Shadows of Men (The Watchers Book 1)

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Shadows of Men (The Watchers Book 1) Page 12

by M. Lee Holmes

  And what is it now? She wondered. Nothing more than a ghost city, full of corpses and decay. Try as they might, the people of Tyos had been unsuccessful in their attempt to stay hidden from the evils that threatened this realm. Rhada felt a sudden pang of sadness, knowing her only refuge in this world was gone.

  Something suddenly stirred in the bushes ahead. Rhada pulled herself back to reality and stood up tall, holding fast to her bow. She watched, holding her breath, as the largest elk she had ever seen emerged.

  He stood at least six feet tall, with antlers that bulged from his head and looked as though they made it difficult for him to stand. His neck and back were covered with thick, black fur that rippled in the slight breeze of the grove. His round, black eyes glistened as he moved into the sunlight.

  He emerged cautiously, sniffing at the air before each step he took, trying to make his way towards the stream for refreshment.

  This beast’s meat will last the rest of our journey north. Rhada thought with a proud smile as she raised her bow to take aim. She did so with much care, making almost no sound for the monstrous elk to hear. All in the gorge was quiet, except for the sound of the babbling stream and the soft breath that escaped Rhada’s lips as she focused on nothing else but the majestic effigy of supple meat that stood before her.

  She waited, with the patience of one who has nothing but time on their hands, for the beast to come into full view- waited for it to complete its journey to the stream where it would bend down its head and become blissfully unaware of any danger lurking in the shadows. She knew a beast such as this would require more than one arrow to end its breathing. She would have to be quick, she would have to be ready when she loosed her arrow to grasp another, nock, and give chase. And so she waited for the time that would be most opportune for her advantage.

  Slowly the elk crept on, one cautious step after another, until finally the full beast emerged. Rhada had never known the size of an elk to go so unchecked. He was as big as her horse and she frowned at the realization that she would have to fetch Mayvard to help with the skinning- she would not be able to carry the elk back to camp draped around her shoulders as Mayvard had done with his doe.

  As the elk stopped and bent down for a drink of fresh water, Rhada aimed for the neck, hoping that her arrow would deliver it a quick journey to death. She pulled taut and was ready to loose when all of a sudden, she jumped, startled by the sword at her side that began screaming in her ears.

  The elk, hearing her shuffling in the bushes, stood up in alarm and suddenly bounded away before Rhada could compose herself. She cursed loudly as the beast disappeared from her view and she stood, ready to chase after it when Bloodbinder again shouted a warning to her.

  Rhada froze in her panic and looked all around, wondering where the danger could possibly be coming from. She raised her already nocked arrow and began scanning the outer edges of the grove.

  She heard the pattering of heavy feet rushing up behind her. She spun quickly and aimed her arrow but her eyes were met with nothing but the trees and the grass.

  A sudden sharp pain struck her shoulders, knocking her off her feet. Her bow and arrow flew out of her grasp and she hit the ground with a terrible thud- the wind knocked out of her lungs.

  Pain pierced through her shoulders like several knives making their marks. A loud roar and then a low guttural growl rang in her ears and all of a sudden, the ghost wolf appeared.

  The beast was nearly as large as the elk she hunted, with razor sharp claws that dug painfully into her shoulders, keeping her pinned to the ground, teeth that were bared and dripping with saliva. Its eyes were deep chasms of darkness that made the promise of death as it gazed at its prey, and its fur was gray and stained over time with dirt and blood. The breath of the beast flowed from its gaping mouth into Rhada’s nostrils, filling them with the scent of death and rot.

  Rhada reached her arm forward and tried to pull Bloodbinder free but the beast pushed her down harder and squeezed her shoulders with its claws, making her give up the attempt. She watched in helpless horror as the beast lowered its jaw, aiming for her throat with its ghastly dagger- like teeth.

