The Tale of the Blood Diamond

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The Tale of the Blood Diamond Page 12

by Laveen, Tiana

  “I can’t imagine what you find so funny, Mr. Khrome,” the president barked. Fear laced his tone, and for a man who believed he may die in a second, he gave a brave face. Xzion found that admirable.

  “I’m sorry.” Xzion couldn’t stop laughing, and this surprised him. He didn’t mean to do it, but he couldn’t help it. “It’s just…well, if your guys knew anything about me, they’d know those guns may as well be filled with water. Didn’t you all study anything about us before our visit? What kind of half-cocked research is going on here? You accept a meeting with Zarkstormians, and don’t look into the matter regarding your own defenses? You have two guys, fresh out of co-op programs, waltz into a top secret meeting as if there is a pep rally going on in here. Then you send them out, knowing you had exactly twenty-two American soldiers hidden behind those fugly curtains… The one crouched in the corner can come on out, too.” He pointed to them as a soldier emerged from the very location he’d declared.

  “You just assume those M324s are going to do the job. I could have killed all of you in no time flat if this was about taking someone out! We are here to have a discussion, to come to an agreement, you understand?” Xzion looked back at the soldiers and shook his head in disbelief. “You should’ve called the FBI or CIA…they could’ve taught you. Actually, that probably was your source of information. Tsk tsk…” His tone turned serious, almost deadly as he spied the fools with their little toys.

  “Lower your guns…” the president declared breathlessly.

  “Now.” Xzion took the reins, tired of pussy-footing around. “What my mentor was trying to explain to you is that…” Smiling, he touched his chest earnestly as he leaned slightly forward, starring daggers into the president’s eyes, “I am the ‘XXX’ Killer. However, as you know, there has not been a drug-related crime of my doing for over a year and anything similar was a copycat’s work. I’m retired from that program and won’t be returning.”

  The president listened intently, but didn’t offer a word. Xzion watched the man’s brows dip and a scowl form across his face. He knew he wouldn’t be winning any popularity contests anytime soon, but they had a much larger issue at hand.

  “I brought him here,” Aton interrupted, “to bring this to your attention because you needed to understand how important this is to us. We are not here playing games or attempting to waste your time. He is now on your side.” Aton pointed sternly at Xzion. “And that is where you want him. Now…” He clasped his hands together. “We have factions that will be uniting and working with us on this venture. What I need is permission from you, Mr. President, to move forward.”

  “Move forward how?” The president sighed and leaned back in his seat.

  “I want to train your armies. I am going to give you first hand top Zarkstormian military classified information to help you save your country and, quite frankly, save the world. You will be responsible for contacting the world’s leaders after this meeting, since my meeting with the U.N. was denied. You must arrange the meeting we discussed having with your United Nations as soon as possible. I understand that just less than an hour ago, Russia was hit with a large kidnapping undertaking near one of their largest diamond mines. That is no coincidence. You not only have beings that are trying to take over your world and destroy the inhabitants, but the one in charge of such activities is addicted to a gem that you all see nothing more than a valuable commodity.”

  “Diamonds?” the president asked in shock. “They are ingesting diamonds?”

  “Yes. This practice has been going on for centuries; however, the Yuledrakes have become rather dependent upon it. Typically, beings such as ourselves do not obtain addictions, but the Yuledrakes’ physical deficiencies make them privy to such after-effects, including addictions, mood-swings, and the like. What you’ve seen these past few days is just a small taste of what the Yuledrakes have in store for you.”

  “I find it rather ironic that you, Aton, sit before me and warn me of the dangers of another, after the devastation your people put the world through.”

  “We, as Zarkstormians, were pleasant, compared to what they will do to you and your families, and despite what occurred, we wished humans no harm. Now, we can continue speaking of the null and void project you continuously bring up while more and more Americans perish in the streets from your new assailant, or we can focus on what I’m attempting to relay to you, thus, saving precious life and preparing you for the onslaught of their attacks.”

  The president huffed, but remained quiet.

  “Thank you. Now, as I was saying… They may appear harmless, but appearances are deceptive. Their leader, Jatorn, is a deceitful, conniving, unnecessarily violent and callous man. He has taken over other planets and his cruelty knows no boundaries.” Aton fastened his hands; his lips drooped in a frown.

  “He will take what you have, kill all in his path, and work whoever survives to the bone. He will torture, play with and destroy at will. If he thinks it, he will order it, and have it done. The only reason why this hasn’t progressed even worse at this juncture is because of him.”

  He snapped his fingers at Xzion, but his face was still turned towards the president who seemed to be studying him. The long silence went uninterrupted, for it was evident, the observations were needed. Xzion didn’t flinch. He sat there and stared back, as the roving eyes of many scanned him, several in a state of disbelief.

  “Why have you changed your mind? Why would you want to help us?” The secretary of defense questioned before the president could no doubt ask the same question.

  “Because…” Xzion looked towards the ground, his heart swelled deep within. “Because we don’t need to go forth in that direction, due in part to one human being. Due to her, and what we created together, that gift blessed my people for the rest of their lives, and generations to come. That one human being gave me something I will spend the rest of my life trying to repay her for. She treated me with kindness, with love. She changed my entire life.

