Room Service

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Room Service Page 71

by Summer Cooper

  “Motherfucker!” I grunted in uncontrolled, almost embarrassing passion. I lost all sense and just began spasming. He was fucking me harder than ever before, without mercy and my thirsty, selfish pussy just craved more.

  I couldn’t stop coming! This time when I orgasmed, I didn’t even want to wait for a breather. I just kept singing, demanding, more fucking in between my legs. I gripped his cock with my interior pussy walls and squeezed, warning him to keep the rhythm going.

  God, all I wanted to do was cum and make him break inside of me. I crashed up against him over and over, pulling him down with me to catch my breath, then heaving upward again.

  I loved the feeling of rubbing my titties, my hard nipples all over his mouth. I wanted his saliva, his sweat, his whole body to permeate mine.

  And he thrust, rock hard, without letup. He stayed hard for me, giving me all that I could bear, pounding my pussy like he owned it. Like my body was his to fuck and fuck and fuck!

  “Ohh don’t stop!” I screamed again, slapping his shoulder and gripping him with my other hand. I tried to touch him all over his body—his thick muscles, his abs, his arm, his ass…even his strong neck muscles. We were fucking like animals and it felt so good, so much like a true bonding. Something beyond sex and almost uncomfortably close!

  He fucked me and pounded me and fury-fucked me again, all until in one final, desperate moment, I felt the shaft bury deep inside to the point of no return. I could tell the way he was vibrating and gritting his teeth, he was going to cum in me. He couldn’t stop even if he tried. I felt his passion leaving him, I literally felt his balls empty and his whole body convulse as he was ready to let go.

  His pubic hairs tangled with mine, and I felt the deep pulse of his strong, steamy and multiple-spurting ejaculation.

  “Ohhhh Lee!” I said, throttling his cock and getting every last drop of semen inside of my hugging pussy lips. “Holy fuck, ohhh my God!”

  I hugged him close and shook off the rest of my orgasm, letting our bodies melt into each other. Letting him feel how glorious it was to let the cum drip deeper and deeper and then gradually spill out. He fucking came in me and made me his fucking bitch. How crazy…how out of this world. Jesus, I said to myself, I will never get over him. Never forget this moment, so close inside, so compact in his arms. I want to stay like this…

  “Mmmm…” I sighed, rolling over his shrinking cock one last time.

  We both sighed, and he rolled over, next to me.

  “Do you think you could learn to love a very stupid man?”

  I shrugged. “I’ve done it before.”

  “I’m not as sexy as Buck Knife or as young and cute as Zeke.”

  “That’s for me to decide.”

  “Hmm.” He laced his fingers through mine and examined them in the fading afternoon light. My pale skin contrasted with his tanned knuckles. “Southern girls are often of Irish or English descent.”

  “Or both,” I agreed. “We’re freaking Vikings no matter how you look at it.”

  “I’m part Italian,” he said. “And a little of everything else, I suppose. My mother loves to cook. My sister is an architect. My brother is in the forestry service and thinks I’m a wimp. ”

  “I was raised on a farm with my mother and grandmother,” I said. “With a whole lot of relatives surrounding me. In fact, I believe I’m related in one way or another, to everyone in the town.”

  “I think I would like to see that.”

  “No, you wouldn’t. Most of the young people are pretty cool, but there are still a lot of rednecks. A lot of cowboys. You agree with them or you get out of their way. We wanted to get away from that. I guess that’s why we like this community. It’s pretty open.”

  “A lot of aging hippies. What did you expect?”

  “Tsk. I told you many times, I didn’t know what to expect. Why do you keep thinking I planned anything?”

  “Because women do that.”

  “You’re the expert now?” I rolled toward him and he took me in his arms and made love to me again. Really made love. We pressed close, thigh to thigh, knee to knee, ankles rubbing together, arms wrapped tightly around each other, drinking in the taste of each other’s sweat, inhaling the personal scent of each other’s bodies. We seemed to float on air. We seemed to be suspended in one long moment before collapsing once more on our backs.

