Tempted by Her Boss: The Renaldis, Book 1

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Tempted by Her Boss: The Renaldis, Book 1 Page 7

by Karen Erickson

  At this very moment, he wished he were a believer. So he could give this beautiful, sweet woman everything she ever dreamed of.

  “Come here,” he said gruffly, reaching for her so he could pull her into his arms. She sobbed against his chest, her tears dampening his shirt, and he let her cry. Running his hand over her silky-soft hair, breathing in her intoxicating scent, he remained silent, offering her comfort, wishing again he could give her more.

  “You drive me crazy,” she mumbled against his chest. “I should hate you.”

  “You should,” he agreed.

  “I shouldn’t go with you.”

  “No, that’s where you’re wrong, bella.” He slipped his finger beneath her chin and tilted her face up, staring into her beautiful, shining with tears eyes. “You absolutely should go with me.”

  “Why?” she breathed, closing her eyes, as if she couldn’t look at him any longer.

  “Open your eyes,” he commanded. She did so quickly, pleasing him at how easily she obeyed. “Because I want you, Paige. I want you there, at my side, with my son, with my family. Please.”

  His chest ached. He shouldn’t have said that. His words would give her a false hope he had no business offering her. But it was all true. Having her with him in Italy, in the country of his birth, at his childhood home, perhaps something could happen. Perhaps he could relax and let her in.


  Chapter Seven

  Exhaustion weighed heavily on Paige as she studied her closed suitcase. From where it sat on the stand at the foot of the bed, it mocked her. Taunted her to unpack her belongings and settle in, but she was too tired to worry about it.

  Unpacking could wait for later.

  The flight to Italy had been long and especially hard on Matty. He hadn’t slept well the night before—quite frankly, neither had she—and she’d grown irritated with him more than once. It didn’t help, how quiet Matteo had been the entire trip. He’d hardly said a word, offering only the occasional stern reprimand to his son, which sent little Matty into a tizzy.

  Only offering a few terse words to her, Matteo would return his attention to his laptop, scanning over documents, financial reports, whatever it was that he needed to analyze while in Italy. Leaving her to wallow in her own worry.

  She needed his words of reassurance, of kindness—of anything, really—to keep her happy. He had no idea just how much she needed him, and how that need grew every single day. Becoming dependent on Matteo Renaldi was the last thing she should do.

  Too late.

  A shower and a few hours’ sleep would do her some good and leave her refreshed. Matty was snuggled in his bed, fast asleep. He’d nearly collapsed upon their arrival at the Renaldi compound in Amalfi, already out when Paige put him to bed.

  She went to the cracked open door and stepped out onto the tiny balcony with the wrought-iron railing. Her breath lodged in her throat at the view. There was so much natural beauty spread out before her. The water was a deep, sparkling blue, the endless white buildings that dotted the surrounding hills seemed to brim with history. A variety of boats dotted the water, swaying gently with the waves, and a sudden breeze blew over her, bringing with it the salty tang of the sea. Amalfi was simply breathtaking.

  Despite the worry and turmoil over her feelings for Matteo and the fact that she desperately needed another job, she was glad she came to Amalfi with him. The opportunity to see such beauty would’ve never happened otherwise.

  But knowing this was her last week with Matteo pressed heavy on her already cracking heart.

  A soft knock sounded on the door and she turned, watched as it cracked open to reveal Claudia peeking her head around it. “Do you like your room?” she asked.

  “Oh, Claudia.” Paige’s shoulders sagged with relief. “It’s amazing. Beautiful. Thank you for having me as your guest.”

  “You are never a guest. You’ve become one of the family.” Matteo’s mother entered the room and came toward her, drawing her into a comforting hug. “What’s wrong, Paige?”

  She stiffened within the woman’s kind embrace. “What do you mean?”

  “You look so tired, so…defeated. Is Matty being hard on you?”

  Paige shook her head, unable to find her voice. If she did, she might say too much. And this was Matteo’s mother.