  “After that experience, I saw your kind differently,” Xzion admitted. He paused. “I must reiterate what my mentor has stated. The Zarkstormians never intended to cause harm to Earth. I believe our history in your world proves that point to some extent. What happened, sir, is that you have groups, shall we say, that are not honest and forthcoming. Before you poke a finger at my people, please examine your own selves and the devastation you have caused your own kind. Matter of fact, none of you in here are of high moral fiber, according to your own beliefs, but there is a worse lot than you,” Xzion chastised.

  “How dare you!” one of the officers shouted.

  “No, how dare you,” Xzion stated calmly. “You say, ‘Thou Shalt Not Kill’, yet it is okay, approved, if oil rigs are involved. You say, ‘Thou Shalt Not Lie’, yet you lie to the American people about everything from their healthcare to the true reasons why you are involved in various wars around the globe. You, Mr. President, have committees, groups, that are destroying any ethical leg you may have stood upon. You allow them to invade peoples’ lives and turn them upside down, with no repercussions. You know the groups I am talking of, Mr. President. You have meetings and golf outings with them. They are grossly corrupt, like Yuledrakes, only the Yuledrakes can’t be stopped by human intervention alone.”

  A glimmer swam in the president’s eyes as the man clasped his hands together.

  “We were here for survival,” Aton jumped in. “You know why we were here, Mr. President, you know why… We now have what we need, and no further humans will need to perish for it. I will say it a hundred times if need be, but my response to your inquisition regarding our past with you, as well as our current motives, will remain consistent.”

  “How do we know this? Are we just supposed to take your word? For all I know, you could be behind all of this.”

  “Look at us. We’re healthy. The ‘XXX’ killings have ceased. Our population has soared unbelievably. We are rebuilding a nation. We are offering our assistance as gratitude, for
without a human, we would be extinct in less than a decade from now.”

  “I don’t believe you.” The president banged his fist against the table. “I want to, but I don’t!”

  “You don’t have a choice!” Xzion fired back as he stood to his feet and pulled out his phone. He marched towards the man as others raced to him, pulling at his arms, trying to stop his approach and yelling out warnings, their weapons once again drawn. He ceased his movements, but clutched to his cell phone as if it held all the power in the world: theirs and his. He could break out of their command, but decided to stay right where the men in camouflage held him.

  Xzion let his cell phone slide out of his grip. It hit the elaborate rug in a thud.

  “Someone pick it up and hand him the damned thing!”

  Several people glanced around at one another, no one willing to do the deed.

  “What? You think it’s a damn bomb?! How ludicrous!” Xzion laughed angrily. “It’s a fucking phone! Pick it up, now!”

  One brave soul reached towards it and picked it up from the floor, his hand trembling. The man looked at the screen saver and flipped through it, then gingerly handed it to the president.

  The man looked over it with a confused expression.

  “What is it you want me to see?”

  “Look at my screensaver.”

  “It’s just a photo of an attractive black woman holding a baby.” He looked at the photograph a bit closer. “I don’t recognize these people. Is this supposed to mean something to me?”

  “That woman is my wife. I’m sure when you looked me up before this meeting, you saw that I am married. My wife, however, is not a Zarkstormian. She is a human. I don’t have time to go into how we met and what occurred but here is a little bit about her that you should know. She has been protecting D.C. for over ten years — she is a police officer and was recently promoted to sergeant. She is one of the few honest people left in your crazy, corrupt world. She is highly respected in your community and has more guts than these men who are under the false illusion they are holding me back. I love her.” He felt a knot forming in his throat. “That baby is biologically mine, goddamn it. That is our son!”

  If he didn’t have anyone’s attention prior, he definitely had everyone’s attention now.

  “Those two people are the reason we are willing to help you. I also don’t have time to give a crash science course, but let’s just say that because of our offspring, our planet is saved and we no longer have a need or desire to invade your country, or anywhere else on Earth. I hope now, your suspicions regarding us are squashed! I have put her anonymity in danger by even revealing this truth, but it appears you needed it, in order to move forward. Now you can choose to accept our offer of assistance, and get this shit stopped once and for all, or I will just work a bit faster on getting my wife and kid the fuck outta here while the rest of you are murdered or turned into slaves!”

  “Slaves? Is that what this Jatorn alien has planned?” The secretary of defense asked in disbelief. “They are murdering us, so that didn’t enter my mind.”

  “Well it should have, but again, you don’t have much information on Yuledrakes because they don’t have a history of coming here. Jatorn, their leader, wants slaves for too many reasons to name, but one of them is to mine for diamonds that Aton spoke of , as well as other precious gems. For the rest, slaves are desired to entertain the Yuledrakes. They never sleep or get tired, and they won’t let you do it, either. Whenever they get the notion to have a few humans thrown in a ring with some chainsaws, and the best man wins to see another day, they’ll do it. This is the sort of thing they find amusing. If you prefer, I can arrange for the removal of my family, and leave you all here to perish. I don’t give a shit.”

  He was met with looks of alarm.

  The look on the President’s face was priceless. Stunned. Twisted. In awe.

