Bailey Bradford - Southwestern Shifters 07 - Revolution

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Bailey Bradford - Southwestern Shifters 07 - Revolution Page 15

by Bailey Bradford

  “Anyway.” Nathan pushed his plate back and looked at Luuk and Jameson. “When do y’all want to do this? Luuk, are you ready, and please don’t get all macho-butt-hurt. I have to ask, and you’ve got eyes. You know you’re very thin and I’m only concerned about your health. Jameson, too, really.”

  “I would never put my mate at risk.” “Again,” he added silently to Jameson. “I am so sorry I didn’t realise the depth of Luther’s hatred.” To Nathan, he said, “I am stronger than I have been in the ways that matter. Three years of survival skills Luther lacks, anger, the need to protect my mate, my people—I am more prepared than Luther. I want to leave as soon as possible. Jamie deserves more than this life on the run, and my people deserve a life lived without constant fear and threat of death.”

  Jameson tried not to tense up or let his fear show in any way, internally or emotionally, or on the outside. Luuk needed his complete faith, and that was exactly what Jameson was going to give him. “Yes,” Jameson agreed, “we’d like to head out tomorrow.”

  Chapter Thirty

  Their lovemaking that night was tender—not the fierce scramble and need that so often overtook them, but a slow, sensual buildup that Luuk almost couldn’t bear. His chest ached with the strength of his emotions, his love for Jamie as he laid kisses over every inch of bare skin on Jamie’s chest. Jamie shivered for him and made throaty sounds that tightened the coiled desire in his groin.

  Luuk felt hot with need, as if his blood were on the verge of boiling, sweat breaking out over his skin despite the cool temperature in the room. He dug his toes into the mattress, resisting the strident urge clamouring in him to roll Jamie over and take him.

  Luuk suckled one nipple, already swollen and red from his attentions. He closed his eyes and sank into everything Jamie was, to everything they were together. Luuk’s eyes stung behind his lids, and he kept touching Jamie, stroking his arms, his sides, his hips— anywhere he could reach. When Jamie caught his hand and pulled it up before placing soft, wet kisses on his palm, Luuk’s exhalation was more of a sob of gratitude than the raspy breath he’d expected.

  Jamie rolled them then and slid down until his chest was pressed to Luuk’s. He cupped Luuk’s cheek and Luuk slitted his eyes open just in time to see Jamie lowering his sweet lips to Luuk’s. Luuk closed his eyes again and moaned as Jamie’s tongue slicked over his.

  Now it was Luuk who shivered, his core pulsing as Jamie fitted himself between Luuk’s thighs. The hot prod of his cock to Luuk’s hole delivered the perfect amount of pressure, bringing a burn and stretch along with pleasure.

  “Yes,” Luuk tried to say into Jamie’s demanding mouth. He hadn’t intended to bottom, but suddenly he needed it more than his next breath. He needed to feel Jamie move in him, and knew Jamie needed it as well, to show his own strength and ability to lead should Luuk need it of him. What they were doing was so much more than just having sex, and so much deeper than anything Luuk had experienced before.

  Jamie didn’t let up on the kiss as Luuk wrapped his legs around Jamie’s hips, nor did Jamie cease the pressure to his hole. Luuk gasped and arched as Jamie’s cock pushed into his clenching inner walls. Jolts of pleasure raced alongside Jamie’s shaft as it sank into Luuk. When the crown brushed over his gland, Luuk’s cock pulsed, the tip growing wet. Jamie lowered himself until Luuk’s dick was pinned between their bellies. He began a slow, grinding thrust as he held Luuk’s head still for an even more voracious kiss.

  Luuk couldn’t seem to get his hands to work then, or most of his muscles, only clenching his fists on Jamie’s biceps. It seemed he was more sensation than man, more sensitive nerves than flesh. Every stroke Jamie drove into him, every push of cock and tongue, melted Luuk, shorted out his ability to think.

  But there was no need for thinking anyway, not when Jamie was loving him so perfectly. Luuk let it take him. He gave himself in a way he never had before, on a level he never had before. Tomorrow might bring his death, but tonight Jamie was every reason he had for living.

  Arousal rose and fell in waves, intensifying with each new swell until Luuk as constantly shaking, unable to hold still. Each thrust from Jamie brought hot spears of ecstasy from Luuk’s ass throughout his groin. It spread from there until his entire body was singing with it, and only then did Jamie begin to take him harder, faster, grunts and the slap of their bodies together ringing out in the room.

