Alien Fae Mate

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Alien Fae Mate Page 4

by Misty Kayn

  I nodded, confirming my resolve. I’d send Dohan for a doll. No shame in that. What was shame anyway? It sounded like a guy’s name. I didn’t think I understood that emotion.

  “Come in,” I bit out. The door slid open with a gentle hiss, and her heels clicked across the floor. I doodled check marks on random papers. Those damn heels should be jabbing my ass, and I should be pounding into her against the wall.

  The pen broke in my grip, and I threw it in the trash under the desk. I picked up another and read the label:

  HB fine.

  I needed a not-fine one.

  “You’ve changed the doors,” she said.

  Something was wrong with the tone of her voice. I should probably pay attention. “Mm-hm,” I said, not looking up from my paperwork. After she’d left my office yesterday, I broke the door and had it replaced with a speed-slider door so I wouldn’t break another gentle-slider one when I stormed back into my office this morning. “How do you like your new office?” I asked.

  “It’s peachy.”

  Ah, I remembered this tone. I liked this pissy-Rain tone. Made me wanna tie her up and bite her. Shit. I hated the mating season. Sex with Rain was the only thing on my mind. “Mm-hm,” I said. What else could I say? I’d moved her out of my quarters and didn’t tell her about it.

  Her heels clicked the floors as she marched across the room and slapped her little hand on my paper, right in front of my nose. I inhaled her scent, and it hit the back of my throat. Instead of licking her skin, I bit my tongue.

  When I didn’t look up, she tapped her fingers on my papers. “Why did you move me?”

  I snapped my head up and locked eyes with her brown ones. They filled with fury when mine narrowed.

  “You are my employee. I found you a new office right next to mine, if you haven’t noticed.” I leaned back in my chair and crossed my arms over my chest so I wouldn’t touch her. I fisted my hands and ground my teeth. She wore a short white dress with a low neckline. The small wooden pendant rested between her breasts. And those boots? They had long thin heels that could dig into my ass as I pressed her against the wall and fucked her brains out. I blinked that image away and continued when a blush of rage crept up her neck. On her chest, Rain’s fair skin showed patches of red. It happened when she was angry, and now she looked like she’d burst into a tantrum. Which would be the end of me. For sure. “It’s a big office. Even bigger than mine, with a view your president would want to pay for. It comes with an assistant. Instead of being cooped up in my small quarters, now you have a room and a bed for fae to experiment on. Feel free to skin any of them. After the mating season. Also, while we’re at it, Dohan will be fired from his post as a security guard. I’m telling you in advance.”

  Rain nodded. Surprised she didn’t protest, I lifted an eyebrow before she said, “You need to come in for a booster. I want to examine your new graft. We’re still testing and…” A pause and she inhaled deeply, then continued, “and you shouldn’t have touched ground last night.”

  What the fuck? Human females thought of the weirdest shit, I swore it. “I took care of myself, so you can work and not worry about me.”

  For a while, she was quiet, and I thought she’d walk out.

  “I come to work at nine sharp. I knock on the door and let myself in. I take care of your grafts, and I work from your room. I don’t want the new office or an assistant, and I don’t want you to take care of yourself, because that’s my job.”

  “And you will take care of the grafts. After the mating season.”

  “I want to take care of you during the mating season. I don’t want you to go down there. Did you go down there?” She pinched her lips. “Never mind. I don’t want to know.”

  I stood and slapped my palms on my desk. I bared my teeth and leaned in. “I am Titan. I do not fuck around. My soul mate is not down there, and you can’t take care of me during the mating season. Get back to work. In your new office. When the season is over, we’ll meet. I’m very sorry about what happened yesterday. I crossed the line.”

  Rain contemplated what I’d said, her emotions passing over her eyes. Hurt, understanding, anger, and after a minute, she snatched my pen. I’d thought she was angry when she’d been hurting, but now I knew she was angry. I snapped my head to the right. It cracked my neck, stretched my muscles nicely. Then I rolled my shoulders, waiting to see what she’d do with the damn pen. Maybe she was meant to be a fae female after all. I might get myself stabbed.