  “Ah. Then it’s Matteo.”

  Matteo’s all-knowing mother, more like. How could Paige deny what she said? Claudia had always been too perceptive.

  “Are you in love with my son, cara?” Claudia asked softly.

  Paige withdrew from the older woman’s embrace, shaking her head. Was she? She didn’t know. But even if she was, she could never admit it. Not to Claudia, not to herself and certainly not to him. “I—care for him.”

  “I see.”

  “But I’m leaving.” She went to the bed and sat down heavily on the edge, surprised when Claudia joined her and slung her arm around Paige’s shoulders. It was nice, the comfort she offered. Paige had missed her. From the moment Claudia had offered her the job when she was still living with Matteo in New York, Paige had felt a special bond with her. Those few weeks they’d been together, taking care of Matty while Matteo worked so hard, they’d grown especially close. Claudia was like her second mother. “I just don’t think we can work together anymore.”

  “I see the way he looks at you,” Claudia offered. “There’s much more than a business relationship between you.”

  “Which is why I need to leave.”

  “Or stay.”

  Paige’s forehead furrowed in confusion. Last time she heeded Claudia’s advice, she’d ended naked in her boss’s tub, and then climaxing like crazy from his fingers. She didn’t really know if she should listen to her now. But here she was, all ears. “What do you mean?” she asked.

  Claudia laughed at her obviously curious tone. “I noticed he’s driving you crazy. Though know you probably drive him crazy too.”

  “I guess I do.” She glanced down at her lap, watching as she twisted her hands together nervously. “He says he doesn’t want me.”

  “And you think he does.” Claudia stated it as fact.

  “I thought he did, but I don’t know anymore. The way he behaves, how he treats me. It’s so frustrating. I don’t know what he wants from me anymore.” Paige took a heaving breath, the relief at admitting that freeing.

  “Perhaps he doesn’t know what he wants either. Men are confusing creatures. They are also confused creatures. I’m sure part of his problem is that he struggles with the power position he holds over you.”

  Paige nodded. There was no need for an answer. This was most likely the biggest struggle Matteo faced when it came to the two of them being together.

  “He’s much older than you, you know. I believe that holds him up as well,” Claudia continued.

  “Eleven years, that’s it. Big deal,” Paige retorted, clamping her lips shut. She sounded like a snotty brat.

  “Ah, but those eleven years can feel like a lifetime to some. You’re only twenty-three, fresh faced and ready to conquer the world. Your entire life is spread out before you and you have so many choices. So much freedom.” Claudia smiled. “Whereas Matteo is older. Established within his career, a widower and a father to a young child. Saddled with much and weary with it too, though he’d never admit it. He probably believes none of that appeals to you.”

  “All of it does,” Paige said, frustration making her voice louder. “Everything that makes up Matteo appeals to me. I love how successful he is in his career, how much he works and cares about the family business. I love that he’s a father and is so good and tender with his son. He adores Matty. His eyes light up every time he sees him and that touches my heart so deep, I feel like it’s about to burst.”

  Paige paused, noticing how Claudia remained quiet, that knowing little smile still curling her lips. “I love how he treats me like an equal and asks my opinion on so many things. And how welcome he makes me feel in his home, as if I
rightfully belong there. He doesn’t treat me like an employee, he treats me like a person.”

  “Of course, he does. Matteo is, above all else, always fair. It comes from being the eldest,” Claudia said, her voice full of authority. “He broke up many a battle between his brothers when they were young. He was the one who they all went to for advice.”

  She could imagine him, young and handsome, irritated with his brothers yet still patient enough to help them. Supporting everyone in the family with that certain easy way he had. He’d probably indulged Stasia too. She’d admitted that more than once. He was a good man.

  So why would he think she didn’t want him? That he didn’t deserve her? It made no sense.

  “He—he sometimes acts like he wants me, then pulls away. No, more like he pushes me away.” Paige buried her face in her hands, mortified that she would say such a thing. “You’re his mother. I’m sure you don’t want to hear this.”

