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Serenity Page 29

by Ava O'Shay

  Ren dipped her head, shaking it slightly. “You can’t promise me all that. What if I have to go to the bathroom?”

  Jolin lifted her chin with his finger and kissed her quickly on the mouth. “Akeo’s date will go with you to the bathroom.”

  Ren tried to argue, but Jolin kissed her again, this time lingering. When he released her mouth and she tried to speak again, he took her mouth more forcefully, parting her lips to deepen the kiss. Resting his forehead against hers, he sighed. “You are so beautiful. This dress doesn’t begin to capture that beauty.”

  Ren laughed, embarrassed. “You’re partial. You chose the dress.”

  “Don’t tell anyone that. It might take me down a peg on the manly scale.”

  Ren ran her hands under his jacket. “Nothing can knock you down the manly scale.”

  “Let’s get out of here before I do something I will regret, like rip that dress off you.” Jolin laughed and grabbed her hand, leading her out of the apartment.

  Akeo’s date wasn’t someone Jolin had ever met. He wasn’t sure she even attended their school, but he was too embarrassed to ask so he tried to keep the conversation light and not too specific about anything at the school. They chose to eat at the burger place where he had taken Ren on one of their first outings together. It wasn’t too busy and none of the kids from school would be there. They were overdressed, but the local patrons didn’t seem to mind.

  They ate and laughed a lot at Akeo’s stories of him and Jolin growing up. Mostly of how he got Jolin to do some crazy stuff as a little kid. Ren seemed nervous, but was trying hard not to pick the red nail polish off her fingernails before they finished dinner and made it to the school where the dance was being held.

  “Hey babe.” Jolin reached out and grabbed her hand, bringing it to his lips. “It’s going to be fine. If your hair didn’t look like a package of Skittles no one would even recognize you.”

  “Skittles? I thought you liked my hair.”

  “Well I don’t dislike it,” he stuttered.

  “You don’t like my hair.” She pulled her hand away from his and crossed her arms.

  “Baby,” he cooed.

  “I can’t believe you don’t like my hair.”

  Jolin pulled into the lot and parked the car, turning to face her. “Look, I don’t really think about your hair. I wouldn’t care if it was polka dotted. I like you. Hair, no hair, clothes…no clothes.” He smiled.

  Ren smiled back. “You so want in my pants.”

  “Yes I do. But not tonight. Tonight is the first night back to the normal hoopla of high school. Let’s go be teenagers.”

  They climbed out of the car, and hand and hand they walked into their Senior Homecoming Dance.

  The beat of the music carried out into the parking lot vibrating through the concrete and up his legs as they made their way into the dance. Akeo and his date flanked Ren one side as he held her hand tight on the other. If this night turned into a disaster he was afraid they might not recover.

  Jolin pulled her into his side as they entered the gym.

  The gym was still decorated from the royalty assembly last week, with the addition of about a million more twinkle lights.

  Ren stopped and took in the transformation. “Wow they made it look pretty good.”

  Jolin brushed his nose against her hair, kissing her temple. “Haven’t even noticed it. You’re too beautiful to take my eyes off of.”

  Ren gave him a shove. “You’re being cheesey.”

  “Dude, lets find a table and sit down to figure out our game plan.” Akeo headed across the gym with his date in tow.

  “I hate when he calls me dude,” Jolin muttered then pulled Ren after him in pursuit of Akeo.


  Saturday, November 15

  8:00 p.m.

  “I’m going to use the bathroom,” Ren leaned in to tell Jolin. The music made regular conversation difficult, and they either had to lean in huddled toward the center of the table or scream at each other.

  “Wait for Akeo’s date to get back so she can go with you,” Jolin leaned in to say.

  Ren shook her head. Akeo and his date, which neither Jolin or her could remember her name, had been dancing since they got here. “I’ll be fine.”

  “Hurry back.” He grinned.

  Ren waved him off. Jolin had been grinning and softly touching her all night. He was acting like a love sick puppy…and she loved it. He made her feel special.

