A Siberian Werewolf in Paris

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A Siberian Werewolf in Paris Page 2

by Caryn Moya Block

  “Look, I don’t know anything about that. We can do this the easy way or the hard way. Come down now, or I shoot.” The man pulled a gun from behind his back.

  Josephine fumbled for the pistol in her pocket and tried to aim a shot at the intruder. But tree limbs and the hunting platform blocked her aim. She swung out from the trunk to take the shot, but with a loud report, a shot grazed Josephine’s shoulder. Burning pain rushed through her body. Crying out, she lost her grip on the branch and fell to the platform below. Her head cracked against the wooden planks.

  White lights danced in front of her eyes as she tried to push herself up. Josephine heard wolves howling and coming closer. Help was on the way.

  Her arms gave out, and she sank back down. The intruder below swore loudly, and she heard him crashing through the brush, back toward the gate, growling wolves following.


  Valerii Belikov, Siberian lycanthrope, ran through the night in his wolf form. His shaggy grey-and-white coat blended into the shadows and dark hollows of the woods. He followed the slim, golden mating cord that had just snapped into place, tying his heart to his mate’s. Finally, the mating bond had appeared. Too long had he watched and waited for the sign that it was time to claim his mate. He reached for her mind with his telepathy, but her mind was filled with darkness.

  Two hours, she’d been missing. Two hours spent dealing with intruders and then the police. He should have checked on her right away. What happened to “little Joe” that the cord appeared now? In his mind, he thought of her as “Josie,” but had been careful never to call her by that name. He couldn’t lose her now. She was the one woman meant to be his. He had been drawn to her for the last two years but had promised her foster mother, Rosie, to keep Josie’s secret and pretend she was a boy. He didn’t know the mystery behind his little mate’s behavior and hoped she would trust him enough to share why she tried to hide her identity.

  Rushing through the woods, he wove around trees and bushes, following the mating bond. He jumped over a downed tree and ran into the clearing where the old hunter’s blind sat on a platform high in a giant oak tree. His heart raced, and he panted, his tongue hanging out the side of his mouth as his sides heaved. What drove Josephine to come here?

  He lifted his nose and smelled the scent of a human male over Josephine’s sweet smell. Someone had chased her here. Valerii growled, his lips rolling back, baring his teeth. He took the scent deep into his lungs so he would know it anywhere. But that wasn’t the only scent in the air.

  He shifted into his human form and ran over to the ladder leading to the platform. The smell of blood drifted down from the tree. Valerii cringed as he climbed up to the wooden shelf. She must be alive. If she weren’t, he would feel her passing, now that the bond linked them heart to heart.

  When he reached the top, he leaned against the edge and sighed in relief. Josie’s chest rose and fell rhythmically. She lived.

  He climbed up the rest of the way until he could kneel beside her.

  “Is she up there?” Brencis called from below.

  “Yes, she’s wounded and unconscious,” Valerii said, moving his hands over her limbs. A deep gash ran across her shoulder, and a large bump on her head was already turning purple. But her pulse was strong. He gently gathered Josephine into his arms. The scent of jasmine and honey filled his nostrils as he held her close.

  “Do you need help getting her down?” Brencis asked.

  “No. Catch her gun. I’m dropping it down to you.” Valerii pushed the gun over the edge of the platform with his foot, before turning to make his way down the ladder.

  “Where did she get a gun? Hey, you almost hit me,” Brencis complained.

  “I warned you,” Valerii said, balancing Josephine’s small form in one arm before moving down the ladder and stepping onto the forest floor.

  “Do you want me to carry her? You’ll get scratched up running through the woods naked.” Brencis reached for Josephine.

  “No. She’s mine.” Valerii stepped back and pulled Josephine tighter to his chest. “I’ll carry her. Let’s get back inside. She isn’t bleeding too badly.”

  “She may need a doctor if she has a head injury.” Brencis headed down the trail toward the kitchen door. “One of the Siberian pack members shifted after being caught in a landslide. He continues to suffer from severe headaches.”

  “How is that possible? Shifting always heals us,” Valerii asked, frowning. Would shifting harm Josie?

