Scandalous (A Scandalous Novella) #1 (The Scandalous Serial)

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Scandalous (A Scandalous Novella) #1 (The Scandalous Serial) Page 2

by Jamie, Danielle

  Alright. I admit—he’s cute and I enjoyed maybe a little too much looking at his gym selfies and shirtless beach pictures from his days by the pool over summer break. But, come on now! I am only human...and Nate Preston is one of the hottest men to grace the earth.

  It’s not like anything will ever happen between us. I’m five years older than him. Way too old for him.

  That’s what I have to keep telling myself so I don’t allow the crazy thoughts swirling in the back of my mind to grow any louder.

  Anyways, between teaching and my side job I have no time for men or dating. It’s a sacrifice I’m willing to make in order to see my dreams become a reality. I can enjoy the view every day while teaching my class...admiring Nate from afar.

  I force my eyes back down to my desk and sweep my hands across the stack of essays as I collect them off of my desk and slip them into my briefcase along with my tablet. I can’t help but roll my eyes as the girls continue to giggle obnoxiously at a volume too high for an empty lecture hall. Their annoying giggles are ricocheting off of the walls and crashing into my ears at a rate sure to make my brain explode or my ears bleed. I for one don’t want to stick around and wait to see which will happen first.

  I find it comical witnessing these young girls day after day, falling all over themselves around Nate. But it’s to be expected I guess. It’s the same with the clueless young kids who think it’s hilarious to hit on me every day with cheesy pickup lines or try to flirt with me during class. It’s annoying and not to mention wrong on so many levels since I am their teacher. But it comes with the territory of being a young, attractive professor in a school filled with many middle-aged men and women teachers.

  The only thing I can do is brush it off and not let it get to me. They may see me as just the ‘hot teacher’ right now, but I hope by the end of the school year they view me as one of the best teacher’s they’ll ever have the privilege of learning from.

  “I’m heading out. Lock up the classroom when you go,” I shout over my shoulder to Nate as I scoop my briefcase slash laptop bag up off of the desk and make my way towards the exit. The clicking of my heels echoes throughout the room bouncing off of the walls along with my words. As soon as my feet reach the threshold leading out into the long corridor I hear the sound of feet slapping the floor and feel a large, warm, strong hand clamp down on my arm.

  “Wait, Miss Rose. Before you go…”

  The sound of Nate’s voices startles me. Over the last week we’ve always parted this way: Him chit chatting it up with the “resident hotties” as all these damn frat boys refer to the beautiful girls on campus as, of my class and me leaving to go sit in the coffee shop down the street so I can work on grading homework in peace and quiet all the while staying fully caffeinated.

  Turning on my heels, which spin effortlessly on the waxed tile floor, I turn around and tilt my head up to look Nate in the eyes. “Yes?” I ask as I slide my brows together and giving him a questionable look.

  I notice the glares from the girls he was talking to over his shoulder who are staring at me like a lioness stares at her prey.

  This is not good. I don’t need students bringing me down to a level where they feel comfortable viewing me as an equal--as competition--instead of as a teacher and someone they need to respect.

  His fingers run through his hair as he stares down at me with that heartbreaker smile, and his eyes that make you instantly get lost in them the moment you gaze into them—they’re the most unique color brown. They look as if someone stirred gold dust in with milk chocolate and then magically turned them into his eyes. It reminds me of sweet honey as they melt into mine, making my knees shake slightly.

  So not good...not good at all…

  This kid has my body humming just by a brush of a few fingers against my arm and a killer smile.

  Pull yourself together!

  “I was hoping I could join you today at the cafe around the corner so I could help you grade the essays. Seeing as it is the first major assignment of the school year, I’d love to pick your brain and see what it is exactly you’re looking for when it comes to grading them.”

  I let out a sharp breath and force my shoulders to relax. I need to chill out. He’s my assistant. Of course, we should be working together one on one outside of the classroom. It’s only normal to have your assistant help grade papers.

  I shrug my shoulders and smile politely up at him, “All right. I just have to stop by my office really quick to grab my purse and then you can walk with me if you’d like. It’s too nice of a day to drive around when we can be out there soaking up the sunshine and enjoying the remainder of this beautiful day.”

  A smile cracks across his face, and I watch as his shoulders slouch slightly in response to me agreeing to let him join me. He’s as nervous as I am which oddly helps me relax a little more.

  “Lead the way.” Waving his hand out before me, Nate motions down the hall towards my office with a smile in his words. I find myself feeling a mix of emotions rush through my body as I feel his hand rest momentarily at the small of my back before following me down the hallway to my office.

  This is going to be a challenging year.


  I’ve contemplated following through with contacting Miss Rose or should I say her alter ego, Phoebe on the Candy Hearts dating app. I’m way younger than the normal 35 to 65 age group that uses the ‘sugar daddy’ dating app so I lied on my profile saying I’m 32 instead of 22. I used a picture from my sister’s birthday weekend on my father’s yacht over the summer. I was rocking the whole bohemian beard craze loud and proud which made me appear older and more sophisticated. Exactly the look I’m going for right now with this profile. To be safe, I opted to use my middle name, Sebastian instead of my first name. I don’t want to do anything to raise any red flags and have her not want to meet me.