  Ren moved through the crowded gym toward the locker rooms and the bathroom. She felt beautiful in Jolin’s dress and from the looks a few of the guys had given her, they, too, approved.

  When she reached the bathroom there was a small group of girls milling around the door. When they saw her, they stopped talking and moved to the side. Ren gave them a sideways glance and shoved through the door. It became immediately clear why the group congregated outside the bathroom.

  The cheerbots were inside primping and preening.

  Ren froze for a minute too long and before she could make it out the door, one of the girls grabbed her by the hair and pulled her back into the room.

  Ren back peddled awkwardly in her heels, grabbing the girl’s hand as it twisted her hair around her first.

  When they hit the far wall, the girl slammed her against it and released her hold. Ren identified her assailant as Brock’s sometime girlfriend, but it was Elizabeth that got in her face.

  “I am supposed to dance with Jolin in fifteen minutes and you…” She poked a finger in Ren’s chest, “are not going to interfere with my moment.”

  Ren let out a sad laugh. “Are you fucking serious? You’re jumping me in the bathroom because you want a moment with Jolin?” Ren laughed again. “You dumped him. Move on already you psycho bitch.”

  “He sure as hell isn’t yours.” She continued to poke at Ren’s chest.

  Ren rolled her eyes and leaned back against the wall, crossing her arms. This was ridiculous. Did Elizabeth really think by capturing Ren and locking her in the bathroom she would magically win over Jolin? As if the homecoming royalty dance was going to make everything in the universe align?

  “If fucking him didn’t get him back, dancing with him certainly isn’t going to do it,” Ren said.

  “Shut up,” one of the girls snapped.

  “We were taking a break.” Elizabeth’s voice was snotty when she turned away to pat at the sides of her braided hair then smoothed down her dress.

  “Taking a break is code for…letting Brock slip you one on the side?” Ren chuckled.

  Ren was completely caught off guard when the slap conntected with her cheek. The noise from the impact echoed through the bathroom. She ran her tongue along the inside of her cheek tasting blood.

  She smiled at the cheerbot who hit her. “You think your sorry ass slap is going to stop me?”

  The girl raised her hand to hit again, but this time Ren caught her around the wrist. “You can’t even comprehend the shit I’ve been through in the last week, so if you want to throw it down right here, I’m all in. I’ve been looking for an excuse to let loose on someone, and you’ll do just fine.”

  The girl’s eyes opened wide then shifted to Elizabeth with a pleading look asking for permission to step down.

  Elizabeth waved her off. “Stop messing around. I have to go. Do not. I repeat, do not let her out until the dance is over.” Elizabeth turned on Ren. “You’re a nasty whore. The only reason you are here is because Jolin is trying to get back at me.” She narrowed her eyes and stepped closer. “I am the only one he has ever been with. He won’t touch you because you are a nasty whore. I know all about you and what you’ll do. He won’t touch you.”

  Elizabeth left the group and Ren standing in the middle of the room staring at each other.

  Ren took the opportunity to see if the cheerbots power lessoned without Elizabeth’s presence. “I’m out of here.

  The group converged on the door, blocking it.

  Ren crossed he
r arms and jutted out a hip. “Seriously? You all are seriously going to keep me hostage.”

  They crossed their arms and stood firm.

  “This is ridiculous. Look, I have no intention of interfering with her moment. I haven’t danced with Jolin yet so why would I pick the spotlight dance to start. I don’t want to be in the spotlight. I’ll just walk straight out of here and out the door. The moment is all hers.”

  Ren was telling the truth. She had no intention of marching back into the gym. Elizabeth knew her well. She was a nasty whore, and Jolin deserved this pristine high school moment without her in it. The hallway leading into the bathroom also led out the back way to the parking lot. She may be the best dressed pedestrian out there tonight, but she was walking her ass home.

  She tried again. “Don’t your dates wonder where you are? You’ve been in here for at least twenty minutes. All your homecoming memories are in this bathroom.”

