A Siberian Werewolf in Paris

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A Siberian Werewolf in Paris Page 14

by Caryn Moya Block

In another second, she was sitting on the bed, her head down between her knees. His warm hand rested on the nape of her neck. “Breathe, Josephine.”

  She took great gulps of air into her lungs, and her vision cleared. She sat for a moment, shivering, while Valerii rubbed his hand down her back.

  “I’m so sorry. Did I hurt you?” she asked, afraid to look at him. What must he think of her? What just happened?

  Valerii placed his palm under her chin and lifted her face to look at him. “That was a panic attack brought on by returning to this room. I should never have allowed you to come. Let’s go,” he said, dragging her up.

  “No, wait. I have to see if my mother’s jewels are still hidden,” Josephine said, her hand on his arm.

  “Your mother’s jewels?”

  “Yes,” Josie said walking over to the bookshelf. She removed several books from the shelf, revealing a small safe set in the wall. She twirled the lock, and it disengaged with a click. When she opened the door, she found her mother’s necklace and earrings—which matched the ring she carried with her—still sitting on the tray inside. Sighing in relief, she took them out and held them up to show Valerii. Blue sapphires and diamonds sparkled in the meager light.

  “They match the ring my father gave her on their mating. I’ve carried the ring with me for the last five years. Mother always used to say that her greatest treasure lived in this room. I know she meant me, but she also meant the hidden safe,” Josephine explained, while placing the items in a silk pouch and putting the pouch in her pocket.

  “What other treasures did your mother leave in the safe?” Valerii asked.

  Josephine turned and pulled out a folder filled with papers. She walked over to her desk and flipped on the light. She opened the folder to find sheet after sheet of International Bond Certificates. A small purple envelope slid out of the pile. Josephine picked it up and brought it to her nose. Breathing deeply, she recognized her mother’s scent of lavender and roses. She ran her finger under the flap and pulled out a small sheet of paper. In her mother’s handwriting was a short note.

  These are for you, my darling girl. The descendants of Claire Lecuyer have always had their own funds separate from the pack. Your father married a rich woman, and now I pass these on to you. With love, maman.

  “How much do you think they are worth?” Josephine asked Valerii.

  “More than the amount Lebrosse has stolen from the pack. But these are yours, not the pack’s.”

  “I don’t need all this. The pack needs it more, especially if we are to rebuild Café de Luna Bleu.”

  “We will. Don’t worry. Is there anything else you want to take from your room?”

  “Just this,” Josephine said, walking over and picking up a framed photo from the nightstand. She rubbed her thumb over the smiling faces of her parents. “My mother was so beautiful. I had forgotten.” She turned the picture so Valerii could see.

  “You look like her, though I think you have your father’s nose,” Valerii said.

  “Do not. My father’s nose is much too sharp,” Josie said, hitting Valerii on the arm when she noticed his eyes twinkling at her. “Stop teasing me.”

  “I needed to wipe the sorrow from your eyes, malyshka. Let me take you away from here.”

  Josephine nodded and picked up a canvas bag with wolves on it that lay draped over a chair. She put the folder of certificates and the picture inside, before slipping her hand in his.

  “There is nothing else you wish to take?” Valerii asked, looking around the room.

  “No. I left this all behind me five years ago.”

  “Let us go. I will have the house listed for sale within the week,” Valerii said.

  “What about Durant and Darcel?”

  “They can stay until the house is sold. We will need to find a new pack house—one near the forest and easily secured. I feel the need to let my wolf out to run, and it has only been a few days. The moon will be out in another week, and the pull to be outside will be stronger then. How do your people cope with living in the city?”

  “Many of them have become like house pets. Shifting and running in a yard or in a park. They make do.” Josephine followed Valerii down the hall and into the front room where Durant waited.

  “I am not sure that is healthy, lyubov moya. Lycans need to run and hunt. It is in our blood, our very nature.”

  “Some of us go outside the city. There is Forêt de Sénart south of here or Versailles Grand Parc. If you are careful and run only late at night, you can let your wolf out to roam,” Durant said.