  “But do you have anyone else to talk about your feelings for Matteo with?” When Paige shook her head, Claudia gave her shoulders a little squeeze. “Then let it all out, darling. Just don’t go into too many details.”

  Paige dropped her hands away from her cheeks, laughing softly. “There’s not much to tell. Really. I just…I don’t understand why he denies what he feels for me. Because I know he feels something. He struggles with it daily. I see it in his eyes, written all over his face. You know, I tried to leave and take another job just before this trip. But he wouldn’t let me. Sometimes I wonder if I hadn’t been his employee, he might have given me—us—a chance…”

  Claudia remained quiet for so long, Paige grew nervous. “What are you thinking?” she asked the older woman.

  “I’m thinking maybe you need to be a little pushier when it comes to Matteo and how you feel about him.”

  Paige pulled away from her and stood, pacing back and forth. “I have been. Believe me, I’ve been so forthcoming with what I want from him and how I feel, I may as well hang a sign from my neck. Doesn’t do me any good, though, since he rejects me anyway.”

  “Then maybe you should approach him in a different manner.” The smile on Claudia’s face was nothing short of victorious. “And I think I have the perfect idea.”

  Paige stopped in her pacing, worry creeping down her spine. “What’s your idea?”

  “Let me do a little investigating first. Then I’ll tell you everything.”

  “I appreciate your efforts, really I do, but maybe I shouldn’t risk it. What if something happens and we don’t work out as a couple?” Paige pressed her lips together to keep from saying anything else. She didn’t want to reveal all of her fears.

  “Trust me, Paige. You would be good for my son. I firmly believe that. Now, let me work my magic. I will say this, though. Go to him. Talk to him. Alone, without any other distractions. I think you’ll be surprised at how he reacts.” Claudia smiled and Paige had no choice but to smile in return. She wanted to believe she and Matteo could work out, but she still had so many doubts.

  Perhaps his mother knew what was best for him. Perhaps she was what was best for him.

  Paige could only hope.

  For the first time in months, Matteo felt like he could breathe again. Being back in Amalfi, in his homeland, he felt his head clear as soon as he pulled the rental car through the gate of the Renaldi villa. Nothing had changed, the house and the grounds looked exactly as he remembered, yet the colors, the sounds, the light, all of it was more vibrant, even more beautiful.

  It was good to be home.

  Matty had been a nightmare during the flight, whining and crying, clinging to Paige, irritating her more than once, which was unusual. Matteo interfered a few times, trying to lend a helping hand, but his son would have none of it. So he buried himself in his work, studying the financial reports in preparation for the big annual meeting they held for the executives of Renaldi Accessories.

  The meeting was in two days and it would take the entire day to complete. He was both looking forward to it and dreading it all at once. He took great pride in both the financial and creative planning that went into his business. Usually he enjoyed working on plans for the future. He took great pride in the family business and found it exciting, how far they’d come, even since his father died.

  But for once in his life, he wasn’t necessarily excited to be a part of that meeting. He’d rather be here, spending time with his family, his son. Spending time with Paige.

  Ridiculous. He pushed her away. Played games with her and toyed with her heart. He also couldn’t resist her, he preferred to be near her at all times and damn if he could do anything about it. He knew that night he begged her to come with them to Italy that something would happen. Here.



  He was tired, jet lagged and should probably go to bed, but he roamed the villa, eventually ending up outside. The air was cool and crisp, the scent of the salty ocean lingered and he sat on the end of a lounge chair, the overstuffed cushion comforting his weary bones. He stared out at the night sky, the silvery half moon shining its gentle light on the glittering sea, and he sighed with happiness, for the first time in however long feeling at complete peace with his thoughts. With his life.

  Not since before Lucia’s death had he felt like this and he couldn’t say he’d been this content with her. Their volatile relationship had worn on him. He craved sweetness in his life. He wanted a beautiful, docile yet passionate woman to warm his bed and his heart. A kind, loving woman who would care for his son as if he were her own. This woman would have no problem voicing her feelings, sharing her thoughts with him. Would stand up to him when she believed it necessary, listen to his thoughts, share his dreams.