  The doctor used the terry cloth towels to dry us off, gazing at me as the towels swabbed at all the necessary places. He put on a pair of sweats and sat beside me. “I’m hungry.”

  “There are enchiladas at the house, and guacamole.”

  “Really? You don’t think they’re gone by now?”

  “I made a lot and I hid one of the pans.”

  “Enchiladas, huh? I want some.”

  The doctor was dressed, but my clothing was still a disgrace. I wadded around the bathrobe and sneaked toward my house like a thief, Lee following close behind. We made it halfway up the stairs to my bedroom, when Briana caught us on her way down the stairs. “Hey, Jenna,” she greeted, then stopped. She looked at me in nothing more than a bathroom and the doctor trying to sneak back down the stairs and around the corner in a pretense he was headed toward the kitchen, and grinned. “Did you get lucky? You got lucky!” She said loudly. “How was it?” She stage whispered in my ear.

  “More than you can handle.”

  “Ha! I doubt it!” She clattered down the stairs and took the doctor by the arm. “Now, I know you think I should feel jealous, but I’m not. I’m just so glad you got that terrible woman out of your life. Now that you’re free, just take a look around at all your choices. There’s no need in jumping straight from the kettle into the pot. Keep your options open, that’s what I say.”

  “Kettle to the fire.”


  “You jump from the kettle into the fire.”

  “Oh, no. That doesn’t make sense. Why would you do that? I’m sure it’s a kettle and a pot.”

  I closed the door to my bedroom still listening to the banter between Briana and Lee. It felt good to think of him as Lee now instead of in formal terms. I changed quickly into some fuzzy, pajama style pants and an over-sized tee shirt. I felt casual and a little sloppy, but as though I was entitled to behaving this way.

  I clamored back down the stairs to rescue the doctor from Briana’s grip. I really didn’t have to worry too much. He was listening in amusement as Briana explained the principles of body language. “You can tell a lot about what a person is thinking by his gestations,” she said.

  “His gestations?”

  “Yeah, and when he gestates a lot, he’s either French or he’s trying to cover up. Of course, if you’re French, you’re always trying to cover something up. That’s why they gestate.”

  “Briana,” I said, “Lee hasn’t had dinner, and neither have I. I’ve invited him for something to eat.”

  “Oh, I’m hungry, too. What do you have?”

  “I saved a pan of enchiladas, but I put out plenty earlier. Are they all gone?”

  “Talk to Burke about that. He took most of them.”

  “I’m going to quit putting him on the list of affordable mechanics.”

  “You can’t do that. He’s very affordable.”

  I sighed. By the time my enchiladas had been heated, Linda and Jack had reappeared, along with Melanie, Liz, and Billy Rosenfield. There was no choice except to empty the refrigerator of all its left-overs and share the meal as well as the doctor’s attentions.

  Chapter Fifty

  We weren’t completely rid of Julia Hastings. Even though she no longer visited Lee, she still worked at the clinic, which placed her in direct contact with the Senior Center, a place that was already suspicious of our services.

  The Senior Center wasn’t really run by seniors any more than welfare services are handled by people who have been on welfare. It was run by a committee that spent a great deal of time in working out profitable budgets. They were very skilled at this, so
skilled that half the people in the community were selling their houses and lining up for assisted living in the senior apartment complex by the age of sixty.

  Our block began to represent the rebel faction. They were the seniors who wouldn’t go. It was bad enough, I suppose, when many of them switched their catering services to my more delectable, but healthy menu, and Linda’s grooming skills became more popular than their own barbers and hair stylists. But now a hard core group had quit going to the Senior Center at all. The reason was, it was run by a woman named Gloria Hammerstein, also known as the Dragon Lady.

  The Dragon Lady ran the Senior Center with an iron fist. She governed the hours when apartments were open to visitors and when residents must turn in for the night. She monitored the senior grounds for unacceptable behavior and limited the use of the computers, games and recreational equipment. Lee Andrews is a nice person. He simply said Gloria Hammerstein was trying to keep the Senior Center orderly and safe. Melanie is a nice person too and she said the Senior Center was insufferably boring. Billy Rosenfield, whose niceties are sometimes questionable, said it was run like a damned prison.