  “I’m going back to my old workplace,” she said. “And there’s nothing you can do about it. You are mine.” She wrote “MINE!” on a piece of paper, licked the back of the paper, and slapped it on my forehead. “Doodle that, Titan,” she said and stormed out the door.

  Good thing I’d replaced the door.



  I stared at the piece of paper in my hand and felt claimed. I didn’t know if claiming meant the same to humans as it did to us. I should probably hit their Internet and look it up. Hell, I hadn’t even known human females claimed. The fae females didn’t claim, at least not in such a brutal way. Mine, she’d written, and I read it over and over again, unsure what to make of it, so I shoved the claim in the back pocket of my jeans and returned to doodling. But this time, I changed it up. I drew little human monsters with white dresses and perky little tits.

  A few minutes later, I heard nothing when I should hear chatter from a business floor filled with my males. What now? A scraping of something against the floors grated in my ears. I looked up from my very creative work. Rain was dragging her heavy wooden desk down the hallway and past my office. The light fae creature I’d assigned her pushed the other end of the desk.

  I leapt out of my chair and paused for the door to open right before I walked through the damn thing. It took a split second for it to disappear, but it felt like a month. Bewildered, I walked out to the hallway. What the hell was she thinking? The entire office floor full of horny fae watched the hem of her little dress-fig-leaf tickle her naked thighs as she dragged the desk down the long-ass hallway and across the office space.

  I followed in disbelief, my boots stomping over the wooden floors. I shot a bolt of snaga into the ship just in case one of my males got stupid and tried to help her. I didn’t want to have to kill them, and releasing it into the ship felt good. Dohan better not help her, I thought.

  At the elevator, Rain rounded the desk and bent to push it inside. A collective groan spread over the floor. I couldn’t have them ogling her ass when I knew she didn’t wear anything under that tiny drape she called a dress. A bared pussy would send them into a frenzy. My cock already aimed for it, and theirs did too. I stomped to the elevator and kicked the damn desk inside. It crashed against the wall and broke in half.

  “What the hell?” she shouted.

  Rain’s light fae creature bared her teeth as if to defend Rain. From me. “You,” I told the creature, “are dismissed.”

  She hissed.

  I crouched to her eye level. I didn’t know human females and had tried to read Rain the best I knew how, but I knew light fae females. I said one word. “Cupcakes.”

  The light fae tilted her head. “A dozen blueberry cupcakes for dinner.” I’d put Dohan on kitchen duty for holding Rain’s hand. He hated kitchen duty. During the season, he wanted to touch ground all day and find a mate, so it was a double win for me. If I couldn’t have a mate, why should he? I was evil.

  The creature’s eyes brightened, and white light fae snaga danced over her fur. She left with a bounce in her step. Standing, I turned to Rain, who’d crossed her arms over her chest. She pouted with her bottom lip slightly out.

  “You’re moving back?” I said.

  “That’s right.”

  “You’re not.”

  “Try and stop me!”

  I fisted my hand and hit my chest. She couldn’t talk to me like that in front of everyone.

  She winced, and I knew she wouldn’t have screamed if sh
e weren’t very angry. If I’d told her about the move in private, we’d fight and end up in bed. At least here, I couldn’t bed her.

  “I don’t like cupcakes,” she said. “Eating or drinking won’t make it go away.”

  I suppressed a growl. I’d managed to hurt her feelings. I didn’t know how human males went about that, so I did my own thing. I threw her over my shoulder and covered her pussy with my hand. What else could I do? I wasn’t gonna let her prance around here if she didn’t want to stay inside her office. When she screamed and beat my back with her little fists and when my men burst out laughing, I ignored them all. I didn’t stop until we were back inside her new office. I didn’t breathe her in. When her feet hit the floors, inside me, I gathered most of my pent-up, unsated death snaga. This girl was mine. Mine!

