The Spiked Wolf

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The Spiked Wolf Page 25

by David Shiels

  The ground was smooth and crack-free like a brand new pavement. It was light brown and there was not a leaf on the ground in sight.

  Claudia’s thoughts and observations were interrupted when wolves emerging from the teleporter gently shoved into her back.

  Reinwolse placed his arm around her, gently leading her away from the portal entrance.

  There were a lot of wolves already here. They were all standing around the large trolley full of supplies.

  “What do you think? I guess it’s really not that different to your home world” Reinwolse asked.

  “I love the heat, and there are no people around to get in my way. But enough about that, when are we going to war?” Claudia gave Reinwolse a seductive grin, ending with her gently biting her top lip.

  “You’re eager” Laughed Reinwolse, then his face turned serious, the red glow of the planet giving him a deadly look. “But you’re right, we need to strike soon. The wolves I need to destroy live in this forested part of the planet, the wolves that helped me to overtake the ruler previously were all banished to the harsh, barren mountainous side of the planet”

  “What’s the plan?” Claudia quizzed.

  “I have packed a lot of explosives with our supplies. I will scout out the elder wolves village and plant bombs in locations that will give us massive tactical advantage during combat. Having the knowledge of world-class spies and military personnel will make this easy work.”

  Claudia felt a twinge between her legs the more Reinwolse talked of his plan, her right knee buckled slightly as the words “tactical advantage” confidently spun out of his mouth.

  Reinwolse walked towards the trolley, grabbed two long bags out of it and turned to Claudia.

  “You need to wear this”

  He handed her one of the bags.

  “It’s a special suit prototype I found in that lab. It was made hastily to provide protection from the wolves spikes. I’ve tested it with my wolves and it resisted every spike they fired at it. However, be warned that the wolves native to this planet are much stronger than the wolves I created”

  Claudia unzipped the bag revealing a long one-piece black skin-tight jumpsuit with attached hood.

  “Ugh, really? it’s looks just vile. It will cause havoc with my hair.” She played around with her hair as she spoke with displeasure. “By the way, how does my hair look on this red planet, is it too much?”

  Reinwolse walked closer to her and fondled the side of her hair that she wasn’t fussing with.

  “It magnifies it’s beauty by an unprecedented amount, you truly are a magnificent being” He spoke with such charisma that it would take a woman being interested in the other team for it to have no effect.

  Claudia smiled at Reinwolse through strands of hair, shyly kicking the floor with her foot.

  “Also, take this with you. Hopefully you won’t need it” Reinwolse handed Claudia a small pistol, but instead of having a small circular hole at the end for a bullet to exit out from, it had a wide rectangular hole.

  After some persuasion Claudia decided to wear the suit. She was completely covered in black, only her little face and a handful of hair hanging out was visible. She pictured how awful female swimmers looked with those tight hats on and would not allow herself to appear that way, she had to make a good impression on a new planet.

  Reinwolse also wore a suit for protection. He didn’t care for any hair showing, deciding to make extra effort to ensure none was peeking through any gaps.

  “I need to scout out this side of the planet alone. My wolves will lead you to my last known location of my wolf friends; do not fear them” He placed both hands on either of her shoulders, and then looked deeply into her face.

  “You will know it is them by the red tribal marking on their body. If you see any wolves with white markings, known as volves, run west, run fast and do not look back. Once you are out of the wilderness and into the mountains you should be clear; The volf tend to stay away.”

  He released himself from her and walked towards the trolley.

  “Ok, I understand, don’t worry about me, I’ve survived some terrible situations this past week, I’m a true survivor.”

  The ever expanding pack of wolves began walking west through the dense forest, yet despite how dense it was visibility was not impaired, the trees were so thin and the branches so high that it was like looking through prison cell bars.

  “Good luck Reinwolse” Then the smile faded, her serious tone returning after an absence “Don’t you dare die and leave me alone on a planet with a bunch of mindless wolves” Claudia turned away and followed behind the trolley that was being pulled by four wolves at the front; it barely fit through the gaps between each tree and Claudia could see ahead that some manoeuvring would need to be done. She hoped they were smart enough to figure it out themselves.

  Reinwolse smiled and shouted towards a departing Claudia’s back. “You too. But remember: if you die, this is all for nothing.”

  The Spring Of Pleasure

  The walk through the forest was long and uneventful. Everything looked the same to Claudia. The trees never changed shape or size; they had obviously been left untouched for many, many years.

  There was no sounds except those of footsteps made by the horde of wolves that surrounded Claudia, but although being so large in number, were relatively quiet, it was like a constant low humming sound of a generator to Claudia’s ears, a sound that irritated her for a while but soon faded away.

