Black Light: Suspended

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Black Light: Suspended Page 16

by Maggie Ryan

  They lined up into two teams to run the course. “Remember, you’re a team and only as strong as your weakest link. Help each other through,” Dillon instructed.

  Charlie was on his team and their group took off to run the course on the left as the other group headed towards the right. She lifted her knees high to step through the tires and then dropped to her belly to crawl beneath a set of ropes that allowed only a few inches of clearance. She watched the person in front of her stumble and then fall from a balance beam, encouraging him to try again. Once he succeeded, he watched as she flew across the narrow beam and jumped off the other end.

  “Impressive,” he said.

  “Smaller feet,” she countered, as Dillon landed beside them.

  She swung from bars and grabbed the rope as it was swung back to her after a team mate cleared a large mud puddle. She grabbed hold, swung and then squealed as she made it less than halfway across before swinging back. Hands grabbed her, saving her from falling into the mud. She heard Dillon behind her. “This is where teamwork comes in. Hang on and don’t let go.” He grabbed her and she clung to his back like a monkey as he grabbed the rope, moved back and took off at a full run. She buried her face in his neck as they left the ground, not believing that Dillon, was actually making the same yodeling sound that reminded her of movies she’d watched as a teen.

  They landed with a jolt and she took a moment to give him a hug. “Thanks, Tarzan,” she said as she slid from his back. The team jumped hurdles and crawled beneath lower bars and then came to the first wall only a few seconds ahead of the other team. “Whoa, it looks a lot bigger up close,” Charlie said, her head craned back to see the top of the wall. Baxter ran, planted his feet and leapt, catching the lip of the wall on his first try and pulled himself up. He turned and as the others followed, he’d catch their hands and pull them up.

  “Your turn,” Dillon asked.

  “Here goes,” she said, running towards the wall as fast as she could. When she leapt, her hands came nowhere near Baxter’s or the other agent reaching down to help. Instead, she slid down the wall and fell on her butt.

  “Still having fun?” Dillon asked, reaching down to help her to her feet.

  “A blast,” she said, her hands rubbing her ass. She tried again, coming closer but still falling short. “Damn!” she exclaimed, looking over to see the other team’s last member being hauled up and over.

  “Come on, Fullerton! You can do it!”

  Looking back, she said, “How about demonstrating that teamwork, Sir?”

  “Thought you’d never ask, recruit,” Dillon said, his eyebrows wagging and causing her to need to take an extra moment to draw in a deep breath. She took off again, but this time, when she didn’t quite reach the fingers extended towards her, she felt very familiar palms cupping her ass and lifting her up, giving a few unnecessary squeezes in the process. Her hands were grabbed and she was pulled over, turning back in time to see Dillon make it over easily, his grin telling of his enjoyment of copping a feel.

  She just shook her head at him and turned to the others. “Sorry, guys,” she apologized.

  “No worries,” Baxter said, “we can catch them.”

  It was the most challenging course she’d ever run and the most fun. She flew over every bridge and shimmied up the rock wall, arriving at the top first and then turning to verbally guide her teammates to hand and foot holds. The group gathered at the next area, and took a moment to strategize. The goal was to climb a rope and ring the bell at the top. But, that bell could not be rung until every member was on the rope.

  “I’m not very good with ropes,” Charlie admitted.

  “That’s why you go first,” Dillon said. “You’re small and can brace your feet on my shoulders, and I’ll help push you up.” The others agreed and Charlie was thrilled when she reached the top, looked down to see her team on the rope and she rang the bell before the opposing team had their members on the rope. One by one, her teammates dropped to the ground and when Dillon called out, “I’ve got you,” she simply trusted that he would catch her and let go of the rope.

  It was a race to the finish. “Oh my God, really?” Charlie said, staring at the huge expanse in front of her. “This is twice as tall as the other.”

  “And requires strategy,” Dillon said, motioning for the team to assemble and allowing them to plot how best to beat the obstacle. Charlie listened as it was explained that each team member had to be on the wall before one climbed over the top.