  Snaga gathered, and I let it collect some more. Pressure built in my chest, and my body started to buzz. I released it. Power flushed down my body and into the wooden floors. The mother ship groaned, and the floors split, then returned to normal. Feeling lighter, I shook out my shoulders. The doors closed, and I locked them shut. I looked around the room while Rain tried to figure out what had just happened to the floors.

  Where the hell was rope when I needed it? I searched her office for something to tie her up with and spotted the restraints on the bed. They were there in case one of us refused a graft implant near the groin. Excellent. She kicked and screamed when I picked her back up and plopped her ass on the bed. “Quiet,” I said. “You will stay here for the day and then the next day, and if I have to tie you to keep you in this office, then that’s what I’ll do.”

  I made quick work of the restraints, and when she quieted, I grunted. “Damn straight. You’ll be staying put. Don’t worry, I’ll bring you something to eat.” I stood back and looked at my work.

  I’d tied my pretty girl to the bed. But instead of laying her down on her back, I’d bent her over and tied her hands spread eagle across the length of the bed, not the width. The hard leather restraints—set far apart—stretched her arms, and her ass was lifted up, with the dress’s hem resting on the small of her back and not over her ass. Her bare pussy peeked between her legs. Nothing would get Rain fucked more than her pretty ass in my face.

  She spread her legs.


  Titan’s breath across my neck followed the press of his cock on my wet pussy. As his body folded over mine, my nipples hardened, and my pussy ached. It pulsed painfully, and I needed him to make it better. “I hurt,” I said, my voice deliberately whiny and needy. I pouted with my bottom lip too.

  “You don’t listen to me. I’m your boss,” he said at my neck. I tilted my head to the side to give him better access. “You must listen to me and stay here at the office.” As he said it, he stuck his tongue out and licked my skin. I shivered. Something cold crawled over my skin. Tiny freezing needle pokes, small frostbites traveled from my neck down my back and legs. It wasn’t exactly pleasant since it prickled, and seconds later, it left.

  “No,” I said. “Give it back to me.”

  He bit my neck. My knees went weak, and I moaned, tried to rub myself on his jeans. “I’m going back. I want to work from your room,” I rambled on. “I can’t change my workplace on your whim. It disturbs my workflow, and I can’t think straight. I have to work from the same place at the same time. I’m used to it, don’t change it now.”

  His teeth left my neck, but he kept licking my skin, one hand trailing down my back. “You want to be in my quarters.”

  “I do,” I said, breathless. “Don’t you want me to?” His warm palm roamed over both my ass cheeks, and he scraped my skin with his claw. I gasped. The clawed finger trailed over my asshole, past my pussy to my clit, where it pressed against my swollen bud.

  “I’m gonna suck it,” he said and tickled my clit with the tip of his claw.

  I didn’t dare move or talk when he was like this. I stayed quiet and let him work his thing. What would he do? The black claw was sharp and could cut my skin, my clit. It could cut and make me bleed. I didn’t care.

  Something hit my ass. “Oh!” I yelped and snapped my head back.

  He held my work ruler with one hand and bent it with the tip of the other hand’s finger. He aimed for my ass again and released. It snapped.

  “Oh!” I yelped again. “That hurts.” An angry welt rose over my skin.

  He smiled and snapped the ruler again.

  He intended to punish me. Had I known this was the way he disciplined, I would have misbehaved three years ago when I first started working for him. Hallelujah, he’d give in to his mating instinct.


  That was four times on the same place, so I said, “Maybe try the other cheek? Or maybe rub this one a little.” I tried to move my hands to my ass, but the restraints held firm. I huffed out a breath and begged mercy with my eyes. When that didn’t work and a wicked grin spread over his lips, I pouted, even did the sad-puppy face.

  “It would do you lots of good”—he snapped the ruler—“to stay quiet.”


  I froze when his finger probed my pussy. It glided inside with ease, and he pumped. “You’re dripping wet.” My walls clenched his finger for dear life, and I tried pushing back for more. He probed in and out as I pushed back, seeking heat, seeking pleasure. I moaned, thankful for how this day had turned out. He finger-fucked me, and I closed my eyes, let myself feel it, let myself imagine his big cock inside me. How would he feel inside me?