  Rhada knew that the ghost wolf’s first target was the throat. It would tear it open and wait for its prey to lie still then proceed to enjoy its meal. Rhada had even heard of some ghost wolves large enough to tear the head clean off its prey. This beast, she realized, was probably one such wolf.

  Rhada always knew the possibility of her end being a violent one was great, but to die by being maimed and devoured by this creature was not an end she was ready to accept.

  Ignoring the pain in her shoulders, she reached both hands up and grabbed the monster by its snout, pulling it away from her throat. The beast let out a loud snarl of anger and pushed against her even harder. It did not take long for Rhada to realize that she was no match for the wolf’s strength and her feeble attempt to save her life would only give her mere seconds.

  She let out an anguished bellow and pushed even harder against the raging monster, even though his claws dug deeper and deeper into her shoulders. Rhada began to feel faint and gasped desperately for breath but felt that the beast’s claws were pushing the air away from her.

  The wolf suddenly bit down hard and shook his head with violent wrath. Rhada recoiled her hands just before they were bitten off and took the opportunity to grasp Bloodbinder by the hilt. She pulled and pulled but her own weight was being pushed against the sword and she was unable to free it of its scabbard.

  The wolf stopped its ravenous display and looked down to her with the eyes of a starved maniac. Rhada could do nothing but hope that the beast would kill her quickly, and closed her eyes, knowing she had lost the fight.

  The sound of rushing footsteps, then Mayvard’s voice as he shouted in anger rang throughout the grove. The beast looked up in time to see Bel’dak come crashing into its back. The wolf reared on hind legs with a deafening cry of pain, then fell in a writhing heap onto the ground next to Rhada. Mayvard brought the sword down once more, directly into the left eye of the monster and Rhada lay motionless as she watched the life dissipate from the growling pile of flesh and fur that was almost her own death.

  Finally, Rhada was able to take in a breath. She realized, as her lungs painfully filled with air and she began to cough, that she had not been breathing during the entire struggle.

  Mayvard bent down next to her and placed his hand on her chest, keeping her still while he examined her injuries.

  “Your wounds are deep.” He said in a grave voice.

  Rhada pushed Mayvard aside and sat up slowly, closing her eyes against the dizziness that took hold of her. She could feel hot blood gushing down her chest and arms but dared not to look at the wounds just yet, not until the shock of what had just happened wore off.

  “He must have been hunting the elk.” She whispered, mostly to herself. She was trying to figure out how the beast had been able to sneak up on her, when everything had been so quiet.

  “What elk?” Mayvard asked, wondering if perhaps Rhada was losing her senses.

  “He was invisible. He made no sound; came from nowhere. He was upon me even before I could see him.” Rhada began to shake violently and Mayvard realized she was succumbing to shock.

  He reached forward and wrapped his arms tightly around her. “You are safe now. Nothing can hurt you.” He said, as though he were talking to a frightened child.

  Rhada breathed heavily for a moment before opening her eyes once more and pushing away from Mayvard’s embrace. He thought he could see her cheeks begin to blush as she stood on her feet.

  “I’m fine.” She said in a hard tone, as though his worry for her was unwarranted. “I’ll be fine.” She grasped the hilt of Bloodbinder, feeling for the first time that the sword, perhaps, could not protect her, and shuddered.

  Mayvard bent down gingerly and lifted his forgotten bow off the ground then opened his mouth, about to tell her that they should return to camp to tend to her wo
unds, when she held up her hand to stop him and raised her panicked eyes to the distance beyond the trees.

  The air around them suddenly grew thick with the sound of howling of wolves. It rattled through the trees and vibrated past them. Rhada’s eyes widened at the sound- dozens of ghostly howls, echoing through the forest, making the birds in the trees jump and fly away with a scream of terror. Bloodbinder suddenly began vibrating violently at her side and Rhada shot one terrified look at Mayvard before saying; “run!”

  Rhada forgot all about the pain in her shoulders as they ran for their lives through the shrubs and bushes. The thorns and sharp branches scratched and pierced Mayvard’s bare arms as he ran at Rhada’s side but he paid no attention to the pain of it. He could hear the ghost wolves’ pattering feet behind him as they gave chase.

