Jesse's Girl

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by Karen Erickson

  He blew his chance once. Now he intends to blow her mind…

  Rick blew it, and he’s never forgotten it. It’s bad enough his best friend Jesse showed his true colors and stole Blair, the girl Rick wanted. Rick never understood what Blair saw in the loser, and still kicks himself for letting her slip through his fingers. But what’s done is done.

  Blair is horrified when she realizes that Jesse’s lies cost her the happiness she might have found with Rick. It’s been over with Jesse, but he won’t leave her alone. Help comes from a totally unexpected source—Rick.

  When Rick sees them together, he’s confused but tells himself to get over it. Until Jesse lays a hand on her in anger. Now all bets are off. A second chance is all he’s ever wanted and he intends to use it…up against a wall, in his bed, over and over again.

  Until she surrenders to the idea that she was meant to be his girl. Forever.

  Warning: This book contains lots of delicious, mouth-watering romance and love makin’, including sex against the wall (a personal favorite) and the good ol’ standby, sex in bed.

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  Samhain Publishing, Ltd.

  577 Mulberry Street, Suite 1520

  Macon GA 31201

  Jesse’s Girl

  Copyright © 2009 by Karen Erickson

  ISBN: 978-1-60504-645-7

  Edited by Bethany Morgan

  Cover by Scott Carpenter

  All Rights Are Reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

  First Samhain Publishing, Ltd. electronic publication: August 2009

  Jesse’s Girl

  Karen Erickson


  To everyone who loves eighties music! This one’s for you.

  Chapter One

  “Yo, Rick, what are you doing here?”

  Rick turned to see his former friend, Jesse, standing in front of him next to Blair. Rick’s very beautiful, extremely sexy and now ex-girlfriend Blair.

  So why was his arm wrapped around her like he owned her outright?

  “Hey, Jesse, how are ya?” Rick flicked his chin in Jesse’s direction, barely able to contain the disgust for Jesse that filled him at the sight of his so-called, ex-best friend with the woman he wanted more than anything in the world.

  Blair Westcott. He’d met her first, been interested in her before Jesse. He’d even told Jesse all about her after meeting Blair at his and Jesse’s favorite hangout. The pretty rich girl had come round to slum at the bar and ended up chatting with Rick the entire night.

  He’d been entranced, a little overwhelmed by her beauty, how easy it had been to talk to her. When he’d left her that night though, the doubts had set in. No way would a woman like that be interested in a guy like him. He hadn’t even bothered to make a move on her, had just gone straight back to the apartment he’d shared with Jesse and told him all about the gorgeous Blair.

  Next night Jesse picked her up at the bar, brought her home and fucked her senseless. Rick had heard it all. The sounds of their lovemaking had made him sick to his stomach. That had been a little over six months ago. He and his friend had eventually parted ways, Rick finding his own apartment so he didn’t have to deal with watching Jesse and Blair together every night. Making smoochy-smoochy faces at each other, seeing the possessive way Jesse touched her, the mocking light in his eyes when he caught Rick watching.

  A couple of months ago he’d heard through the local grapevine that Blair had dumped Jesse. So what was she doing with him tonight?

  “Hi, Rick.” Her soft voice wafted over him, making his dick harder than a spike and he shifted from one foot to the other, trying to ease the discomfort.

  “Hey, Blair.” He could barely look at her, didn’t want to stare too long into her beautiful blue eyes, lose himself in them.

  Because he would, he always did. He was over the moon for her. He dreamed about her at night. Hot and sweaty dreams that always involved the two of them naked, tangled in the sheets, his cock buried to the hilt inside her sweet, sweet pussy.

  “You at the festival alone? Can’t get date?” Jesse jeered—the asshole—and Rick clenched his teeth, his hand automatically forming into a fist. It would give him great pleasure to pummel Jesse’s pretty boy face, bloody him up good. The fucker deserved it.

  Of course, Rick had never laid claim on Blair. Hell, he’d barely had time to. But Jesse had known how he’d felt, that he’d been interested in the hot little rich blonde who laughed easy and often.

  And the jackass had still gone after her like a dog drooling over a juicy bone.

  “Knock it off, Jesse. Don’t be mean.” Blair stepped away from him, putting some distance between them and Rick noticed the death stare Jesse shot her way.

  Something was definitely up. He needed to make fast conversation and get the hell out.

  “I’m meeting a couple of friends.” Some of the guys he worked with had convinced him to come to the harvest festival their small town held every year at the fairgrounds. He’d been tired and dirty, but the idea of cheap beer, homemade soft tacos and cute chicks wandering among the booths had convinced him to give it a go.

  He sure as hell wished he hadn’t run into Jesse and Blair though. Talk about ruining his mood.

  “Uh huh.” Jesse nodded, an ugly glint in his eyes. The guy was a class-A jerk, hadn’t grown up since they’d graduated high school and that had been over ten years ago. Rick had stuck by him since he’d known Jesse for so long, but he’d eventually tired of the bullshit.

  He’d always wondered what a smart girl like Blair was doing with a loser like Jesse. It made no sense. Were they still together or what?

