Into The Abyss (Demons of Astlan)

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Into The Abyss (Demons of Astlan) Page 41

by Langland, J.

  High emotions tend to cause mana to bubble to the surface of a being more easily. Thus it can either be radiated away faster or given up in religious rites more easily. It is for this reason that priests often like to incite religious fervor and emotion, in order that the worshippers may more easily donate their excess mana to the god. It is also for this reason that certain dark and nefarious creatures and beings thrive on fear and pain, as this can make the mana an individual has, easier to "harvest." Finally, it is also this reason that causes battlefields to be large regions of mana which consequently causes a larger number of ghosts.

  Animus must be contained or it dissolves away. If after death (the separation of Animus from its physical host) the Animus (spirit) can collect enough mana, it can form something similar to a "mana body," and thus one has ghosts. Similarly, spirits can sometimes collect enough mana to reanimate a dead body and contain the animus within it; however, in this case, the mana is no longer infused within the cells of the body but is just sitting in it with the mana keeping it inside. This reanimation is where one gets revenants, Liches, and other similar creatures. (Note that zombies and other truly "lesser" undead are different, zombies are corpses reanimated by mana, but with no animus huddled inside.) It is because emotion can free up so much mana, that one most often finds ghosts and such creatures being the product great battles or highly traumatic experiences.

  Mana Absorption and Transmission:

  Unless something else is done with it, excess mana simply dissolves back into nature. Certain magical spells and magical creatures are capable of harnessing this mana before it is absorbed by nature. Strong emotions greatly amplify the rate at which mana is radiated from an individual and make it much easier for the mana to be harnessed by other beings.

  Creatures that absorb radiated mana include ghosts, ghasts, wraiths, revenants, the Ban-Sidhe, pooka and many of the other 'malevolent' races of fairy. Vampires also steal mana as well as animus, however they steal directly from the individual rather than from the mana radiated by the individual. Liches also may steal mana from individuals, but if so, then it is by standard Necronomical spells. For most such creatures fear is the predominant emotion they prefer to tap for getting mana.

  Divine entities may also, and in fact almost always do, tap the mana radiated by individuals. The normal method is through the prayers of their worshippers. Prayers channel all excess mana during the time period of the prayer to the deity. Extremely devout and fervent prayers may actually transmit all of the mana the individual would normally collect in twice the period directly to the deity. In either case, the person 'dries themselves up' for that time period; thus by praying in the presence of a mana absorbing creature, one can prevent them from absorbing mana (it is be rerouted to the deity). It also tends to make the creature really mad.

  Finally, the mere presence of a deific individual (normally a saint, etc.) absorbs radiated mana. Physically present deities automatically (unless they will it otherwise) absorb much of the radiated mana from all creatures who view the deity, regardless of whether they are worshippers.

  Chapter 55

  Tom fell like a rock. Out of the sky and into the cold water. Steam and vapor hissed around him as he felt his body submerge under the waves. He didn't think he'd ever felt anything that felt so good. His massive body continued to sink slowly, the water undulating over his flesh, no longer flame now. He slowed his descent with his wings, coming to a halt about thirty or forty feet below the surface.

  Tom sighed in contentment. Not only did he actually feel the cool caress of the waves on his body, they seemed to sooth his mind as well. He couldn't describe how good it felt to be back in his own body again. To no longer be cramped in the Edwyrd form, as he had been for more the last few days. He could finally just relax all the muscles in his body and soak. Soak like in a soothing bath, something he hadn't had in way, way too long.

  His eyes closed, he just floated, heedless of all but the gentle water around him. Cool, no more flame. He'd released the flame as he hit the water. That too felt good. At first, when he'd allowed himself to become one with the flame, it hadn't been taxing at all. Soon however, it had started to feel rather draining. Launching the all-out attack on the ship had really felt draining. He didn't feel exhausted though, just worn.

  Actually, he also felt rather pleased. He hadn't been sure he could maintain both the Edwyrd form and do anything demonic. It had been for that very reason that he hadn't done anything against the pirates for a long time. He was afraid if he tried anything, he'd pop back into his true form. Lose his true form, he corrected himself mentally, the Edwyrd form was his original form. However, when that wizard had hit him with the lightning bolt...