  Rhada ran as fast as her feet could carry her but it was still not fast enough. She heard the ghost wolf that was closest to her approaching, she could feel its hot breath on her neck. But Rhada was better prepared this time, having pulled Bloodbinder free of its scabbard before fleeing.

  Without losing her pace, Rhada spun round quickly and deftly, slicing at the air behind her. Though she could not see the beast, she felt the steel slice through flesh and fur. She felt the spray of blood as it painted her face red. And as she was turning back around in midair, she saw the blur of fur as it came into view and crashed to the ground, its throat gaping wide open.

  Rhada continued on, now a few steps behind Mayvard who looked back towards her to make certain she was still there.

  “Do not look back!” She commanded, knowing he could lose his footing and slip. “Make for the horses!”

  Mayvard leapt over a fallen branch, followed by Rhada and they were suddenly only a few feet away from their camp. They could see their horses, still tied to the same tree, rearing and kicking furiously in their fear of the howls that followed their masters to camp.

  Rhada shoved Mayvard forward when he looked back once again to make certain she was there, and commanded him to untie the horses.

  As he rushed to the tethers that kept the horses in place, Rhada spun around and watched the dirt at her feet for any sign of approaching ghosts.

  She saw spirals of dirt being sent up into the air as one approached and braced herself for the impact. It leapt forward with a growl and Rhada lunged her sword deep into its shoulder. The beast became visible as it landed on its side. She quickly pulled Bloodbinder free just in time to swing it at another whose paw prints could be seen in the dirt before her.

  Rhada raised her blade once more, ready to defend Mayvard and the horses as he pulled them free but let out a cry of terror at the sight of dozens of paws, pounding into the ground before her. She knew there were too many for her to fight and so she turned around and mounted her still frightened horse, raising Bloodbinder in the air and cutting the ropes to free them of the tree.

  Mayvard, who could not approach the ropes for fear of being kicked by his own horse, gathered the courage to do the same. He ducked under the raging beast and grabbed the reins, avoiding the bucking back legs. He heard the sudden yelp of a dog as it was kicked so severely in the jaw it flew backwards into its oncoming companions.

  Mayvard pulled himself into the saddle, cut the rope from the tree and did not have to prompt his horse to follow Rhada, who was already hurtling down the path.

  Rhada turned her head and saw, with a sigh of relief that Mayvard was in his saddle following closely behind. But her gaze quickly shifted to the monsters that pursued them.

  The wolves, in their chase, had made themselves visible and Rhada counted in a glance at least thirty. Some were smaller, no bigger than that of a sheep-dog, and some were larger than the wolf that previously attacked her and they were fast, faster than their horses. Rhada turned forward once again and urged her horse on, hoping they would come to a river or lake, wondering if the rumors of ghost wolves being afraid of water were true.

  Rhada spun around again when she heard Mayvard cry out in fear. Alongside his horse ran one of the larger wolves, snapping and snarling as it tried to lay its teeth into his steed’s side. Mayvard pulled free his dagger and drove the sharp blade deep into the monster’s head. It disappeared behind him in a cloud of dust. Then two more approached on either side. Mayvard, now only having one dagger, sliced at the one on his left, merely cutting into its ear. The beast cried out angrily and snapped at his foot, which he pulled free of the stirrup just in time.

  Another wolf came up from behind him and was ready to pounce at any given moment.

  They are surrounding their kill! Rhada realized with terror. Mayvard realized it at the same moment and looked to Rhada with sullen eyes.

  “Forget about me!” He shouted to her. “Keep going! Keep Running! Do not let them catch you!”

  Rhada shook her head and pulled on her reins. The horse stopped suddenly with a cry of anger and nearly threw her from the saddle. She raised Bloodbinder high in the air and spun her horse around, letting out a shout she would have given during battle.

