Black Light: Suspended

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Black Light: Suspended Page 14

by Maggie Ryan

  With her sight gone, every other sense she possessed seemed heightened. When Dillon paused a few moments before stepping forward again, she felt the sound of the club dimming. Even the air felt different, cooler somehow. The click of her heels changed, each step was louder and there was a brief echo heard before the next click. Where were they? Had he taken her into one of those booths he’d pointed out? As she took a few more steps, she didn’t believe so as those were not as spacious as the floor they were crossing. It was another few moments before he halted again.

  Her hand was lifted from his arm and guided in front of her. “Hold onto the edge of the table,” he instructed. She did so with both hands, her fingers encountering not the padded leather she expected but solid unyielding wood. From the span her hands had to open to grip the edge, she knew it was thick wood, and from the stroke of her fingertips, it was smooth as glass. For some reason, she envisioned a beautifully handcrafted table from eons past.

  All thoughts of the table’s appearance disappeared when she felt Dillon behind her, the sound of the zipper of her dress being lowered, the sensation of his fingertips sliding the straps from her shoulders. She couldn’t stop the shiver that ran through her as the fabric slid from her skin, exposing her to him, to the room.

  “Step out,” he instructed and once she did, she was exactly as he’d described. Completely nude but for the red blindfold and the matching heels on her feet. Warmth enveloped her as Dillon pressed against her back, his hands snaking around her waist.

  “Tonight is about sensation,” he explained, speaking softly. “Touch is a sense that we take for granted, one we don’t really consider. Tonight that will change. It can be gentle and soft…” He paused and she gasped as her breasts were taken, his fingers stroking lightly across her flesh. “It can be harsh.” She jerked as fingers took her nipples and squeezed.

  “Touch can bring pleasure or pain, or a combination of both,” he continued, releasing her nipples to soothe them with gentle, circling motions. “I want you to relax, don’t think, just feel. Allow your body to experience every sensation, every touch. You remember the safe words, correct?”

  “Yes, Sir.” God, why did her heart leap with that question?

  “Relax, Charlie. This is also about trust. Trust that as your Dom, my goal is to make this an experience that will not only test your limits, but one you’ll enjoy.” She shivered again as he lifted the weight of her hair then pressed his lips against the nape of her neck. It was another lesson in sensation as she felt the wetness of his tongue licking a path from her collarbone, up the side of her neck to the spot behind her ear. Warmth followed as he blew along the trail, her nipples crinkling and her pussy dampening as he suckled the lobe of her ear, drawing on it and then, without warning, biting down, and at the same time, pinching her nipples tightly again.

  “Ahhh,” she moaned, her body shuddering.

  He released her to say, “I’m going to lift you onto the table. Place your arms above your head and spread your legs wide.” Not waiting for her to respond, he lifted her and then laid her upon the surface. Charlie discovered that the hard surface she expected wasn’t what she felt. Instead of wood, she felt a softness that indicated he’d laid her on some sort of padded surface and felt the leather cushion her body. Remembering his instructions, she lifted her arms and spread her legs.

  A new sensation flowed through her as she felt him putting her wrists into padded cuffs, hearing a click as he joined them together, guiding her fingers around some sort of bar. Her ankles were next, both cuffed and secured to the table. Splayed open, her body his to do with as he wished, sent her deeper into submission. She startled and then moaned as his mouth descended on hers, the kiss so soft and then demanding as he pushed his tongue between her lips to possess her. Without sight to look into his eyes, to see his expression heightened the kiss. It was as intoxicating as anything she’d ever experienced.

  He pulled away and her tongue came out to lick along her lips, already wishing his would return. Her head tilted to the side, trying to determine where he was but instead heard the sound of him opening the bag that she’d forgotten he’d even had. What was hidden inside? What toy or implement would she experience without seeing? He was right… this was a game of mystery and suspense. A game in which the only rule she’d been given was to relax, to feel, to accept whatever sensation her dominant chose to gift her with.