  “Well, guess I better go meet them. Don’t want to keep them waiting.” Rick shot them a little wave and started toward the area where the food booths were, his lips compressed in a tight line.

  Damn he hated the fact that Blair Westcott had such a hold over him. Just seeing her standing there, her long blonde hair pulled into a ponytail, her body covered in a simple T-shirt, sweater and jeans had his blood boiling, his cock surging against his fly.

  He wondered what she would do if he grabbed her, hauled her against him and laid a deep, wet kiss on that pretty little mouth. Would she respond? Would her body yield to his, would her arms twist around him? Or would she shove him away and tell him to go to hell?

  Probably the latter. Damn it all, he didn’t know why he tortured himself.

  Unable to help himself he glanced back for even more torture, wanting to catch a glimpse of Blair one last time.

  He stopped short when he caught her watching him. Her big blue eyes seemed to plead with him, her lush lips parted as if she wanted to shout something. He almost started walking toward her, curious to see what she would do, but he didn’t.

  No, he turned and headed toward his destination, determination driving his every step.

  Determination to forget that woman once and for all.

  “That guy is still pissed at me.” Jesse shook his head, his hand snaking out to grab hold of hers and she winced when he squeezed a little too tight.

  The man didn’t realize his own strength. Huh. Correction. More like, he wanted to show off his brute strength to anyone aroun
d him and she just happened to suffer from it.

  She disentangled herself from his grip. “Who? Rick? Why is he mad at you?” She’d always liked Rick. A lot. So sweet, so friendly, he always made her laugh, knew how to cheer her up. He had a kind streak ten miles long and twenty miles wide and would do anything for those who needed help. And he was cute.

  Really cute. In that hmm-he’s-just-a-guy, a nice guy, wait a minute, a super-hot-guy kind of way.

  “Woman trouble,” Jesse muttered, obviously being vague. “After all those years of being friends, he ended it because of some chick.”

  “What chick?” She’d been with Jesse for six months and had broken up with him a couple of months ago. He really wasn’t her type, they’d had nothing in common and he had hidden a meanness she didn’t want to be around anymore. It scared her sometimes, his behavior and she’d thought it best to call it off, end it before she got in too deep. Of course, it was like he’d followed her here tonight and her friends had already long dumped her to walk around when they saw Jesse wasn’t budging from her side.

  She’d gotten together with him in the first place really just to spite her family. They’d always had such high expectations of her, wanting her to marry rich and live in some sterile mansion where she could entertain her high society friends day in and day out.

  Rebelling against that idea since her early twenties, she’d really gone wild when she turned twenty-five and started hanging out in crappy bars, flirting with guys her father would flip out over.

  Then she’d met Rick. He was completely different from any man she’d ever met. Sweet, a little shy, a mechanic who seemed to have an overwhelming passion for cars. She’d thought he was so nice she’d gone back to that particular bar the next night, hoping to see him again.

  She’d met Jesse instead. Jesse and his macho bravado. His big muscular body and all of that shaggy golden blond hair. Cocky, handsome, confident and a bit of a loud mouth, he’d laid on the moves fast. Had even told her Rick thought they’d be a good match.

  Jesse had also plied her with alcohol and then showed her an outrageous time in the sack. The guy was an animal, wanting to do it once, twice, three times a day. It was downright exhausting, being with Jesse. At first, he’d been all about satisfying her too.

  That had died out quickly. She’d been lucky to get an orgasm once a month from him once they’d started seeing each other, let alone every freaking day. When Jesse had lost his job at the Ford dealership a while ago, their sex life had gone south.

  Their entire relationship had gone south. She hadn’t wanted to kick a dog while he was down, but a girl could only stand so much.

  “You really want to know which chick?” Jesse’s question snapped her back to the here and now and she glanced at him noticing his baby blues looked a little wild. Probably because he’d chugged a six-pack like he normally did. She didn’t know this for a fact, but the unmistakable smell of beer was strong on his breath.

  “I asked didn’t I?” She could barely tolerate Jesse sober anymore, let alone drunk off his ass. Looked like his drunken behavior was going to ruin yet another perfectly good evening.

  Well she didn’t have to let it. She could walk away and in fact, she was going to. Right after he answered her question.

  “It was you.” Jesse smiled, but it didn’t quite reach his eyes. “He wanted you, but I snagged you instead. You couldn’t resist my big dick, I told him. He tried to beat my ass, and I held him off. The fuckin’ wimp.”

  Blair sucked in a harsh breath, her eyes growing wide with confusion. Rick had wanted her? He’d been interested in her that night? After he’d pushed her on Jesse, she thought he had just been kind to the silly rich girl hanging out at the bar. “You told me he thought the two of us would be good together.”

  “I lied.” Jesse laughed, sounding rather pleased with himself. “He couldn’t stop talking about you, describing how fucking gorgeous you were. I knew I had to check you out, see what all the fuss was about.”

  Crossing her arms in front of her, she glared at him. “You are such an asshole, Jesse. I can’t believe you.”

  “What, so now you’re mad at me too? Were you actually interested in Rick like that? Because you sure as hell fell into bed with me easily enough, honey. Not that the little pencil dick would know how to keep you satisfied.”

