Room Service

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Room Service Page 18

by Summer Cooper

  His mouth was rough against mine, and all I could do was clutch at him as he walked me backward, never once breaking from the kiss. I jumped a little when my back hit something hard and cold, probably the glass wall from the smooth feel of it through my clothes. I didn’t even care that people might be able to see us from outside.

  Trent had come for me, and it was more than I could have dared to hope for.



  I pulled away from the kiss to look down at Jessi, both of us panting.

  I’d picked this room specifically because this was a sight I wanted to see. The room was sparsely furnished, with couches in one area and a bed further in. And even better, one wall was made entirely of glass, and it faced the beach. It reminded me of my home, save for the different view beyond the glass, and I planned to take Jessi home so I could have her against my glass wall there too. For the moment, this would have to do.

  And damn the view was something fucking beautiful.

  I took a moment to appreciate the view as Jessi leaned her head back against the glass. The beach was a nice backdrop, and light from the sun was right behind her, outlining her body. I pursed my lips as my eyes dropped down to her clothes. Things would be perfect if only we were both naked.

  Patience, Trent, I chided myself.

  “We should come back here again,” I murmured, pushing a lock of dark brown hair behind her ear, then stroking my fingers along her neck, smiling when she shivered from the slight touch. “Would you like to?”

  She arched an eyebrow. “If it’s as guests, then sure. I didn’t go on a lot of beach trips growing up.”

  Jessi blinked her bright, hazel eyes at me, and my breath caught in my throat. I wanted to ravish her against the glass wall, but I forced myself to have some patience. I wanted to convince her that being with me would be the best thing for her. I didn’t want her trying to run from me again.

  Tentatively, I leaned down for another kiss. I started softly this time, a chaste press of lips, moving my mouth gently against hers. Her arms around my neck held me close as I added a little pressure to the kiss, then nipped her bottom lip, alternating with little licks.

  Jessi got a bit impatient herself, her fingers digging into the back of my neck as she held me close and parted her mouth. I took the invitation readily, letting my tongue slide between her lips and teeth to explore the inside of her mouth. Her body shuddered as she let out a soft whimper, rising up on her tiptoes to press her body against mine. I noticed because the ache starting in my neck eased up for a bit, but I hardly cared right then.

  “Don’t tease me,” she whispered in between kisses. “I’ve waited for this for so long, Trent. Please?”

  I let out a low moan at the ‘please.’ Usually, when women wanted things from me, they demanded them. When they asked to please have it, it was either a formality, or they were silently mocking me. I’d come to hate hearing the word ‘please,’ especially when it came from women. Hearing it from Jessi felt pretty satisfying.

  “I’m not making either of us wait,” I murmured as I pressed kisses all over her neck. “I’m just having a little fun first.”

  My lips landed on the spot just behind her ear, and she hunched her shoulders and let out a soft giggle. I paused then did it again, and she laughed.

  “That tickles!”

  I grinned against her skin, placed the last kiss on her cheek, and then pulled back. I looked down at her chef’s uniform that I only realized she was still wearing.

  “Do you mind if I take this off you?” I asked.

  She nodded, pouting a little. “It’s not a sexy outfit, is it?”

  I shook my head, meeting her eyes for a second before my gaze dropped to the buttons I was slowly undoing.

  “You look sexy in just about anything because you’re you,” I countered.

  I finished unbuttoning the jacket and pulled her away from the glass so I could slip it off her shoulders, tossing it to the side. She had a top underneath, and I was tempted to pull that off as well, but instead just rested my hands on her waist.

  Slow down…

  All I could think in the time we were separated was how desperately I wanted Jessi. How, when I saw her, I would strip her down and fuck her against the nearest flat surface because I’d missed her so badly. That plan had changed.

  “Let’s move over to the bed?” I said, voicing it as a question because I felt just a little unsure. But this was Jessi, and I knew I didn’t have to hide behind any walls with her.

