Making Her Purr [Tigers of Twisted, Texas 6] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Making Her Purr [Tigers of Twisted, Texas 6] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 3

by Jane Jamison

  John had to set the record straight. “As I said before, we need to get the results of the tests first. Then we’ll make the decision on when you can leave. As for your car…” He looked to Smoke.

  Smoke shrugged. “From what I saw, your Tesla’s not going anywhere anytime soon.”

  A Tesla. Damn. Our girl has serious money.

  It didn’t matter, of course. Rich or poor. Thin or fat. They’d love their mate anyway. That was the way of the connection that brought weretigers and their intended mates together.

  “Fine. Where can I get a rental car?”

  John didn’t smile like his brother did. Why add fuel to her slowly burning fire? “We don’t have any rental cars around these parts. Why are you so far from home anyway?”

  “How do you know where my home is?”

  “The nurses checked your purse for ID.”

  “It’s standard procedure when a patient is unresponsive,” added John. “I’m sure one of the nurses probably already asked you, but is there anyone you want us to call? Your husband? A boyfriend? Significant other?”

  He ignored Smoke’s smirk and hoped she hadn’t picked up on his obvious attempt to find out if she was single. Even if she was their future mate, they’d still back off if she was already married, especially if there were any children involved. It would tear out their hearts, but they wouldn’t break up a family.

  “No. No husband, boyfriend, or even family left.”

  “What were you doing out in the middle of nowhere?” asked Smoke, drawing her attention back to him.

  “No big reason. I just wanted time away from my life.”

  “And you thought you’d do that in rural Texas?” Why would anyone who looked like her and obviously had money want to hide out in the countryside of Texas? He could easily imagine her sunning on the beach of some exotic resort, her breasts bouncing prettily.

  “I kind of got lost. I was headed to Dallas.”

  Smoke let out a low whistle. “Girl, that’s more than just lost. You’re way off track. Maybe you were texting too much to notice the highway signs, huh?”

  Her expressive eyes narrowed. “I wasn’t texting. I left the highway thinking I’d find somewhere to eat. When I didn’t, I got turned around. Is that okay with you?”

  She’s got a temper. That could be a good thing or a bad thing, depending on who’s on the receiving end of her temper. Right now I’m just as glad it’s Smoke.

  “Easy, baby, I’m not itching to start a fight. Especially not with a beautiful woman. You got lost. Got it.”

  She regarded him as the defiance gave way to a softer look. “I bet you got your nickname because of your eyes. They’re kind of a smoky color.”

  Smoke eased onto the side of her bed. “That’s a good guess, but it’s a wrong one. They started calling me Smoke when I was a kid because I liked setting fires so I could see the smoke rise into the air.”

  “Seriously? You’re a firebug?”

  Her eyes had been mesmerizing before. Now they entranced him. John held back, content to simply watch.

  Smoke laughed and put a hand to his chest. “A reformed firebug. Besides, I didn’t set fires to see the fires. I wanted to see and smell the smoke. That’s different.”

  “If you say so.” She giggled, the sound of it ringing like a wind chime.

  “Don’t mind him,” said John. “He’s the one the family doesn’t talk about. We all have one, right?”

  She laughed again. “I guess so. I’d like to have my purse and cell phone.”

  “Ask and you shall receive.” He handed her the bag. “I hate like hell to tell you, but your phone didn’t survive the crash. Your suitcase is already in the closet.”

  Her mouth opened in a silent oh as she pulled the cracked phone out of the bag. “This blows. I was talking—” Realizing what she’d almost said, she slammed her mouth shut. “I guess I was lucky that I only lost a phone, huh?”

  “You sure were. But you’re looking good. Real good.”

  “I’ll say. So is this the girl my hero cousin saved?”

  Along with Smoke, John turned to see Tatum waltz into the room. He gave his cousin a searching look. The only way he could’ve made it to the medical center that fast was to drive like a bat out of hell. Or shift and run, making a direct beeline. In fact, he was almost sure the clothes Tatum wore had come from the emergency stash in the rear of his pickup out in the doctor’s parking lot.