  The Dragon Lady and Julia Hastings became very good friends. They decided it was time to topple the house of southern hospitality. They took the most unimaginative course of action, first. They sent the health inspector – not once, but twice.

  The first time he came, I showed him my license, my insurance papers, my up-to-date inspection sticker and invited him to look around. He did while I stood with crossed arms and watched as he even crawled inside the bottom shelves, checking for rat feces or any other disgusting accumulation that could shut us down.

  The second time, I impatiently showed him my papers, then left him in Briana’s capable hands. She leaned against the sink while he examined the cabinets up above her. “That’s just the cutest tie you’re wearing,” she said, fingering it. “Did your wife pick it out?”

  He brushed her hand away, settling it into place. “It’s just a dress requirement.”

  “Well, I think people choose jobs that go with the way they look, don’t you? They see a dress requirement and they think to themselves, ‘hey, I’d look good like that’, so they pick the job because it looks so good on them. Kind of the way I want to be a stewardess. I’d make a great stewardess, don’t you think? I’ve just got a little weight left to lose, but I don’t really think it’s so bad.”

  She twisted her waist to look at her pear-like hips. The health inspector tried hard to ignore her. He crawled under the kitchen sink with a flashlight. Briana squatted and peered in beside him. “Do you like the plumbing? I always say you’ve gotta appreciate the man who knows good plumbing. We women just couldn’t do without it – good plumbing, you know. It’s what makes us happy.” She nodded as though she knew what she was talking about. “See? A nice, stiff pipe. That’s good plumbing.”

  The health inspector bumped his head coming out from under the sink. “I think we’re done here.”

  “Would you like a cup of coffee?” I asked.

  Briana held his arm and was smiling sweetly up at him. “Um,” he said and twisted the wedding band on his finger. “I think I should go.”

  The second home invasion attempt was slightly more cunning. They sent a young boy as a spy to one of our parties. His purpose was to get one of us to fall for contributing to the delinquency of a minor.

  There were a couple of problems with this. Most of the people who came to our parties were Millennials or older. The other problem was, nobody knew him, so nobody invited him to share. He hung around though, trying to ingratiate himself with the ground.

  He did look over twenty-one, although barely. His muscle definition was good, and his face had a decent five o’clock shadow. He began flirting with Briana, who of course, flirted back. “What does it take,” he asked her. “To get a beer around here?”

  I don’t know if she would have fallen for it or not, but Lee appeared at that moment. He clasped a hand around the young man’s shoulders. “Why if it isn’t Lucy Strom’s boy! What are you doing out this time of night? Does your mother know you’re here?”

  “You know him?” Asked Briana.

  “Sure I do. His mom works at the Senior Center apartments as a care provider. She wouldn’t approve of her boy being in this crowd. He’s only seventeen, you know.”

  “Oh, you naughty boy!” Gasped Briana. “And you even asked me for a beer. Sweetie, don’t come back to see me for another five years.”

  “I think we should call the police,” said Lee. “He was soliciting alcohol.”

  “My mom put me up to it!” Blurted the young man. “She said this was a den of vipers that was corrupting the neighborhood. I was trying to do what was best for everyone.”

  “I’m sure you were. Go home and tell your mom that her attempts at salvation didn’t work.”

  He stopped at the door, looking pretty sad, and not just because he had been discovered. “I wasn’t going to say anything about you, Briana. You’re really nice.”

  “But you were willing to hurt my family.”

  “I just wanted to hurt Dr. Andrews because he’s a traitor to the Senior Center.”

  “There’s no reason we couldn’t all work together, you know,” said Lee.

  “No, we can’t because thanks to these girls, Dr. Hastings is listed in the top forty Med Skanks on the West Coast.”

