Made Men 5: Dmitri's Denial (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic)

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Made Men 5: Dmitri's Denial (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic) Page 7

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  “But it wasn’t the right man, you didn’t have the strong feelings of desire, and now you do, and there are three men involved, and they aren’t Jimmy.”

  “They aren’t Jimmy, yet Andreas was a soldier, Special Forces like Jimmy, and now involved with this stuff. His cousins are made men, too, and from my understanding, pretty important.”

  “They are, not in the same way as my cousins because their businesses are nightclubs, bars, the entertainment venues, but their pull and power are great. When I tell you they would protect you with their lives, I mean that. It isn’t a ploy for them to get you into bed.”

  “I’m not ready yet. I need to get past Uncle Les’s words, and I guess learn more about this type of relationship. I should hang out with Bella and Gisella more I guess.” Giada chuckled.

  The bill came and both of them reached for it.

  “My treat this time,” Rayanna said.

  “Are we back to this?” Giada asked.

  “Yes, we are.”

  “Well then, next time you treat. Maybe lunch at Bulgarra’s?” Giada teased her. It was a very expensive Ukrainian restaurant downtown.

  “Very funny, wiseass,” Rayanna replied.

  They paid the check and said good-bye.

  “I’ll call you about Friday night then?” Giada asked, pushing.

  “I guess so. We’ll see how this week goes. Talk to you later.”

  * * * *

  Giada was walking down the street and heading to the side street back to the main offices. She heard tires squeal, and then two men jumped out of a van and went to grab her. She hesitated, not knowing if this was real or some sort of joke. There were other people around, bystanders walking as the men from the van went after her.

  She immediately protected herself and countered the strike to her side. She took a few hits, one to her cheek and lip, then kicked and used her martial arts skills. At this point people were yelling, saying to leave her alone and that the police were on their way. The guy swung something at her head—the butt of a gun—and slammed her with it. She blacked out and didn’t awaken until bright lights made her moan and squint, and she saw what appeared to be doctors and nurses.

  * * * *

  Rayanna paced in the emergency room. Carlos and Turbo were with her, and she was waiting to hear about how Giada was doing. The doors pushed open, and she was shocked to see Dominic, Giuseppe, and Andreas Coglonie enter. They looked angry and got to her immediately.

  “Rayanna, what the hell happened? We got a call about Giada. How is she?”

  “We don’t know anything yet. The nurse said she would check with the doctors and let me know when I can see her and what is going on.”

  “What was she doing downtown?” Andreas asked her.

  “We had lunch together, and then I headed toward Solencio’s club, and she headed uptown to her office building. The police and witnesses said some guys tried to grab her, but she fought them off. Her martial arts training saved her from getting abducted.”

  “What the hell? Did the cops and witnesses get the guys or track down the vehicle?” Dominic asked her.

  “I don’t know. Last they told us, they were working on it.”

  Dominic pulled her into an embrace. “We’ll figure it out, and we’ll find the ones responsible.”

  An hour later, the place was swarming with their friends and family. Everyone worried about Giada, who the doctor said suffered a concussion, some bruised ribs, and other bruises and cuts.

  When the doctor said a few people could go in to see her, Rayanna went along with Dominic, Andreas, and Giuseppe. The three men were already taking over and ensuring that Giada got the best care. When she entered the room, Rayanna swallowed hard. Giada was in the bed, her lip swollen, her cheek completely bruised and swollen, and her head wrapped up and bandaged.

  “Fuck.” Giuseppe exhaled as Andreas clutched Rayanna’s shoulders in support.

  “Oh God, baby,” Giuseppe said. He stepped close to her, leaned down, and kissed her good cheek.

  She moaned softly and tried blinking her eyes open.

  “Rest, sweetie. We’re right here. Dominic, Andreas, and even Rayanna.”

  Giada blinked several times and then cringed.

  “That bad, huh?”

  “From what we heard, it could have been worse. You fought them off,” Dominic whispered to her.