  It took a week for me to find her profile on Candy Hearts. There’s a lot more ‘Phoebe’s’ in the Oxford area that are on the dating app. I’ve spent the last three days going back and forth with if I should do this or not. Weighing the pros and cons if I follow through. Plus, there’s no guarantee we won’t meet up, and as soon as she recognizes me she decides it's way too dangerous and turns me away. Because with this dating app it’s no guarantee you’ll get laid. Some of the women on it make it clear for the right price they’ll do anything. While other’s making it blatantly clear that you’ll only end the night with sex if they want it to. You spend the money to wine and dine them for one night maybe many nights in a row with no guarantee you’ll get anything in return besides hot eye candy on your arm for that evening.

  I still can’t believe she is on this site. She’s gorgeous, smart, and has one of the most sought out jobs any teacher would die for. What would drive a woman to pretty much become a high-end hooker?

  When I first contemplated getting the app and using it to seduce her, I only intended to sleep with her just once. But now that I’ve gotten to spend the last two weeks working side by side with her almost every single day, I’m finding that I like her more and more just for who she is as a human being. I find myself wanting to get to know all the layers that are Haylee ‘Phoebe’ Rose.

  Pulling my phone out of my pocket I click on her profile picture adding her as a friend.

  There’s no going back now.

  The entire frat house is quiet as I slip on my NIKES and attach my iPhone to my arm. It's ten a.m. and the night after another win for our football team, followed by a celebratory party at the frat house with half the school attending. As I bounce down the long winding staircase, stepping over bodies passed out on the stairs, I pop my earbuds into my ears and start blasting Fetty Wap drowning out the world and getting my head focused on my five-mile run ahead of me.

  There are bodies covering every flat surface downstairs as party goers from last night sleep in drunken induced comas throughout my fraternity house.

  Just another Saturday at Alpha Tau Omega.

  I j
og around my friend Vinny who’s passed out on the front porch and make my way down the old brick stairs before finally getting my feet onto the asphalt. With my ear buds in and my music cranked up on high, I clear my mind and run until my legs are like jello and my lungs scream for me to stop running.

  Slowing down to a brisk walk I cross the crosswalk and make my way towards the coffee shop near campus. After that run, I’m in need of a smoothie.

  I fist the hem of my workout tank, pull it up to my face and wipe away the beads of sweat. As soon as I drop my shirt and grab hold of the handle to the coffee shop door and yank it open, I step inside and welcome the cool burst of cold air thanks to their central air.

  Walking up to the counter I wait in line to order my smoothie. Removing my phone from my arm holder I decide to check out the Candy Hearts app. I remotely remember last night having my friend Derrick help me find which profile was Miss Rose’s alter ego Phoebe. I requested to be friends on the app so that we can chat and arrange a hook-up. Curiosity getting the better of me I pushed the nagging voice into the back of my mind and requested to friend her profile. I know it’s dangerous with me being her TA, but the chance to fuck her outweighs the consequences.

  How many teaching assistants can say they fucked their teacher? The whole idea of her being a hot, irresistible, alter ego makes me hard just thinking about it.

  I hear, “Next,” being called out so I step up to the counter to order my blueberry and banana smoothie. I pull up my notifications and see she accepted my friend request and that there’s a message from her.

  I step off to the side to wait for my drink and decide to bite the bullet and hit the ‘I want to date’ button. I hover over the message button contemplating if I should send a message or not. The sound of the bell on the door pulls me from my thoughts, lifting my head I look towards the front of the shop and feel my dick tighten in my joggers.

  Walking into the café with a laptop bag and looking as beautiful as ever in skin tight jeans, knee-high leather boots, and an oversized sweater is Miss Rose. She has her hair pulled back in a tight bun and her signature black framed glasses resting on her perfect nose.

  “Nate?” I hear my name being called from behind me by the barista. Hearing my name causes Miss Rose to look towards my direction. Our eyes lock and immediately she flashes a warm smile my way and lifts her hand shyly to wave at me from across the café.

  I wave back before turning to grab my drink. Snatching a straw off of the counter I shove it into my drink and make my way through the crowd of people towards her. She’s standing in line scrolling through her iPhone when I stop beside her. “Good afternoon, Miss Rose.”

  She glances up at me, and I can’t help but notice her eyes taking in my sweaty body and ruffled hair. “Running this morning I see? I would’ve taken you as one of those sleep all Sunday type of Frat Boys.” She jokes as she shifts on her feet tugging her laptop bag up onto her shoulder before sliding her phone into the small front pocket on her bag.

  She smells like fresh apples and fall spices. It’s a perfect concoction mixing with the coffee house aromas. One thing I love about a girl is if she smells amazing. It only makes me want them even more.

  “I take my fitness schedule very seriously. I party like the rest of my frat brothers but with scouts watching my every move, I need to be on top of my A-Game. That means clean eating and being in the gym every day for at least three hours—and nothing helps me clear my mind after a wild weekend of sex and binge drinking like a good, long, run.”

