Runner Up

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Runner Up Page 8

by Leah Banicki

  There was nothing worse than a grumpy reality TV show contestant. I laughed at my own thoughts and headed toward the exit.

  I hailed a black cab and we both jumped in. I gave directions to the first clue location and we were off.

  I said a prayer after the car was in motion. I took a few breaths and tried to remind myself to keep everything in perspective. It was a contest with a prize, it had nothing to do with Anthony’s actual feelings for me, it was just a game. If I won or lost it wasn’t a big deal.

  My pep talk worked and my impatience and grumpy feelings leveled out to a more peaceful state. Who knew what a simple minute could do to gain some perspective?

  The cab got caught in traffic several times on the way to the clue location. I was forced to sit back and enjoy the view of London's streets from the dirty cab window. The black car was so different from the cabs in New York, I definitely felt like a tourist.

  We finally got to the dark lounge after an hour in traffic from the airport. I was worried that somehow this had taken too long and I had already lost. I mentioned as much to my body guard and he calmed my fears.

  “I have a cell phone, dearie. I will get a call when someone wins and the contest is finished. If that happens, we can head over to the hotel." His fatherly grin cheered me as he spoke.

  “It sounds good to me, I would hate to wander through the city just to finish and realize I had wasted my time. I am hungry, tired and longing for shower. But the chance of a dinner date is too much to pass up. May I ask your name?” I asked, hoping I had not crossed any boundaries.

  “Just call me Joe.” He said, with that fatherly grin of his. He reached out and shook my hand politely. I shook his hand, hoping he had forgiven my earlier gruffness.

  The Dark Lounge was indeed dark. The inside was painted black with a moon and stars motif. To me it seemed rather unprofessional and I wondered if it had been in business long. I asked someone at the counter and they said the place was new, only open a few months and had open-mic nights for poetry about space or alien abduction stories. I nodded, as politely as I could, in the semi-freaked out way I did so well. I definitely wanted to put this cafe in my memory so I could tell Allison about it. I heard someone whispering in a back corner and saw the outline of a show video camera and a boom microphone. Sometimes I simply forgot about the cameras, I guessed the world would know all about the Dark Lounge and its unique open-mic night.

  I got my clue and headed outdoors to curb my intentions of laughing at the absurdity of their art choices. I read through my next clue and got my instructions. I had to walk two blocks over and catch a double-decker bus to Borough Market. I was to find a specific vendor that makes the best grilled cheese in the world. They did not give a vendor name so I would need to ask around and get directions.

  I made sure Joe was with me. We walked together over two blocks and waited at the bus stop with several other people. The wind was chilly and the sky was beginning to get dark, a dull gray. I had a feeling the day was going to get worse before it got better.

  The double-decker bus was interesting. I rode on the top just to say I did. I did feel it sway a little jig jag when it went around a sharp curve. I had never heard of the red busses being dangerous so I lowered my paranoia meter down and enjoyed the ride. It was a lovely way to tour the city. I had been here before, shooting pictures for a tourism guide for a cruise line that visited London. On a rare occasion, we were given access to Buckingham palace for the day. That was truly a day to remember. I had not been to the Tower of London for a tour yet but hoped to. I had seen it from the outside but that wasn’t enough for me. I loved to delve into the history and see it for myself and of course, capture it with my camera.

  The marketplace was enormous, actually beyond my scope of reality. It was nearly lunch time and packed with people. I got off the bus and realized the challenge of this contest. It seemed impossible. To find an unnamed vendor in this monstrosity could take days. The entrance was quaint, even though crowded.

  I stood there for a few minutes and asked around about a grilled cheese sandwich vendor. There were several people who were very helpful and send me toward the back section.

  One shopper, a lady, said, “It’s in the back corner.”

  “That guy went out of business three years ago,” A woman said in a very thick accent.

  Two gentlemen at a vegetable booth nearly came to fisticuffs over the exact location. After a minute of heated argument, I told them to forget about it. They ignored me completely and kept on bickering. I moved on.