  His words zinged her right in the heart, filling her with regret. She had fallen into bed with Jesse very easily. But he’d been charming, such a sweet talker and she’d been a little drunk, lonely and disappointed that Rick hadn’t been interested in her.

  So she’d slept with his best friend instead.

  God, what a fool she’d been.

  “Not like you were any good at keeping me satisfied, Jess. You couldn’t even keep it up long enough to get me off. That was reason enough to break-up with you.” The words flew out of her mouth before she could stop them and Jesse’s mouth dropped open, the anger in his eyes unmistakable.

  Uh oh.

  “Bitch.” He spat out the word, grabbed her arm so quickly she cried out. His fingers pinched into her skin, marking her and he gave her a little shake. “You were so cold in bed I’m glad we’re not together anymore. I can find another whore to keep me warm, trust me. You’re nothing but a snotty little ice princess, thinking you’re better than anyone else.”

  She gasped at his harsh words, ready to really let him have it when a low, angry voice spoke up behind her.

  “Let her go, Jesse. Now.”

  A shiver moved through her. She would recognize that voice anywhere, though he sounded completely different. Cold, fierce and more than a little pissed off.

  Not to mention sexy as hell.

  “Figures you would show up to save the day. Fuck off, Rick. This is between me and Blair.”

  “I don’t think so. From what I hear, you two aren’t together anymore. And you’re grabbing her in the middle of a public venue, friend. Twist her arm anymore and someone will call the cops on your ass.”

  “Let ’em,” Jesse snarled.

  “Let her go.” Rick sounded calm and under control. She stared into Jesse’s face, wishing he would follow Rick’s advice. “Do it if you know what’s good for you, asshole.”

  Another snarl ripped out of Jesse and he let her go, giving her a little shove. She stumbled backwards, right into the waiting arms of Rick, who held her close.

  Blair could feel the rapid beating of his heart, the warmth of his skin seeping into hers. She gazed at him, saw the determined set of his jaw, the blazing anger in his eyes. Seeing him fired up and ready to defend her was incredibly arousing.

  “You two deserve each other.” Jesse spat on the ground, then wiped the back of his hand across his mouth. “You’re both a couple of losers.”

  “Look who’s talking,” Blair sneered, and Rick’s arms tightened around her.

  He shushed her, dipping his head so his mouth was close to her ear. “Don’t talk to him. You’re only giving him what he wants.”

  “Fuck off.” With that last expletive, Jesse walked away, shaking his head.

  Blair released a shuddering breath, her body suddenly consumed with shivers. Yes, she’d held her own while arguing with Jesse, had probably said some stupidly provoking things but now that he was gone, the nerves and fear set in.

  The anger in Jesse’s eyes, they way he’d gripped her arm tightly. She’d never seen him this mad before.

  “You okay?” Rick slid his hand from her shoulder down her arm, soothing her with the simple caress. Sparks of electricity flared everywhere he touched her and she gazed up at him, saw the concern in his mellow golden eyes.

  Blair nodded, unable to speak. Too overwhelmed at what had happened.

  “Let me see your arm.” He set her away from him, his fingers smoothing over the skin that was imprinted with Jesse’s fingers. His expression turned sharp, his eyes narrowing, mouth thinning into a grim line. “It’s going to bruise.”

  “I’m okay.” Her hand auto
matically went to the spot where Jesse had grabbed her, pushing Rick’s hand away. “It doesn’t hurt. Much.”

  “Uh huh.” Rick’s gaze met hers. “Do you want to go home? I can give you a ride.”

  She shook her head slowly, her heart doing a heavy thud at the hot look in Rick’s eyes. If she wasn’t mistaken, she thought she detected a healthy dose of desire in their depths. “I’m hungry.”

  His eyes now sparked with amusement. “Same here.”

  “Do you mind if we stay at the festival, have something to eat, maybe walk around?” She smiled, hoping he’d say yes.

  “As long as you don’t mind. I don’t want you to feel uncomfortable. I doubt Jesse has left yet.”

  Blair shrugged. She wasn’t worried as long as she was with Rick. “I’m not scared. We should steer clear of the beer gardens though. If we do that, I think we’ll be good.”

  Rick chuckled, then held his arm out for her. “Let’s go check out the food.”

  She looped her arm through his, loving the way he tucked her against his side. Funny but she’d never felt so safe before. “Let’s go.”

  Chapter Two

  The tension between them had grown since the moment they walked together to go check out the various food booths. Rick had spotted his friends from work, introduced Blair to everyone and they’d been friendly even though they had knowing looks on their faces. They hadn’t leered, but she figured Rick would receive his fair sharing of ribbing on Monday and get questioned about her.

  Jesse’s friends had always been jerks to her. As if they knew what she looked like naked or something. They had leered at her, made suggestive comments, heck one of them had snuck a pinch to her butt one time. Jesse had never done anything to defend her, just stood there smiling, like he was proud his friends were a bunch of perverts.

  God, why had she stayed with him so long? Had she been desperate? Was her self-esteem so low that she’d stick with a guy who treated her like absolute trash?


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