  “Catherine Alexander, meet our cousin, Tatum Westbrook.”

  “Hi.” Her beautiful eyes narrowed. “Is the rest of the family stopping by, too?”

  Smoke chuckled. “Nope. Just the three of us.”

  “O—kay. Though I’m not sure why I rate so much attention.”

  “We don’t often get many patients like you.” How else could he explain Tatum showing up?

  “Like me?”

  “Someone who cracks up a Tesla.”

  Good save, Smoke.

  “Oh. Sure. My car’s the draw.”

  “Among other things,” added Tatum.

  Like Smoke, Tatum eased onto the side of the bed. Irritation flooded John. Wasn’t he supposed to be getting to know their mate, too? Instead, his brother and cousin were horning in. “Okay, listen up, you two. She’s been through a lot today. Get out and give her some space.”

  “Aw, come on, cuz, I just got here.” Tatum gripped her hand. “Don’t make me leave the pretty lady already.” He blinked and sucked in a quick breath.

  He feels it, too. Thank God.

  They’d never talked about what they would do if only one or two of them got the connection with the same woman to be their mate. As though by unspoken agreement, they’d never even entertained the idea. If it happened, then they’d face it. Yet judging from the way Tatum sat up straighter and smiled, he’d felt the same thing John and Smoke had felt. The only question left was whether or not she’d felt the connection, too.

  “Like I said. Get out. Now.” Toning down his snarl, he turned back to her. “I’ll check back with you soon.”

  * * * *

  Tatum whirled around almost before John had left the girl’s hospital room. “I can’t believe our mate is here. Signed, sealed, and delivered as though we ordered her.”

  John, forever the one to take things slowly, motioned for them to follow him down the corridor and out of the building before finally stopping in the area set up with picnic tables where hospital staff came to take their breaks. When they were finally alone, his cousin took over. “Calm the hell down.”

  “Are you fucking kidding me? Our mate shows up out of nowhere, and you want me to calm down? Sorry, cuz, it’s not going to happen.” He paced to the left then reversed directions, nervous energy driving him. “And she’s hot, too.”

  As their mate, she could’ve had warts on her nose, bad breath, and weighed five hundred pounds and they still would’ve been attracted to her. She was their mate, and he’d felt the connection. That was all he needed to know. That and one other thing.

  “Tell me you guys felt the connection with her. You did, right?” He’d hate to think they hadn’t. What would they do then? They’d never discussed the possibility of that happening. He had, in fact, been afraid to speak of it.

  “You know we did. I called you, remember?” Smoke propped his leg up on one of the benches of a picnic table.

  “Then we’re good to go, right? She’s our mate.”

  “Like I said, we need to take it easy.” John glanced back at the hospital. “Not only has she gone through a physical trauma, but I’m betting she’s going through an emotional one, too. She wrecked her car after getting lost. Why else would she wind up in the middle of nowhere?”

  “She told you why. Damn, don’t get all dramatic. You make it sound like she robbed a bank and is on the run. All she was doing was trying to get away for a while.” He didn’t want to talk about why she was there but, rather, how soon they could claim her.

  “Which is code for having a problem. W
e don’t want to push her if her life’s already gone to shit. It’s just one more reason to take this slow.”

  “John’s right. We don’t want to come on too strong and blow it.” Smoke settled onto the top of the table. “Does it bother either of you that she didn’t seem at all concerned about the damage she did to Dirk’s fence? Or that she might’ve run into his cattle or, worse, him? I would’ve thought she’d ask about Dirk if nothing else.”

  “Yeah, I noticed that, too,” added John.

  Tatum couldn’t believe they were throwing up roadblocks to getting their mate. “You’re fucking kidding me. She was in a car wreck. Maybe she’s not thinking clearly yet. Damn, guys, cut her some slack.”

  “Maybe you’re right,” John crossed his arms, his well-known gesture showing that he was thinking. “Still, one of the first things someone usually asks after they’ve been in a car accident is if they hurt anyone else. She seemed more interested in getting her hair combed.”

