Soothing His Madness

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Soothing His Madness Page 15

by Kayn, Debra

  He pushed through the front door of the bar and stopped.

  Chaos reigned inside Cactus cove. It was a recreated scene from the meet down with Los Li again. Someone lay on the tables, and a group of Bantorus members circled whichever biker had their attention. Lagsturns members kept their distance, but even he could see the concerned looks and stiff posture in the bikers.

  He searched for Taylor, wanting to get her out of the way. He spotted Ginger and marched straight to her.

  "Where's Taylor?" he said.

  Ginger's brows knotted and tears pooled in her eyes. "Oh God…"

  His chest tightened, squeezing the air out of his lungs. "Who got hurt?"

  "Slade, it's bad."

  He fell back on the heel of his boot. "Taylor…"

  "Brother, step back." Duck hauled him away and took his hands off Slade. "One of your men got shot. They're prepping him for transport to the county hospital where we have people who'll cover him."

  "What the hell?" Slade straightened to see over Duck's shoulder. "Who?"

  "Torque," Duck said quietly.

  "Jesus Christ. Again?" Slade shoved his hands in his hair. "What the hell happened?"

  "Shot in the shoulder. He's bleeding out and the bullet is still in him," Duck said.

  "Jesus…" Slade glanced over at the table where everyone gathered. "I need Taylor."

  Duck shook his head. "Don't know any chick named Taylor. Is she Torque's property?"

  "She's my woman." He walked off, urgent to put his eyes on Taylor.

  Sirens broke through the noise. He combed the crowd, finally pulling Ronny away from where they were working on Torque. "Where's Taylor?"

  "I don't know. Check with Bruce, he's in the office, putting calls out to cover Torque's ass at the hospital." Ronny motioned for Slade to move out of the paramedics' way.

  His cell vibrated. He scrambled to take it out of his pocket and frowned when the message came from Bruce, advising him to come to the club. He stalked down the hallway and into the office.

  "What the fuck is going on? Where's Taylor?" Fear tickled his brain and seized his heart.

  "We were hoping she was with you." Bruce rounded the desk. "I saw her go outside with Torque. I never questioned Torque, because he'd escorted Taylor to the cabins earlier to deliver the lunch orders. I thought one of the member's old lady might've needed something and Torque was with her. Next thing I know, bullets ripped apart the back of the building, and we found Torque with two bullets, one in each shoulder."

  Slade tapped Taylor's name on his phone and listened to it ring while Bruce continued to talk. Come on, baby girl, pick up.

  Voice mail kicked on and he said, "Call me now."

  He turned to Bruce. "Have you asked everyone here?"

  "Yeah. Nobody saw anything."

  Slade struck out, swinging his arm, his fist crashing through the sheetrock on the wall. He growled out, "I'm going after Los Li."

  "We'll get a team together. Rain wants—"

  Slade faced him down. "It's my woman. I ride alone."

  He wasn't bringing down Bantorus getting Taylor back, and he wasn't walking away without killing every bastard who dared to take Taylor out of his hands. Los Li would pay for even breathing the same air as Taylor. He moved over to the gun safe, ignoring the pain in his hand, and pushed the combination. It refused to open. He beat on the door, then tried again, and finally the bar slipped loose and he tossed it to the side.

  He shoved a full magazine in each pocket and put one in his boot. Then he grabbed a .40 caliber from the shelf to add to the two pistols he already carried on him. "I want two men to ride over to my neighbor's house…the green one, and pick up my boys. We use a safe word. Have them tell Janice, their babysitter, Harley's Rule the School, she'll know to pass them to you. I want them locked down with two riders in the room with them. Nobody goes out that door."

  "Got it." Bruce talked on his phone, relaying the message.

  "Tell them anyone touches a hair on my boys' head, and I will hunt them down and kill every-fucking-body they know." Slade rushed out of the office and ran into Rain.

  Rain gripped Slade's throat, backing him to the wall. Slade gritted his teeth. "Don't make me go through you, prez."

