towards the planet’s surface at breakneck speed. I try to slow down, but it se
ems riding a hover bike and piloting a Zoran battle cruiser aren’t as similar as I thought

  I slam into the water with a massive bang, shooting down like a dart. What I see when the foam clears makes my breath falter. A massive, sprawling city, an underwater kingdom, all lights and gold… it’s beautiful, something out of a fairy tale.

  If I didn’t know that these fish-beings were keeping my mate captive, I might have thought this was paradise.

  I don’t have long to appreciate the splendor, for moments later there is a knock on my windshield. Several Kua are waiting for me outside, tridents ready in their scaly hands, glaring at me. With their sharp teeth, scaled skin and beady eyes, they remind me more of monsters than of mermaids.

  I put the auto-inhaler in my mouth and take a deep breath. I grab the handle of the door, ready to let the cold water wash over me.

  Hold on, Dost. I’m coming for you.


  “Ah, look what we have here,” the Nezdek says. “Our prize!”


  I look up, and my heart sinks when I see Aria pushed into the room and fall on the floor. I blink a few times, wondering, hoping, praying that the pain has made me delusional, but no matter how hard I try, the image remains.

  That is my mate.

  Prince Zava smirks at me, triumphantly. “I told you we could uphold our end of the bargain, Czar Baros,” he says to the Nezdek. “Now, I trust you will send us our spice as soon as possible.”

  Czar? This man is the Nezdek leader?

  “Yes, yes,” the Nezdek man says, rubbing his hands with glee. “Always with the business, eh, fishy? Pleasure comes first, it always does. You’ll get your things.”

  I wiggle my thumb, flexing my shoulders. I’ve been wriggling my way out of my chains for the past hour, but I’ve still got a long way to go before I’m free… and if the Kua notice, I’ll miss my only shot at freedom.

  But time is running out.


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