  Shit. They could be right.

  Still, Tatum shook his head, denying that for now. “Okay, so maybe she’s a little self-involved. She’s hardly the bitch you two are making her out to be.”

  “We’re not making her out to be anything, and you damn well know it. But I’m not going to close my eyes and believe she’s perfect. Still, I’m with John. Let’s take it easy.”

  Tatum planted his feet apart. “Did you or did you not feel the connection with her?” If they’d felt the invisible bond that came between mates, then they couldn’t deny it. No matter what they thought about her.

  “Again, you know we did,” answered Smoke.

  “Then you agree that she’s our mate?” He lifted his eyebrows, expectantly waiting.

  “We do.” John uncrossed his arms then crossed them again.

  “Then what’s the plan? How slow going do you want to take this? Because I’m telling you right now I’m doing everything I can to keep from running back to her and sinking my teeth into her.” They wanted to do the same thing. He could see it in the amber flashing in their eyes.

  “We give her a day or two. Even then, it’s her choice whether or not she stays.” Smoke slid off the table and back onto his feet.

  “And it’s her choice if she ever wants us to change her.” John’s warning was unmistakable in his tone and in his body language. Although they considered themselves equal partners in both the ranch they shared and in their pride, John had a tendency to bark out orders.

  “You know what I meant, damn it.” He wouldn’t force her to become a tiger any more than they would.

  “Yeah, we know. But like I said, calm the hell down.” John relaxed, shoving his hands into the pockets of his white doctor’s coat. “I’m not releasing her until I’m sure that bump on the head isn’t a problem. Plus, her knee took a banging, too. In the meantime, I’ll keep you posted on her recovery.”

  Smoke laughed sarcastically. “Oh no you don’t. As her doctor, you’re going to get plenty of time with her. I get that. But don’t think we’re going to wait around for status reports. I plan on visiting her every chance I get.”

  Finally. Tatum grinned at his cousin. “And I’ll be right there along with him.”

  “Is that right?” challenged John. “Are you two forgetting that you have jobs to do?”

  “As of right now, I’m taking time off.” Smoke pulled out his phone and started calling. “I’ve got a ton of vacation time coming. Besides, my supervisor will understand once he knows we’re talking about our future mate.” He pivoted, putting his back to the others as the person on the other end of the call picked up. “Hey, Max, I’m going to need a few days.”

  “Don’t worry,” added Tatum. “I’ll get someone to cover the chores on the ranch.”

  “Fine. Just make sure things get done. Finding our mate doesn’t mean we neglect our ranch.”

  “Like I said. Don’t worry about it.” Although the three of them owned equal shares in the ranch, with John and Smoke working the ranch when they could, Tatum had been the one who’d taken care of the ranch on a daily basis, wanting the freedom the ranch life would give him. Suddenly, that freedom would give him more chances to see Catherine while the other two men were busy doing their other jobs.

  * * * *

  “Miss Alexander, how are we feeling?” Her nurse, Susan Rollins, a middle-aged woman who was all business, noted the time she’d arrived on the dry erase board that listed everyone taking care of Catherine.

  “I feel fine. I’m not sure how you’re doing.” Catherine was dying to get out of the hospital bed and back into a car headed out of whatever little hick town she was stuck in. Still, she recognized the iciness of her tone and wished that she hadn’t spoken so harshly. After all, smart people never badmouthed a waitress unless they wanted spit in their food. And smart people never gave their medical staff grief unless they wanted to get jabbed in a not-so-nice way the next time they drew blood. “I never asked. Where is this place, anyway?”

  “You’re in the medical center outside Crosston. We service most of the smaller towns in the area including Crosston and Twisted.”

  “Twisted? That’s a strange name for a town.”

  “It is, but it kind of fits the place.” Nurse Susan took her blood pressure. “Your pressure is good. How’s the head feel?”

  She’d had a headache earlier, but it had gone away with whatever medication they’d given her. “I’m fine. How soon can I get released?”

  “That will be up to Dr. Westbrook.”