  "I heard the call go out, and your boys will walk through the door any minute." Rain paused. "Enough shit has happened today, I don't need to have more weight on my shoulders telling Kurt and Lee there daddy ain't coming back. You reassure them they are safe with the club, that the club has their back, and that you want them to be strong boys, because you don't know what will happen outside these doors. You set them up and secure your family first before you ride out after Taylor. Then, I will ride with you."

  "I'm going in shooting," he said, not wanting Rain involved. "I'll go alone."

  "Not wearing that patch." Rain eased back, dropping his hands from Slade. "Bantorus by name, Bantorus by blood."

  He forced a nod, accepting backup, knowing Rain was right. The club would follow his lead and walk into the fire with him. "Taylor's been gone a long time."

  "I know, man. I know," Rain said. "We'll make them pay, but you need to keep your head."

  His head was telling him to shoot first and get his woman back. Without her—he fisted his hand around the handle of the pistol and looked down—he'd go crazy. He needed her."

  "Torque's on his way to the hospital now. Members are rallying the family together to bring all the women and kids back to lockdown." Rain clapped his hand down on Slade's shoulder. "We'll get your woman, and we'll get revenge for Torque."

  "Yeah." Slade's body tensed and he walked down the hallway into the bar, followed by Rain.

  Overturned chairs blocked everyone from walking a straight line. Blood pooled on the table, dripping onto the floor where Torque had lain. Slade's throat spasmed. How much more could Torque take? Three bullet holes in a month. Someone had to put a stop to the hits they were taking.

  He had no idea how long he stood there, looking at his future, the uncertainty, the madness that invaded his life and stole Taylor from him. Most of all, he'd let her slip away. He'd fucked up again, and someone he loved paid the price. He should've stayed at the bar with her. He should've ordered more men on her, twenty-four/seven. He should've sent her and the kids away. He rubbed his lips together. Hell, he could still taste her on his tongue. He was addicted to Taylor, and couldn't go on without her. Every fucked up thing in his life disappeared when she was around.

  Ginger approached him and spoke quietly, "The riders brought your kids through the back—she swallowed—we didn't want them to see…everything. Go to them, Slade. Hold on to your boys, hold on for Taylor…"

  He nodded and turned silently, walking to his kids. It was time to take control, set things right, and move forward. He stepped into the doorway.

  Kurt stood against the wall, arms folded, and his mouth in a firm line. Underneath the tough exterior, he saw the hesitation in his gaze, the worry that something was wrong. He shifted his attention to Lee and inhaled deeply. Already enthralled with the bucket of Legos in the corner, Lee refused to deal with the problems that came at him the way he usually did, by pretending they didn't exist.

  Two different boys. One so much like him, it hurt to know Kurt would deal with the same shit of responsibility, go through the same fuck ups, and fight his whole life to survive. While Lee would be the one to worry about, because he'd trust too easily like his mother, and he'd have trouble settling down. He'd never trust that someone wasn't going to hurt him.

  "Boys," he said, clearing his throat.

  They both looked up at him, color rushing to their cheeks, their eyes lighting up expectantly as if he could make the world a safe place for them. He wanted to be the man who put the confidence back on their face, and shaped them into men who gave a damn. Their happiness wasn't about the dynamics of life, but love.

  "Come here for a second and sit down." He pulled out two chairs, then straddled the third, getting down to their lev
el. "I don't have the time to repeat myself, so listen up. You're both young men now, and I'm not going to lie to you. I have a problem. Taylor's come up missing, and I need to leave to find her and bring her back home."

  "Where's she at?" Kurt leaned forward. "Did she run away?'

  He shook his head. "I believe someone took her away from us and she didn't want to go. It's going to take time for me to find her but I promise I will bring her home. What I need from you two is to mind Aunt Tori and the rest of the club. No matter what you hear or see, remember that behind it all, Bantorus MC is your family, just like I'm your dad. You need something; you rely on them when I'm not here."

  Kyle's gaze went to the pistol in Slade's waistband. "You're coming back, right?"

  He hooked his oldest son's neck and brought him forward, tapping foreheads. "I'll do my damnedest to come back. Nothing is going to stop me from bringing Taylor home. We all need her."

  "I-I love her," Lee whispered, sniffing.