  Luuk unfisted his hands and held Jamie at the shoulders, curling his fingers into the muscled flesh there. Jamie bit his lips, his cheek and jaw, then found the spot he marked on the occasions he topped. As soon as Jamie scraped his teeth over the skin there, Luuk’s brain set off a multitude of fireworks in his skull and his body drew tight.

  Jamie bit, and Luuk arched his neck as hard as he could, shouting as cum spurted from his cock. Jamie marked him, teeth, nails, cock, coating Luuk’s inner walls with his semen. Luuk held on to Jamie, held him until Jamie stopped trembling and lay down on him.

  Words were unnecessary, spoken or thought. Jamie’s weight on him provided a feeling of security that soon lulled Luuk into a contented sleep.

  Chapter Thirty-One

  “Alex has been monitoring Luther’s movements—what there are of them, anyway,” Marcus said, sneering as he looked down at a paper in his hands. “Either he’s dumber than I thought, or incredibly vain to the point of being…as dumb as I thought.” He snorted and looked at Luuk from the front seat. “Most of his guards are out looking for you. He’s got seven that Alex has spotted in the past week, and often Luther goes out without anyone. Does he truly just assume everyone is going to keep tolerating his murderous regime?”

  Luuk almost wrinkled his nose at that description. It made Luther sound like more than he was. Then again, the man had unseated Luuk and caused the deaths of hundreds of good shifters. “We shouldn’t underestimate him. Obviously he was able to persuade others to follow him.”

  “By lying,” Nathan scoffed. “Shifters are no different from humans. They can be misled and buy into pretty lies. You were in the States a while, er, courting Jamie. Luther took advantage of your absence and manipulated enough people that he was able to pull his cowardly bullshit. Then those who had supported him saw what a douche he was, and that he’d have those adamantly opposed to him killed, and hey, no one likes to admit they made the wrong choice, you know. Better to stand by the huge mistake they’d made… Dumbasses.”

  Luuk arched a brow at Marcus since Nathan had hunkered down in his seat to glare out of the window. Marcus shrugged, obviously agreeing with his mate’s assessment of things. Luuk wasn’t so quick to condemn everyone who had turned on him, though he should be. He had been gone for over two months, and so entranced with his mate, he’d not been the attentive AA he should have been. Sometimes he thought he deserved what had happened…but Jamie didn’t.

  “Alex is still watching Luther?” Jamie asked.

  “Yeah,” Marcus grunted. “He’s strolling through downtown Amsterdam like he owns the place. Alex will let me know where Luther is every half hour. Alex is damned good at his job.”

  Jamie canted his head at Luuk. “Who will be the captain of your guard?”

  “Mem,” Luuk answered, not joking at all. “If I can talk her into it. She knows how to make everyone do as she says, and she’s loyal.”

  “What about Maarten?” That, from Adam in the back seat.

  Luuk twisted around to look at him. “Would he make a suitable captain, do you think?”

  Adam sucked on his bottom lip for a few seconds then released it. “I don’t know. He’s not as dumb as everyone makes him out to be. He’s loyal to you.” Then Adam beamed at him and leant forward. “Oh! You should let Mem and Maarten fight for it! I’d bet on Mem, though.”

  “Me too,” Todd added. “And not ’cause Maarten wouldn’t want to hit a woman. That Mem is one tough person, period, regardless of what parts she has.”

  “We’re approaching Zuidoost,” Nathan said, pointing to a sign. “We’
ll be in Amsterdam soon.”

  Marcus fired off a series of texts and soon there were other vehicles following them. Luuk figured they had to be standing out like a vile blight on a porn star’s ass, but there was nothing for it. Marcus would have his guards disperse to various spots in and around the town.

  “This will be over soon.” Jamie’s thought was clear, strong, his faith unwavering. “Today, the European pack gets its true Alpha Anax back.”

  “I won’t take that for granted, not my packs nor my position.” Luuk squeezed Jamie’s hand gently and smiled slightly. “I did and I know it. I wasn’t cruel, but I wasn’t the leader our people need. They’d not have turned to someone and mistaken cruelty for strength if I had been.”