  He was starting to believe that woman could be Paige.

  He’d been so busy preparing for this trip, his mind filled with thoughts of Paige and what she meant to him. What he might mean to her. All his worry of being too old for her, how he might be a burden on her as she stood on the cusp of her life, he could finally push those worries away. There was so much of her he still didn’t know. She was a mystery he wanted to solve.

  He couldn’t get that night out of his head. How she’d boldly declared her feelings for him, how she’d laid everything on the line fearlessly, while he’d been the one who’d turned into a chicken and backed away from her. Her boldness had seemed to set her free and he’d crushed her with his cowardly ways. Letting them rule him, nearly letting her get away.

  Well, no more. He was a grown man, for the love of God, and he could choose whoever he wanted to be with, as long as the woman was willing. And he knew without a doubt Paige was willing.

  So he would go after her. Prove to her that he did want her. No more pushing her away. No more speeches about him being her boss, of her being too young. She was a woman who went after what she wanted. He needed to be a man who chased after what he wanted.

  And he wanted her.

  The hairs on the back of his neck stood on end as he became aware that he was no longer alone. Her scent reached him first. Erotic, alluring yet sweet and filled with innocence. He lifted his head to the sky and sniffed, didn’t flinch in surprise when her hand settled gently on his shoulder.

  “It’s late,” she murmured, her voice washing over him, setting his skin on fire. “Aren’t you tired?”

  “Couldn’t sleep.” He shrugged, she didn’t remove her hand and he reveled in her simple touch.

  “Your family home is beautiful.”

  “I’m glad you like it.”

  “Thank you for bringing me here,” she said, her voice so soft he could hardly hear her.

  Glancing up, he found her standing beside him, the breeze blowing her vibrantly colored hair across her face. She was as pretty as an angel, clad in a simple white sweater and black leggings, her skin pale, her freckles standing out in stark relief. Even in the moonlight, he could see them.

  “Thank you for coming with us.” He grabbed hold of her hand and brought i
t to his mouth, pressing his lips to her knuckles. A spontaneous gesture, the only way he could handle this for fear he’d overthink his feelings and never do anything about this undeniable attraction between them.

  A shuddering breath left her as she tried to pull her hand from his grip. “Matteo…”

  “Sshh.” He kissed her again, her fingers, turning her hand over so he could press his mouth to her palm. “I’m tired of fighting it, Paige.”

  “Fighting what?” Her voice trembled, she sounded frightened and he hated that he did that to her.

  “Fighting my feelings for you.” He tugged on her hand, pulling down so she stumbled into his lap. Wrapping his arms around her waist, he held her, his gaze meeting hers. “I want you.”

  She frowned, her delicate brows furrowed. “If this is some sort of joke, I don’t think it’s very funny. You’ve put me through enough, don’t you think?”

  “I’ve put you through far too much, I agree. But this is no joke.” He slipped his hand around her nape, massaging the tense muscles there. Her lids lowered, her lips parted and a little gust of breath left her. “Does anyone ever touch you? Give you any sort of physical comfort?”

  “N-no.” She sighed, her eyes completely closing when he dug his fingers deep into her neck.

  “Me either. Besides Matty.” His son’s hugs were the best in the world, but he needed more. And he wanted more—from Paige. “Being here in Italy relaxes me, bella. Makes me remember where I came from and who I am. The bustle of the city turns me into a different man. A cold, unfeeling man.” He blew out a harsh breath. “Losing my wife changed me too. I shut everyone out, thinking I needed no one.”

  She bent her head, reaching out to settle her hand on his chest. “I want to believe you so badly, but…”

  “I know. I’ve hurt you. Pushed you away too many times to count.” He squeezed the back of her neck and she lifted her head, meeting his gaze once more. “No more, bella. The attraction between us is too great to fight any longer, don’t you agree?”


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