  Her body jerked again when something trailed between her breasts to her pubis. “Relax, Charlie, don’t use your mind to figure out what it is; let your senses be the detective.”

  It was hard to obey. Not that she didn’t trust him, but she was a woman who was constantly observing. Her very job depended on her ability to quickly assess her surroundings, to eliminate areas of danger that threatened her very safety. The object reversed its path, to circle the mounds of her breasts, the flutter over her nipples that seemed to make up their own mind that they enjoyed the touch as they pebbled even tighter. Listening to her body instead of her mind, she relaxed into the table, unclenching fingers that had held the bar so tightly. She squirmed a bit when the sensation moved to her armpit and then snaked down her side.

  “Ticklish?” he asked, amusement in his tone.

  “No… just surprised.” Her denial proved to be a lie as he switched sides and she jerked in the other direction when the sensation turned from soft to sharp before going soft again.

  “Definitely ticklish,” Dillon said, continuing to stroke all over her body, to tease, to torment until she was breathless. “You look so sweet, squirming about, your body covered with thousands of goose bumps.” He bent to kiss her again, her body arching in need that was briefly provided before he pulled away again.

  The next sensation was one that had her gasp as warmth flowed down her body. He’d poured something into the valley between her breasts and then trickled it down her stomach and then dribbled along each of her legs. Though there was no scent, its very viscosity told Charlie he’d used some type of oil. She shuddered as she felt some drip from her pubis to run along her sex and then the crack of her ass but when strong fingers began to spread the oil, she moaned with pleasure. Dillon began at her calves, massaging the oil into her skin, the warmth spreading as muscles relaxed and the oil heated beneath his palms. Her legs quivered as he moved up them slowly, her thighs trembling as he stroked the oil over every inch before massaging each one. She arched her hips up, silently asking that he not forget her sex where her own moisture was adding to the slickness between her legs, and yet when he obeyed her unspoken request, she moaned in frustration as it was only the briefest of touches before his hand moved to continue to distribute the oil across her abdomen.

  “Oh, God,” she whispered as fingers, now slickened by the oil began to roll and pull on her nipples, plucking and releasing, tugging and twisting until her back arched with the pleasure and pain combination he’d spoken of earlier. The massage continued to include each breast, fingers rubbing the oil until each one was coated, every inch explored. When his hands reached her shoulders, she again arched. “Please… please, Sir…” not knowing what she was asking for, just knowing that she needed more.

  Dillon’s response was to kiss her once more as he finished the massage, only to step away. Charlie could imagine what she must look like. Her naked body would be glistening, her nipples tight, her pussy slick.

  “Oh, yes, thank you, Sir,” she said as she felt his fingers returning to her pussy, spreading labia lips that she knew must be swollen, plump with the blood that was drawn to the area with her arousal. She thrust her hips up as she felt his lips draw her clit inside, the coil that had begun to wind inside her from the moment he’d tied the blindfold going tighter. She keened with pleasure and them mewed with distress as his lips released her after giving her clit a bite.

  Fingers slid between her lips, stroking each fold, pressing them apart. She blushed, imagining them opening like the petals of a flower… like a rose. When a finger slid inside, she groa
ned, once again pulling on the bar above her head, her feet flexing with pleasure as a second finger joined the first. She forgot to think as the sensations overtook her, each push forward stretching her, each withdrawal leaving her empty for the briefest moment.

  When she thought she understood the rhythm, the dance changed. Something cold pressed against her entrance had her gasping, stiffening. As Dillon began to press it inside, she groaned as the object stretched her further than his fingers, filled her more completely. The shock of the coldness dissipated as her body warmed the object. At first she thought it was a dildo and yet, when Dillon pushed it further inside her and then removed his fingers, she realized it wasn’t. Trying to determine what it was instantly stopped as she felt another object pressing inside. This one felt heavier somehow but just as he had the first, he pressed it up inside her until it settled against the first.