  “The pack needs land it can secure. There should be no chance of being discovered,” Valerii said.

  “There are places to go that are a little over twenty kilometers from Paris. Perhaps a piece of property could be found near one of the forests,” Darcel suggested.

  “Let the search begin. This home will be sold. I will contact you about where to meet for this evening’s gathering. A visit needs to be made to Norris Fortescue,” Valerii said, ushering Josephine toward the door.

  “We should call Susan at her hotel and find out his schedule,” Josephine suggested. What would she say to the man who helped her escape that night? Why had he sent those men after her? Why now after five years?

  Chapter Twelve

  Valerii slipped a knife into his ankle sheath, and then buttoned his tuxedo jacket. The limo he ordered would be downstairs in fifteen minutes. They needed to hurry.

  “Josephine? Are you ready?”

  “Yes, how do I look?” she asked, walking out of the bathroom, then running her hand down the silky blue material of her dress.

  “You take my breath away... ” Valerii admitted, feeling his body react to the presence of his mate.

  She looked resplendent in the sapphire-blue dress, her mother’s jewels gleaming around her neck and ears. He still wasn’t sure letting her come tonight was the right thing to do. But her friends, Susan, and Anton’s mate, Laurel, would be at the cocktail party held at Fortescue’s manor house this evening. Durant and Darcel would be keeping watch and warn them if Sanxay and his men showed up. For the moment, it was the best Valerii could do to assure her safety. Of course, he also wouldn’t let her out of his sight.

  He offered his arm before escorting his mate to the door. She picked up the evening purse that matched her dress. Then they made their way down the hall.

  “What do you think will happen tonight?” Josephine asked, her voice strained as the door to the elevator opened.

  “It’s not too late to stay here, lyubov moya. You already faced your old house today. Do you really want to face Fortescue as well?”

  “I need to do this, Valerii. I can’t move on until I understand why he sent those men after me.” Josephine said, walking into the elevator and pushing the button for the lobby.

  “I want you to stay close to me at all times. Whatever happens I want you protected.” Valerii lifted her chin and gave her a stern stare.

  “It’s a cocktail party; nothing is going to happen,” Josephine huffed as the elevator door opened onto the lobby.

  He wouldn’t allow anything to happen.

  They walked out and noticed the rest of their party waiting by the door, everyone dressed in their evening clothes.

  “Doesn’t Susan look nice in that red dress, and emerald green is definitely Laurel’s color,” Josephine said.

  “If you say so, mate. I worry that your human friends will see something they shouldn’t tonight. I would hate to take their memories.”

  “Jack and Susan are truly good people, Valerii. Both of them are too kind for their own good. I wouldn’t fear them knowing our secrets.”

  “That’s not how it works, malyshka, and you know it. Don’t worry, I would never hurt your friends.”

  Valerii escorted Josephine up to the group, and they were soon shaking hands and giving hugs. He was surprised at how normal it felt to interact this way. Usually, he stayed isolated, except for Brencis and Grigori. Being a part
of the English pack must have changed him more than he realized.

  Durant and Darcel hovered near the fringe of the group, both lycans looking solemn. Just then, Susan walked up to Durant and shook his hand. She froze, a look of shock on her face, before dropping her hand to her side and surreptitiously wiping it against her dress. Her husband, Jack, walked up and put his arm around his wife. Valerii peered closer at the group and followed the heartmate bond coming from Durant’s chest to the middle of Susan’s. Valerii groaned.

  “What is it?” Josephine whispered taking his hand.

  Your friend Susan is Durant’s mate, Valerii answered sending the information into Josie’s mind. I’m not sure he can withstand another blow to his psyche. The fact his mate is human and married may drive him over the edge.

  Oh, no. That’s terrible. Anton warned me that Susan might be a lycan’s mate. I didn’t believe him. Jack and Susan are very close.

  Durant will need to be watched. His guilt over his father’s actions lays heavy on him. I fear he will try to destroy himself again. Laurel was here last time to stop him from bleeding out. Will she be here the next time?

  Valerii shook his head and cleared his throat. “Shall we go?”