  That had hurt. Not as much as the original formation of his body, no, nothing was that bad, but certainly it had hurt more than anything since, including the dragon. Part of that may have been due to Edwyrd's intrinsically flimsy shape, even so, it had hurt. He had lost the Edwyrd shape then. He'd transformed back into the demon form during the attack. That was what had destroyed his clothes. He'd reverted as quickly as he could, he hoped no one had noticed.

  However, the lightning had pissed him off. He'd decided to try something, anything. Allowing himself to become one with the flame, was something he'd tried before when he was plane shifting, this time he just carried it all the way through to its logical conclusion. The form had come easily enough, as had the ability to stretch himself to attack the other ship. Unfortunately, the wizard had proved more powerful than he'd thought.

  It had taken more and more energy to try and penetrate that shield. Then when the second lightning bolt had flew at him...Rupert! My God! Tom came to a halt in mid-thought. What had he been thinking of? Relaxing here in the water, when for all he knew Rupert was lying dead! Rupert getting struck had unhinged him. He'd reverted to his demon form then, but somehow kept the flame. At that point all hell had broken loose, and he didn't care anymore. He'd fried the damn wizard and his entire ship. This was one killing he didn't regret. If Rupert was dead then he'd do his best to see that that wizard's soul rotted in the Abyss. He'd personally torture the bastard for a thousand years!

  Oh God! Rupert! Tom thought again. He had to get back. He had to get to Rupert. He'd sworn to protect the kid, and here he was, having a jacuzzi while Rupert lay dying. He couldn't go up in demon form though. He would have to switch back. Mustering what little of his wits as he could, he willed the switch. As he was doing so, his still demon eyes caught a glowing light over by the burning ship, beneath the level of the sea. Some form of life? a survivor? he didn't know, at the moment he didn't care he had to see to Rupert. He quickly began to swim to the surface, as he did he felt a strange tugging, as if invisible hands were pulling him up.

  His head broke the surface of the water and he looked around for the ship. There it was off in the distance. He started swimming for it as fast as he could. He'd worry about that survivor later. Rupert was the important one now. He only hoped Jenn or this Maelen fellow had gotten to Rupert fast enough.

  As he reached the side of the ship, a rope ladder descended the side. He grabbed it. He had a little difficulty at first, it was a bit tricky making it up the swinging ladder. Eventually however, he made it to the top. Maelen was there, reaching out a hand to help lift him aboard. As he came over the rail, he sucked air into his lungs so he could croak, "Rupert?" He ignored the awed stares coming from the sailors on deck.

  Maelen frowned and shook his head sadly. "I'm sorry, Edwyrd. There was nothing I could do." He pointed up the ladder to the stern castle deck.

  Tom let out a small cry of despair, "No!" He ran up the deck. Maelen stayed behind, at the rail, simply shaking his head. After a moment he walked to the forecastle to see to Jenn and Gastropé.

  As Edwyrd reached the top of the ladder, he spied Rupert's melted body, a little way from the wheel. The captain was still hovering in the distance, near the rear rail, he was giving Edwyrd a fearful gaze. Edwyrd ran to the body
of the little boy. On his knees he bent over the form.

  "God, why?" Even Tom could see there was no hope. Rupert's body was worse than anything he'd ever seen in a horror movie. Worse than any of the messes he'd made out of people as a demon. Everywhere, Rupert's body was either charred black, or swelled with blistered burns. The skin a bright red in other patches. Worst of all, were the places where the flesh had been burnt away to the bone. "Why Rupert?" Tom moaned as he rested his tear streaked cheeks lightly on the boy's chest.

  Why? Why did it have to be Rupert? Why did the most innocent always have to die? Rupert was the only real friend he'd had on this stupid world. Tizzy and Boggy were there, yes, but they didn't seem to care quite as much as Rupert, besides, they were demons. Rupert liked him even though Rupert was a wizard. Only Rupert had treated him like a person, not a monster. It just wasn't fair! "Rupert, damn it. Don't be dead. You're my only friend. I love you, you damn idiot kid!" He'd never had to face death this personally before. Slaying faceless soldiers was completely different. This was the first time since his dad’s death that someone he cared about died on him. And even his dad’s death had been surreal, the explosion had vaporized the body. Oh, how he wished it had been him rather than little Rupert.