  Dr. Andrews shifted his gaze to me and I shifted mine to Briana, who opened her eyes wide and pretended to know nothing about it. “Maybe I can arrange a cease fire,” the doctor finally suggested.

  The boy nodded and muttered to himself as he was leaving, “Not that I don’t blame him. Well, I do. These are… um…women…” His voice faded into the distance.

  “Oh, Dr. Andrews,” squealed Briana, once the boy had disappeared. “You saved us!” She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him.

  He backed off a step and drew her wrists down to her sides. “Tell me about Med Skanks of the West Coast.”

  “Oh, it’s just a place on the Internet where they talk about skanky medical people, and well… Dr. Hastings’ San Diego affair kind of went viral.”

  “I wonder how that happened.”

  “What I’m wondering about is why she hasn’t been fired for the things she’s done,” said Melanie. “It’s all right there on the Internet.”

  “Gossip on a social media site isn’t exactly proof of misbehavior.”

  “Hmm,” she sniffed. “Where there’s smoke, there’s fire. All I know is that I have to take Ralph in, to Dr. Hastings for physical therapy, and he hates her. The last time we went to the clinic, I had to chase his motorized wheelchair up and down the hall. When we finally got him cornered, he bit Dr. Hastings.”

  “We’ll assign him to a different therapist, but isn’t there a way we can end this war?”

  Men never have a clue to these things. This time when I glanced at Briana, she glanced at Linda and Linda glanced at Melanie. We all shook our heads. “Probably not.”

  Briana finally did agree to stop fanning the flames at her social media site and the Senior Center cautiously with-held any more attempt to invade our territory. Clear lines had been drawn; those who relished the orderly life of the Senior Center, and those who rejected adult supervision.

  Private time with the doctor was still practically impossible, however. If Lee Andrews went jogging, Briana put on her jogging clothes and did an inspired clip around the block. If Lee was mowing the lawn, Briana was in the garden, pulling weeds. If he came over for a cup of coffee, Briana needed a coffee break as well.

  It really didn’t do much good to say something to her. Briana drew the line when it came to sleeping with married men or couples that were living together, but figured until the commitment was made, all men were fair game. Lee and I hadn’t made a commitment. We barely knew anything about each other, and apparently, Briana was out to make sure this wasn’t going to change.

  That was, until she discovered sh
e made a very fine counselor, at least as far as our community was concerned. It began when a very small, sixtyish looking woman named Lynn Korbin, asked for advice.

  Lynn wasn’t somebody you’d notice right away or someone who left a vacancy when she wasn’t around. As well as being tiny, she was quiet, dressed rather unremarkablE in plaids and jeans, and withdrew from any of the bawdier activities. Yet she was often at the morning breakfast table, dawdling over pastries and drinking coffee when the gang came in. This particular day, she sidled up to Briana, fiddled a bit in her seat, then finally spoke out. “I’ve been wondering how you do it.”

  “Do what?” Asked Briana, appearing a little surprised that Lynn was actually speaking to her.

  “The way you have with men. They like you. Oh! They like all you girls but it’s not quite the same, if you know what I mean.”

  “How do you mean?”

  “Well,” she said, lowering her voice confidentially. “You make guys get it up. I need to learn how to do it.”

  “You want to learn…” Briana turned her lower arm so it was pointing up.

  “Yes. It’s Eric. He retired six months ago and hasn’t gotten it up since.”

  “I see.” Briana placed an arm around her and led her up the stairs to her bedroom. “It’s like this. You’ve got to make him feel like he’s the sexiest guy in the world, and you do this by…”

  Her voice died away as she mounted the steps and closed her bedroom door.

  “The Senior Center is really going to love us now,” I told the doctor. “Briana has turned sex therapist.”

  “I don’t see that her advice will do a great deal of harm,” he said. He looked down at his hands, poised in front of his lap top. “We haven’t had a chance to talk much.”

  “We have our work schedules.”

  “There’s that. I have tomorrow off. I’ve been wanting to invite you out; for a drive through the countryside maybe, or a visit to the city. However you wanted it.”


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