  “Claudia, you’ll go first and Charlie, you’ll go last. The rest of us will form a ladder,” Baxter instructed and at the nods from his teammates, they began to form the human chain. Claudia climbed onto another agents’ shoulders and they leaned against the slight incline of the wall as the man put one foot at a time on the next man’s shoulders. Inch by inch, they lengthened their ladder until Dillon was the last standing and bearing the weight of the rest.

  “Okay, little monkey, shimmy up.”

  Charlie couldn’t resist, giving his buttocks a quick squeeze, loving his chuckle of surprise before she did exactly as he’d instructed. She used any foot- and handhold she could find, shoulders, backs, butts, even heads found her tennis shoe planted for the time it took for her to find her next hold. Once she gripped the rim, she hauled herself over, turned and began helping pull the others up. Baxter and Dillon seemed so distant and yet they grinned and were soon scaling the wall, grabbing for the hands that would pull them the last foot or so. The team staggered across the finish line, whooping like they’d won the gold medal at the Olympics. They cheered the other team on until the entire class collapsed onto the ground, chests heaving, bodies covered in sweat, water, dirt, and mud.

  “God, that was fun! Thanks guys,” Charlie said, sitting up to drink what was probably her fifth bottle of water since the course had begun.

  After they cooled off, they walked/jogged back towards the buildings, to clean up. Dillon handed her a set of shorts and a t-shirt at the door to the women’s locker. “Sorry, I forgot to remind you to bring a change of clothing.”

  “Thanks, these are great!”

  She took a quick shower with the other two females in the class. “And to think, we have to do it all over again tomorrow,” Claudia groaned as she stepped under the shower spray.

  “I can’t wait!” Charlie said, earning herself a wet washcloth splatting onto her breasts.

  “You’re a masochist, Fullerton,” Elaine said.

  Charlie laughed and tossed the washcloth back. “I suppose so, but really, it was fun.”

  After they emerged, they did eat in the cafeteria, and Charlie ate every single bite that Dillon put on her tray. She listened to the others talk about their jobs, and heard the pride in each voice about the choice they’d made to go into the K-9 corps. The story Elaine told had her sitting on the edge of her seat as she explained that her older brother had been with the teams searching for survivors after the tsunami that devastated Japan, wiping out an entire city. “He told me it is an emotionally taxing job but finding just one survivor makes all the horrors worthwhile.”

  Charlie watched in amazement as they went to get their canine partners. Whereas Lucy had been bouncing and playful that morning, the moment Dillon put on the vest that designated her as a K-9 dog, the German Shepherd seemed to stand taller, her ears pointed, her stance one that told of her readiness to work.

  For the rest of the afternoon, Charlie didn’t actively participate, but she couldn’t take her eyes off as the pairs of humans and dogs worked. She followed along a different obstacle course, watching the animals maneuver through tunnels, crawl under obstacles and leap over others. Signals were given to the Shepherds both verbally and by hand. Though she’d witnessed K-9s working before down in Texas, it was still extremely impressive.

  When they moved to an area where there was nothing but rubble, she listened as Dillon explained they were searching for bodies. “Split up and go over every inch. Mark what you and your partner de
em as a find. Trust your partner. And remember, be careful. The rubble isn’t secure.” Instead of working with his class, Dillon and Lucy stood by Charlie, observing. By the time the exercise was over, he nodded.

  “Baxter, you’re the only one who didn’t plant a flag. Why?”

  “I didn’t want to have others waste time in removing the rubble for nothing, Sir.”

  “And your partner? Does Casper agree?”

  Baxter looked down at his dog and back at the rubble. “He seemed to signal, but was hesitant.”

  Dillon walked forward and pointed towards the area the team had been searching. “No, Baxter. You were just hesitant to trust him. Try again.”

  After ten minutes, the agent pulled the flag from his pocket and planted it in the rubble. Dillon nodded. “Good job. Baxter, you’re only off by a couple of feet.” Charlie was impressed with the way Dillon taught, guiding without being condescending. Baxter praised Casper and Dillon turned to the rest of the class. “Elaine, you and Pete did great as the body you’ve marked is six feet under rock, metal and dirt. All right, that’s it for the day.”