  Tom simply knelt for a moment, sobbing. He didn't want to get up. He just knelt there, listening with the best of his senses, hoping against hope he would hear a heartbeat. Nothing, the kid was dead. "Oh Rupert!," Tom finally began to pull his head away. He'd just have to go on, somehow.


  Tom blinked. It had been very faint, extremely hoarse. He didn't think anyone who hadn't just been trying to hear every sound there was, would have heard it. He looked to Rupert's face. Was there movement there? Had the gritted teeth parted slightly? The lips seemed stretched or burnt away from the teeth. Could he have heard something?

  He put his ear down near Rupert's mouth. There, a tiny indrawn breath?

  "T...o...h...m, Tom." Definitely! He knew he'd heard something. Rupert was alive! "Tom....please...take...take me down... to the cabin."

  "Rupert! Rupert, wait, I'll get Maelen and Jenn, they can help you." Tom was sure the captain was looking at him even stranger than before. He didn't care though.

  "No!" Rupert croaked emphatically. His whole body even twitched as Tom moved to pull away. "No, they mustn't see this. Please, just you...take me down to the cabin. Lock the door. Don't let them see."

  "Rupert, you're delirious! You need help. I'll get it for you."

  "No...Thomas...Edward...Perkinje...if you care for me at all. Please, I beg you, take me down to the cabin, and don't let anyone in." Rupert could barely utter these words, yet he stilled seemed frantic, pleading.

  Tom was torn. He shook his head. First he'd get the boy to the cabin, then he'd worry about healing. He knew it was a stupid thing to do, he should get Maelen. But the boy's pleading stare, through nearly melted eyes--Tom had to. He'd just been so afraid of losing Rupert.

  Carefully he gathered up the little boy. The captain was looking at him in fear from ten feet away. Ever so gently, he stood up with Rupert, hoping he wouldn't drop a piece. Rupert moaned in pain. The agony had to be incredible. He tried to be gentle; he knew how much burns hurt to touch. Actually, Rupert seemed heavier now then he had when he'd been carrying him earlier. Of course, he'd been a demon then, not an Edwyrd.

  Ever so slowly he edged his way down the ladder, his back to the stern. He didn't know how he got down the ladder. At the bottom was the lad Evert. "Open the door." He nodded to the door to the inside of the stern castle. Evert, eyes wide, obeyed. Tom spared a glance to the fore of the ship. Maelen, fortunately, was still busy with Gastropé and Jenn. He nodded Evert to go first. "Open the cabin door too."

  As Tom edged sideways into the room, carrying a softly moaning Rupert, Evert looked down at Rupert's face in amazement. "Go stand guard up near the doors, make sure no one comes down here without my approval. Understand." Tom looked Evert in the eyes. Evert nodded solemnly.

  Tom carefully placed Rupert on the middle bunk, shutting the door with his foot behind him. Rupert squirmed as he was put down. Moaning a bit louder in pain, "on my side."

  "Your side? don't you think..."


  Tom sighed and helped Rupert to his side. Rupert then finally seemed to move some, curling into a fetal position. Tom stepped back to wipe his brow. He wasn't sweating, it just seemed like the appropriate response. That bunk was small. Rupert's fetal position covered the entire breadth of the bed, and stretched out, he would almost have touched the end. Funny, how one's perspective changes. Earlier Tom had thought Rupert would be the only one comfortable in the tiny bunks. Now it looked just as bad for Rupert as anyone else.

  "Tom, please hold my hand," Rupert croaked.

  Tom got back down on his knees and took Rupert's hands in his own. "Rupert, I really need to get you help."

  "No, please, just let me lie here, please, no one must see me."

  "Oh Rupert," Tom didn't know what to do. The kid had never been particularly strong on common sense.

  Rupert seemed to be breathing much stronger now, but in short gasps, as if in great pain. "I...huh...didn't would...ah...hurt--so much."

  "Hurt? you crazy kid? You were electrocuted. You were nearly dead, burnt to a crisp. It's supposed to hurt! Let me get you some help."

  " know better. Please."

