Falling for the Enemy (Falling in Love)

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Falling for the Enemy (Falling in Love) Page 10

by Sam Crescent

  He patted the chair and she sat down. “I’m going to need for you to turn onto your stomach, baby.”

  She did as he asked, and he worked her trousers down and her shirt up.

  “Your father owns the building. He’s the reason I can do what I love. I pay the rent every month and some of the profit from what I do.”

  “Are you worried I’m going to change all that?”

  “No. I’m good at what I do. Elliot is a great guy. I’m sure he won’t make this personal.”

  Trey hoped he was right about him. If not, he was well and truly fucked.


  Staring down at the floor, June tried to think of something comforting to say. “I won’t let him ruin this for you.”

  “June, stop worrying about everything. You’re a grown woman. It’s not like I messed with you underage or anything. We’re grown adults seeing where this thing between us goes.”

  “Is that what we’re doing? I mean, we didn’t get to discuss it last night.” She nibbled her lip, wishing she could find a switch in her brain that told her to stop speaking.

  “I think it’s safe to say we’re not just fucking anymore, June. Your parents know about us, and it will only be a matter of time before everyone else does.” He kissed her shoulder. “I don’t have a problem with everyone knowing. What about you?”

  “I’ve not got a problem. I guess I’m just a little afraid in case they say you’re using me for money or something.”

  She yelped as he slapped her ass. “I’m not using you, and I don’t ever want to hear of you thinking those words, do you understand me?”

  “No need to get bossy.”

  Her words earned her another slap.

  June giggled as he cursed her. “Sorry, I can’t help it.”

  “We’re together. We’re not going to let people get between us at all.”

  Trey started working on her tattoo. She loved hearing the buzz of the needle and the feel of it against her skin. There was something addictive to the noise. The mirror across from her showed June his concentration. He was working hard to get her ink just right.

  “You’re really good at this,” she said.

  “I worked hard. I didn’t want a high education or to be some fancy lawyer. This is what I love to do.”

  “You’re an artist.”

  She had gone to college and in the evenings trained as a baker. “Being in a stressful job is no fun.”

  “Were your parents happy with your decision?” he asked.

  “To become a baker? No, they hated it. They both felt I was destined for something more fun than baking. I love it though. I work through new recipes at night when I’m alone. The hours can suck sometimes, but it’s nice to take the day off. It’s only Saturday, and it’s always slow.”

  “How did Molly take the news?”

  “I’m paying her to have the day off. She deserves to have some fun with those kids.” Blowing her hair out of her eyes, she watched him change something and then went back working.

  “Dale’s not going to let up on her,” he said.


  “Dale is going to be there for her whether Molly likes it or not. He loves those kids, and I believe him when he tells me something.”

  “I’m not judging anyone, Trey. It’s between the two of them.”

  She was silent thinking about everything Molly must have gone through.

  “You’re thinking too hard,” he said.

  “I just wondered how she did it without completely freaking out. I couldn’t have done it. Two kids with no Dad in the question. It’s tough.”

  He murmured in agreement. “She didn’t trust Dale’s reputation, and he did some things to her that sucked. I don’t know what he did, but it must have been bad. I get it, and even he gets it. Times change, and people need to learn to move on.”

  “Have you moved on?” she asked.

  “From my high school days?”

  She nodded.

  “Yeah, I’ve moved on. I’m not the same person I was back then. I spent a lot of time angry at my parents and shit. It’s not who I am now.”

  Falling silent again, June listened to him work. The buzzing of the needle nearly made her fall asleep.

  “I made a lot of mistakes in high school. A lot I can’t take back. One of those mistakes was the way I treated you, June.”

  Looking up at the mirror she saw him staring back at her.

  “Could you ever find it in your heart to forgive me?” he asked.

  This was it. He’d been her bully in high school, but now he was her lover. Trey was opening up, asking for her forgiveness.

