Shelley: The Pursuit

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Shelley: The Pursuit Page 122

by Holmes, Richard


  ‘A Philosophical View of Reform’ (pub. 1920 sic), 388 n, 569, 581, 583–93, 595, 642

  ‘Essay on Christianity’, 571, 642


  ‘On Devils and the Devil’, 245 n., 621, 627, 628, 642, 673

  ‘A Defence of Poetry’, 586, 642–6, 675, 775; Introduction to, 642–3

  SHELLEY, PERCY BYSSHE: TRANSLATIONS (listed chronologically, in approximate order of composition).


  Fragment: ‘On Vegetarianism by Plutarch’, 220



  ‘From the Greek of Moschus’, 307, 308 n. Sonnet: ‘Dante Alighieri to Guido Calvalcanti’, 307–8 & n.

  Sonnet: ‘Guido Cavalcanti to Dante Alighieri’, 308




  ‘The Banquet Translated from Plato’ (‘The Symposium’), 295 n., 305, 430–8, 496, 605, 612, 679, 681

  Fragment: ‘Plato’s Ion’ (?1820), 432

  Fragment: ‘Plato’s Phaedo’ (?1820), 432


  ‘The Cyclops. From the Greek of Euripides’, 612


  ‘Hymn to Mercury. Translated from the Greek of Homer’, 600

  ‘Mathilda Gathering Flowers. From Dante’s Purgatorio’, 611, 620


  ‘Fragment of the Elegy on the Death of Bion: From the Greek of Moschus’, 656

  ‘Fragment of the Elegy on the Death of Adonis. From the Greek of Bion’, 656


  Fragment: ‘Spinoza’s Tractatus Theologico-Politicus’, 687

  ‘Scenes from Calderón’s Magico Prodigioso’, 612, 696, 711

  ‘Scenes from the Faust of Goethe’, 689, 691–4, 731

  Shelley, Percy Florence (son of Mary and Shelley), xi, 560, 561, 562, 565, 575, 579, 581, 597, 628, 637, 712, 726, 729; his later education and career, 732

  Shelley, Sir Timothy (father), xi, I, II & n., 31, 43, 87, 104, 144, 226, 281, 321, 415, 550, 648, 710; appearance, 2; and character, 2, 57–8, 59, 60; relations with old Bysshe, 2, 18; sends Shelley to Syon House Academy, 3–4; career, 10; his relationship with Shelley, 12, 35–6, 88–9; cautions Shelley against bad influence of Hogg, 45; and debates religious issues, 47–8; encourages Shelley to write poem on Parthenon, 48, 49; and The Necessity of Atheism, 50–1; Shelley’s letter about expulsion from Oxford to, 56–7; and meeting at Miller’s Hotel, 57–8; and quarrel with Shelley, 58–60, 61–3; Shelley returns home, 70; and Hogg’s visit to Field Place, 71, 75; learns of Shelley’s marriage and stops allowance, 81–2; and Shelley’s reproachful letters to, 82–3; makes £200 allowance to Shelley, 109; and Shelley’s conciliatory letter, 109–10; and breaks with Shelley, 110–11; refuses to loan money for Nantgwillt farm, 135–6; and failure of attempts at reconciliation between Shelley and, 211–13, 222; Shelley’s inheritance blocked by, 216, 219, 225; death of Bysshe Shelley and estate settlement, 276, 283–5, 307, 313, 320; Shelley arrested for debt at instance of, 379; Dr Hume’s suit against Shelley and, 648, 649 n.; financial relations between Mary and, 732; and death, 732

  Shelley, Timothy (great-grandfather), 9–10

  Shelley, William (son of Mary and Shelley), 315, 322, 339, 367, 370, 371, 377, 378, 406, 412, 426, 458, 460; birth of, 310–11; in Rome, 486, 487; and illness and death of, 517–18, 519–20, 526, 658

  Shelley, N.I. White, xii, 474 n.

  Shelley and Mary, ed. Lady Jane Shelley, 258 n.