  “Can’t I check myself out if I want?”

  The bushy eyebrows shot skyward. “Against medical advice? I wouldn’t do that if I were you. Dr. Westbrook is very thorough, but he’s not the kind of doctor to keep someone if he doesn’t think they need to be here.”

  “Yeah, I guess.” She fiddled with the cover. “So what’s his story? I mean, if he’s any good, he should be practicing in a big city. With his good looks, he’d rake in the money. Every woman in town and half the men would want him at their bedside.”

  The eyebrows darted downward this time. “He could practice anywhere he wanted. He’s very good. But he’s not interested in the money. He cares about the welfare of these people more than greed.”

  As far as Catherine was concerned, everyone was interested in the money even if they weren’t willing to admit it. “So he’s just a great guy doing a selfless job? Is that what you’re saying?” Why was she acting like such a bitch? The poor woman hadn’t done anything except do her job.

  “That’s exactly what I’m saying.” The nurse studied her as though trying her best to understand why Catherine would be suspicious. “The same goes for his brother Smoke, the EMT. He does the job because he wants to help others. If that wasn’t his goal, he’d be back at their ranch.”

  “Oh, yeah. Smoke.” Mr. Hottie with the intriguing eyes. As though I could’ve ever forgotten about him.

  “So they own a ranch around here?” She’d always been curious about ranch life. How would it feel to rise with the sun and do manual labor all day? Not to mention awful chores like mucking out a barn or castrating cattle? Even if the work was tough and dirty, the idea of ranch life did have its appeal. If she lived on a ranch, she wouldn’t have to sit inside boardrooms and listen to one dismal report after another. Reports she barely understood.

  “John—” The nurse blushed at her slip of the tongue. “I mean, Dr. Westbrook and his brother own the Triple Creek Ranch near Twisted, along with their cousin.”

  “I remember. Their names are John, Smoke, and Tatum.”

  They were three very handsome men who had sent shivers racing along her spine. Yet she’d experienced more than simple shivers. Something had grabbed hold of her and twisted her pussy until it was screaming for her to spread her legs and invite them to take her any way they wanted. Like any red-blooded girl, she’d met her share of sexy men, but none had ever made her feel that way. As though she never wanted another man for the rest of her life. As though she’d been bo
rn to be with them. As though she was a part of them and they were a part of her.


  Weird, but good.

  “That’s right.” The nurse’s wistful tone was understandable.

  “I guess they’ve got all the nurses batting their eyes at them.”

  “Well, not the old married ladies like me—”


  “—but the young ones are certainly after them.”

  I bet they are.

  “So are they good guys? All the time and not only when they’re busy saving people’s lives?” She smiled, making the question seem frivolous.

  “Honestly?” Susan’s gaze met hers. “They’re the best of the best. If I were twenty years younger, thirty pounds lighter, and a single woman, I’d do almost anything to snag one of them.” She giggled like a schoolgirl. “Shoot. All three of them.”

  So Susan is into ménage? You go, girl.

  “All three of them? Wow. I never would’ve thought it of you.”

  “It’s more common around these parts than you’d think. Personally, I think a girl could do a whole lot worse than having three men to love her. Some people have one or two, but others even have four or five.”

  “No kidding? I guess rural Texas has more secrets than I would’ve imagined.” She didn’t want to, but she couldn’t resist. “So are the Westbrook men into the multiple partner thing? I mean, with one woman for all three of them to share?”

  Susan grew serious again, back to her all business demeanor. “I wouldn’t know, Miss Alexander, and even if I did, it’s not my place to say.”

  Or are you unwilling to say? Do you want them for yourself, nurse?

  “Is there anything else I can do for you? Are you comfortable?”

  “I’m fine. Thanks.”

  She really should ask for a phone. Strangely, her room didn’t have one. Then again, why would she want to get in touch with Thomas? She’d wanted to get away, and although it wasn’t the way she’d thought it would go, she was definitely away. Why not stay that way for a while longer? It had been a long time since she’d had any real kind of fun. Maybe now was the time for her to get triple the fun.


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