  “When he…hit me…with the gun. I thought I was a goner.” She closed her eyes.

  “Shhh, sweetie. Just rest. Talking is going to make that head hurt more,” Giuseppe told her.

  Rayanna wiped the tears from her eyes. It hurt to see her friend suffering like this. She wanted answers, wanted to know who had done this to her. She could see how much these men cared for Giada. She was relieved that they would be taking care of her. They’d already told Turbo and the guys they were going to.

  Rayanna stepped closer and caressed her hand. “I can’t believe this happened.”

  “Me neither. I wonder what they wanted?”

  “The police will have lots of questions for you. We’ll hold them off as long as we can so you can rest,” Andreas said to her.

  “If it helps to catch them, I’ll suck it up,” she whispered.

  “You aren’t sucking up anything. We’re in charge from here on out. We’ll take care of you and protect you,” Dominic said.

  “I’m not getting into this now.” Giada raised her voice, and then she cringed, and tears spilled from her eyes.

  “Don’t. We’ll talk tomorrow. Just rest. We’re not going anywhere,” Andreas stated firmly.

  The door opened, and Rayanna was shocked to see her uncle Les there. The scowl on his face put her on edge, and as he looked at Dominic, Giuseppe, and Andreas, he pushed between them.

  “Get out of here. You don’t belong here. You thugs probably brought this on,” he yelled at them, then went to Giada.

  “No, Uncle Les. Please don’t yell.” He bent down and caressed her hair.

  “What did I tell you about hanging out with these people? They’ll bring you down. They’ll turn you to garbage, to used goods.”

  “Hey, who the hell are you?” Dominic asked.

  Rayanna saw the potential for more trouble. She stepped between the men and Uncle Les. She shook her head at Dominic.

  “Uncle Les, they aren’t responsible for this. The police are investigating right now and talking to witnesses. You need to speak softly. She has a concussion, and the loud voices hurt,” she told him.

  He gave her a dirty look. “You’re one of their whores, too?”

  She was shocked. Andreas took her hand and pulled her closer to him.

  “Your niece doesn’t need this right now. We’re all friends of hers, and we care,” Giuseppe stated.

  “Get out of here. Let me speak to my niece alone. I’m her family. Blood is thicker than water.”

  Rayanna walked out of the room along with the guys. They were fuming mad.

  “Who the fuck is he?” Dominic asked her.

  “Her uncle, but they aren’t even close. I don’t know why he’s even here except to warn her away from all of us because of the family business,” she said.

  “This is why she’s resistant, isn’t it?” Giuseppe asked.

  She shrugged. It wasn’t her place to tell them anything. Giada needed to handle this and handle her uncle, too.

  She left the three very large men talking in the corner along with Major, who now joined them. As she went farther down the hall and a little before the waiting room, her cell phone buzzed. She was expecting to hear from Caprice, but when she looked down, the number was private. She read the text.

  Stay away from Dmitri Sanclare, or next time one of your friends might not be so lucky.

  She gasped, felt herself get dizzy with shock, and knocked into the wall.

  “Rayanna.” Fedarro hurried to her. She held the phone to her chest. Tears spilled, and she closed her eyes as he embraced her.

  “What is it? What’s wro

  She showed him the phone. He took it from her and hugged her tight.

  “Fucking asshole.”

  “What’s going on?” Collin asked, approaching with Turbo, Cobra, Roman, and Ziek, their guards.

  “It was that dick Puento. He went after Giada on purpose. He threatened all of Rayanna’s friends.” He showed them the phone.

  She pulled back.

  “I have to go. You have to keep Bella, Gisella, and the others away from me. They all need protection—Donata, Fina, Alessa, and Alda—as a precaution. He’s going to hurt them all. I can’t let that happen. I can’t.”

  Fedarro pulled her close again and squeezed her tight as she tried to walk away.

  “He isn’t going to get that chance. We’ll handle it,” he said firmly.