  My eyes opened. He’d stopped my daydreaming. “Please, I’ll be good and stay here. It’s a nice office—”


  “Didn’t I tell you to be quiet?”

  “I was just saying how nice—”

  “Pick a number.” Snap! “Between one and thirty.” Snap! Snap! Snap! Snap!

  “One!” I shouted, my ass red and hot. I wasn’t sure if I enjoyed this, but I knew I was wet even if my brain didn’t register the arousal. He enjoyed it, and judging by the chuckling behind me, he was having fun.

  “You sure about one?” he asked.

  “Yes! Oh please, not more. One more, one more, and no more.”

  “One hundred it is.”


  He swung the ruler. “A joke. Ten.” Snap!

  “Ahhhh!” I screamed at the top of my lungs.



  My pretty girl didn’t know where to put her red ass, not that she had much room to wiggle. When I finished with the ruler, I continued with my hand. Was I angry with her? Hell no. I liked this. I liked her tears, her begging, her wiggling, her little moans I’d soon have to quiet with my tongue. Not yet, though.

  I pulled back my claws, then stuck two fingers inside her. I flicked them. With my other hand, I rubbed over her red ass while she whimpered. Smooth, hot skin under my palm, and I didn’t even dare to look at her little back hole. Fuck, I wanted her, figuring a slap and a tickle would sate my instinct for a while, calm my shit, make it easier to hold back and get through this mating season. If I continued without her, I’d go insane.

  Rain’s scent filled me. It was everywhere. In my lungs, my throat, my head. I had to taste her. Just a small taste. Or so I told myself, and stuck my two pussy-coated fingers into my mouth. “Mmmmm,” I moaned like my best buddy had moaned the first time we’d seen a female’s tit back some hundred years ago. Fae didn’t age after thirty. “Oh baby, you taste so good.”

  She mumbled something into the mattress. Rain had checked out and let me do anything. I liked that far too much. She was perfect for me. If only I wasn’t a Titan. Any other fae could mate a human without a second thought. In my case, the wraiths would come and take her soul. I didn’t want them to touch her. I shook my head when I imagined her body wriggling under me in the throes of our mating and bent at the waist to see her sweet, wet pussy.

  Clear wet arousal coated it everywhere, and if I didn’t lick, it would drip on the floor. My girl was hot
and filthy. I breathed her in. The scent of her want hit the back of my throat, and I swallowed, wondering if I should be doing this. Fuck it. I stuck my tongue out and swiped her slit from the tip of her clit to her asshole. Her pussy wanted to swallow my tongue when I jabbed her with it, but I still couldn’t get enough. I knelt behind her and spread her ass cheeks, then dived right in with a grunt.

  She kept mumbling, but I couldn’t hear anything with the pressure in my ears. Snaga wanted to burst out of me and explode in the room. If I couldn’t keep myself in check, the wraiths would come. The wraiths couldn’t see, but they sensed my death snaga, and if I wasn’t careful, they’d sense my human mate. I commanded them and could summon them at will, and when the snaga inside me rose, they’d know where to find us.

  I sweated to keep my snaga in check and dug my fingers into her ass. When she whimpered, I realized maybe I’d hurt her. I kissed her sensitive bud to make it better and sucked it into my mouth. Between my teeth, her bud was soft, and I flicked it. Unbuttoning my jeans, I took my cock out and stroked.

  “Titan, please make it stop hurting.”

  “I will,” I said.

  “It hurts for you, I hurt for you, give it to me. Please give it to me.”

  I placed a kiss over her little back hole and wiped her pussy juice with the back of my hand. “All right,” I said. “I don’t like you hurting.” I didn’t like blue balls either, and mine would be motherfuckin’ purple for the next week if I didn’t dip into this sweet pussy. I released her from the restraints and rubbed her wrists, taking them both into one of my hands. I pressed her wrists at the small of her back, so I had a free hand to reach between us and grab my cock. I put it at her entrance and kissed the corner of her mouth.


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