  “Keegan, if you will pull over, please. I want you to join the other guards in the car behind us.” Marcus waited until Keegan parked the SUV then they got out and exchanged seats, with Marcus in the driver’s spot. “That man has to learn not to argue with me.” He glared in the rearview.

  “He just wants to keep his AA safe,” Nathan pointed out. “Of course, he can’t do that if you rip his head off.”

  “I won’t rip his head off.” Marcus put the vehicle in gear. “Much.”

  Nathan snorted again and craned around until he was all but hanging over the seat. “Alex just texted again. Luther is acting as if he’s unaware of anything we’re doing, sticking to his routine. He’s having lunch at the same place, and afterwards should return to his headquarters.”

  Luuk merely nodded, steeling himself when his nerves began to flutter. He wasn’t scared—he was anticipating the coming confrontation, if not Luther’s death. There would be no sparing him. Such a thing couldn’t be allowed. Too many would see it as weakness on Luuk’s part, including Luther himself. Luuk spotted the park and he leant forward to cup Marcus’ shoulder. “Let us out here. You and Nathan can park and join us. It’s only a couple of blocks to Luther’s.”

  Marcus pulled into the parking area and squinted as he looked directly ahead of them. “Luther will be coming from that way, but since his place is also that way, he shouldn’t catch sight nor scent of you, even with a strong wind.”

  “He shouldn’t.” Luuk got out and waited for Jamie, Adam and Todd to join him. He held up a hand to wave at Marcus, signifying they’d be waiting there. Then he studied Adam and Todd. “You realise this will end in someone’s death. Hopefully not mine.”

  “It won’t be yours,” Jamie said immediately.

  “Yeah, I get that,” Adam said at the same time, while Todd blanched but nodded. “We might be new to this, but we kind of got the whole trial by fire introduction to y’all’s world here.”

  “For what it’s worth, I’m with Jameson. You’ll pull through this just fine.”

  Todd’s quiet assurance was both a blessing and a curse. Luuk was grateful for it, but it added more weight to his shoulders.

  But he could bear it. Luuk stood straighter and felt his wolf rise in him, strong, fierce, and determined. He closed his eyes and inhaled the scents of the city, scents once familiar to him but now odd after years on the run.

  “It’s beautiful here,” Jamie murmured. He and Adam had a quiet conversation as Luuk soaked in what would soon be his home area again. When he heard the approach of Marcus and Nathan, caught their scents, he opened his eyes and a peace settled over him.

  “Is Luther home?” he asked, knowing the answer. It was time.

  “He is.”

  Marcus gave the answer Luuk needed. He tipped his head in thanks and took Jamie’s hand before turning to head towards Luther’s—his—home.

  “Should we alert Maarten to us being here?” Jamie asked.

  “Not yet. If the phones are being monitored…” Luuk didn’t finish that statement. Jamie knew what he meant. “Once we are in the same room with Luther, if you can, let him know. If not, then perhaps we will surprise him with a visit.” Luuk rather liked that idea.

  They were silent for the rest of the walk. Luuk had lived in a large, sprawling home, set in town but on a large parcel of land. It had been in his family for generations, and he’d loved that about it. He hoped Luther hadn’t destroyed anything there, not the portraits of each AA dating back centuries, and not any of the family heirlooms or the records kept so meticulously by every medicine man they’d ever had.

  The closer they came to the house, the more of Marcus’ power he could feel coming from the North American AA. It was stirring Luuk’s wolf up, almost as if Marcus was feeding him some of that power somehow.

  Or maybe that was just what it felt like to have so many people have faith in him.

  They stopped at the start of the fence at the canal mansion. Luuk’s heart pounded and he checked the security cameras that he’d had installed. “Stay behind me. The cameras are still up and running. Luther isn’t a complete fool.”

  No, Luther was benefitting from Luuk’s thorough security company. There wasn’t a place on the property that couldn’t be seen. The fence was monitored in all places.

  “You could put on Todd’s hat,” Adam suggested. “Wear my hoodie. Might give you some cover, and it isn’t like he knows the rest of us. I think.”

  “No.” Luuk ran a hand down his chest and stood straighter. “No hiding. Let him see me coming.”

  “Excellent choice,” Marcus said quietly.

  The praise from a man as powerful as Marcus only served to reinforce Luuk’s confidence. He looked at Jamie. “It will give him more time to prepare.” It would make the whole encounter riskier for everyone involved.