  Taking a deep breath, June nodded. “It’s all forgiven.”

  She spoke the words and felt like a weight had been lifted from her shoulders. His hand settled on her hip, holding her in place.

  “I promise you, June, you won’t regret it.”

  “I hope not.”

  What was happening here?

  “Finish my tattoo, stud,” she said, blowing the hair out of her eyes.

  He worked her tattoo for the next hour. Trey worked efficiently without a glitch. There was a point where she thought she’d fallen asleep.

  Trey kissed her shoulder, waking her up. “It’s done, baby,” he said.

  Opening her eyes, she rubbed the sleep from them. “You’ve finished?”

  “Yeah. I love it, but I’m a little biased.”

  Sitting up, she stared at him feeling a numbing in her back. “I’ll be close to you so I’ll deal with your aftercare. Come and look.”

  He got her to stand in front of the mirror and held another mirror to her back. “I’m afraid that jeans, trousers, and skirts are out of the question. I suggest dresses. Nice, short dresses.”

  She got her first look at the tattoo on her back and loved it.

  “Trey, it’s gorgeous.”

  “It’s one of my best,” he said.

  “I love it.” Turning toward him, she wrapped her arms around his neck. “Is kissing out of the equation?”

  Trey took hold of her hand and placed it between his thighs. She felt the hard, thick length of his arousal.

  “Baby, I’m begging for you. Kissing, sex, fucking. It’s all allowed in my book.”

  Laughing, June walked him backwards, unbuttoning her trousers and wriggling out of them. Next the shirt and bra came off. “Then how about sex in your inking chair?” she asked, pushing him down where she’d been lying moments before.

  “I’ll have to sanitize everything,” he said, pushing his jeans down. His cock pushed up with the tip leaking pre-cum.

  Kneeling in front of him, she pushed her hair out of the way and took the tip into her mouth, moaning as she did.

  Trey moaned. His fingers sank into her hair as she took him to the back of her throat, loving the unique taste of him on her tongue.

  “Fuck,” he said.

  Leaving his cock, she pumped the shaft. “You curse when you’ve got nothing to say.”

  “I’ve got lots to say. With your mouth on my dick, everything leaves my head.”

  “See, nothing to say.”

  She sucked on his cock, loving the power it gave her. His eyes closed, and the grip in her hair tightened. June enjoyed his lack of control. Reaching into his pocket she pulled out a condom.

  Pulling off his shaft, she tore open the latex, covered his cock and moved over him.

  “I’ll be careful of your tattoo,” he said.

  June couldn’t feel the tattoo through the lust coursing through her veins. She was so turned on. The only thing she could think about was the feel of him inside her.

  “Fuck me, Trey.”

  He gripped her hips and slammed her over his cock. They both cried out together. She felt him pulse deep inside her. The tip touched her cervix, he was that deep.

  “Fuck, you feel good, June.”

  She lifted up and set the pace, taking his cock inside her. Their pace sped up, and June felt she was close to or
gasm. Moaning, she gripped his stomach, trying to find something to hold on to.

  “Let it go, baby. I’ve got you. Let it go.”

  Her orgasm hit her, and Trey held her. He refused to let go. She moaned, cried, and screamed as the pleasure took over. All the time, Trey fucked her hard. He didn’t come with her, and as she came down, he was stroking her arms.

  “You didn’t come,” she said, pouting.

  “I’m rock hard, and I didn’t want it to end too soon. Do you know how many times I’ve imagined getting you here?”

  She shook her head. Until she’d been laid down in the ink chair, she’d not given it much thought.

  “A long time. Too long for you to know. I’m going to enjoy this adventurous side of you.”

  Smiling, she waited for him to move. Trey didn’t move one inch. He stayed lying down, looking up at her.

  “I love watching your tits bounce as you ride me,” he said, thumbing the buds.


  “Ride my cock. Let me see those tits bounce. I want to see you lose control again.”