  Charlie watched as the team assembled and spent a half-hour praising and playing with their canine partner. It was obvious that bonds had already developed and she knew would continue to grow stronger between each pair. After the animals had been returned to the kennels, each owner feeding and watering their dog, Dillon removed Lucy’s vest and Charlie knelt to give her an extra hug or two.

  “That was amazing,” she said as they climbed into the truck.

  “You were amazing,” Dillon said, reaching to pull her onto his lap, cupping her face and planting a kiss on her lips that had her squirming and giving a moan. They broke apart when Lucy decided it should be a group hug, her body weight causing Dillon to break off the kiss and the tongue bath she gave them both had them laughing and pushing her away.

  “Okay, okay,” Dillon said. “Message received.” Charlie slid off his lap and leaned against his arm as they drove through the gates.

  Once they were back at the farm and had fed and run the puppies through their exercise, Charlie’s steps were slower as they entered the house. “Remember last night?” she asked as she climbed the steps of the porch.

  “Babe, I’m not likely to ever forget last night.”

  His answer had her smiling as she’d never forget it either, but that wasn’t her point. “Good, because I’m aching all over and could sure use a very thorough massage.”

  “That I can do,” Dillon said, sweeping her off her feet and carrying her up the stairs. She not only got her massage, moaning as he kneaded every inch of her, she returned the favor. Pressing hands into his skin, tracing his muscles, listening to him give grunts of pleasure as she straddled his naked butt and put all of her weight into it. She squealed as he turned over, grabbed her and had her beneath him in the blink of an eye.

  He slid into her and she found the strength to wrap around him, pulling him closer, lifting her hips, meeting every thrust until they both came. Dillon collapsed onto his back and pulled her close. Charlie snuggled into him as she regained her breath, feeling more content than she had ever before, and yet even though she was exhausted, she laid awake a long time, listening to Dillon’s even breathing. How was she ever going to be able to leave him? She’d worked hard to prove herself, to move up to a position of authority within the DEA. She’d never considered moving out of Texas… until now. She could no longer deny that what she’d both dreamed and feared had happened. She’d fallen in love—head over heels in love—with Dillon MacAllister. But she was still not sure he was thinking beyond this week or feeling anything remotely like she was. When he pulled her a bit closer, she entwined her fingers with his, needing the connection and praying that she’d find the answer she so desperately needed.

  Chapter 12

  The week passed quickly. By the time Thursday arrived, Charlie could swing across the mud pit without help and though she still needed assistance scaling even the first wall, the others considered her a true member of their team. When they gathered in front of a huge warehouse, she felt incredibly honored when Dillon stepped forward and offered her Lucy’s leash.

  “You’re DEA and you can do this. You’ve learned the signals. Lead the team in, Charlie.”

  She had and led the others through the dimly lit interior, searching through junk and clutter, going into offices, trusting Lucy to guide her. The team spent an hour searching every inch and by the time she called a cease to the exercise, dozens of little flags marked hidden caches of narcotics.

  “Excellent,” Dillon said, checking their markers against a diagram in his hand. “I am extremely proud of all of you. It will be my honor to give you your certificates at the ceremony tomorrow.”

  On Friday, Charlie didn’t wear her shorts or shirt. Instead, she wore the pumpkin colored dress and stood, with tears in her eyes, applauding as each person, their dog at their side, walked proudly across the stage. She watched Dillon shake each of their hands, squatting to pet and praise their furry partner and hand them certificates of graduation.

  She joined the family and friends of the graduates at the reception. Dillon spoke with everyone, praising his trainees to their loved ones. Claudia came over and gave Charlie a hug. “Are you really going back to Texas?”

  “Yes, tomorrow,” Charlie said.

  “Remember the first day and I asked it if had been Lucy to steal your heart?”

  “Yes,” Charlie said again.

  “Charlie, you are one of the most observant people I’ve ever met. You learned hand signals in less time than the rest of us. And yet, you obviously can’t see what’s right before your eyes.”

  Charlie looked up at her. “What do you mean?”