  His lips descended on her clit again and as he suckled, her pussy spasmed and she felt her muscles clench around the objects. Again and again, she spasmed and the items moved, rolled and she suddenly remembered his promise of earlier. She had no doubt that he’d pressed some type of balls inside her. Satisfied that she’d uncovered the identity of one of the mystery objects, she was totally unprepared when a sudden jolt had her gasping loudly.

  “Oh my God!” she moaned as the balls began to vibrate inside her, seeming to increase in size as the vibrations stimulated the very sensitive walls of her cunt. She had barely absorbed the fact that he was using some kind of remote when she gasped again at the feeling of something pressing against her anus. Her whimper was ignored as the object began to push inside, and though it stretched her muscle, it didn’t seem very large and she could tell it was slick as the rest of her body.

  “Relax, Charlie, this is but the first,” Dillon said, pressing a bit harder until she gave a small gasp as the object defeated her muscle to slip inside. Her relief was short lived as a second ball was inserted, and then a third, each one forcing her sphincter to open a bit wider to accept the spheres which were increasing in size.

  “Oh… oh, God,” she moaned. “I don’t… too much…”

  “Color?” Dillon asked, pausing with the insertion of the fourth.

  Charlie didn’t immediately respond and then whispered, “Green… but… yes, green, Sir.”

  “Good girl,” Dillon praised and she felt his lips kiss her inner thigh. “Just a few more.”

  A few more? How many were a few? There was no need to voice the questions as she would discover the answer as he continued. A fifth ball joined the others, then another and another until she couldn’t believe her body had actually accepted nine of the slick orbs into a place she’d only had invaded with his finger and a butt plug.

  “Last one.”

  “Oh… oh, Dill… Sir,” she moaned, positive she couldn’t hold another. “Oh, God!” she yelled, not with the tenth ball’s insertion but from the sudden, powerful vibrations of the balls he’d inserted into her pussy. She continued to moan, her body coiling as the pressure on her back passage increased until with a final cry, the last ball slid inside.

  “Beautiful,” Dillon said, his kiss of what she was sure was now her widely stretched anus, adding to the heat that suffused her entire body as the coil tightened until it threatened to break.

  “No!” she whined when, with a click of the remote, the vibrations inside her went from pulsing to barely felt. “Oh, please… please… I need to come.”

  Dillon kissed the lips between her legs, kissed her throbbing clit before moving up her body, dropping kisses over slickened skin, nipping the ripe berries of her nipples before once more taking her mouth.

  “There is nothing more beautiful than you at this moment,” he said, pulling away, his hand stroking her hair off her forehead. “So wanting, so pliant, so accepting. But, my love, we are not yet done.”

  Charlie didn’t know what to expect and realized that was the purpose of the game. With both her pussy and ass full, she felt sensations she’d never imagined. Every time her muscles clenched, they contracted around the balls he’d filled her with. She felt both heavy and light at the same time and couldn’t fathom how that could be possible. When the next sensation came, it had her arching her back. It was hot… no cold. Sharp… wait, no it was a dull pressure. Whatever it was, it was moving around her right breast in a spiral pattern. Her pussy and ass clenched as she realized that with every rotation, it was nearing her poor defenseless nipple.

  “Ahhhhhhh!” she squealed as the object rolled across her taut point. And though she briefly wondered if she was feeling the bite of a nipple clamp, the sensation dissipated when the object moved down the slope of her right breast, leaving a tingling trail across the valley before beginning to circle her left breast. She moaned, she gasped, she shuddered… she did everything but think. When the path was changed to roll down her belly, she whimpered, she bit her lip, she moaned and when it rolled across her tender labia lips, she surrendered. Every cell of her body absorbed the sensations: warm lips kissing her skin as Dillon kissed her body; sharp pricks of pain as the object was rolled over the sensitive skin of her underarms; her clit throbbed as the object moved to circle it again and again; nerve endings pulsing; synapses snapping as the vibrations in her pussy began again only to have her body arch as every ball in her ass began to vibrate as well, a pulsating beat that had her sure that if she didn’t find release, she’d die.