  She smiled up at me, took one of my hands, and tugged me over to the bed. It was placed in the corner of the room, where the glass wall ended to offer some privacy, even though we were several floors up.

  I toed off my loafers as Jessi took off her shoes. My eyes landed on her ass as she crawled onto the bed, hips swaying. Once she was a bit higher and in the middle of the large king-sized bed, she rolled over onto her back, then sent a grin my way. I crawled after her, moving slowly until I was above her on all fours.

  “You should probably be packing,” I said in a whisper. “We’re supposed to leave soon.”

  She grinned. “I never unpacked my things. It’s all still in boxes in my room.”

  I arched an eyebrow down at her in surprise. “It’s been weeks, though. What do you mean you haven’t unpacked?”

  She shrugged. “I’ve only been taking out what I need and putting back what I don’t. Partly because I’m lazy. But mostly because I’d known I wouldn’t be staying long. At first, I just missed home, but then I started to hate it here.”

  I scowled, remembering the guy I found yelling at her.

  “Do I need to bring anybody forward for disciplinary action?”

  Jessi snorted, lifting her hands to pat on my chest. “We’re not in high school, Trent. You could probably make it happen, but it’s fine. And you didn’t wait for me to give you a proper answer. But in case you were wondering, I will be going back with you.”

  My heart thumped wildly as I smiled happily at Jessi. I could feel growing excitement of a different kind. But I hadn’t suddenly forgotten the position we were in.

  Jessi didn’t wait for me to make a move, leaning up on one elbow, her other arm going around my neck as she tugged me down, then kissed me. I hummed as I kissed her back, kneeing her thighs apart and settling my body over hers carefully, until she was lying on her back with me on top of her, my upper body braced on my forearms, so I wouldn’t crush her.

  After several minutes of making out like a couple of teenagers, I pulled away from her mouth. Instead, my lips trailed over to her neck. My hands were back at her waist, and I slowly pushed her top up to slide a hand over her skin. She let out a shuddering sigh, and I left a nip on her neck.

  “Trent,” Jessi whispered, her voice ragged. “Please.”

  At her pleading with me again, I bit down on her neck. She yelped at the unexpectedness of it, and I smoothed it over with a lick. I stopped kissing her, pushing her top higher, until she lifted her upper body just enough to take it off and toss it to the side.

  I placed both hands on her waist and slowly slid them up, my eyes staring right at her breasts. Her bra was in the way, but that wouldn’t be the case for long. I cupped both breasts in my palms, squeezing a little, and Jessi gasped as her back arched, hips swiveling. I slid one of my hands underneath her, feeling for the clasp of her bra and undoing it.

  Her hands stopped me just before I could take off her bra.

  “You should strip down, too,” she muttered petulantly, crossing her arms over her chest. “At least take your shirt off.”

  “As you wish,” I said with a grin, shifting so I was kneeling on the bed.

  She watched me as I undid the buttons of my shirt, her eyes following every bit of exposed flesh, my own eyes following the movement of her tongue as she licked her bottom lip. When I started undoing my belt, Jessi remembered herself, and she undid her pants. We stripped down, going slowly, our eyes following each other until we w
ere both naked.

  Then Jessi lay back down, legs spread, knees slightly raised, her arms reaching out to me. I could see a trace of vulnerability because of the position she’d put herself in, and I held her gaze as I returned to my previous position, bracing my body above hers.

  “Fuck,” I hissed, my eyes closing tightly for a moment as I felt her warm skin pressed against mine.

  “Yeah,” she breathed out, squirming under me. “This feels way too good, Trent.”

  “It’s about to get better,” I reassured.

  I ducked my head down to kiss the top of her chest, moving down toward her breasts. I kissed and nipped my way to one nipple, flicking the pink bud with my tongue before sucking lightly on it. Jessi panted for breath as she dug her nails into my back, and I moved to her other nipple, giving it the same treatment.