  If I had been on vacation I would have had a blast at this foodie paradise. I searched through the exotic mushrooms and interesting vegetables. It was obvious that they had suppliers from around the globe.

  There was crusty bread that won me over and I had to, not only, sample but buy some for several days of snacking while in the UK. The next area was cheese and I figured the logical thing was to have some of that on hand in my hotel room, as well. I thought, maybe we could have a little brunch in my room with some of the ‘nicer’ girls.

  It was with that thought about the nicer girls remaining on the show, that I caught a glimpse of Danielle, she was looking a bit flustered and she was lugging around her carryon. Her hair was flying everywhere. I fought off the urge to feel smug. It did not make me a better person because I thought to store my luggage at the airport. Her hazel eyes met mine with a grimace. She got closer and gave me a sneer.

  “I see you are focused on the contest.” She said, snidely.

  Seriously, I wondered why she cared. Not her problem.

  “Yes, well I have been asking around, but it seems that most people here just pay attention to the vendors near them. It’s a big place to memorize. Since we don’t know the name of the place, I suppose we will have to keep searching.” I said, trying to keep my voice as neutral as I could.

  The cheese vendor seemed to be eavesdropping and interested in our conversation, especially since the cameras showed up. Two show contestants standing together, might make for good television, that was my guess, or we were getting close.

  “Well ladies, if you are looking for a certain vendor, I may be able to help.” Danielle and I turned simultaneously and saw a young clerk. He looked to be in his thirties and kind of attractive.

  “Yes, thank you. We need to find the best grilled cheese in the world?” Danielle said using her ‘nice girl next door’ voice. It made me a little sick. I am certain she talked to Anthony that way. He probably had no idea about her bad attitude the rest of the time.

  “Actually it’s about a 100 yards in that direction.” He pointed off behind me and before I could mutter a ‘thank you,’ Danielle shoved her elbow into my back. I yelled out in pain. She stepped on my foot then swung her carryon around and it lifted off the ground and caught me on the hip. I fell down like a house of cards and scraped my arm on the side of the cheese vendor cart, taking a few layers of skin with it. My knee and back made contact with the cement first. My head hit a display basket on the way down and tossed a nice variety of wrapped cheeses into the air. They pelted me like an odd spray of confetti, as I lay bleeding on the ground. I glanced up in time to see a camera zoom in on me and a concerned cheese vendor at my side. Danielle was long gone. My bodyguard was next to me saying soothing words. He had his cell phone on his ear. He ordered an ambulance and I felt like an idiot.

  Nothing like a day at the market.

  While feeling stupid and self-conscious on an ambulance gurney, I heard my bodyguard’s phone ring, after he hung up with the emergency crew.

  “Well, the good news is nothing is broken. The bad news is the contest is over.” He patted me on the shoulder while the emergency technician was wrapping up my arm.

  “Please tell me Danielle didn’t win.” I said, my good natured-ness had lost the battle and I felt bitter at the moment.

  “No she didn’t, Desiree won the contest.” He said. I was not sure that made me feel any better.

will be reporting Danielle to the show for inappropriate behavior. You are lucky that the cameras where there. They caught it all on film.” He stated.

  Yay, they caught it all on film. I imagined they would play that scene as a commercial, a highlight and it might even make the news. I would enjoy watching myself repeatedly get thrown to the ground.

  Joe volunteered to drop me off at the hotel and he retrieved my luggage from the airport . I thanked him profusely. I just wanted to lie in bed and eat my bread and cheese than sleep away the rest of the day. Perhaps tomorrow would be better.