  But Rayanna knew. Puento was winning. He was close. Too close, and the fear she had of the man was enough to make her obey his order.

  Chapter 5

  “I want answers,” Dmitri demanded to Fedarro.

  “It’s better that you stay out of it,” Fedarro said to him, and Dmitri just stared straight-faced. Grisha, Bodashka, and Hadeon were with him. As soon as he heard about what happened to Yanna’s friend and how she was with her only moments before, he got to the hospital.

  “That is not your decision,” Dmitri said, his Russian accent thicker.

  Fedarro looked at Collin.

  “Rayanna does not want you in her life.”

  “Is that so?” he asked through clenched teeth.

  “Yes, it will make matters worse right now. She has concerns for her friends’ safety because of Puento,” Fedarro added.

  “He’s the one responsible for this attempted abduction and attack?” Dmitri asked.

  “He appears to be.”

  “The police did not indicate that,” Grisha said, adding to the conversation.

  “The police don’t know what we know,” Collin stated.

  “Where is Rayanna right now?” Dmitri asked, and both men were silent.

  “Don’t make me ask twice, Fiorre,” Dmitri said firmly.

  “She is under our protection with multiple security. She didn’t want to stay here and risk getting her other friends hurt. She’s upset, Dmitri. She blames herself,” Fedarro told him.

  “What is your plan?”

  “You don’t need to know.”

  “That’s where you’re wrong. You tell me your plan, and then I will explain mine.”

  Fedarro stared at him.

  “We’re organizing protection for all her friends, including our women, until we can locate Puento and eliminate him.”

  “It seems to me he may have some inside people working for him, people who can report where Yanna is at all times. That’s a problem that needs resolving,” Dmitri stated firmly.

  “We’re working on that, too.”

  “Who is with her now, and where?”

  “Her place with Carlos, Turbo, and Scotch.”

  “That is going to change.”

  “Excuse me.”

  “You know the rules, the ways of the Russian mob. Rayanna will be under my protection from here on out. I will make the announcement immediately. Notify the men at her apartment that when I get there, I expect no resistance as my own men take over complete security. I will be tapping into my resources and will weed out this piece of shit as quickly as I can. In the interim, I expect not only your full cooperation and acceptance of this and the power I have but also that you will work diligently with my men to figure out who attempted to rip us off. That should keep all of you busy for quite some time.”

  “Dmitri, there’s something you should know,” Fedarro said.

  “What is that?”

  “When we were at the hospital, Puento texted Rayanna and threatened her friends’ lives, warning her to stay clear of you.”

  Dmitri bit the inside of his cheek.

  “He threatens me, and you don’t notify me immediately?” Dmitri scolded.

  “He was threatening Rayanna to ensure she stays away from all men, and especially you since only recently you’ve shown some sort of ‘interest.’”

  “My interests are none of your business. Remember who I am, Fiorre.” He turned to look at Hadeon. “You know what to do?”

  Hadeon nodded and then walked away.

  “I expect full cooperation and results,” Dmitri told Fedarro, and then he and his men exited the hospital room.

  * * * *

  “Are you certain about this, Dmitri?” Grisha asked.

  His men, his security, and his family were close to him. He trusted Grisha with his life.

  “She needs protection, and considering that this Puento is some sort of ghost, it’s the only option.”

  “She’s a gorgeous, sweet, intelligent woman. What’s to come when this is over and she is no longer in danger?” Grisha asked.

  Dmitri looked at him, then Bodashka and Olek. Hadeon, Paulo, and Andriy were on their way to the apartment to take over security there.

  “I don’t know,” he said to them simply and eased back in the seat, his fists on his thighs and anger boiling inside of him.

  “All I know is that this man, this Puento, will not get away with this. Put out the order. Let everyone know that she is under my protection and the protection of the Merkovicz family.”

  Before he even reached Yanna’s apartment building, he received a phone call from Nicolai. They exchanged pleasantries.

  “So what does this mean?” Nicolai asked him.