  “I don’t know. Laurel, the Siberian pack shaman and healer, is working on the puzzle.”

  Valerii followed closely behind, holding his mate carefully in his arms. He rubbed his nose against her cheek in a quick caress, then reached toward her telepathically. Her mind was filled with darkness from her unconscious state. Josephine, wake up, malyshka, little one.

  Valerii thought he could feel a stirring in his mind in answer. He put on a burst of lycan speed, passing Brencis. He rushed her through the back door and down the hall to the sitting room. Then, he gently lowered her to the couch.

  “I’ll get the first aid kit,” Brencis called, turning into the kitchen.

  Valerii grabbed a pair of cotton drawstring pants from a box by the door and slipped them on, before kneeling down beside her. Nudity when shifting was accepted by lycans, but both the cook and Alpha’s mate were human.

  He pulled off Josephine’s baseball cap and stroked the hair from her cheek before kissing her gently on the forehead, careful not to touch the bruised swelling. The last year of training had changed her from the waif that first appeared on their back doorstep to a woman with curves. Hiding as a boy was quickly becoming an impossibility. Why did she do it?

  Wake up, Josephine. You are safe now.

  The stirring in his mind grew stronger. The blackness in hers started to clear, and he could see the image of a man pointing a gun at her. His wolf raced to the surface in response, wanting to rip and tear. A growl escaped his throat as the fear she felt flowed into him, and his skin glistened with sweat as he trembled with rage. Was this man responsible for her injury? If Valerii ever found him, he was a dead man.

  Valerii took a deep breath and used his strength of will to calm his wolf spirit. Josephine was safe. She needed his care, not his rage. He gently lifted the material away from the deep gash on her shoulder where the bullet had grazed her. She moaned, and her head moved weakly from side to side. He winced, knowing his actions had hurt her.

  “Wake up, Josephine. Let me look into your eyes and know that you are with me,” Valerii called to her as he finished his task. Brencis, carrying several items, walked into the room.

  “Here’s some antiseptic. It will burn, but it will clean the wound.” Brencis handed Valerii an open bottle and a towel.

  Valerii gently poured some of the mixture onto Josephine’s wound. She hissed, and her eyes flew open. She tried to jump up, and Valerii gently pushed her back down, his hand on her stomach. He rubbed her softly, trying to offer comfort. “Easy, detka, baby. I know it hurts. Be still now.”

  She sank back down, her eyes closing. Tears rolled down her face. Pain radiated in her mind and flowed into his. She trembled under his hands. He tried to shield her by taking the brunt of her agony. Sweat broke out on both their skins. Valerii kept his attitude calm, knowing she needed to lean on him. He patted excess liquid from the wound before taking the gauze and tape from Brencis and bandaging her shoulder.

  “How are her eyes?” Brencis asked, leaning over Valerii’s shoulder. “Does she have a concussion?”

  Josephine opened her tear-filled eyes and looked at Valerii. His heart ached with the knowledge his ministrations hurt her. As if needing to comfort him, she gently caressed his arm. Her pupils looked fine. And then their blue depths surrounded him, and he fell into her mind. Warmth surrounded him in welcome. He cupped her face. You are my mate, forever mine. I take everything you are into my keeping and give you everything I am in return. Valerii sent his thoughts into hers. He fe
lt her mental sigh and sadness as she closed her mind to him, cutting the link.

  “My head hurts. Can I get some pain medication?” Josephine asked.

  “I’ll get it,” Brencis said. “Keep her awake. I’ll get Rosie to call the doctor and ask him to come here and check her.”

  “Come, Josie. Let’s get you up. We need to walk.” Valerii helped her rise and, placing an arm around her waist, helped her walk across the room. Why hadn’t she answered the mating ritual? Was it because of her injuries? Valerii let the matter drop. They would have plenty of time to recite the mating ritual. Plus, they would experience the pleasurable act of cementing the bond into place. Already, his body reacted to her nearness. Her scent flowed over him, and his wolf wanted to roll in it.

  She leaned on him, and his arm automatically tightened. He wanted to hold her close and never let her go. She could have died tonight. He could have lost everything. Shaking his head at the thought, he brushed a kiss against her temple. Then, he turned her to walk back across the room.