  There were no birds to be heard, no cars in the distance, no sounds of mobile phones beeping and booping, no voices of people arguing about mundane things. It was all so serene and new to Claudia. She had never before been in a place so quiet and void of life. She liked it. No way to get in her way. No one to piss her off.

  Along the way she saw a small pathway leading through a circular pack of trees that had all grown so close together that it was impossible to see through them. Claudia wanted to know what was inside, so much that she didn’t think of the fact that the volves native to the planet could be anywhere close by. She followed the small pathway; a few hundred wolves followed her in, so closely that they had trouble squeezing past each other. It was only a short walk to the epicentre. As she neared the opening it became darker and darker.

  Inside was like something truly fit for a queen, Claudia knew that nature created this place just for her; she was surely the first person to ever set foot in this place, giving her ego yet another deserved boost.

  It was a small clearing; in the centre of it was a small lake with water that looked so pure and untainted. Through the gaps at the top of the trees came small strips of red light breaking through leaving faint red spots on the ground around the water, like spotlights on a darkened stage.

  The water glowed with super natural light. It sparkled and glimmered all on its own as if powered by the planet itself.

  Claudia slowly walked up to the lake, completely mesmerised by its illuminated beauty.

  She wanted nothing more than to strip off her suit, fully submerge herself into the water and relax until the end of time.

  She unzipped one of her hands free from her suit. She bent down at the side of the lake and slowly lowered one hand into the water to test its temperature.

  She dipped two fingers into the water; it felt amazing. The walk had made her body feel clammy and sweaty but this water made her entire body feel so cool and refreshed.

  She slowly stripped off her suit revealing her naked body. She looked over her shoulders at the large crowd of wolves watching her.

  “I bet you’ve never seen so much beauty in one place before” She smirked.

  One of the wolves approached Claudia. It grabbed its mouth softly around her hand and pulled her back towards the entrance.

  “What are you doing? This perfect specimen is for humans only” She grunted.

  She placed her free hand on the wolves head and harshly pushed the wolves face away from her, it releasing it grip as its
head bounced backwards.

  She dropped herself into the shimmering lake, the light so intensely vibrant and bright, yet painless to her eyes.

  The water gave her body sensations she had never felt before. Sensations she wanted to feel forever. Her body quivered and shook. She let out loud satisfied sounds and crossed her legs tightly the more intense the feelings became. She bit her lip so hard it began to bleed.

  The aches and pains in her body all faded instantly, as if they had never been there in the first place. It felt like she had ten sets of top grade masseur hands all over her body all reaching and grabbing every inch of her skin with such finesse and grace. She could feel each finger and thumb work it’s magic, touching all of the right places.

  She arched her back the more amazing the feelings became; it was like there was no limit, when she reached one peak of pleasure then soon it would begin reaching another peak; like climbing a mountain and thinking you're close to the top, but you only find out that you just reached another ledge and the summit is possibly at the next stop.

  She arched her back again as she let out a large scream of delight. The sound echoed and escaped the confinements of the clearing, flying outwards in every direction throughout the silent forest. Even Reinwolse caught the remnants of the pleasureful squeal in his location many miles away as he rode fast on the back of the silver wolf, his mind completely focused on his mission.

  She arched again. She gripped her hands hard into the ground surrounding her pleasure pool; she twisted and tensed her body as she kept reaching new heights.

  She arched again. This time she let out a low squeal of pain. Her body started to cramp as she stretched far beyond her flexible limits. She always loved working out when she had the time but always neglected her stretching at the ends of a workout. This made her regret those lazy decisions.

  She arched once more but fluid poured out of her eyes this time as more of her body cramped. She couldn’t feel her legs. Her fingers started to bleed from how strongly she held onto the dirt. She was terrified of letting go; the invisible wonderful hands didn’t stop. Part of Claudia wanted nothing more than to release herself completely into the waters. The other, rational part of her knew she would be unable to keep afloat as she floated helplessly in pleasure, eventually drowning in a combination of her own fluids, and fluids that have given her the best feelings of her life.

  Cramp attacked one of her arms; her release faltered from the dirt. One arm fell into the water, the invisible arms quick to smother it with love and affection, treating it as if it was the most important limb in the universe. Claudia reacted to this with further moans and groans. She didn’t know what to feel. She was losing her breath from all of the vocal reactions she gave. She panted like a woman who was giving birth to triplets.

  Her second arm lost its grip. She slipped into the water below, fully submerged into a beautiful tomb. Everything around her was an alluring shade of blue, a shade she has never seen before; a shade that would become her least favourite colour. The hands entered through her open mouth, she felt them crawl their way down her throat, tickling it all the way down into her stomach. It felt like hand upon hand was gathering inside of her stomach, lying on top of each other, all fighting amongst themselves to reach something to caress.

