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Cut Page 9

by Bry Ann

  He completely ignores me and keeps talking. “If you do, I will make it known that Frances broke your hand yesterday and threatened to hurt you if you said anything. I’ll mention that you’re scared. And I’ll mention that something is going on with your father that has you all riled. Are we clear?”

  My mouth goes dry. “None of that is…”

  Cut tilts his head to the side and raises his eyebrows fully, daring me to finish my sentence. Daring me to say that isn’t one hundred percent true.

  I look to the floor.


  My lower lip wobbles, but I clamp my teeth down over it. My dad would literally kick my ass right now.

  I see Cut’s fists unclench and his shoulders fall.

  “It’s the only thing that makes sense. I’m good at putting pieces together. I’ve been doing this a long time.”

  His voice is softer now. I nod, wordlessly. Hearing it all laid out like that makes it overwhelming. And I’m tired. I can’t use my usual forms of distraction with Frances hanging around, so I’ll go clubbing. Yep. Okay, I feel slightly better. Emotions? Consider them reigned in.

  “Maria, will you look at me?”

  I do now, because I got this. I look up and smile.

  “You got a deal.”

  I don’t miss the ever-so-slight wince that he lets slip.

  “Maria, are you—”

  “Ask me if I’m okay and I will tell everyone that I didn’t like the nurse being a bitch to you!”

  His face goes blank. And when I say blank, I mean completely void of anything. I hate to say it, but it makes me uncomfortable.

  “Well, alright then,” I hesitate a moment. “I’ll go. I just wanted to be sure last night didn’t... you know, get out.”

  “Well, it won’t.”

  His voice is cold and callous. Again, like he talks when he’s ordering Lacey to do shit. It’s always to help her grow, but that’s the tone he’s using with me right now.

  And I do not like it. At all.

  “Everything okay out here?”

  I turn around to see Lacey standing there, fidgeting.

  “Everything’s great, Lace.”

  I smile at her. She looks unsure. Her gaze keeps flickering back and forth between me and Cut.

  “How did you get here, Maria? I know you can’t drive with your hand in a cast like that.”

  I feel Cut staring at me now, too.

  “I took an Uber.”

  Lacey looks panicked. “Not here, right? You know you can’t…”

  “Shh, relax, doll.” I wave my hand and roll my eyes. “I don’t want anyone’s murder on my hands. Of course I didn’t.”

  “Okay, I was just hoping you knew. That scared me a little.”

  She looks up and offers me a little smile. She’s still unsure about me, but she’s letting me in more and more as time goes on.

  “I don’t know much about the mafia, but I am smart enough not to lead a guy to the front door.”

  “Sorry if I insulted you. I was just checking. I get scared that, well…” Lacey bites her lip and stops talking. I glance at Cut whose face has somehow managed to become even more guarded.

  “Never mind,” Lacey mumbles. “What matters is you didn’t.”

  This group here is like the master group of hiding feelings.

  “Exactly,” I say softly. “Anyway, I should go. I still have to hike back over to McDonald’s to catch my Uber back.”

  “Oh, no. Let me get you a driver. You can use their help until you get better.”

  “Psh, that’s so kind, but literally, I’m sure every man here has something better to do than drive me around.”

  Lacey shrugs, but there’s a fire in her eyes that comes only when she cares deeply about something. It’s hella intimidating. She looks up and gives me a wry smile.

  “I don’t think they have anything more important to do than take orders from their Boss’s wife.”

  Even Cut coughs, choking back a laugh.

  “Damn, Lacey!” I laugh. “Where is this girl all the time?”

  Lacey shrugs, but she’s shy again. “Like I said, the ride is there if you need it. And they’ll be happy to do it.”

  “Thank you, but I think I’d rather die.”

  “Dramatic,” Cut grumbles, making his way back into the gym. I’m shocked he spoke. He seems more than over me. My mouth is slightly open as he takes up every ounce of space walking away.

  “Coming, girl?” He calls over his shoulder to Lacey.

  “Yes,” Lacey answers, jumping on it. She starts to skedaddle back over there, but before going back, she turns back and waves shyly.