  Slade kept hold of Kurt and hooked his arm around Lee, crushing him against his chest. "I love her too, son."

  "Who would take her?" Kurt's mouth twisted. "I'll kick him in the balls."

  Slade had the exact opinion. "I'm not sure, but I'm going to find out."

  "I bet it was dickhead," Kurt muttered.

  Slade's body went stiff. "Who?"

  "Ray." Lee wiped his eyes. "We saw him talking to Taylor and were afraid he came for us, but she came home and Ray never came back for us."

  He wasn't following his story. He grabbed Lee by the shoulders and forced him to look at him. "Ray and Taylor were together? When?"

  Lee nodded. "The other day. I saw them through the window at Janice's."

  "It's true. Lee made me come and look." Kurt tugged on Slade's arm. "I remember. It was the day Taylor painted the bathroom pink and she was teasing you about it at dinner."

  "Dammit," he muttered, standing up. "You boys stay right here. Promise?"

  "Promise," both boys said.

  "Love you." He looked at them both. "Proud of you."

  They both gave him a smile. He turned, nodded at Tori in the hallway, and rushed out to the bar. He had to locate the boys' asshole stepdad.

  "Rain." Slade hurried over to the bar. "Can you get a location on Ray, Jodie's husband? He's got Taylor."

  "You're positive?" Rain pulled out his phone, typed while he glanced at Slade. "It was a lot of gunfire back there. More than one man attacked Torque."

  "It's the only lead I have." He walked backward toward the door. "Call me when you hear anything. I'm going to ride by the club where Ray hangs out and see if I can find him. If I don't, I'll swing by Jodie's house."

  He didn't wait for a reply, but hit the door at a run. In no time, he rode out of the parking lot on his Harley. He was one step closer to finding Taylor, and he wouldn't relax until he had her home safe.

  Chapter Twenty Eight

  Pain speared through Taylor's head. The gunshots, Torque, and falling to the ground came back to her, making the ache throb behind her temples. She pulled her head up from her laying position, and then doubled over and groaned. Her stomach rolled, and she gagged. She covered the back of her neck, sure that all the pressure came from having her head blown off.

  Inside, she screamed for Slade to help her.

  "Don't move and it won't hurt so much," a man's higher pitched voice said.

  She opened her eyes, and the room danced in her vision. She squinted, making out a man in the corner, sitting on a chair.

  His greasy dark hair hung around his face, cut blunt below his ears. His mouth, slightly open, had spittle at the corners. She dragged her gaze down and shirked away, until her back hit the wall. She didn't recognize the man.

  "W-who are you?" She swallowed the nausea and slumped forward, positive she was going to lose the contents of her stomach if the room continued swaying. "What did you do to me?"

  "Full of questions. I like that." He rocked back and forth, almost giddy over her questions.

  His constant moving made it hard to focus. She could see a tattoo on his arm, but couldn't make out what it was. She lowered her chin and continued to look around the room for a way to get away from him, but all she found was a closed door and two boards covered a small window. The walls, yellowed from age or cigarette smoke, were not familiar to her. She inhaled through her nose to keep the bile in her stomach. A must scent gagged her. Her skin crawled, and she shivered. The smell probably came from the bed she sat on, since it was the only thing in the room besides the wooden chair the man claimed.

  "Where am I?" She grimaced, because even talking hurt.

  A thousand questions bounced in her head, and she couldn't grasp them. Where was Slade? The kids? Was that really blood on Torque? Why would someone hurt her?

  "I'm Toma'. Don't you remember?" Toma' fiddled with a ripped spot on the thigh of his jeans. "You liked me."

  She shook her head and stilled the movement. "No. Shit. My head hurts."

  Toma' stood and paced the room. Taylor covered her mouth and gagged. Why wouldn't he stay still?

  "Please," she mumbled through her hand. "I need a bathroom."

  Her head slammed against the wall. Her vision narrowed and the bile from her stomach burned her throat. He'd moved fast, she hadn't even seen him cross the room to the bed. She struggled against the hand at her throat, fighting for oxygen.