  Shelley Estate Settlement, 229, 276, 283–5, 313, 314–15, 319, 320–1, 710–11

  Shelley — Michelgrove family, 9

  Shelley — Sidney family, 9, 276

  Shelley Society, 31

  Sidmouth, Lord, 125, 128 n., 137, 146–7, 148, 149, 159, 160, 364, 531, 533

  Sidney, Sir Philip, 611, 642, 658

  Silsbee, Edward, 733

  Sketches in Hindoostan with Other Poems, Tom Medwin, 617

  Skinner Street, see Godwin

  Slatter and Munday’s bookshop, Oxford, 36, 37, 38, 39–40, 43, 49, 50, 51, 55

  Sleeping Hermaphrodite, Rome, 436, 566, 605

  Smith, Adam, 43, 202

  Smith, Horace, 351, 359, 361, 391, 410, 412, 550, 657, 682, 711; his view of Shelley, 359–60, 362; Shelley borrows £250 from, 379; acts as financial agent for Shelley, 648–9 & n.; and pirate edition of Queen Mab, 660, 661; his move to Florence, 662, 671, 674; and decision to spend winter in Paris, 676–7; loans money to Hunt, 694; refuses loan to Shelley, 701; Shelley’s letters from Lerici to, 716, 727

  Smith, Robert Metcalf, xi, 353 n.

  Society for the Suppression of Vice, 208, 209, 611, 660 & n.

  Society of United Irishmen, 119 n.

  Socinus, Faustus, 121 & n.

  Socrates, 430, 435, 436–7

  Sophocles, 424, 445, 461, 571

  South America, revolutionary movements in, 117, 222, 583

  Southey, Robert, 8, 30, 71, 86, 93, 94, 98, 123, 174 n., 182, 201, 274, 342, 401, 464, 689; Shelley’s relationship with, 99–102, 111, 113; Hazlitt’s view of, 101 n.–102 n.; Shelley sends copy of Adonais to, 310; and condemnation of, 384; and Shelley believes him to be author of Quarterly attack, 543; angry correspondence leads to break between Shelley and (1820), 607–8, 667; pirate edition of Wat Tyler and, 661

  Spa Fields Riot (1816), 364

  Spain, Republican insurrection in, 581, 583

  Spectator, 38

  Spencean Society, 8, 363

  Spenser, Edmund, 401, 475 & n., 501 n.

  La Spezia, 677, 696, 697, 700, 708, 709, 710, 713, 728, 729

  Spinoza, Baruch, 182, 201, 298 n., 380, 687 The Spirit of the Age, William Hazlitt, 275 n., 101 n. — 102 n.

  Stacey, Sophia, friendship between Shelley and, 564–8, 579, 632

  Staël, Mme de, 338

  Stanhope, Lord, 156

  Starling (money-lender), 219, 229, 265, 266

  ‘A Statue of Minerva’, 566

  Steele, Richard, 207

  Stockdale, John James, 33, 39, 42, 45

  Stockdale, R. & J. (Dublin), 99, 156

  Stories from the Italian Poets, Leigh Hunt, 733

  The Subjection of Women, J.S. Mill, 633 n.

  Suetonius, 274, 434

  Swann, Joseph, 541

  Swinburne, Algernon Charles, 342

  Switzerland, 6, 150, 236, 237, 669; Shelley’s journey to (1814), 239–41, 247

  Symposium (The Banquet: Plato), 26, 448, 632; Shelley’s translation of, 295 n., 305, 430–8, 444, 605, 612

  Syon House Academy, Isleworth, 12; Shelley’s schooldays at, 4–6, 13–17, 22, 295

  Système de la Nature, Baron Paul d’Holbach, 106, 202; Shelley’s translation of, 147

  Système du Monde, Marquïs de Laplace, 220

  Taaffe, Count John, 624, 626, 652, 655, 659, 686, 687, 690; dragoon incident and, 706–8, 709, 710; recounts death of Shelley in Bay of Spezia, 729, 787