  Jamie looked at Adam, who shrugged, and Todd, who did the same, though he moved closer to Adam. Nathan grinned and gave Jamie a thumbs-up. “I’m all for the direct approach. Let him see he hasn’t cowed us. Let him see that we’re strong.”

  They were, individually, perhaps, and as a group, for a certainty. Luuk moved towards the one camera he knew would be spinning in the security command room. And he smiled. His wolf was ready to take his alpha position back.

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  Would the guards meet them at the gates? Or would they try another ambush from the many dense clumps of foliage lining the drive?

  “Maybe they’ll all hide in the house,” Jamie said. “Circling the wagons and all that.”

  “What?” Luuk almost stopped as he frowned, but Jamie supplied him an image of horse-drawn wagons pulling around in a circle to form a barrier against attackers. “Maybe. That’d be easier for us.”

  “Are the gates locked?” Adam asked. “That’s a dumb question. Of course you’d have had locks and probably one of those—”

  “Guards,” Luuk said as he pointed at the brick structure that had—when he was AA, at least—a pair of armed guards in it around the clock. “But it’s empty now.” He sniffed as did everyone else. “Although I’m thinking they were here until a few minutes ago.” Then something occurred to him and he turned to Jamie. “Call Maarten. I wouldn’t put it past Luther to send someone for him, to use him as a bargaining chip.” His previous reason for not notifying his brother was no longer valid.

  “I’ll call him,” Nathan chirped, sounding excited. “Go on with the gate-opening bit.”

  Luuk looked at the gates. Like the fence it was high, but a shifter could scale it. Well, so could a human. Alarms would go off all over the residence, but since he was certain they’d been spotted, what difference did it make?

  “The gate-opening bit would be scaling them,” Luuk said, winking at Jamie as they both suited action to words.

  “Ugh. I told Maarten to get to a safe spot with people he trusted. Didn’t explain more, but he probably will figure it out.” Nathan was up beside them in a flash, grinning wickedly. “Gymnastics. Almost makes me like Spider-Man. Minus the outfit, yuck.”

  Marcus chuckled and the whole of the front fence rattled as he added his considerable mass to the scaling. Luuk felt surprisingly happy when he worried that he should be worried more. But being on his beloved home soil—he lan
ded on his feet and had to fight the instinct to throw his head back and howl—was an incredible experience.

  Even if Luther was here somewhere.

  Jamie landed beside him, dropping down the side of the gate. Todd, Adam, Marcus and Nathan stretched out to his and Jamie’s sides.

  “Too much opportunity for ambushing you,” Marcus said, scowling at the foliage. “You might want to dig all of this up when you move back in.”

  “No, it’s been this way for a very long time.” Luuk loved the grounds.

  Jamie hummed and they began walking. “I bet it gives coverage for when you want to run as a wolf, too.”

  “It does.” Some of Luuk’s joy at being on home turf began to fade as they walked. While they didn’t rush, unwilling to appear afraid, they didn’t exactly stroll either. “I don’t sense anyone out here.”

  Marcus sent out a swell of power, setting every hair on Luuk’s body on end. “Me either. Reckon they’re holed up inside.”

  “That would be the smart thing to do.” Todd leaned to the side and sniffed. “I hope they don’t have guns.”

  “They do, but perhaps we can hope for some honour among his guards, if nothing else.” Luuk wouldn’t keep his fingers crossed, and he tried to manoeuvre in front of Jamie, but Jamie grabbed him by the belt loop and pulled him back.

  “I don’t think so, buster.”

  Luuk stopped then and turned to Jamie. He smiled and kissed him, lingering over the soft lips when Jamie parted for him. It wasn’t a goodbye kiss, Luuk told himself. He was feeling more confident each minute.

  It was a welcome home kiss.

  He lifted his head and took the hem of Jamie’s shirt in his hands. “Time to shift, I think.”

  “Yeah.” Jamie wasn’t the only one agreeing, but his was the only voice that Luuk really registered.

  He pulled Jamie’s shirt up, baring his pale skin to the sun. Luuk touched the spot he’d marked so often, then he dropped Jamie’s shirt and tugged his own off. Around him, he was aware of the others stripping, but he only had eyes for his mate. They unfastened their pants in unison, and shortly thereafter were nude. Luuk took one moment to hold Jamie to him, to kiss him again and feel his body pressed to his from chest to knees.


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