  As a black border around her vision began to creep over the beauty of the blue lake, a familiar face approached Claudia in the waters. A face that has been her rescuer many times.

  A wolf. It swam towards her grabbing her cramped arm in it’s mouth; it tore her skin slightly as it found her body heavy to move in the waters. Another wolf jumped in, grabbing her other arm in its steely jaw. Another followed in soon after, then another and another. They swam beneath Claudia and shoved their faces into the arch of her back, assisting her to float to the top of the water.

  Her nipples were the first part of her body to be poked out of the top of the lake, followed by her flat stomach, her knees, and then finally her face. She was making sounds as if she was gargling water, like after taking a shot of mouthwash before bed.

  More wolves entered the water to drag her to safety. They got her to dry land as quickly as possible.

  She was like a fish out of water the way she flipped and flopped on the chilled floor and her face was as blue as a homeless russian peasant in winter; she couldn’t breathe. Her body inside and out, was still feeling euphoria even though it was fighting for air.

  One of the wolves, powered by Reinwolses instincts flowing through it, jumped on top of Claudia, pinning her naked body onto the ground; she was unable to move no matter how much her body wanted her to.

  While she was immobilized with the hulking wolf pinning her shoulders down, another wolf hovered over her face and pressed both of it’s paws on her chest, tickling her breasts with the spiked fur on its wrist.

  He hung his paws above her then pressed down once. Then again.

  The pack, bathed in a celestial glow, watched on, unaware that this could be their last moment of existence.

  It pressed its paws together and performed one hefty blow to the chest. Claudia coughed hard; water flying out her mouth into the face of the wolf that had her resuscitated her. The wolf shook its head then returned to observe with the pack.

  “What the fuck?” She shouted towards the wolf still on top of her, with her now hoarse voice “Get off of me you’re crushing my god damned body!”

  The wolf did as she demanded. Claudia, eyes wide with shock as she looked around while she was regaining control of her mind, pondered why her body was fully exposed and naked on the ground surrounded by as many wolves as possible that could fit through the small pathway.

  Her memory of what happened was hazy and clouded; She remembered dipping her fingers into the water but the rest was slideshow of feelings of pain, pleasure and breathlessness. She crawled across the floor on all fours towards her clothing and got herself dressed. She was happy she had such a fine figure or she would of felt so ashamed of herself.

  The lights breaking through the ceiling of the clearing was beginning to fade; night was approaching and she didn’t want to be in this forest when darkness fell. She didn’t like that didn’t know how long the darkness lasted.

  She crawled herself to the large wolf that had pinned her down, it was by far the biggest of the wolves that were in the room and she knew it had pure strength.

  She placed both of her hands onto its spiked back and jumped onto it with all of her weight. It looked as if it felt nothing as she landed hard and sloppily on its spine.

  “We need to get to the banished wolves village” She said, still catching her breath “Take me there quickly before darkness falls.”

  She wasn’t sure why she didn’t ride the wolves in the first place.

  Blood Lust

  The wolf charged off; Claudia had to react quickly by grabbing onto a tuft of its thick neck fur before she was swung off the back of it. The fresh blood on her finger tips gave the brown hair a rusted look.

  The wolf travelled through the wilderness with such agile finesse. It evaded the static trees with precision dodging, as if it knew the entire layout of the forest off by heart.

  Claudia slowly bumped up and down as the wolf jumped over small roots that lay sprawled on the ground; she felt like she was a child on a seesaw, except it was back in the good times with her father, not a wolf running at 60 miles per hour.

  She quickly grew irritated by the thick lock of hair which crept out of the hood of her protective suit; it kept repeatedly smacking her in the face as it flew around erratically in the wind, but her body would not let her release even a single grip from the canine. She cursed the price of beauty.

  Behind the galloping wolf were hundreds of other wolves. The rest stayed back to pull the heavy trolley and defend the entrance of the teleporter.

  Two more hours passed, it was still daylight but dimming at a slow pace. The strong wolf’s legs showing no signs of weakness, the speed kept at a consistent pace for the ent
ire journey.

  Claudia did pass more landmarks that looked intriguing. She noticed some caves that went vertically into the ground, and she saw bright floating lights in the distance that projected a deep calling inside of her. She saw more trees that circled around a small area like before. As curious as she was, she had no desire to go snooping around like before, not without Reinwolse at least.

  She learnt her lesson that she is no longer in the comforts like she was at home. There are no rules here, things are unexplored and dangers are unknown. She felt helpless thinking this way but her life is more important now than it ever was before. If she dies then earth will slowly rebuild and recover without her; all of her suffering would be for nothing.


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