  Xzion knew Jayme would never let him take her away from Earth without a fight. She loved too many people here and for her, it was much more complicated than what he proposed. But he had to say something, anything, to make these damn people understand that it was their help, or no one’s.

  The president returned the phone back to the American soldier, who placed it back in Xzion’s grip. The men slowly released him.

  “Don’t touch me ever again.” Xzion’s eyes darted towards a soldier to his left, but the warning went for all of them. He still hated being touched, unless it was a sweet hug from his son, or a tender kiss from his Jayme.

  “I understand now,” the president said thoughtfully, a heavy cloud settling over him. He retreated into his thoughts, considering Xzion’s words.

  Xzion had no reason to lead them astray based on the most recent confession. His wife was a born and bred Marylander and she loved her city and her family. Xzion was doing what any other man worth his salt would do: to try to save that which his mate coveted from harm.

  “How do you suggest we proceed?” The secretary of state asked.

  “We’re wasting valuable time so we need to get started right away. These two men with me will go with your secretary of defense this afternoon. Pull any available troops you have from your marines, navy and army, immediately. They will go over how to fight the Yuledrakes. It will be a crash course, so they need to listen and observe carefully. Also, there may be others with them; other entities, if you will.”

  “There’s others that are a part of this?!” the President asked angrily.

  “More than likely,” Xzion responded, shocked at their ignorance of how these takeovers typically worked. “It’s just that the Yuledrakes are running the show. Now, since your armed forces already know how to shoot, that will help expedite this. Keep this out of the media. Keep lying and playing it down, as you have been. After all, you do it so well.” Xzion smirked. “Don’t feed into the frenzy. If you do, it will cause the Yuledrakes to expedite their efforts.”

  “This is true.” Aton rose and approached the President, his hands clasped over his lower stomach as he took vigilant steps. “It is vital that you do as requested if you wish to survive this.”

  Their eyes seized the man that the United States deemed the most powerful in the country. His hair was graying at the temples and along the perimeter, and his dark brown eyes appeared weary. He gripped his forehead, put his head down towards the table and offered a slow nod, as if he were too exhausted to do much else. Xzion searched the room; all faces were turned towards him and Aton. Waiting. Hoping.

  “I hope none of you get any ideas to relay any of this information to anyone outside of this room. If the Yuledrakes see mass hysteria, which any person discussing this with commoners could in fact elicit, the Yuledrakes will strike and we will have no time to strategize a counter attack. They like to work slow and steady, versus fast and sloppy. More Zarkstormian soldiers are coming to assist in the training and help guard and protect every single one of you. Fortunately, as you can see, we look human.” He put his hand over his heart. “Put Aton’s men in your attire, help us blend. These two will just help get you started.” He glanced at the two Zarkstormian soldiers standing in the back. “They know and speak English fluently, as well as twenty-three other languages, so there should be no communication barriers. Now, get to work. Each minute lost is a potential life lost.”

  The president nodded and stood to his feet. He extended his hand out to Xzion and Aton.

  “Thank you both for coming. I knew when I woke up this morning, it would be a bad damn day. It was worse than I ever imagined. Anything you need, just let me know. You will have our full cooperation.”


  The Department of Homeland Security was never quiet, yet today, the silence was stiff and unyielding, like Dungarees. The halls, usually alive with busy employees walking to and fro, footsteps tapping beats onto the floor like drums, was nonexistent in the vacant hallways. The meeting in the East Room proved to be far more mysterious than beneficial in the brief seconds Agent Demetrio Kittle was there. He wa
sn’t accustomed to not receiving pertinent information in times of upheaval. Something was surely going on, and the strangely dressed man in black with the shiny silver hair and odd eyes had caught his attention. He heard the man speak only a few words before he was led away.

  What a strange dialect...

  Nevertheless, the sight of the one dressed in a sharp suit had unsettled him even more so. Demetrio lifted his thin-framed dark brown glasses and placed them on the walnut desk as his long fingers fluttered across the keyboard. He sighed in desperation and reared back in his seat, pissed that, once again, he’d hit a brick wall.

  Running his hand through his choppy reddish brown hair, he kept on the lookout, knowing deep within that something was bound to feed his thirst for knowledge. After several more minutes rolled past, thwarting his investigative advances, the database offered no explanations, time and time again. He’d been told hours previously that an important meeting with the president was scheduled regarding the recent uproar of strange abductions and slain bodies, typically left in desolate areas hidden by the night and urban decrepitude. Figuring it was another vigilante group that had their eyes set on the president due the most heinous crimes occurring on nation-wide soil, security was naturally beefed up like cattle for slaughter. The two odd men, one of them bulky with muscles under his expensive threads and glistening midnight black eyes, were supposedly informants. What perplexed him, however, was the meeting place and the time.

  Previous itineraries were put on hold. This was treated as pressing and to further cause confusion, it was held in a banquet hall of the White House, of all places. Set up with a large mahogany table by the ivory grand piano, it was a strange scene indeed. No one would believe the president was having a meeting there, let alone, the fact he had stopped his crucial budget re-allocation meetings. What information did these two men have that was so out of the ordinary?


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