  Chapter 8

  We arrived at a hotel that was larger than I had expected. We were going to share the penthouse that had eight rooms. I was lucky to room with Janette again. A few others girls were latching on to her, too. She was the sweetest girl and friendly with everyone. My bodyguard stayed by my side on the elevator. I told him that he didn't need to but he insisted, fervently. Joe was very protective since my recent incident. I thought maybe he was feeling a little guilty, he was not expecting another contestant to take me out. He had been ranting and raving about Danielle’s actions and reminding us over and over about the clause in our contracts that any intentional violence was an automatic dismissal. I was torn on the idea. I wasn’t going to turn her in. It was, however, outside my drama Richter scale. I did not appreciate her attitude, or the fact that I was on the receiving end of her impatience, today. My body was already starting to ache all over and I felt a bit weird and shaky. I really needed to eat and lay down.

  As I entered the penthouse, I gave Joe a one-armed hug and thanked him, again. I saw him an hour later when he walked in with my carryon and two of the show executives. I had my arm propped up on a pillow and a plate of food next to me. Heidi had taken pity on me and ordered room service. It felt lame, but suddenly, I wanted my mom.

  “Well, Hannah, you look a little beat up today.” A producer, whose name I couldn’t remember, commented.

  “Yea, I am hurting a bit. Perhaps I shouldn’t have argued about going to the hospital. I am hoping I didn’t crack a rib on the way down.” I said honestly. I was really hurting now and losing my stubbornness with every passing moment.

  “Well we were hoping to get you looked at more thoroughly. We have a car waiting downstairs that can get you there. Is there anything you would like to take with you?” I thought a sec, really nothing besides my mom, my new boyfriend and 4 boxes of tissue to go with my pity party. I was fighting it off mentally.

  “Just my purse please, but can you make sure that Janette knows that I am okay? I don’t want her to worry.” I said it all with my eyes closed. I was very woozy.

  “I will let Heidi know. She will take care of everything.” They helped me out of bed and set me up in a wheelchair. A wheelchair…and wheeled me out. The few girls in the place were very interested in what had happened and I saw Danielle standing with them. I distinctly heard her loud whisper.

  “Drama queen!”

  I stopped caring. My arm had bled through my bandage, my left hip and side were throbbing and burning so badly, I could not concentrate on anything but not crying. The cameras tagged along for the brilliant TV moment of me feeling miserable and alone.


  The hospital experience was pretty typical. They removed the emergency bandage on my arm, and cleaned out the wound. I got a good look as they tweezed out slivers from the wooden cheese cart. They gave me a few stitches and some painkillers which helped with the pain.

  They gave me x-rays and ruled out any fractures and did a full body scan to also rule out any internal injuries. I thought that was overdoing it, but my guess was the show was covering their backs in case something went wrong later. I assumed they did not want a lawsuit for being stingy with providing health care to a contestant. I thanked all the doctors, nurses and lab techs, generously, to make sure they knew I appreciated the extra care. Since I didn’t have family with me I appreciated that everyone was being extra nice to me. I was sure the cameras helped to get everyone into their best bedside manner routine.

  They gave me a prescription for painkillers for a few days and furnished me with suggestions for making myself comfortable with the serious bruises I had. They didn’t want me to get my arm wet for a few days. I was instructed to wrap it up to shower or take a bath. They planned on sending a nurse to remove the stitches, later. The show would have a nurse check on me every day. I could only hope that would be off camera.

  I arrived back at the hotel after dark, with another escort. The show’s producers were waiting in the penthouse living room. There was a fire crackling in the fireplace and the wall of windows’ view of the city lights of London was impressive.

  Or perhaps my painkillers were kicking in to the next level. I mused.

  “Come, sit, Hannah.” The same guy spoke to me, again. I really wished I could remember names better.

  “Thank you.” I was easing myself down using one arm. They gave me a sling for my left arm but it was already annoying me, it wasn’t broken, seriously people.

  “We have just finished the meeting with all the show producers and we reviewed the film, as suggested by your bodyguard. We believe that Danielle’s actions were intentionally harmful and she is being escorted home. Her actions are in breach of contract and she is terminated from Soulmate.” He said in a slow monotone.