  “That ride is available at any time. Along with my help.” She glances down at my flip-flops and messy, off-the-shoulder dress. “When you’re ready to ask for it.”

  With that bomb, she disappears into the gym. I’m not that obvious! I glance one last time at the doorway. Cut is still standing there. When he sees where I’m looking, he raises his eyebrows pointedly and walks back into the gym.

  Well, shit.


  I’m not gonna lie. I’m scared out of my ever-loving mind. Frances is coming over at any moment. Rose was right, okay? She predicted I would get myself into trouble here.

  Well, bingo.

  I’m in trouble.

  Speak of the devil...

  I glance at my ringing cell phone. Of course it’s Rose.

  “Hey, babe,” I answer.

  “Maria Vasquez, I swear to God. What happened to your hand? I knew you couldn’t come here and not get yourself into trouble!”

  She’s right, but I’m still offended.

  “I fell. Calm the hell down, Rose! Did Lacey tell you this?”

  Because if it was Cut, I’m gonna ruin his freaking life.

  “Yeah, who else would have told me? Wait. Does Cut know?”

  The excitement in her voice makes me roll my eyes.

  “Of course not. Why would he know?”

  She pauses for a second. “I must keep my mouth shut in the name of friendship.”

  A laugh bubbles out of me. She’s such a dork.

  “Alright, oh wise one. I have to go. I have plans tonight.”

  “Be careful, Maria. I worry about you.”

  “Have I literally ever gotten myself into trouble? To elaborate on that, have I ever slipped on my friendships? Or gotten pregnant? Or gotten an STI? Or shown up for work late? Have I, Rose?”

  “No,” she whispers. “But that was the little leagues. This place, these men, are the big leagues. Please be careful.”

  “I will,” I fake laugh. “You don’t need to worry about me.”

  “You saying stuff like that is what makes me worry.”

  I pause when I hear footsteps. “Gotta go. Love you, babe.”

  I click off and sigh. He’s here. I’m literally wearing sweatpants and a spaghetti strap tank. It’s about the least sexy outfit I own. Maybe he’ll find it ugly and go. One can hope. I literally spent thirty-five minutes trying to decide if I should go braless because all I own is fancy bras. I don’t buy cheap ones. Ever.

  What’s less sexy? A lace bra that’s made to make my tits look good or my boobs visible through my tank top.

  I don’t know!

  That’s not a dilemma I usually have. I decided to go braless. He might think that’s sloppy. I’m really reaching, here. Ughhh, help me.

  There’s one knock before he effortlessly picks the lock and helps himself inside my apartment. His eyes roam over me once with a smirk.

  “Well, that’s a different look.”

  I shrug and wiggle my fingers through my hair. “You know what they say, variety is the spice of life.”

  He’s in front of me in two seconds flat. I have to clench my fists so I don’t cringe.

  “I like it.” Shit. I’m not able to hide my frown.

  “But I respect your attempt.” He smirks and traces the backs of his fingers along my cheek. He leans into my ear, nip
ping at it before he speaks again. My dumbass body is coming alive under his touch. I never said the guy’s not hot or he doesn’t know what he’s doing.

  “You were wrong about me, Maria Vasquez.”

  “Oh,” I breathe, starting to pant with him so close, with him touching me so sensually without actually touching me much at all. The danger, the thrill. I’ve all but trained my body to respond to this.

  “Yep. I’m not a love ‘em and leave ‘em type. I never love ‘em, but if their pussy’s good enough, I don’t leave ‘em either.”

  Then he steps away, leaving me there, backed up against a wall. Reality crashes back down on me like a brick.

  “I’m not property!”

  His arm darts out so my shoulder slams into the wall behind me. I let out a muffled cry. It’s the same arm as my broken hand, so it really freakin’ hurts.

  “I can break your other hand, too.”

  “Go ahead,” I challenge. My eyes flash with rage. He reaches out and grabs my other wrist, squeezing slightly with a glint in his eye. Holy shit, he’d do it. Okay, I’m freaking out.