  Tom just bowed his head, nearly touching Rupert's. He sat there with Rupert, not knowing what to do. Trying just to be there for the kid. He listened as the kid breathed in his short gasps. "Ugghh..." Rupert grunted. Tom opened his eyes and stared sadly at Rupert. There wasn't much light in the room, maybe it was just the little light there was, but the poor kid was looking even redder than before. The shadow hid the blackened burns.

  God! The kid's nose had essentially been burned off! Tom stared in sorrow. He didn't have any idea how they'd cure the kid. Even if Rupert would eventually allow it. This world didn't have plastic surgeons or huge teams of burn experts. Even on Earth, they'd have been hard pressed. All the hair on the kid's head was burned off, and he had large oozing sores on his back. Tom closed his eyes again, trying to will a little bit of help through his hands. He didn't know how to send anything but death through them, but he'd try a little life. He doubted it would help.

  Tom closed his eyes again for a bit, praying for Rupert. "Aaaaghh...Tom...this isn't fun. It really hurts, I didn't think it would hurt so much."

  "Silly kid." Tom opened his eyes again. He had to stretch his legs. He stood carefully, so as not to release his hold on Rupert's clutching hands. He wondered if there was any way to make the kid more comfortable on the tiny bed. If he could, then he should, and then go get some help, regardless of what the kid wanted.

  Looking over the bed he didn't see what would help. Rupert had uncurled a bit from his fetal position, although he was still hunched. Rupert's head was almost against one wall, and his feet neared the other. He already filled the bed width wise. Maybe his eyes were playing tricks on him, but Rupert didn't look quite so charred anymore. He certainly looked a deep dark bloody red though. Tom didn't know much about burns, he didn't know if this was some worse state they went to. Rupert shook as if with a chill. Tom freed one hand and drug a blanket from the end of the bed over the boy. Only thinking afterward that contact with the blanket would probably aggravate the burns more.

  "Rupert, I know you don't want me to, but I think I need to get some help." Tom started to dislodge his remaining hand.

  "Tom..." Rupert gasped. "Please, stay with me for just a few more minutes. I don't want to be alone right now. I'm frightened." Tom could feel Rupert's hand quivering. He looked down into Rupert's pleading eyes. "I've never done this before. It hurts."

  "Of course you've never done this before, very few people have." Tom just shook his head . He got back down on his knees and once again took Rupert's hands in his own. Wincing slightly as his palm go
t jabbed by Rupert's fingernail, or maybe even a finger bone from beneath Rupert's burned away flesh. He couldn't tell since he'd covered Rupert's hands along with the rest of him.

  He closed his eyes again, leaning his head lightly against the boy's shoulder. Rupert's breathing became stronger, but shallower. Occasionally he moaned or twitched. A couple times he even shuddered. Tom didn't know how long he sat there with the boy, maybe another five to ten minutes. Finally though, he decided he couldn't stand the boy's pain any more.

  He carefully stood up, slowly and methodically disentangling his hands from Rupert's rather long fingers, under the blanket. As he freed himself, Rupert just whimpered, but said nothing. Apparently in too much pain to say much. Tom shook his head sadly. He noted that the cover had gotten pulled forward at the end of the bed. Tom reached down and carefully pulled it to cover Rupert's hooves.


  Tom blinked. His eyes must really be playing tricks on him. He quietly adjusted his position to get a better view and pulled back the blanket over Rupert's feet. No, hooves was the correct word. Rather than the feet he expected to see, Tom saw black cloven hooves. Extremely similar in nature to his own, although smaller. He pulled the blanket back further. Hooves weren't the only anomaly. Rupert's skin was a deep burgundy in color, a fine scaling starting to show through. Like Tom, his hooves were where his toes should be, his foot looked like a lower leg, his heel more like a backwards ankle.

  Tom shook his head and moved to the other end of the bed. Rupert was definitely taking up the entire bed now. Why he hadn't noticed in the shadows a moment ago, he wasn't sure, but Rupert's bald head was also burgundy. His ears, no longer looking like blackened potato chips, were pointy and getting pointier by the minute. Large black knobs seemed to be growing from Rupert’s skull as well. Where his burnt off nose had been, was a small snout.


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