The Emerald Ring

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The Emerald Ring Page 16

by Dara Girard

  She touched his cheek, his smooth cheek. Michelle paused. When she’d first arrived, his face hadn’t been shaven. He’d shaved and changed for Delana. What was she doing? She was doing it all wrong and Martha would punish her for it. But she’d tried. He didn’t seem to be affected by what she was saying. Why wasn’t it working? Had she lost all power over him? She sensed that he was blocking her somehow. She pushed him away and scrambled to her feet. “No, I have to go.”

  “Wait. Stay a little longer.”

  She stepped back to stay out of reach. “No, I can’t. Be happy.”

  He fumbled through the air searching for her. “Michelle, love—”


  James shot out of bed, but his foot got caught in the sheets and he fell to the ground with a thud. Michelle covered her mouth not to cry out. She gripped her hand into a fist not to run to him. It was time for this make-believe to end. She crept to the door, stepped outside then knocked on the door. “Is everything alright?” she asked, using her other voice. She walked into the room. “Are you okay?” She touched her chest, trying to sound a little breathless as if she’d run there.

  “I’m fine,” James grumbled, lifting himself off the ground.

  “I heard a thud.”

  “That was me.” He got back into bed then paused. “You got here fast.”

  Yes, she had. She had to remember how astute he was.

  “I couldn’t sleep. I was walking the hall when I heard you.”

  “Go to bed. I’m fine.”

  But he didn’t look fine. He looked shaken. Sad. A little lost. He gripped the bed sheets, his hand trembling. And she realized she’d gone too far. Not only had he thought he’d heard from her but he’d fallen and she knew that was scary for anyone, especially someone with limited vision. She bit her lip feeling guilty. How could it have all gone so wrong? She’d wanted to free him not hurt him. She hurried out of the room blinded by tears. She’d failed him again.

  Michelle returned to her bedroom and fell on her bed. She buried her face in her pillow and cried. She was alone. Desperately and horribly alone. Her love wasn’t enough and neither was her sacrifice. Now she could lose her business and end up with nothing. She pounded her pillow with her fist. Why had her father given her false hope? Told her that she was strong, special? Why had James told her that she’d be his always? Why had she believed him?

  Michelle cried until she felt weak then she turned on her back and stared up at the ceiling. She gazed up at the darkness gaining a new resolve. She would not be broken by this. You’ve become a hard woman, that’s what Martha had said. Yes, hard and cold. That’s what she needed to be. That’s how Joanna had defeated her. How the Winfields had won. She would not be manipulated. She would leave tomorrow. She’d face whatever threat Martha delivered.

  She closed her eyes and as she drifted off to sleep, she heard his voice. Michelle? Michelle, I’m sorry.

  Chapter 39

  James couldn’t sleep. His heart wouldn’t stop racing. He’d held her again, heard her voice. Michelle. His darling Michelle. How could a dream feel so real? He’d connected with her twice. Or had it all been the vain imaginations of a dying man?

  There was no medical reason for it. He just knew. He knew bonding with her had been a risk. Now, every year without her, shortened his days because he needed her. He needed her as he had the first time they met. She balanced him. Kept him from the edge, now there was nothing to keep him from it. And it kept calling. Not the darkness, the abyss. A crawling, aching emptiness that grew wider inside him each passing year.

  This year he felt the end coming sooner. She was not only his other half, she was his heart and his body no longer wanted to live without it. He merely existed. But as he felt his energy force waning, he thought of her, dreamed of being with her one last time. Perhaps this had all been a wish fulfilled. Maybe he could travel to the States and visit her one last time.

  Don’t be selfish, she’s still in danger. He sighed, yes that was why he had to stay away. He hadn’t been cured. He’d gotten close, he thought, when he’d made an appointment with a top crystal and energy specialist, but before he could go he’d gotten attacked and his world had turned into shapes and shadows.

  Shadows. One day that was all he would be to her—the shadow of a memory.

  “You’re leaving?” Delana asked Michelle, as Michelle carried her suitcase down the stairs.

  “Yes, I’m sorry I bothered you.”

  “No bother. Would you like something to eat?”

  Michelle hesitated. She knew she had quite a trek back. She had another hour before the taxi service was available and it was the only option on the island. It would be a long day so she should start out on a full stomach. “If it’s not too much trouble.”

  “Not at all.” She disappeared down the hall.

  “You’re up early,” James said behind her.

  “After a quick breakfast I’m leaving.”

  He nodded and headed in the same direction Delana had gone. He brushed past her then paused and grabbed her arm. There was an urgency in his movements and the expression on his face made her heart race. His hands raced up her arms then touched her face. She drew back but she was too late. He knew.

  “No, it can’t be,” he breathed.

  She didn’t dare reply. Perhaps if she didn’t he would doubt himself and let the moment pass.

  In a frenzy his hands flew to her hands, then her arms, her face then her arms again. “Am I dreaming?”

  She opened her mouth to say ‘yes’ he was, but Delana came into the room and said, “What’s wrong? Margaret, why are you crying?”

  Michelle crumpled to the ground, covered her face and wept. She hadn’t been able to escape without him knowing.