  Finally, feeling I’d tortured the both of us more than enough, I wrapped an arm around her waist to lift her hips. Taking the cue, she wrapped her legs around my waist, and we both let out a groan as the head of my cock rubbed against her sex. I rocked my hips gently, looking for her entrance until I felt her soft flesh give. I slid in slowly, holding my breath, hoping to gain some control. I could feel a bead of sweat travel down my spine, and I gritted my teeth until I was into the hilt.

  After a moment of the both of us just staying still and breathing, Jessi tightened her legs around me and dug her nails even harder into my back. The move had her walls squeezing around my cock, and I released another groan.

  “Move, Trent,” she breathed, moving against me, even as I pressed her down into the mattress. “Please, move?”

  Again, with that word. Like I couldn’t help myself when I heard it, I did what she wanted, moving my hips. I started with slow, careful thrusts, adding a slight roll to my hips as I slid into her wet heat. I nipped my way up her neck until I covered her lips with mine. She opened readily for me, and my tongue slid into her mouth, tangling with hers. I picked up the pace just a bit, enjoying the breathy little noises she made with every one of my thrusts. When we needed a break to breathe, I’d break away from her lips to kiss all over her neck and the top of her chest, before slanting my mouth right back over hers.

  This feels amazing, I thought. Wonderful was another word for it, like nothing I’d ever felt before. And I knew why; because for the first time, I wasn’t just fucking. I was making love to Jessi, the only woman I would want to have that kind of experience with.

  Jessi whimpered as her body began to shiver at me, and I could feel her walls convulsing around my cock. Groaning, I moved a little faster, a little harder, rewarded with a slight hitch in her breath. Jessi orgasmed, her head tilting back as she cried out her pleasure. I hit climax right behind her, and we clutched each other as our bodies shuddered.

  We slumped to the bed, feeling sated, and I rolled us over so we were lying on our sides and I was holding her close. I buried my face in her hair, closed my eyes, and breathed in her scent.

  “I’m taking you home, Jessi,” I told her after a while.

  She hummed. “Just don’t forget my car and my things.”

  I released a sigh I hadn't realized I was holding.

  Jessi’s coming home with me, I thought to myself with a grin.



  We were in my car, driving back up to Charlotte with my stuff packed in the trunk and the back seat. Trent had insisted on driving, even though he’d looked at my car in disapproval at first, and I was in the passenger seat.

  “If you came with the helicopter, why couldn’t we just go back with it?” I asked. I wasn’t complaining, just feeling curious and a little cramped in the car, especially when I didn’t have driving as a distraction from boredom.

  Trent shot a glance at me. “Well, I didn’t want you to leave your stuff just so you would have to go back for it later, and it wouldn’t all fit in the helicopter. Don’t worry, though. I promise I’m a good driver.”

  “I’m not worried about that. If I didn’t trust you, I wouldn’t have given you the keys to my car to begin with.”

  He scoffed. “What, are you afraid I might harm your old scrap heap?”

  The tone of his voice was teasing, so I knew not to take him too seriously, even though the words sounded a bit familiar.

  “Don’t call my car an old scrap heap,” I threatened. “It’s all I’ve had for years. I got it pretty cheap, and I was ecstatic to get it.”

  “I’m sure you could afford a better one by now.”

  That gave me pause, and after a moment of thinking, I shrugged. I had enough cash in my bank account that I could probably buy myself another, nicer car. I could even afford a new car, probably, but that would just be a waste of resources to me. I was saving up. I didn’t know what for, but I was going to let it sit pretty in the bank until I had a reason not to anymore.

  “It must be uncomfortable for you,” I said with a sigh. “My car is pretty small, and your height…”

  “A bit,” he admitted. “But it’s not anything I can't handle for a few hours.”

  When we finally made it back to Charlotte, I was mildly surprised that Trent took us to the hotel and not the mansion. I pouted a little because I wanted to see my parents, but it wasn’t a shock that he was still avoiding home.

  “Let’s go in,” he said, shooting me a grin and jumping out of the car before I could follow.

  I stared at him because this was the front entrance. What, did he expect me to carry my boxes up through the same entrance guests went through? It would make way too many people a little too curious about my life!