  Her eyes grow wide and a look of lust flashes through her dark and intoxicating eyes as the word sex rolls off of my tongue. She looks around us nervously before clearing her throat and darting her tongue out to wet her lips.

  “Hmm, well…it was nice running into you, Mr. Preston. I hope you have a great afternoon. I’ll see you bright and early in class tomorrow.”

  I take a long sip of my smoothie relishing in the cold refreshing taste of the yogurt and fruit. I suddenly have the desire to strip her down, spread her out and lick every drop of this smoothie off of her built for sin body.

  “You too, Miss Rose.” With a courteous nod, I say goodbye and stalk towards the door. The second I push the door open and am greeted with the fresh fall air I breathe in a long deep breath.

  I glance behind me through the large picture window and watch as she walks up to the counter to order her green tea she drinks every afternoon here while she works on grading papers. My eyes linger on her perfectly round ass for a few beats of a second before I force myself to look away. I pop the lid off of my smoothie, tossing the lid in the trash can outside the door and tip my head back chugging down the remainder of my drink. Tossing the empty cup into the trash, I grab my phone turning back on my music and sprint back down the sidewalk heading towards the fraternity house.

  I need to run off this pent up frustration then get back to the house so I can rub one out in the shower. After that, I’m sending an email to ‘Phoebe’. I need to see her as soon as possible. These next few days working side by side with her is going to be pure and utter torture.

  Hopefully, I can have my friend Clarissa stop by this evening for a quick fuck to help me burn off some of this pent up sexual frustration because there’s no way I can go into class tomorrow and work beside her while I’m wound up this fuckin’ tightly.

  It’s a little after ten at night, and I haven’t been able to stop thinking about Haylee. I got a reply back on my phone not long after leaving her at the coffee shop agreeing to a date. I now have to schedule a time and date for our date. There’s a calendar on her page informing me of the days she has open.

  As I look through the dates, I decide to suggest this Friday. It’s the night before my big home game. I’ll need a good distraction to help me forget about the scouts who’ll be watching my every move and all the pressure that is riding on my shoulder’s to keep us undefeated.

  I press the message button and type out a quick response along with the suggestion for a time Friday.


  Thank you for accepting my request to go out on a date with you. I see in your description that you have very precise taste in the men you see, so I am honored to be chosen. You’ll not regret it, that I can promise you. If you’re free this Friday say around nine P.M., would you like to grab a drink with me at the Knox Hotel bar followed by dinner at the hotel restaurant? There’s no pressure for anything else. All I want is your time…we can see where the night goes from there?

  I re-read the message probably a hundred times before finally working up the nerve to hit send.

  Not even a minute later my phone pings alerting me of a new message.


  I’d love to go out Friday. I’m glad you took the time to read my bio—you have no idea how many don’t in advance and then have to back out because they don’t agree with all of my requirements. One of them being no guarantee of sex on the date. I do request that I be paid up front at the beginning of the date. This is for my security so I know for a matter of fact I’ll be paid. We will not go anywhere private alone on the first date. This is for my safety. If we do decide to have sex, it will be at the hotel in a room you book. I look forward to seeing you Friday.

  For easier contact feel free to text my cell at 555-4775

  I add her number to my contacts and notice immediately it’s different from her regular number she gave me on my first day as her TA. She truly is living two completely different lives.



  MY PHONE VIBRATES uncontrollably across my desk forces me to stop reading the essay I’m grading and finally see who the persistent person is that’s calling me.

  I eye Nate, who’s leaning back in the chair next to me going over another essay. He thankfully offered to stay and help grade the papers turned in this afternoon by my students from four different classes. It’s going to take me two to three days to grade them by myself. With his help I may just complete the
m by tomorrow. Luckily for me I had him grade two I read over and mentally graded first. To my surprise he agreed on ninety-nine percent of the same things I did. So I feel confident he’ll be a huge asset this year to me.

  Grabbing my phone, I see my friend and co-worker Laura’s bright smiling face staring up at me from my screen. Pressing answer, I put the phone on speaker and sit back in my leather desk chair. “Hey! What’s up?”

  I can hear chatter in the background and the sound of metal silverware hitting against bowls. “Hey! Sorry for all the noise. I’m out to dinner with Garret from economics again. He’s at the bar getting us drinks, so I thought I’d give you a quick call.”

  “Awe. Date number two. This sounds like it’s getting serious.” I tease as I swivel my chair side to side.

  I can hear her smile through the phone as she speaks, “He’s so sweet. That’s actually why I’m calling you. He’s asked me to go to the football game this Saturday night. He has a friend, Jaylen—that I am not shitting you looks like he could be Chris Pratt’s brother. Like, he is smoking hot! If I wasn’t dating Garret, I’d so tap that.”

  I can’t help but laugh at her enthusiasm. She’s been trying to set me up on blind dates for the last two weeks because she is determined that we’ll be one of those nerdy friends who double date on Friday nights to the movies, out to dinner, or bowling.

  I glance up at Nate, whose eyes I feel on me. He immediately brings his attention back to the paper as soon as he notices my eyes flick up to his. I feel my face flush slightly as I find myself sitting here beside him talking to my best friend about going out on a date. I’m officially the most unprofessional teacher on the planet.


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