  “What are you doing?” Mayvard shouted at her but she paid him no mind and rushed forward with all the determination to destroy every last one of the mongrels that desired their flesh, or she would die trying. She would not abandon Mayvard to such a ghastly fate. If it was a fate he was to suffer, then she would suffer it with him.

  But before Rhada could reach the first wolf to defend her friend, they all stopped their chase suddenly, recoiled in a yelp of fear and ran back the way they had come, disappearing into the forest once again. Rhada sat atop her now motionless horse and gaped at the sight of the fleeing monsters curiously. Mayvard pulled the reins of his frightened horse, bent down to pat him on the side of the face calmingly and spoke gentle words to him until he was no longer panting in fear.

  “What in the Gods’ names could have frightened them off?” Rhada wondered aloud. She looked to her sword and shook her head, knowing the beasts of the forest had no respect for, nor fear of Bloodbinder.

  “Perhaps it is the fog that scared them.” Mayvard said through panicked breaths. Rhada spun her horse around and looked ahead to the heavy cloud of fog that loomed before them. During the chase of their lives, she had not taken notice that they were heading for it. But now, it was the only thing she could look at.

  The fog surrounded the trees and blocked out any light of day from the sun. A chill air could be felt emanating from within and Rhada shivered as all memory of the wolves was shut out of her mind and her thoughts turned to the only thing of concern at that moment; that their path led them directly into the dark and morose cloud before them.

  Chapter 12

  The farther into the forest they traveled, the thicker the fog became. Its denseness shrouded everything around them, making it difficult to see and at one point, they were forced to dismount their horses and walk on foot; taking each step with caution. The thickness grew so immense, they were uncertain if they were even following the path they had hoped to stay on.

  Rhada walked ahead of Mayvard, keeping her eyes fixed on the ground beneath. She held the reins of her horse in her hand and led him along. He trudged on happily behind her, caring nothing for the fog that surrounded them. After their encounter with the ghost wolves, her horse was not one to be frightened by a mere cloud of darkness.

  At midday- or what they assumed was midday- they stopped and lit a small fire to roast some deer they had killed the previous morning. Rhada chewed on her piece of meat lethargically, unable to think of anything besides the fog.

  Suddenly, a small breeze blew through the branches in the trees, shifting the fog for a moment and Rhada got a glimpse of the forest.

  When they first entered the Forest of the Dead, it was lush and green and full of wildlife and Rhada could not help but marvel at its beauty, but now the trees were leafless and black. Their branches reached up toward the sky as though in their final moments, they had been desperately seeking sunlight. Their roots had broken free of the ground,
making it seem as though the trees had tried to lift up their feet and run from the fog. The ground itself was as dead as the trees that surrounded them. No plant life or any other kind of life seemed to exist in this dreary place.

  Along with the fog came a coldness that made her shiver and she could see the breath escaping her lips every time she exhaled.

  “I do not see the path anymore.” She observed as she looked to the ground. Without plant life on either side of them, the path seemed to no longer exist.

  “There is no path. No man dares to make tracks in this place.” Mayvard said with a shrill voice. Rhada looked to him and instantly saw the panic in his eyes. He tried to hide it from her but she knew he was afraid. How could he not be? Not even the monstrous wolves that chased us here dared enter. She wondered if perhaps they had made a mistake in not following the wolves away from this place.

  “Do not worry.” She said reassuringly, hoping the tone in her voice did not reflect the dread she felt in her heart. “As long as we continue in the same direction, eventually we shall escape this forest.” Mayvard nodded but she knew she had failed to reassure him.

  They spent the rest of the day walking on in silence. The fog thickened and thinned over and over. Each time it thinned, Rhada grew a small hope they were breaking through but it would always thicken again and her heart would grow heavy with dread.

  As the skies began to darken the next night, they came to the edge of a bog. Rhada stopped, stooped down low and examined the water. It did not seem to be deep but she knew their boots would get wet and she did not wish to spend the cold night with wet feet.


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