  Tacitus, 243, 404, 626

  Tan-yr-allt, Tremadoc; Shelley’s stay in, 164–7, 171, 176–7, 178–97; and assassination attempt at, 187–8, 190–7, 332, 363; and debts incurred by Shelley at, 213–14

  Taine, Hippolyte Adolphe, 584

  Tales of Terror, M. B. Lewis, 3

  Tasso, 261, 458–9; Shelley’s projected drama on, 416, 417, 424–5, 426, 429, 444

  Taylor, Thomas, 431

  Tempest, William Shakespeare, 493, 571, 705

  The Temple of Nature, Erasmus Darwin, 182

  Temple of Saturn, Rome, 487 & n.

  Tennyson, Alfred, Lord, 38

  Terni waterfall, 459–60

  ‘Thalaba’, Robert Southey, 30, 217

  Thames river, 368; Shelley’s boating expedition (1815), 291–4

  Theatrical Inquisitor, 595

  Thelwall, trial for treason of, 8, 576

  Theocritus, 560

  The Theological Inquirer, or, Polemical Magazine, 210, 280

  ‘There be none of Beauty’s daughters’, Byron, 317–18

  Thistlewood (Cato Street conspirator),
579, 580

  Thomas, Edward, ix

  Thomas, Pierce (customs surveyor), 137

  Thompson, E. P., 97 n., 208, 384–5 n.

  Three Accounts of Peterloo, 530 n.

  Thucydides, 181, 307

  Tighe, George William (‘Tatty’), 576, 580, 592, 596, 603, 614, 648; see also Mason, Mrs and family

  The Times, 352, 389, 530 & n.

  Tita (Byron’s servant), 665, 686, 715

  Toller, Ernst, 402 n., 763

  Tone, Wolfe, 106, 122, 123

  Tooke, Horne, 7, 8, 168, 576

  ‘To the Electors of Westminster’, Burdett’s open letter, 539

  Tractatus Theologico-Politicus Spinoza, Shelley’s translation of, 687

  Trajan, 488

  Treason Trials, 8, 165 n., 168

  Treath Mawr (Caernarvonshire), 163, 164, 177

  Tre Donzelle, Albergo delle, see Pisa

  Trelawny, Edward John, ix, x, 208, 640, 703, 710, 725, 728; his arrival in Pisa, 695; and friendship with Shelleys, 695–6, 704; and the ‘Spezia Plan’, 696–7; and Carnival time, 697; dragoon incident and, 706–8; accompanies Mary and Claire to La Spézia, 712–13; and new sailing boat, 716, arrives at Lerici on board the Bolivar, 724; and sails for Livorno, 725; and waves goodbye to Shelley, 729; arranges burning and burial of Shelley’s body, 730; Claire resumes correspondence with, 731; sails for Greece with Byron, 731; his later activities and death, 731–2, 733

  Tremadoc New Town and Embankment Project and Fund, 163–7, 172, 178–88

  Tre Palazzi di Chiesa, see Pisa

  The Trial, Henry Hunt, 530 n.

  Trotter, Thomas, 182, 202

  Troyes (France), 237–8, 239, 242, 322

  Turkey, Turks, 624, 652

  Turner, Thomas, 270, 314

  Turner, William, 8, 371

  Tyler, Wat, 8

  Uffizi Gallery, 15, 295, 542, 565–8

  Ugolino, Count, 574

  ‘The Uncanny’, Sigmund Freud, 261 n.

  United Irishmen, 123, 124, 128, 142 n., 576

  Vaccà, Andrea, 572, 577, 578, 629, 646, 708, 728

  Valperga, Mary Shelley, 610, 619, 655, 663, 673, 675–6 & n.

  The Vampyre, Dr William Polidori, 330

  Vatican, 460, 485, 509

  Venice, 369, 417, 439, 471, 520, 551; Byron’s life in Palazzo Mocenigo, 419, 420, 440; Elise accompanies Allegra to, 421–2, 472; and Shelley’s visit in 1818, 440–58, 482; see also Este

  Venus Anodyomene statue, 567

  Vesuvius, 2, 462, 463, 464, 469, 470, 477, 479, 482, 499, 502 n.