  “Oh, my poor Josephine, what has happened to you, my pet?” Rosie asked, rushing into the room.


  Josie blinked back tears, as she walked back and forth across the room with Valerii. No one called her “Josie.” But she liked the fact he’d invented a nickname for her. It felt intimate and special. His arm around her waist made her feel cherished. The fleeting feeling of his lips brushing her temple had sent jolts of awareness shooting through her. He finally knew they were destined mates, and now that her enemies from Paris had found her, it was no longer safe to be near her.

  Rosie sat on a chair, wringing her hands, her eyes troubled as she watched Valerii and Josephine traverse the room. Another wave of sadness engulfed Josephine. She must leave them, her adopted family, and her mate. It was the only way to keep them safe from these madmen. She had left her pack in Paris for the same reason.

  Now that Valerii held her tenderly, the warmth of his arms enfolding her, she didn’t want to go. His fragrance drifted over her. He smelled like fir trees and rich earth. Her wolf rubbed against her insides, content to be in his arms. She yearned to turn her face into his neck and lick his skin. It would hurt so badly to leave him.

  Yet, the past needed to be faced. She was sure someone had conspired against her parents, giving them up to be tortured and murdered. It was time to return to Paris to find the truth.

  “The doctor is on his way. I’m taking my mate upstairs to bed,” Brencis said, walking into the room. “Will you be all right until the doctor comes?”

  “Not to worry, Mr. Brencis. I’ll help Mr. Valerii with my little Joe,” Rosie said.

  Josephine stumbled. Valerii’s arm tightened around her waist. How would she manage to get away? Rosie was sure to fuss and keep a close eye on her. Maybe the doctor would give her the chance she needed.

  “Do you think you can stay awake, detka,” Valerii asked, his breath whispering over her ear.

  She shivered.

  “Come sit down and let me hold you for a while. Are you cold?”

  Cold? Being close to Valerii made her anything but cold. If she got any hotter she would burst into flame.

  “No, I’m fine. My head feels a little better now,” she answered, allowing her mate to lead her to a chair and pull her onto his lap.

  He nuzzled her hair with his nose before breathing in her scent and wrapping his arms around her.

  Josie melted against him. How she had longed to be in his arms. She loved the touch of his skin against hers. His scent surrounded her, and she breathed it in. Her hand rested near his heart, his chest hair tickled her palm. She wanted to sink so deeply into his skin that they became one.

  She would be gone soon. She couldn’t give up this opportunity to lie in Valerii’s arms. Under other circumstances, they would be going to bed together to cement the mating bond. Tears threatened again, and she quickly blinked them away. Feeling sorry for herself wouldn’t change what had happened or what she must do.

  Valerii rubbed her back, then snuggled her down in his arms. His eyes, ever watchful, caressed her face. She sighed and rested her cheek against him, listening to the sound of his heart. She stroked her fingers over the muscles of his chest, needing to feel him. He sighed, and she felt him relax under her touch.

  His voice rumbled in her ear. “You gave me quite a fright, Josephine. You should have come to the safe-room and stayed with Rosie and Meadow.”

  Was he going to lecture her? Now? “I didn’t have a chance to. One of the men saw me and started to chase me,” Josephine said, quickly interrupting him.

  “Don’t lecture the dear girl, Mr. Valerii. I’ll go fetch some tea and biscuits.” Rosie hurried from the room.

  “I’m sorry, Josie. I don’t mean to scold you. But you are my mate. We’ve talked about having a mate in class. You know you need to keep yourself safe for me. Right?”

  “Yes, I know, and if we are separated too long or by too great a distance, we will miss each other and begin to grieve.” How was she ever going to leave him?

  “True, but we will never need to worry about that, milaya moya, my sweet.” He nuzzled her again.

  “Are you happy that the mating bond appeared for us?” Josephine asked, the words slipping out before she could censor them. Did he feel anything for her? She needed to know.

  “Yes, I am. I have been fighting my attraction to you. How old are you really, Josephine?”

  He felt the attraction pulling them together? Why hadn’t the mating bond appeared before now?