  Everyone started to move toward the door. Durant fell in behind Susan and Jack, his look thoughtful. Susan kept glancing back at him, her eyes confused. Finally, she took Jack’s hand and walked outside into the evening air.

  The limo sat waiting at the curb, and soon everyone was seated inside. Anton looked at Susan before his head jerked to Valerii’s, his eyebrow lifted in question. Valerii nodded in response. One more hurdle to be overcome. Valerii didn’t know how to fix this problem. He would have to consult with the other Alphas.

  “Susan has agreed to be a member of Laurel’s research team,” Anton said. “She and Jack will be joining us in England part of the year and Siberia the other. My brother is having a laboratory and clinic built on pack property, so Laurel can work.”

  Laurel and Susan smiled at each other, while Josephine squealed and clapped her hands.

  “Congratulations,” Valerii said, shaking Jack’s hand. “It is refreshing to see a man support his wife’s career.”

  “Susan is a brilliant researcher. Of course, I would support her. The money offered was nice too,” Jack said, smiling and teasing his wife.

  “Don’t let Jack kid you,” Susan said. “He helps me in the lab. I couldn’t do it without him.”

  Twenty minutes later, the limo pulled up to Fortescue’s manor. Josephine wiped her palm on her dress before taking Valerii’s hand. He lifted it, letting his lips linger on a kiss in reassurance. The driver opened the door, and they all climbed out.

  They proceeded to the door and soon were inside. Valerii smelled several members of his new pack outside. His shoulders relaxed. Back up waited if needed. Now, to figure out what Fortescue’s game was.

  Durant and Darcel quickly took advantage of the crowd and slipped away. Susan turned smiling. She glanced around, then frowned. Valerii assumed she was looking for Durant.

  “Norris is over there with his sister by the fireplace. I’ll introduce you,” Susan said.

  “I would like to dance with my fiancée first,” Valerii said, smiling at Josephine. “We’ll only be a minute.”

  “I’ll get you a drink, Susan,” Jack said, heading for the bar set up by the two large windows in the front of the house.

  “May I have this dance?” Anton asked Laurel.

  The two couples soon joined the others on the wooden dance floor. The string quartet began playing a waltz. Valerii pulled Josephine close and kissed her temple before leading her into the dance.

  She laughed and patted his shoulder. “What are you doing?”

  “Waltzing. You don’t like it?”

  “I love it. I didn’t know you waltzed.”

  “There is much you don’t know about me, lyubov moya. But each revelation will be fun.”

  “Have I told you how handsome I think you look tonight?” Josephine asked. “You should wear a tuxedo more often.”

  “I am glad my lady is pleased.”

  Suddenly one of the pack members outside screamed into their minds.


  Valerii reacted immediately, taking Josephine to the floor as the sound of gunfire filled the night. People screamed as glass broke and the world turned to chaos.

  Take down the attackers, Valerii sent to his men outside. The noise of gunfire ceased immediately.

  Suddenly, a cry of rage filled the lycans’ heads. SAVE HER! I AM COMING.

  Valerii looked down at Josephine, her hands placed over her ears as if that could have kept the voice out.

  “Who was that?” she asked.

  “I don’t know. Strong telepath, must be an Alpha,” Valerii said, shaking his head.

  “Who is he talking about?” Josephine asked.

  Valerii got up and looked around the room. Durant was helping Susan rise. He must have taken her to the floor. Laurel was already up and going from person to person, Anton standing guard over her. Darcel knelt next to Jack on the floor near the bar. He looked over at Valerii and shook his head. Jack was gone. Norris Fortescue held the young woman who must be his sister in his arms. Tears ran down his face. A slim golden cord attached to her heart led away into the night. Blood spattered her chest.

  “Laurel, Fortescue’s sister has been hit,” Valerii pointed out.

  Laurel hurried over to the couple. Valerii and Josephine followed.

  “Please tell me you can save her. She’s strong. Please,” Fortescue said, rocking his sister in his arms.

  Laurel checked the injuries and looked up at the rest of them in surprise. “She’s a lycan.”

  “What?” Josephine gasped. “How?”