  Viareggio, 696, 710, 729

  Via Sestini, see Rome

  Villa Capuccini, see Este

  Villa Diodati, see Geneva

  Villa Marchese Poschi, see Pugnano

  Villa Valsovano, see Monte Nero

  Virgil, 434, 462, 633 n., 718

  ‘Vision of Judgement’, Byron, 728, 731

  Vita Nuova, Dante, 631, 632, 633 n., 634

  Vivian, Charles (boat-boy on Don Juan), 728, 729, 730

  Viviani, Contessa Emilia, 652, 659, 698; Claire’s visits in Convent of St Anna to, 624–5; her appearance, 625; and Shelley’s first meetings with, 625–6, 627, 628; and relationship with, 629–31, 639–40, 641; and with Mary, 630; and Epipsychidion, 631–2, 633, 634, 635, 636; marriage of, 649, 676; and Shelley’s elegy, ‘Ginevra’, 649–50

  Viviani, Count Niccolò, 625

  Voisey, Henry, 250

  Volney, Count, 8, 202, 660

  Voltaire, 8, 26, 43, 66, 200, 274, 414, 689

  Walcheren military fiasco, 43, 51

  Wales, 160, 286; Shelley’s stay at Cwm Elan, 61, 73–7, 78, 143–5; and at Nantgwillt, 133–43; and flight from Lynmouth to, 161; and in Tan-yr-allt (Tremadoc), 164–7, 178–97

  Walker, Dr Adam, 16–17

  Walker, Rev. Jocelyn, 50

  Wallachia, Greek uprising in, 624, 646, 677

  ‘A War Eclogue’, S. T. Coleridge, 327

  Warnham, 10, 11; Church, 23, 71; Pond, 1, 3, 18

  Wat Tyler, Robert Southey, 8, 101, 401, 661

  Weekly Political Pamphlet, 364

  Weekly Register, 151

  Weishaupt, Dr Adam, 52

  Wellington, Duke of, 179, 476

  Westbrook, Eliza, 75, 76, 116, 145, 172, 199, 213; her first meeting with Shelley, 66–7; Harriet’s dependence on, 68, 69, 89–90, 93; and Shelley’s marriage to Harriet, 78–9; her role in Shelley’s breach with Hogg, 89–91; in Keswick, 93, 94; and in Dublin, 117, 125; and on journey to Wales, 133, 134; leaves Lynmouth, 161; dinner with Hogg, 173; and departure of Miss Hitchener, 175, 176; returns to Tremadoc, 176; and shooting incident, 190, 194, 197; moves back to London, 199, 200; antagonism between Shelley and, 216, 225; moves to Edinburgh, 219; returns to Bracknell with Harriet, 223, 224; and accompanies Harriet on West Country holiday, 226; Shelley-Harriet separation and, 251, 253, 256; Harriet’s suicide and custody of her children, 353–7

  Westbrook, Harriet, see Shelley, Harriet

  Westbrook, John, and Mrs, 66, 67, 69, 94, 109, 144, 199, 213, 226, 238, 253; Harriet’s suicide and custody of her children, 352–7

  Westminster Review, 586 & n.

  What is Love, Richard Carlile, 557 n.

  Whigs, 10, 43, 51, 52, 54, 164, 165, 184

  Whistle and I’ll Come to You My Lad, M.R. James, 259 n.

  White, Newman Ivey, xi-xii, 187 n., 353 n., 466 n., 474 n., 592 n., 768

  Whittaker, W. B. (publisher), 676 n.

  Whitton (Timothy Shelley’s solicitor), xi, 59–60, 61, 83, 88, 104, 136, 276, 379, 550, 648; Shelley Estate settlement negotiated by, 281, 283–5, 313, 320

  Wieland, Charles Brockden Brown, 221 & n., 371 n.