  “The woman is in danger. She needs protection.”

  “She is your woman?”

  “No need to read deeper right now, Nicolai.”

  Nicolai chuckled.

  “It’s a big deal to state an order of protection over someone. She must be special, or important in some matter. What is going on? Whatever you need, the family is here. Storm is offering assistance, as well.”

  “It involves business here and in Chicago. I am going over some things with Olek, and he will call Storm shortly. I won’t be available for some time unless it is important. We may have a rat, someone double-crossing us in Chicago and New York.”

  “Could it be someone in the Fiorre or Costanza families? You’ve only recently done business with them, and now this?”

  “I believe it’s more. Olek will explain.”

  “Very well. Keep me posted.”

  “You’ll talk to Storm and his brothers. Get some leads on the situation and make some noise.”

  Dmitri stretched out his hands, then fisted them again. This antsy, uneasy feeling consumed him, and he hoped that upon seeing Yanna it would lessen. The moment he heard of the potential danger she was in, he had instantly jumped into action. That was very unlike him, considering the woman was resisting this attraction. He liked her. She enticed him, and he enjoyed her company. It was nothing more than that, yet here he was issuing protection. It let her enemies know that she was protected, but it let his enemies know that Yanna was important to him. Her life would forever be changed because of this move, and he wondered, too, what would come of this.

  * * * *

  Rayanna felt sick. She had taken a hot shower and put on her thick black robe, but then her head was pounding. Turbo got her ibuprofen, and she closed her bedroom door and went to lie down on the bed. She hugged the pillow and thought about the situation and what Giada looked like. It wasn’t right or fair that Puento went after her. Her uncle Les’s words, his anger toward Rayanna and the men, affected her, especially after she received that text. It was all Rayanna’s fault. This wasn’t the family’s fault or their involvement in criminal activities. This was solely her fault because she was stupid enough to date a man like Puento, and he was crazy enough to go after Giada to get to Rayanna.

  Well, it worked. She wasn’t going to see her friends or socialize. She was going to work for Solencio and then take some time off. She would avoid Dmitri, and that thought made her heart ache. She was such a fool. Nothing would come of that.
He wanted sex, wanted her in his bed. It would be nothing of meaning. Before this incident and when she spoke with Giada at lunch, she actually thought about Dmitri and making love to him. She thought it could help her get past the fear of intimacy and the flashbacks of the violence Puento inflicted upon her, and help her to move on. Now it seemed that letting go even in lust, or some one-night stand with the powerful Russian mob boss, would mean danger to her friends, even her family. Puento was winning and in charge once again.

  Giada could have been raped or killed, maybe left on the side of the road somewhere. Tears spilled from Rayanna’s eyes. She sniffled and sobbed. Giada was so petite, and if she didn’t know martial arts like she did, then God knows what more the men would have done to her. Rayanna shivered. She knew somewhat what Puento was capable of—manipulation, intimidation, control, and dominance. He wanted her back in his life, back in his bed and under his control.

  She closed her eyes tighter and couldn’t help the flashbacks as they scattered through her mind—the abuse, the strikes to her body, the abrupt way he scolded her, pulled her along with him, and, of course, the way he demanded she do things to him. He had wanted her weak, beaten down, and helpless. He had nearly succeeded. She sobbed, and her heart ached. Sickness filled her belly, and she curled up into the fetal position on the bed.

  When he spoke to her, he spoke of the control and power he had over her and of how he expected her to follow his rules and to be at his beck and call. She feared his touch, as well as that look in his eyes and the way he smirked so evilly when he held the gun to her temple and made her pleasure him as he threatened to end her life.

  She shivered, and more tears rolled down her cheeks.

  She wasn’t safe here. Anywhere. Maybe she should take off, like she did years ago. Would Puento expect that now and be waiting? She couldn’t risk it. What more could he want from her? Why do all this? Why cause the Fiorre family, the other families, too, to now hunt him down? What was his plan?


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