  “I don’t know,” Laurel answered.

  Anton pulled Fortescue away from his sister, while Laurel turned her healing energy to fixing the sister’s injuries.

  Valerii grabbed Fortescue by the shoulders and made him look into his eyes. He dove past the man’s grief and into his memories. Fortescue hadn’t wanted Josephine to experiment on. He had wanted her to teach his sister to be a lycan. Valerii delved deeper, watching as Fortescue worked on finding a cure for his sister’s cancer. How the cells he used migrated from her bone marrow and into her blood stream, reproducing at a terrific rate and attaching to her human cells, changing them. He’d cured his sister by turning her into a lycan.

  “Chyort Vossmi, he turned his sister into a lycan to cure her cancer,” Valerii said. And now the heartmate bond had snapped into place because of her injuries. What the hell was Valerii supposed to do now?

  Valerii looked at Anton, needing advice.

  Anton shrugged his shoulders. “We save his sister, then we find out how the hell he did this. First, we need to speak to the men who fired bullets into a crowd, if any of them still lives.”

  Valerii nodded. He turned to find his Betas. Durant stood over Susan as she held Jack to her chest. Susan’s body shook with heart-wrenching sobs.

  “Josie, Susan needs you,” Valerii said, pointing out where Susan wept.

  Anton and Valerii followed Josephine over to Durant.

  “Keep the women safe. Anton and I will be outside with the maniacs who did this,” Valerii directed.

  Durant nodded and motioned to Darcel to cover Laurel. Josephine put her arms around Susan, offering comfort.

  Sighing, Valerii walked outside and found Josephine’s grandfather kneeling next to a man on the ground. Anton followed as Valerii rushed up to find Sanxay, who was covered in blood, his throat having been ripped out by a lycan. He was holding onto life by a thread. Valerii knelt next to the man and slid into his mind. Fortescue had been marked for death by Doctors for a Better Humanity. Josephine had been under a capture-or-kill order. More assassins would be coming for them. But Sanxay didn’t know who sent him the orders. All he knew was a voice over the phone and an electronic transfer into his bank account.

sp; How could Valerii keep his mate safe from these lunatics?

  Valerii retreated from the man’s mind and glanced at Josephine’s grandfather. “I did not expect to see you, dedushka. Josephine would be upset to know you put yourself in danger for her.”

  “You forget, petit-fils, I was once Alpha of this pack. Of course, I would protect my own. You don’t have to tell her,” he said smiling, his eyes sparkling with mischief so much like his granddaughter’s.

  “I keep no secrets from my mate. You are on your own, dedushka,” Valerii said, lifting his hands away.

  Sanxay sighed and stopped breathing. Josephine’s grandfather closed the man’s eyes as sirens were heard in the distance.

  “You should go,” Valerii said to Josephine’s grandfather. “Take the rest of the pack members to safety. Josephine and I were invited. No one will question why we are here.”

  “We must hunt this group that thinks to take ma petite fille,” Josie’s grandfather said, rising and brushing the dirt from his slacks, his face grim.

  “We will. I promise you,” Valerii said, determination coloring his tone.


  Hours later, the last of the wounded were on their way to a hospital. Susan sat in a chair. Durant stood behind her, while a police officer spoke to her in low tones. Her eyes were red from the tears she couldn’t seem to stop. The officer walked off, and Valerii walked over to kneel beside the fragile woman.

  “I want you to let Durant take you back to your hotel. I am appointing him as your bodyguard until these men are brought to justice. Laurel and Anton will contact you tomorrow.” You can trust him, Valerii sent into her mind with a little push.

  Susan nodded her head, then looked back at Durant, who put his hand on her shoulder. Valerii stood and stepped back, catching Durant’s eye.

  Be careful how you proceed. She will need time to recover from her grief.

  Durant nodded before moving forward and helping Susan from her chair. “Come, ma petit. Let me take you away from here,” he said as he gently led Susan outside to a car that stood waiting.

  Valerii watched them go.

  Josephine walked up and slipped her arm around his waist. “They’ll be okay. Durant is a good man.”


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