  Willats, William (financier), 407, 408

  Williams, Helen, 600

  Williams, Edward, 601, 662, 677, 685, 687, 695, 696, 702; his comments on Queen Mab, 210, 728; invited with Medwin to Italy, 581; and friendship with Shelley’s, 640, 641, 651, 661, 663; capsizing of boat incident, 646–7; and new boat arrives in Pisa, 650; summer residence in Villa Marchese Poschi, Pugnano, 650, 651; and boating expeditions, 651–2, 655; paints portrait of Mary, 673; his support for Greek revolutionary struggle, 677; moves to Tre Palazzi in Pisa, 682; his first meeting with Byron, 686; and his diary, 686, 691; as Shelley’s amanuensis, 687; and reckless trips on Arno, 688; his play, The Promise, rejected, 691; and Trelawny’s arrival in Pisa, 696; ‘Spezia Plan’, 696; and Carnival time, 697; Shelley appeals for his help in poem to, 698–700; and sailing trips, 702–3, 725–6; and celebrates launching of new boat, 704; dragoon incident and, 708; moves to Lerici, 712–13, 714; on Shelley’s vision of naked child, 714–15; and new sailing boat arrives, 715–16, 717; Bolivar sails into Lerici, 724; refits Don Juan, 725, 726; sailing trip to meet Hunt postponed, 727; sails for Livorno with Shelley, 728; and drowned in storm in Bay of Spezia, 729

  Williams, Jane, 581, 601, 640, 646, 702; friendship with Shelleys, 640, 641, 661, 663; birth of 2nd baby, 640; and summer residence in Pugnano, 650, 651, 652; moves to Tre Palazzi in Pisa, 682; and Byron’s arrival, 686–7; ‘Spezia Plan’ and, 697; and Pisan Carnival, 697; her new relationship with Shelley, 700–1, 725, 726; and new sailing boat, 704, 715; moves to Lerici, 712–13, 714, 717; and Mary’s miscarriage, 724; Shelley’s lyrics and ariettes to, 726; and his visions, 727; Shelley’s last letters to, 728–9; and Shelley’s death, 730; becomes Hogg’s common law wife, 731; Mary renews friendship with, 732

  Williams, John (manager of Tremadoc project), 165, 166, 167, 172, 178, 179, 181, 184, 185, 214, 229, 239, 284 n., 286, 321; shooting incident and, 188, 189, 190, 194, 196, 197

  Williams, Mrs John, 190 & n.

  Wilson, John, 404 n.

  Windsor, 282, 286, 291, 294, 300, 342; Shelley’s house at (1813), 224

  Winckelmann, Johann Joachim, 463, 469, 485

  Wollstonecraft, Mary (1st Mrs Godwin), 7, 153, 169, 171, 202, 206, 230, 232, 237, 239, 248, 257, 274, 291, 311, 432, 517, 575; biographical details, 124 n.

  Wolseley, Sir
Charles, 541

  Wooler, Tom, 155, 370 n., 371, 590 n., 660

  Wordsworth, William, ix, 8, 64, 74, 93, 94 & n., 100 n., 152, 170, 221, 257, 295 n., 308, 324, 327, 337, 360, 429, 487, 543, 547, 551; Shelley’s opinion of, 274–5, 384; and Shelley’s assessment in Peter Bell the Third, 551, 552, 554–5

  Working-class radicalism, 97, 98, 139, 151, 363–4, 366, 384–8, 529–31, 537, 591

  Working Men’s Associations, 7

  Wright & Owen (New York publishers), 209

  Wroe, James, 541

  A Year’s Residence in the United States of America, William Cobbett, 522

  Yeats, W. B., xii

  Yellow Dwarf, 182

  York, 75, 77, 78, 79, 185; Shelley’s stay in, 82–3, 84–7, 89–91, 214, 215

  ‘A Youth said to be Apollo’ (sculpture), 566

  Ypsilanti, General, 646, 652

  Zofloya, or, the Moor, Charlotte Dacre, 14, 31

  Zoonomia, Erasmus Darwin, 75 n., 182




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