  The girls looked at each other and seemed to waver but the body barricade wasn’t moving.

  “Please.” Ren tried to be sincere. She didn’t care if Elizabeth danced with Jolin. She didn’t care about any of this. She just wanted to crawl into her bed and forget about Jolin and the roller coaster he put her emotions on. As with everything good, something had to ruin it and in this case it was Elizabeth and her minions. “I’m leaving. Take me down or let me go.”

  The girls gave a sigh and parted. Ren brushed through the small opening and walked out. Without a backward glance, she continued to walk out of the school and back to her apartment. She knew going to homecoming was a mistake.


  Saturday, November 15

  8:30 p.m.

  Jolin kept his gaze on the door to the girl’s locker room. A few girls came and went, but Ren seemed to have been sucked in and wasn’t returning. He glanced around to see if Akeo and his date were around so he could send her in to find out if everything was okay.

  When he turned back around, Elizabeth had settled herself into Ren’s empty chair.

  “Hey, Jo.” Her smile was blinding him with her bleached teeth. She had done her hair in a loose style but still pulled back from her face.

  He looked over her shoulder. “Hey, Liz.”

  “It’s almost time for our dance,” Elizabeth cooed.

  “I’m not dancing with you.”

  She pouted. “You have to. It’s tradition.”

  “I’m with Ren tonight. I’m not dancing with you.”

  The announcer stopped the current song playing and began to talk about the big game coming up and the royalty for the evening, finally inviting everyone to come to the stage for the spotlight dance.

  “Please, Jolin. We’ve had good times. Dance with me for old times sake.” Liz batted her eyelashes and gave him a small smile.

  Jolin looked over her shoulder again. Still no Ren. Elizabeth pulled him into her and wrapped her arms around his neck. He turned his face away from the incoming lips, grabbed her upper arms and pushed her away. “Knock it off Liz. This isn’t going to happen.” He feared somehow Liz had a hand in Ren not returning from the bathroom.

  Liz leaned in to rest her cheek against his chest and run her fingers through the hair on his neck.

  “Knock it off Liz,” he snarled and pushed away from the table.

  Liz leaned back and smiled. “We were good together, Joli. I miss you.”

  Jolin leaned his head back and laughed.

  Liz frowned. “She doesn’t deserve you. She’s rather go get high with her brother than be here with you.”

  Jolin drew his eyebrows together. “What are you talking about?

  Liz gave him an insincere smile. “I heard her talking on her phone in the bathroom. Her brother scored some pot or something…I don’t know all the drug lingo…anyway she took off to get high.”

  Jolin pushed Liz away. “What did you do to her?”

  Liz tried to reattach herself to him, but he shoved her away again. The music stopped and everyone stood staring at the king and queen in a verbal battle.

  “I didn’t do anything. She is a worthless whore who is looking for her next fix, which she found tonight and would rather get stoned than be with you,” Liz spat.

  “Fuck you, Liz. You don’t know anything about her.”

  “I know you are probably the only one in this school who hasn’t had his dick in her one way or another.”

  Jolin took a step toward Liz. She retreated, fear filling her eyes. Akeo appeared out of no where and grabbed Jolin by the shoulders.

  “Dude let it go,” Akeo said. “She isn’t worth it.”

  Akeo’s date came up next to them and quickly informed Jolin of the situation. “She isn’t in the bathroom. The girls said she took off.”

  “God dammit,” Jolin said under his breath, then turned on Liz again. “What did you do to her?”

  The principal and a few of the chaperones noticed the altercation and were beginning to move in on them.

  “What did you do?” he repeated.

  “I didn’t tell her anything she already didn’t know. You and me are supposed to be together Jolin. She’s just a distraction.”

  Jolin moved toward her again, and Akeo intercepted again. “Jo. Look at me.” Akeo grabbed his face and made him look at him. “Don’t waste a minute on this. Ren is gone. Go find her and fix this.”


  Saturday, November 15

  9:00 p.m.

  “Hey there sexy lady need a ride?” Quill pulled up beside Ren.