  James knelt down and gathered her in his arms. He didn’t speak, he only held her.

  “What happened? What’s going on?” Delana asked.

  James held her tighter, his voice deep with emotion. “My wife…found me.”

  “But I thought—”

  “Breakfast will burn.”

  Delana got the hint and left them.

  Michelle stopped crying, but didn’t lift her head and for a long moment she didn’t move and he held her. They sat in silence. Finally Michelle said in a weary voice, “Aren’t you going to tell me to get out? Tell me that you don’t want me here? That I’m better off without you?”

  James sighed, but didn’t speak.

  “Go on. I’ve felt it every moment since I’ve arrived. But you don’t have to say the words. I know. I look around me and I know how you feel about me. I know that you’d prefer to live isolated on an island in this ugly house just to keep me safe. I know that you never planned to come back to me.”

  “Last night was you. It wasn’t a dream.”

  “You’re not listening.”

  “I’m not going crazy. You’re really here.”

  “James. Let me go.”

  “Not yet.”

  “You don’t need me. The darkness is gone.”

  “The darkness is real,” he said in a deep tone.

  “Not with her.”

  James released her. “What are you talking about?”

  Michelle stood then reluctantly held her hand out to help him up. It took her a second before she realized her didn’t see it. She took his arm and led him to the couch. “The energy in your London flat, the energy that…that seeped into our home. It’s not here and I think it’s because of her.”

  “I know.” He swallowed. “I never wanted this. I’m sorry.”

  To hear him say it shook her to her core. Part of her wanted him to deny it. To give her another explanation. But now she knew the truth. He’d found someone else to heal him. “Then why did you say you needed me?”

  He rested his head back and closed his eyes, tired. “Because I still love you.”

  “But we can’t be together,” Michelle said in a flat tone, admitting a truth that hurt her.

  He shook his hea
d. “No.”

  That’s what Martha wanted them both to face. “I guess it’s goodbye then. A divorce won’t be difficult. I’ll—”

  James covered her hand, but didn’t open his eyes. “Give me one more night.”

  “I don’t think I should.”

  He tightened his hold. “Please.”

  Michelle touched his cheek. “You look tired. You didn’t look this tired yesterday.”

  A secret smile touched his mouth. “That’s because I couldn’t sleep after you visited me last night.”

  “Oh.” That seemed like a plausible reason, but she sensed something else. He looked as if he was being drained. Was that because of her? Was she that bad for him?

  “Please stay,” he said in a soft voice as he drifted off to sleep. “Just one more night. That’s all I ask.”

  Michelle bit her lip. One more night. She wanted it as much as he did. Then they’d part forever. “Okay.” She took his hand. “You cannot fall asleep here. Let me take you to bed.”

  He let her help him to his feet then pulled her close. “No, you don’t have to. I’m not an invalid.” He kissed her—softly, tenderly—then turned and headed for the stairs. “Go eat breakfast. I’ll join you later.”

  Michelle followed him, watching how he gripped the railing, his measured steps. His movement seemed labored. Stairs can be dangerous, Joanna had said.

  “You don’t have to help me.”

  She took his arm and draped it over her shoulders. “I want to.” She slid her arm around his waist, bringing him closer. “And you want me to. You like how it feels.”

  He chuckled. “I won’t argue with that.”

  She helped him into bed then turned to leave.

  James sat up. “Remember—”

  She gently forced him back down. “Don’t worry. I’m not going anywhere.” She saw his satisfied expression as he fell asleep and smiled. But her smile disappeared as she left his bedroom. There was something wrong. Something different about today than yesterday. Something different about him and even this house. There was no chance of them being together because she felt the darkness returning.

  Chapter 40

  His wife! Wasn’t that amazing? And all this time she’d thought she was dead.

  Delana stood near the counter and beat some eggs with a whisk. She shook her head. That Margaret woman really was a sneaky one. Of course, last night, she’d found out that wasn’t her real name when she’d gotten a chance to go through her wallet. She hadn’t liked the idea at first, but her honey had asked her to and she couldn’t refuse him.

  Michelle Clifton. That was her real name. She definitely wasn’t the kind of woman she would have pictured James with. But the look on his face was priceless. He’d looked so relieved and happy. She didn’t know whether to feel glad for him or not. Because now that James’s wife had returned what would happen to her? What would she do now?

  She set the bowl down and pulled out her cell phone. Her honey would know what to do. He always did. She smiled remembering how he’d surprised her last night. He’d snuck into her room and met her holding flowers. It was easy for him to slip into the house undetected. It was how their relationship had always been. No one knew about it. She found it thrilling, except when he got angry. But that wasn’t too often. He was a good man. And one day he’d take her away from this island. That’s what he’d promised her and she knew he had enough money to do it.

  She called him. “I found out who she is. She’s his wife.”

  He didn’t sound impressed. “Where are they now?”

  “In the living room,” Delana said disappointed by his lack of enthusiasm. “I’m making breakfast.”

  “Good. This is what I want you to do…”

  She seemed jumpy, agitated. Michelle watched Delana drop a knife she’d used to butter toast. It was the second time she’d done it.