  “Well, let’s not break both of them,” I renege with a slightly quivering voice. “I mean, I wouldn’t be very much fun to fuck with no use of my hands.”

  “This is true.”

  His eyes light up as he squeezes my fingers tighter. He’s getting off on my fear. He’s gonna break it just to see my reaction. Oh shit. Oh my god. My heart’s beating out of my chest.

  “Lacey asked about my hand,” I blurt out. If I mentioned anyone else, I’d be putting them in danger, especially Cut. I’d never do that. Lacey, on the other hand, is untouchable. Even to him.

  He immediately drops my hand, eyes flaring with rage.

  “What did you do?”

  “Nothing. I had to talk to her martial arts coach, and she saw my cast.”

  The air is sucked out of me when I’m lifted and thrown into the air. I bite my lower lip to keep from screaming as the oxygen rushes out of me. I land on a soft surface. My bed, thank God. That relief is short-lived when Frances’s body hovers over mine.

  “I don’t want you talking to him.”

  “We’re not friends. Calm your dick.”

  “I didn’t ask if you were friends. I said to stop talking to him.”

  “Fine. That’s easy to do, because we’re not friends. As I said.”

  His hand reaches out and cups my breast roughly. “Take your pants off.”

  “You have my one good arm pinned under your leg.”

  He smiles darkly. “Better figure it out there, angel.”

  He brushes his thigh up against the one hand he hasn’t broken as a warning. I’d break this one, too.

  I start to shimmy, trying to slip my pants off my legs. The problem is, I’m not a slight girl. I have big hips and a round ass. My pants are definitely not “slipping off of me”. I keep shimmying, desperately trying to get these stupid things off. As his smile and erection grow, I realize the dude is punishing me. He’s showing me up for wearing these dang things and trying to outsmart him.

  I immediately stop moving. A wide smile stretches across his face.

  “You asshole, are you fucking kidding me with this? You’re trying to humiliate me because I wore sweats?”

  I gape at him. The smile on his face right now is boyish and charming, which is sick because this is dark shit. But I have to say, if he weren’t a psychopath and totally insane, he would make some girl very happy. His face is boyish, yet sexy. If I were as psycho as people think I am, I would maybe be enjoying this. He’d probably be making me very happy. As it is, I’m not a masochist or psychotic, so I’m not enjoying this at all.

  “So what is it? Hand or pants?”

  “You can’t be serious.”

  “I am.”

  “Let’s just fuck and get it over with.”

  He cocks an eyebrow.

  “Not that I won’t enjoy it,” I add hurriedly.

  “Oh, I know you will.” He cups my pussy outside of the fabric. “I made you come plenty yesterday.”


  That’s all I can say. It feels like my voice is closing in. Although he’s a great lay, this is the first time in my life I’ve felt out of control during sex. I don’t want this. I don’t want to sleep with him. I don’t understand how I could be scared to do an act I’ve done a million times before, but even though I’m a slut, I’m scared. I don’t want to have sex with him and I have no choice. He’s gonna take my power away from me.

  Panic rears its ugly head.

  “Get off me! Please!” I screech, bucking my hips. “Get off.”

  Two strong hands pin me to the bed.

  “Are you kidding?”

  “No. I’m totally freaking out.”

  I would never say that, but there’s something in Frances’s eyes right now. Something slightly less psychotic, and I really can’t afford to miss this opportunity. He’s got me pinned to the bed and is studying me.

  “Hmm, I thought you were different.”

  “Sorry to disappoint?”

  Knock. Knock. Knock.

  The sound of knuckles rapping on my front door changes the mood instantly. Frances’s eyes darken and he spins, getting right in my face.

  “Who is at that door, Maria?”

  He presses into my wrist and I grunt, trying not to cry out.

  “I don’t know. I swear! I swear!” I shriek when he presses down harder. God, this is not hot. This is scary. I’ll practice abstinence if I can just get out of this. I didn’t even get to go to the club to be drunk enough to handle this.

  He growls and presses down, clearly debating whether or not he wants to break my other freaking hand.

  “Maria, it’s Sven. If you’ve got company, well, we all know I’m cool with nudity, so let me inside the fucking door, would ya?”