  Ren leaned into the open window. “Are you sober?”

  Quill held his hand over his heart pretending to be injured. “Of course…not,” he laughed.

  “Get out and let me drive.” Ren moved around the front of the car.

  Quill laid on the horn, making her jump.

  “Dammit, Quill!” Ren made it to the driver’s side and pushed Quill over to the passenger seat.

  “You don’t know how to drive,” he complained.

  “Why are you drinking and driving?” she asked.

  “I just had a few beers. I am not drunk. But I am willing to let you drive. With some instruction from me, of course.” He smiled.

  “When I called all you had to say was you were partying and I would have walked home.” Ren checked over her shoulder and pulled out into the street.

  “I let you down over and over. I didn’t want to let you down tonight.” Quill leaned his head against the window. “Besides, I want to be home to bust your boyfriend in the head when he shows up.”

  “He won’t show up.”

  Quill sat up. “Ren, you are such an idiot. He is most certainly going to show up and apologize for his status interfering with your current love life. He is so stuck on you it makes me want to puke.”

  Ren looked over at Quill. “If you know he loves me then why are you going to punch him?”

  “Because that’s what good brothers do. I will sock him one.” Quill shadow boxed for a moment. “Then I will let him explain how it was all the bitch’s fault…then I’ll go into my room smoke a joint, fall asleep, and cover my head so I don’t hear you two having make up sex.”

  Ren stopped at a stop sign and thought about Quill’s prediction of the upcoming evening. “You don’t think he’ll hang out and soak up the homecoming high with Liz?”

  “No. And seriously, do you? I am in shock my sister…excuse me…my bad ass sister let the stupid girls at the school run her off again. You know you’re fooling yourself if you think for a second he doesn’t completely love you in a totally not high school crush sort of way.”

  Ren continued to drive without responding.


  “Okay I know. I don’t know why I let her get to me. I was being stupid.”

  Quill let his head fall to the side again and smiled. “I may have done a shitty job of protecting you, but I am an awesome relationship fixer.”

  Ren reached over and smacked him on the arm.

  Quill laughed then yelled
. “Stop fucking hitting me.”


  Ren had pulled all the pins from her hair, scrubbed her face clean, and was sitting in shorts and a T-shirt eating ice cream with Quill when Jolin finally showed up.

  When Jolin burst through the door, Quill stood and swayed to the side. “You asshole what did you do to my sister!”

  Ren buried her face in her arms and tried not to laugh, but her shaking shoulders were a give away.

  “What the fuck are you doing?” Jolin said to no one in particular.

  “You’re screwing with my sister…” Quill started to giggle.

  Ren totally lost it and laughed at Quill’s lame ass attempt at defending an honor that didn’t need to be defended.

  “Ah fuck it. I love you man.” He grabbed Jolin around the neck in a quick hug then wandered toward his bedroom. “I’m out.”

  Ren wiped the tears falling from her eyes and walked around the counter to where Jolin stood, very confused, in the small room.

  “What in the hell was that about?” he asked.

  Ren grabbed his chin and pulled his face back to hers. “I am very sorry for leaving tonight. I let Liz get into my head, and I didn’t give you a chance. I hope you can accept my apology.”

  Jolin continued to look confused.

  Ren trailed her hands down his arms until her finger tips touched his. “Please do me this one honor and dance with me.”

  The lights turned off and a few flickering candles sent a shadowy glow through the room.

  Ren stifled a laugh when Quill, who was in charge of the lights, ran into the wall on his retreat to his room.

  “I take it the two of you have been smoking.” Jolin scowled down at her.

  Ren stopped and looked into his eyes. “No. I haven’t done anything.”

  Jolin’s expression was grim. “Liz told me…”

  Ren let go of his hands and stepped back. “She told you what?”

  “That Quill called and you left to get high.”

  Ren’s happy mood dissolved. “And so you came here to see if she was telling the truth.”

  “Well yeah. You left me at the dance. To get high with your brother.”


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