  “Do you want me to help you?”

  Delana picked up the knife and tossed it in the sink. “I’m fine.” She placed a breakfast plate piled with an egg and spinach mix, toast and melon cubes in front of her.

  “Looks delicious.”

  Delana turned away.

  Michelle lifted her fork.“I apologize.”

  “What for?”

  She scooped up her eggs. “For deceiving you.”

  Delana shrugged, keeping her back to her. “It’s not my business.”

  “You don’t have to worry. I’m still not staying.”

  Delana spun around, startled. “Why not?”

  The look on Delana’s face told Michelle what she needed to know. Delana had been worried. She had feelings for James. “It would never work between James and me. We’re getting a divorce. You can think of this visit as my final goodbye. I’ll leave tomorrow.”

  Delana snatched Michelle’s fork before she could bring it to her mouth, along with Michelle’s plate. She dumped the egg and spinach mix in the trash bin.

  “I think the eggs are off,” she said when Michelle stared at her openmouthed. “Let me see what else we have.”

  “Okay,” Michelle said. The eggs seemed fine to her and she thought her leaving would make Delana happy, but she seemed even more agitated than before.

  Delana threw her clothes into her suitcase. He was going to be so angry when he found out, but she couldn’t do what he’d asked. She’d done everything else, but his last request had gone too far. Once she was away she’d explain. He always needed time to calm down. When he wasn’t angry then he would listen and realize she was right. Leaving would be easy. Michelle had gone for a walk and James was still sleeping. They wouldn’t notice she’d left until later.

  Delana zipped her bag closed then turned to the door. She swallowed a gasp when she saw Him standing there. He moved silently like a mist into the room.

  He looked at her bag. “What are you doing?”

  Delana set her bag on the ground. He didn’t look angry. That was good. “I was cleaning out some things.” She wrapped her arms around his neck and smiled at him. “You got here fast. Good to see you.” She kissed him.

  He didn’t respond, but he didn’t move away. “Did you do what I asked?”

  Delana flashed a bright smile. “I didn’t see the need.” When he narrowed his eyes she started to speak quickly. “She’s leaving tomorrow. She said they’re getting a divorce.”

  “And you believe that?”

  “Why wouldn’t I?”

  “I told you what to do.”

  “I know.”

  He removed her arms from around his neck. “And you disobeyed me.”

  Her body started to shake. Oh God he was angry. He had that look. She touched his cheek with light fingers. “I did it for us.”

  He trailed a finger along her jaw, a soft smile on his lips. “For us?”


  “I’m going to give you another chance. This time you’re going to do exactly what I tell you.”

  “Okay. I only thought it was a risk to—”

  The first blow knocked her to the ground.

  Delana held up her hands and stared up at him in terror. “I’m sorry.”


  The second blow knocked out a tooth. She tasted blood in her mouth. “No…Please…”

  The third blow knocked her out completely.

  Chapter 41

  He felt a presence.

  James got out of bed and rubbed his sore hand. In his dream, he’d been fighting a shadow. He must have struck his bed in the process. He shook out his stinging hand and left his room. At least he didn’t feel tired anymore and tonight he would be with Michelle.

  But what was that strange feeling? The house felt empty but he sensed it wasn’t. “Michelle?”

  An eerie silence greeted him.

  He walked to her bedroom and knocked on the door. “Michelle? Michelle, are you here?” He opened the door and made his way over to the bed in case she was sleeping. But the bed was as empty as the room.

  But he still sensed a
presence. Something was wrong. Michelle? he silently called to her. Maybe Delana could help him. He knocked then entered Delana’s room and stumbled over something. Large, soft. Like a body. He fell to his knees, his hands sweeping over the form. Definitely a person. Motionless. Although frantic urgency seized him, he had to be gentle. He felt for a pulse, brushing aside her braids to get to her neck. By her hair he knew it was Delana. She was alive. He cradled her head and touched her face. A wet, sticky substance covered it. Blood. He could tell by the smell.

  She moaned and started to sit up.

  “Careful. It’s okay, I’m here.”

  She froze then screamed.

  He jerked back. “It’s okay. You’re safe.”

  She backed away from him. “Get away from me!”

  She was in a state of shock. He held out his hands to show he wasn’t a threat. “Shh…it’s alright.”

  James heard footsteps racing down the hall. He heard them stop in the doorway then come rushing forward. “What happened?” Michelle asked.

  James stood and shook his head. “I don’t know. I found her like this.”

  “Get him away from me,” Delana said.

  He heard Michelle’s voice soften. “Tell me what happened.”

  “James attacked me.”

  Stark, vivid fear coursed up his spine.

  “What?” Michelle said.

  “I don’t know why,” Delana said in a tearful voice. “He went into a rage and did this to me.”

  James stumbled back, covering his sore hand. “It’s happening again.”

  “Quiet,” Michelle said. “Delana, are you sure it was James?”

  “Yes…Stay away! Don’t touch me.”

  James heard Michelle halt. “Okay,” she said. “But we need to get you to a doctor.”

  “There’s a car she uses to get to town,” James said.


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