  “I turned twenty last month.” A warm glow filled her chest. He cared.

  “Twenty? Your disguise made me think you were much younger. Why do you hide and pretend to be a boy?” he asked, his gentle voice washing over her.

  Should she tell him? At least he would understand why she needed to leave. But if Valerii knew she was in danger, he would never let her out of his sight. No, if she was to escape, he couldn’t know.

  “Can we talk about it later? I don’t feel too well.” She touched the bump on her head gingerly.

  “We will talk later, Josie. Are you hungry? Here comes Rosie.”

  “I can always eat one of Rosie’s biscuits.” Josie smiled up at him. Thank goodness he wasn’t asking any more questions.

  Guilt assailed her, and she turned her face toward the door, hoping Valerii wouldn’t see. He was her mate. Her refusal to confide in him would hurt. Yet, she only wanted to keep him safe. Would he forgive her?


  Rosie came in, pushing a teacart ahead of her. Valerii lifted Josephine from his lap and placed her in the chair next to his. He hated to let her go. His wolf rose up, pushing at him, and his hands itched with the need to grab her and carry her upstairs to cement the mating bond. He wanted to make love to her for hours. Unfortunately, the doctor was on his way, and Josie’s injury still bled. Pain still radiated through her and flowed into the mating bond. She needed care.

  Rosie chattered on as she poured them each a cup of tea and fixed a plate of goodies for them. Josie smiled and answered Rosie when it was expected. Why did Josie’s eyes show such sadness? Could her injuries be that severe? Or was she sad knowing that he was her destined mate? Did seven years make him seem old to her?

  Valerii had never seen Josie in her wolf form and longed to know what markings she would have on her coat. She would be small for a lycan. He smiled, realizing how cunning his mate had been. They’d lived together as a pack for almost two years, and he’d never seen her run as a wolf. Why did he never question that before?

  “Before I eat, I’m going to run upstairs and change my shirt. I don’t want the doctor seeing me like this.” Josie rose quickly and headed for the stairs.

  “I’ll help you,” Rosie said.

  “No. I can do this myself. I’ll be right back, I promise.”

  “Hurry back, malyshka. I want you to try and eat something,” Valerii called after her.

  “She always was the independent one,” R
osie said, smiling. “I often wondered why she came to me in the first place, five years ago. I’m glad she now has you.”

  “I’ll take care of her, Rosie,” Valerii said.

  “I know you will.”


  Josie ran up the front staircase, her heart beating fast. She rushed into her attic room and threw clothes into a backpack. Then, she retrieved her passport and her mother’s ring from the box hidden under her bed, and put them in the backpack. She changed her shirt, and threw the ruined garment in the trash. Finally, she added to her stash the first aid kit stored on this floor. She tiptoed into the hallway and down the back stairs, heading to the second-floor bedrooms.

  Walking as quietly as possible, she bit her lower lip, and hoped that Brencis and his new mate wouldn’t hear her furtive steps in the hall. Reaching Valerii’s door, she slowly pushed down the lever handle. The door opened without a squeak. She wanted to sigh in relief, but even a sigh might give her away if a lycan was listening. She slipped into his room and slowly, silently, closed the door behind her.

  She hated to do this. Valerii was her mate. They would share all their earthly possessions. It wasn’t stealing; it was borrowing. She needed money to get to Paris. His wallet sat on the table next to the bed. She quickly removed the cash, slipped out his credit cards, and put them into her pocket.

  She turned to leave and drew in a deep breath. His male scent permeated the air. If only they had more time.

  Thinking quickly, she moved to the bed and picked up a pillow, to bury her nose in the softness. The pillow carried his scent, and it swept over her, filling her with longing. She slipped the case off and folded it carefully before putting it in her backpack. A small piece of him would go with her.

  Josie, are you all right? Valerii’s concerned voice filled her mind.

  Yes, I’m coming down now, Josephine sent back to him. Her telepathy was rusty, but it was normal for mates to be able to communicate this way, even when telepathy wasn’t one of their gifts. Valerii shouldn’t realize she had been keeping her telepathic ability a secret.


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