  "Shut up, Bitch. Ain't gonna put up with a mouthy woman." His breath fanned her face. "Now, you're going to be quiet, while I explain what's going to happen to you."

  She recoiled from the pungent odor coming off him and forced her head to nod against the powerful force of his hold. She wanted out of here. She wanted Slade.

  He let go of her with a shove. She sucked in air down her dry throat, and tears of frustration, pain, and humiliation burned her eyes. There was no hope.

  Torque was probably dead, and no one knew she'd walked outside to talk with Ray. She squeezed her eyes closed. Slade would never be able to find her. He wouldn't even know she was missing until he came back from his run, and then what would happen?

  He'd blame himself, and it wasn't his fault. She groaned. All she did was try to protect him, give them a normal chance at life.

  "Look at me." Toma' stood in front of her.

  She looked forward, his crotch directly in her sight. She gasped, terror paralyzing her. Underneath his zipper, a hard ridge stood at attention.

  "You remember me now, don't you?" he said. "I knew you noticed me. You tried to fool me, didn't you, bitch?"

  She dragged her gaze up his chest, stopping at his neck. Underneath his shirt collar, a Los Li insignia curled to the side under his hair. She remembered the tattoo. She remembered the warnings about the men from Los Li. She remembered what Slade told her about a man infatuated with her.

  Panic numbed the pain. She flew off the bed toward her capture, scratching his face, hitting his arms, screaming for Slade. His hand caught her hair. She tugged, kicking out, and ripped herself out of his grasp. She fell, scrambled to her feet, and hit the door. Hope soared through her when the handle turned and she pushed herself into a hallway.

  Whipping her gaze back and forth throughout the house, she found stairs, and hoped she was on the second floor and they led to the main floor of the house. If the steps headed into the basement, she was in more trouble. There'd be no escaping.

  The stomp of boots against the wood floor followed her or maybe it was the pounding of pain in her head confusing her. She couldn't look behind her or think about not making it to safety. Adrenaline pushed her forward, stumbling and turning her ankles in her high heels. She kicked her shoes off, and got traction for her escape. Running blindly, she followed every open doorway until luck rewarded her with the front door.

  She barreled outside, and sobbed without stopping when her feet hit grass. She was free.

  Arms wrapped around her. She screamed, and her surroundings jumbled in front of her. Her face landed in the grass, and her ho
pes died away.

  Heaviness lay on top of her, spreading her legs, crushing her lungs, pushing her cheek into the sharp blades. She struggled against the hand in her hair, pulling her face up.

  "Look, bitch," Toma' hissed in her ear. "It doesn't matter if we're inside or outside. Nobody is going to see or hear you. Fight, scream, run from me, it doesn't matter."

  The only thing in the distance was a row of cottonwoods at least a quarter mile away. A dirt road led to the side of the house. The grass wasn't manicured lawn, but field grass gone to seed. He held her captive out in fucking-no-where.

  All her strength deserted her and she sucked in her lips to keep from yelling. She was truly alone with a madman.

  He ground his cock into her jean-covered ass, separating her legs more. "You want me, and I'm not going to disappoint you. I'll make you happy. You can't ignore me anymore. You have to pay attention."

  "Never." She bucked underneath him, trying to dislodge him from his position on top of her. "They'll kill you. Whether it's today or ten years from now, Bantorus MC will hunt you down and make you pay."

  Slade wouldn't let her go. If anything, he'd right the wrong and kill to avenge her. She gritted her teeth together, gathering strength, and threw her head back. The explosion of cusses and the weight leaving her was worth the agonizing hurt that had her rolling to her side and clutching her head where she'd made contact with Toma's face.

  Somewhere in the excruciating pain, she remembered her cell phone in her front pocket. Unable to concentrate, she kept thinking about the phone, determined not to forget, no matter if her thoughts were fuzzy and her eyes remained unfocused. The first opportunity she had, she'd call Slade. He'd come for her, and she could tell him the truth. He deserved to know the truth, so he could protect his boys.

  Her body left the ground, and her head lulled back into thin air. She couldn't move or open her eyes. Los Li would pay. Toma' would pay. All she had to do was stay awake and get ahold of Slade. He'd save her.


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