  Before I could get my bearings, he was already around the car and opening my door for me. I undid my seatbelt and stepped out, taking the keys from him.

  “Just lock it for now,” he instructed. “We can get everything later, I promise.”

  I sighed and did as he asked. “As long as you help me get them all up.”

  He grinned. “Definitely.”

  Trent took my hand, twining our fingers together, and practically dragged me behind him with his hurried steps into the hotel. I could feel my eyes widen because we were in full view of staff and guests as we hurried through the lobby to the elevators. He had a slight skip in his step the whole way, and I thought he even whistled.

  We stepped into the elevator alone, though there were others standing there, probably waiting for one as well.

  “Don’t worry,” he whispered to me as the doors closed. “It happens to me all the time.”

  I looked up to meet his eyes. “Really?”

  He nodded. “When people recognize me, a lot of them tend to keep their distance. This is the first time I’m truly glad for it, though.”

  “Why is that?” I arched an eyebrow, but I was distracted by his openly happy expression, so much that it caught me off guard when he suddenly picked me up and whirled me around.

  “Because you’re finally back with me,” he said in a sing-song voice. “I wanted to come after you so many times, you know? But I didn’t, because I didn’t know why. I’ve figured it out, though.”

  I met his eyes as my heart beat a little faster for a different reason. “Why?” I asked, my voice coming out breathless.

  He grinned, then ducked his head down close. I thought he was coming in for a kiss, and I closed my eyes. I felt his lips at my ear instead.

  “I love you, Jessi,” he whispered.

  I gasped, and I could have sworn for a second my heart stopped. He pulled back to grin down at me, and I just stared at him, dumbfounded, taking the words in.

  Trent just said he loved me…


  I opened my mouth to say something back. I didn’t know exactly what, maybe to say I loved him too? But before I got the chance, the elevator doors opened, and Trent was dragging me back out. My eyes were fixated on his back as I replayed the words back in my mind.

  He’s different.

  Trent wasn’t acting quite like himself, and I wondered just how fast a per
son could change. He was no longer the same somber, somewhat mysterious man I’d met after a decade nearly a month ago. He was talking to me, he kept acting all playful like that sing-song thing in the elevator. He even told me he loved me!

  “Is this a dream?”

  I didn’t realize I’d blurted the words out until Trent paused to glance over at me. We were already at the door to his suite, and he unlocked it and let us in.

  “You’re not dreaming,” he said in reassurance. “But I guess you could say that I finally woke up. I wouldn’t have gone looking for you otherwise because I’m a stubborn bastard.”

  I smiled wryly. “Well, I can't argue with that.”

  He shot me a betrayed look, and it made me laugh. But then I sighed, looking up at him with a frown.

  “What exactly is going to happen to us?” I asked. “I ran away before because I didn’t think we’d have a future.”

  Trent’s expression suddenly turned solemn as he led me over to the couch and sat me down.

  “We are going to have a future, Jessi. If you don’t have any more plans that would take you away from me, I would very much love to spend the rest of my life with you.”

  His blunt nature sure hasn’t changed, I thought, my jaw hanging open a little.

  “I have no such plans,” I squeaked out.

  He was grinning again. “Good. The only real obstacle is my dad, but it’s more what I’m going to do about him, than him being against a relationship between us.”

  “You finally got to see him?”

  He nodded. “Yeah, though it’s more that he came over to see me. I need to talk to him.” He let out a heavy sigh. “I’d like to go back to my mountains, up in Asheville where my real home is. I don’t want to let my dad down any more than I already have, either. For the first time, he asked me instead of just demanding I do shit.”

  “And that’s a big deal?” I said slowly.

  “Yeah, it is,” he said. Then he gave me a pleading expression. “I’d hate to do this, and I’m sorry, but I’m going to leave you here for a little bit, okay? I’m trying to rebuild all my relationships so they aren’t quite as messed up as before. Your friends will be coming to stay with you for the time being.”


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