  “Girl, if you can’t see that MacAllister is in love with you, you aren’t nearly as observant as I believed.” Charlie was surprised as other than a few swats on her ass when he was behind her, and a few kisses once in the privacy of the truck, they’d kept it professional, yet her heart leapt at Claudia’s words. Could they be true?

  Claudia just shook her head. “And, if you think I don’t know you are just as crazy about him, then, well… I honestly don’t know what to think.”

  “I love him,” Charlie said, realizing it was the first time she’d said the words out loud. “But… he hasn’t said he feels the same.”

  Claudia laughed. “Charlie, that man says it every single time he looks at you. We all saw it the first day and every day since. You know how Dillon is constantly reminding us to trust our partner? To rely on their senses?” Charlie nodded, having heard it several times. “Then, Charlie, trust your heart. You’ll be making the biggest mistake of your life if you don’t.” She paused and then smiled. “And though I still think you are slightly insane for enjoying putting yourself through the grind of the courses, I am very honored to have met you and consider you a friend.”

  Charlie felt tears welling and reached out to hug the woman. “Thank you, Claudia. I consider it an honor to be your friend.”

  “Ready to go?” Dillon asked a bit later.

  Though she knew he wasn’t asking about tomorrow, she couldn’t help but wonder was she? Ready to return to Texas? But, that’s not what she said. Instead, she fell back on what was easy… what didn’t threaten to consume her. “Aren’t we going to stay and eat?” Charlie said as people began moving towards tables where a buffet had been set up.

  “I thought we’d take that horseback ride before it gets too late.”

  “That sounds perfect,” Charlie agreed honestly, slipping her hand into his, no longer concerned if anyone saw. The drive through the gates had her turning to look back. “Thank you, Dillon. I’ll never forget this past week.”

  He dropped his arm around her shoulders, pulling her close and dropping a kiss on top of her head. “Neither will I. It’s been the most incredible week of my life, Charlie. I won’t forget a single moment since I looked up and saw you standing in the club.”

; Could that be true? She felt the exact same way and yet still held back, still unsure of herself. Once home, she ran upstairs to change and then she climbed on the back of an ATV for the ride out to the stables.

  “Janet has picked Beauty for you to ride,” he said as he led her into the barn.

  Charlie smiled. “And you’re riding Beast?”

  Dillon chuckled. “No, my mount’s name is Buster.” Charlie giggled and after they’d saddled the horses, he led the way out of the barn.

  “Wait, where’s the picnic basket?” she asked realizing she’d yet to see one.

  “You’ll see,” Dillon said. “Now, Tex, let’s see what sort of rider you are.” With a touch of his boots against his horse’s flanks, Buster took off. Charlie smiled and took off after him. They raced across fields and over rises, her hair whipping wildly. She pulled ahead and when she felt Beauty’s muscles bunch, she leaned forward across the horse’s neck and they sailed over a fence. She hadn’t ridden in months and yet she felt as one with her mount. As they raced across the fields, she felt her churning thoughts beginning to settle, flashes of the days she’d spent with Dillon playing across her mind. The sense of impending panic dissipated with the very beauty of her surroundings. This wasn’t a time to dread… it was a time to soak up every moment she had left… to store them in her mind and her heart, to take out and live again and again.

  They began to slow to allow the horses to rest and Dillon drew up close to her. “That was wonderful, Dillon, thank you.”

  He smiled and leaned over to kiss her. “You might ride like the wind, Tex, but you’ll always be my yellow Rose.” Her heart hitched but before she could speak, he gestured ahead to a grove of trees. “Dinner awaits, my lady.”

  As they drew nearer, Charlie smiled as she saw the patchwork quilt spread across the grass, a big picnic basket in the center. Dillon dismounted and lifted her from the saddle, slowly sliding her down his body, igniting her arousal instantly. When her feet hit the ground, she wrapped her arms around him, inhaling deeply of his scent, knowing that if she were blindfolded, in a room of a thousand people, she’d be able to find the one man by simply sniffing the air. She smiled wondering if perhaps she’d spent a bit too much time with the dogs and then forgot that thought the moment Dillon lifted her chin and bent to kiss her until her insides were liquid.


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