  His words should have been a relief but I found myself starting to tear up. It was an overwhelming feeling. I knew this was going to be on the show and that no one had ever been kicked off for violent behavior before. I suddenly felt sorry for Danielle and the kind of backlash this could cause.

  “I just don’t feel…” I said and stopped when my throat got tight with emotion. I wiped away a few tears and tried to keep talking. Hoping something would make sense with my crazy emotions going through me. “I guess I just don’t know if kicking her off is the right thing to do, perhaps she didn’t mean to hit me. I hate the idea of her being kicked off for one little mistake. Perhaps it was just an accident.” I felt like a fool.

  Why am I defending her? Hannah, stop talking! I told myself in my head. I obeyed but whimpered in a pathetic kind of noise.

  “I appreciate you sharing your feelings but the show has already made that decision. Her actions, on film, clearly showed that she intended to hit you with her elbow and she aimed her luggage at you. She has had several warnings about her attitude on the show, from the hotel staff and the film crew. Her time on Soulmate is over. She has been escorted off the

  property and she is flying out tonight. She is under guard from show personnel until she leaves the airplane. If you wish to file charges for assault we can stop her at the airport. It is your decision.”

  I just shook my head and felt remarkably close to whimpering some more. Today had been wrong from the start. Now I just wanted the cameras to go away. I needed to cry alone for a while.

  Janette helped me up when the producers were done telling me to rest for the next few days and after that, if I needed to cancel the date or wanted to go home, I just had to let them know.

  There was no chance I was missing the date with Tony in a few days unless I no longer had a pulse, I told myself.

  I felt better once I was lying on my uninjured side and covered in several ice packs brought by the hovering Heidi. My prescriptions were laid out on the table. She had moved to the other side of the bed so I could reach them with my good arm, while laying on my right side. I had a few moments that evening when I almost felt normal.

  * * * * *

  "Well, Hannah, you ruined my perfectly planned whining session about how bad my day was. I had it all scripted and when I finally got here to the penthouse, everyone said you went to the hospital and there was all this drama and Danielle was throwing a hissy fit like a four year old. It was epic." Janette said. Her eyes looked wide and crazy. She was about to act out a hissy fit and amuse me.

  "What happened to you today? I never saw you before I left for the hospital. I fully
expected to see you here after I came home the first time." I asked slowly, I felt a little loopy.

  "Well my cabbie had no sense of directions or driving ability. Nothing compared to the drama unfolding here. Let me tell you...." Her arms went up and her red hair was flying. "She was ranting loudly. At this point, I could imagine editing beeps happening on the aired-for-tv version. She was absolutely irate. Three big guys were ready to get out the tranquilizer guns if she didn’t calm down. Okay I made that up. But seriously, it was like animal planet in here for a moment or two. It could be a hit show. “Soulmate …when savage brides attack!!” I thought it had great potential. Maybe I should pitch it to the producers the next chance I get." Janette’s eyes were crazy.

  I started laughing and it hurt me everywhere, but I could not stop.

  "Ow Ow, stop it." I said quietly, while trying not to move too much.

  "Oh sorry, I should stop, but seriously, all the girls are glad she is gone. She had given so much lip since day one, I am not sure anyone would miss her." Janette sat next to me on the bed, after her performance and gave me a friendly tap on my uninjured shoulder. She did a “mom- comfort move” by rubbing along my back with a few smooth motions. The move was so soothing I started to cry again.

  "Sorry, Janette, I am pretty emotional, laughing one second and crying another. Thanks for being so sweet to me. I am sorry you had a rough day, too. Remember, you have a date in two days and I have one in three. We will hopefully survive London and get to see the next place. Perhaps next time we can fall off a mountain somewhere." I said, weakly. My humor was a little stunted but she smiled at me and urged me to get some sleep.

  The trip to the restroom to brush my teeth and change into pajamas wasn't all laughs, but I managed and then fell asleep quickly, afterwards. I woke up after a few hours to take a painkiller and fell back to sleep. * * * * *


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