  She did as he asked, riding his cock.

  “I’m going to show you how it’s going to be between us, June. You’ve got nothing to be afraid of.”

  “Shut up, Trey. I trust you, and fuck me.”

  Trey didn’t let up from his position. He forced her to fuck him as he watched her tits bounce. June loved every single moment of their union.

  Chapter Twelve

  “We’ve got to go back soon, baby. Molly wants to know when you want her back,” Trey said.

  June stood on the beach looking out at the ocean. Walking up behind her, he wrapped his arms around her middle pulling her close. They’d been in Hawaii for over a week. Every second together had been magical, but their life was supposed to be in Winters Fall.

  He couldn’t help but wonder if June was trying to escape from their life.

  “You’re always answering phone calls,” she said, snuggling against him. Her ink had healed well. She didn’t complain about any soreness.

  “And you don’t answer any calls. If it wasn’t for me your father would have sent out the army to find you.” He kissed her shoulder like he did all the time. Her neck held her scent in the most intense way. Trey would happily spend the rest of his life kissing her.

  “He’s got contacts but not that many. I didn’t want to have to deal with anyone. We were going away to leave all that behind,” she said.

  Her hands moved over his, stroking his fingers. Letting out a sigh, he looked out toward the ocean. “We’re going to get through this.”

  She laughed. “My dad could shut you down. Do you know that?” she asked, turning in his arms.

  “He’ll ruin me if I break your heart.” Cupping her cheek, he ran his thumb alone her lip. “Baby, I’m not going to be breaking your heart.”

  “It all just seems so surreal.”

  “It’s going to get more like that, baby. I’m not hiding how I feel about you anymore.” Trey leaned down, brushing her lips with his. “This is it for me. I want you in my life as my woman and my girlfriend.”

  The last couple of days together had been pure perfection to him. June was adventurous, kind, funny, beautiful, sexy, and amazing. He loved everything about her. Trey was in love with her and had been for a long time.

  “Why do we have to leave? It’s so peaceful here with none of our history together,” she said.

  “Our history is with us wherever we go. We’ve talked about this and about our past.” Their first night together here he’d come out and told her the truth about his feelings toward her.

  “I know. You had feelings for me, but you were so confused by it that you lashed out, hurting me instead of loving me,” June said. She smiled up at him. “You know that’s totally messed up, right?”

  “Messed up or not, I’m in this relationship for the long haul. I’m not hiding anything from you or from where we live. We’re together.”

  She cupped his face. “You’ve really grown up.”

  “Yeah, but what I’d like more is to hear how you’re feeling from your own lips.”

  “You want me to put myself out there?” she asked.

  He nodded. His heart was pounding inside his chest, threatening to break out. Staring down at her full red lips, Trey waited for what felt like a lifetime.

  “I’m scared of everyone laughing at us.”

  “Tell me you love me,” Trey said, grabbing hold of her arms and staring into her eyes. He’d never forced any woman in his whole life to admit her feelings, but he needed to hear the words from her lips.

  “I love you.” She pronounced each word slowly to him. “This was not supposed to get complicated.”

  “It did, and we’re in this together and we can’t hide out by the ocean for much longer. I’ve got a business to run, and so do you.”

  “You’re not going to force me to stop working?” she asked. Her palm rested on his chest, setting a fire deep in his groin.

  “No. I like keeping my cock and balls firmly intact. I know if I was to refuse you then you’ll take away a part of my appendage. I love my appendage.”

  She laughed. The sound made him chuckle along with her.

  “I can’t believe this is happening.”

  “It is. Will you leave this place and come back to Winters Fall with me?” he asked, pushing her dark black curls off her face.

  “Yes, I’ll leave with you.”

  Taking her hand, he led her back into the home they’d been vacationing in. “What are you doing?” she asked.

  “If we’ve got to go back in the morning then I’m spending the rest of today and tonight making love to your body. Prepared to be loved.”