  Sven. Oh my god, I’ve never been happier to hear that nut’s voice. I’m so relieved that I don’t even notice how still Frances just got on top of me.

  “What the actual fuck?”

  Oh, shit, Frances didn’t know Sven was alive. This is his first time finding out.

  “I’m picking the lock. No disrespect. Rose will punish me if I don’t get in this door.”

  I snicker as Frances flies off me and Sven lets himself inside. This is by far the weirdest night of my life. I’m suddenly so glad I’m still dressed. It’s not like Sven hasn’t seen me braless before, so that’s no big deal. I’d feel real guilty being naked in front of my best/only friend’s fiancé, though.

  I literally sprint over to Sven and lean into his side.

  “What are you doing here, buddy?”

  His dark eyes study my body language. I’m giving too much away, but literally, there’s so much fear trying to make its way out of me that I can’t stop myself.

  “What the fuck are you doing alive?” Frances hisses.

  Sven spins around once, mocking him. “Surprise.”

  “How are you alive?”

  “Boss shot me. I survived the bullet.”

  Frances’s jaw drops and his eyes narrow. “He never shot you! He let you off.”

  Sven’s eyes darken. Sven may have a more playful side than Frances, but I’d venture to say Sven is ten times as deadly. It’s clear now in his demeanor and stance. Sven rips his jacket off and quickly unbuttons his shirt, revealing a large, jagged scar, clearly from a bullet, near the center of his torso.

  “He absolutely did shoot me,” Sven confirms. “My turn. Why are you in Maria’s apartment?”

  Frances looks at him like he’s an idiot. “We’re fucking.”

  “Why is Maria dressed still, and why is she by my side and not yours? And, since we’re on the topic, why is her hand broken?”

  “What’s with the twenty questions? How the fuck should I know?”

  Sven steps forward with a dark smile. “I know, Frances. I know you broke her fucking hand. Come on, man. A woman. You know there’re rules.”

ances glares at me hard.

  “I really didn’t say anything,” I mumble.

  “She didn’t,” Sven backs me up. “She’s not how I found out.”

  “She’s the only one who knows,” Frances growls.

  “Not true.”

  My heart stops. Practically gives out. My vision goes spotty as Cut rounds the corner, crossing his arms over his chest.

  Frances lets out a bitter laugh. “I should have known you’d be behind this.”

  Cut steps in front of me and places his hand on my arm, rubbing small circles back and forth with his thumb. My whole body shudders. I’ve never known this kind of comfort. I find my body leaning back into his touch. I blame it on the chaos of tonight. I try so hard to hold back from crying, but everything hits me at once. I miss living in the middle of nowhere with Rose. This is too much, even for me. The cries I’ve been trying to hold back burst out of me. I don’t cry, but a loud gasping sound escapes my lips. I’m so humiliated, but thank God, Sven jumps in immediately.

  “Cut’s gonna get her out of here, and you and I are gonna talk, Frances.”

  Sven leans forward, grabs my phone and hands it back to me. His eyes are hard, but there’s a small bit of softness hidden in them. It fades quickly.

  “Take her,” he demands, making eye contact with Cut.

  Cut nods and turns to me. He ducks his chin and looks me in the eye.

  “I’m gonna get you out of here. That okay?”

  He’s asking me? I can’t talk, so I just nod and wrap my good hand around his arm. He stares at it for a long time with an unreadable expression. When he feels my eyes on him, he shakes his head and ushers me out of the room. As soon as we reach the hallway, I pull away and run to the wall, leaning my head against it.

  I’m spinning.

  “Did he hurt you?” Cut asks from behind me.

  I shake my head. “Is Sven gonna hurt him?”

  “Eh, no. Sven’s not really about physical harm.”

  “What does that mean?”

  Cut goes quiet behind me. He’s not gonna tell me anything. Jerk.

  “Come on, Maria. Let’s get you out of here.”

  “This is my house, though. Where am I gonna go?”

  “You haven’t checked your phone yet, but please, woman, out of the building.”

  Aw, there’s the gruff man I know.


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