  Her mouth opened in a silent scream of ecstasy, stars burst beneath her eyelids as with a single pull, the balls were pulled from her ass and she exploded. The scream became audible, reverberating off the walls as with one thrust, Dillon’s cock took the place of the anal balls. Warmth pressed down on her as he laid his body over hers. Her world was nothing but sensation; no thoughts existed as she came again, fluid gushing from her pussy as his cock pistoned in and out of her ass. She wasn’t aware that her restraints had been undone until she found her arms clinging to him, her legs wrapped around his waist, pulling him closer as he fucked her, filled her, claimed her last virgin passage. Spiraling up again, unable to stop the ascent, she could do nothing but accept the demand of her very soul that she splinter yet again and it took her a moment to realize that the blindfold was gone as her vision was filled with molten chocolate eyes as Dillon joined her in bliss.

  Thunderous applause from spectators had Charlie blushing, realizing for the first time that they hadn’t been alone. She closed her eyes only to hear Dillon whispering that the crowd was showing their appreciation for such a beautiful scene. “I’m so very proud of you, baby.”

  She felt completely boneless as Dillon swept her off the table, carrying her a few steps before he sank onto a loveseat, holding her close. Nerves kept snapping, her body trembling as he caressed her, massaging her arms, her back, fingers stroking through her hair. She was only capable of giving the softest mews as she came down from the most mind-blowing sex she’d ever had. Every inch of her skin felt hypersensitive, her pussy continuing to pulse as she snuggled into his body. It was several minutes before she could even begin to put thoughts together and a few more before she could speak.

  “That… that was…”

  “Sensational?” Dillon offered with a grin.

  Charlie smiled and nodded. It was the perfect word after all. She accepted a bottle of juice, drinking it slowly until it was gone, only to be given another one.

  “Drink it all, baby. You expended a lot more energy than you’d believe.”

  She obeyed, allowing the liquid to replenish her. Once it was mostly gone, she smiled, running a fingertip down his chest. “You’re as oily as I am.”

  Dillon chuckled. “And here I thought your first real sentence would be a question as to what was used on your gorgeous body.”

  Charlie laughed. “I tried to guess for a while but then… just felt. It doesn’t really matter what the game pieces were, it was the most incredible, amazing game I’ve ever played.”

  “I’m glad you enjoyed it,” Dill
on said, bending to kiss her gently. “Then I suppose I can just tuck them back into the bag and…”

  “No! I mean, please, Sir, I’d like to see.”

  “Care to guess first?”

  Charlie nestled closer, remembering back to the start of their play. “I thought at first you used a feather but though it was soft, sometimes it felt prickly.”

  “That was because it was a feather quill,” Dillon said.

  “Ah, that makes sense. Okay, I know you used some type of oil… and might I add that you, Sir, can give me a massage any day. You have the most sensual, strong hands. It was fantastic.”

  “Good to know. And the next?”

  Charlie blushed. “At first I thought it was a dildo like the ones in the shop, but it was too small and when you added another, I remembered when you said playing with balls would be in my future.” She smiled and shook her head. “I’m guessing now you didn’t mean tennis balls.”

  Dillon chuckled. “No, these were ben wa balls.”

  “So you put several up my ass as well?”

  He shook his head. “No, that was a string of anal beads. And might I add, you handled them extremely well.”

  “To be honest, I thought I’d split open when you first started but… well, they were pretty amazing. God, when everything started vibrating, I thought I was going to die. Oh, what was the other thing? I couldn’t decide if it was hot or cold and it felt both sharp and dull.” She shuddered remembering the item traveling all over her flesh.

  “That was a Wartenberg wheel. Doctors use them to test for nerve function.” He paused and ran a hand down her arm. “Doms use it to drive their subs wild.”

  “Well, it worked. I felt as if every nerve in my body was on fire.”

  Dillon kissed her again and when he released her, he said, “Let’s go shower and then get you home.” He set her on the loveseat as he gathered the toys he’d used and their clothing.


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