  Closing the door he pushed the straps of her dress down her arms and off her body, exposing her inch by inch to his view. There was not a thing he didn’t love about her body. She was all woman, fresh, ripe, and juicy. He couldn’t keep his hands off her, and most of the time he didn’t.

  Trey moved her backwards, heading toward the nearest bedroom on the same floor. He pushed open the door, slamming his lips down on her as she tore at his clothes. In a matter of seconds they were both naked and ready to fuck.

  Kissing his way down her body, he sucked her nipples into his mouth, relishing the taste of her skin.

  She cried out, moaning for him to go harder.

  Thrusting two fingers into her cunt, he tested her cream. Leaning back he gripped her waist and turned her so she was on her knees before him. Her ass faced him.

  He ran his hands over the cheeks of her ass and watched her pussy cream from his touch. “I’m taking your ass, June.”

  “Do it. Make it burn.”

  Slapping her ass cheek, he heard her yelp and smiled. “You’ve got such a dirty mouth.” This side of June he loved. She wasn’t afraid to tell him what she wanted and turned into a wildcat in the bedroom.

  They’d come with some lubrication and condoms for a fun time together. Reaching over her body he got the lube and began to prepare her anus for his penetration. She gasped as he squirted a good amount of cream onto her ass.

  “It’s cold.”

  “I’ll warm it up for you.”

  Trey rolled the latex over his shaft and applied more lube before throwing it away and out of reach.

  “I need you to trust me, June. Can you do that?” he asked.

  “Yes,” she said, moaning.

  He fingered the lube pressing his fingers to her puckered hole. They’d talked about how best to fuck anally, and June had told him all of her fears. She feared him going too fast, and he was determined to take it slow. Very slowly. There was no need to rush the sex.

  Fucking her with one finger, he waited for her walls to go lax around him before adding a second finger. Each time he opened her ass as wide as he could to receive his cock. She cried out, and in no time at all she was thrusting back against him.

  “Please, do something. I’m burning up here,” she said, over he
r shoulder.

  Slapping her ass, Trey ordered her to be quiet. He’d noticed over their time together she liked to be ordered around a little bit.

  Gripping his shaft, he bumped the tip against her ass. He reached around her front and began to finger her clit. She was slick and ready to be fucked.

  Trey thrust a finger inside her tight cunt feeling her inner walls ripple around his finger.

  “Please, Trey,” she asked, begging him again.

  He wouldn’t be able to hold on for much longer.


  June didn’t know what to do with burning lust coursing through her veins. She felt on fire, and every inch of her skin tingled from his touch. The slaps he gave her only added to the intense burn. She wanted him in her ass, in her pussy, any way she could get him.

  Licking her lips, she gripped the edge of the covers, trying her hardest to keep her screams to a minimum. It was one of the hardest moments of her life.

  He was the man in charge, not her. She had to do as he said, and it was turning her on even more.

  Two fingers were scissoring inside her, opening her ass for his cock while his other hand played with her clit. In the last week something had changed between them. Trey was no longer her enemy. He’d surprised her with his confession about his feelings. His confession didn’t make her feel any better or worse. Their past was exactly where it should be, and they were moving on.

  Admitting her feelings to him had been the easy part. Going home where everyone knew them and still being together was going to be the hard part. People would look at them, laugh and stare, and she didn’t know if she could handle that.

  Her parents were also going to be a problem, so she was hiding away from her problems. Trey made all the other problems go away. He made her believe they had a shot, and she knew deep in her heart, she needed to trust him to make this work.

  “You’ve disappeared,” he said, whispering against her ear.

  “I’m right here.”

  “Everything is going to be all right, June. You’ve got to trust me with your heart. We can do this.”

  Looking at him over her shoulder, she saw the sincerity in his eyes. Nodding her head she agreed. “Okay, we go home tomorrow as a couple.”

  “Good, now get back with me so I can fuck your ass,” he said.


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