Vision of Love

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Vision of Love Page 16

by S. Moose

  At the end of the game we cheer for another win for UNC, watching Dad smile and clapping for his team.

  “Mr. H heading out to Sullivan’s with us?”

  “Not tonight boys. Go have your fun and I’ll talk to y’all later.”

  We say bye to my dad and head to Sullivan’s. The bar is packed tonight with people cheering UNC’s epic win. We saunter up to the bar and order a round of drinks. I look around trying to find Stephen. He said he’d meet us here after the game. Some country song plays over the speakers and I think about Karly. Damn I miss her, but we need a night apart.

  I feel a hand on my shoulder and see Stephen with another guy. “What’s up guys?” The three of us shake hands before he introduces Bradley. “Larry, Nicholas this is Bradley.”

  “Hey man what’s up?” Larry extends his hand.

  “Hey man,” I shake Bradley’s hand. “Good to see you again.”

  “You too,” he says not taking his eyes off me. “How’s Karly been? She hasn’t been texting me back.”

  Larry and Stephen stay quiet looking at us. “Give her a call. She went through a lot with her best friend, Neil, passing away.”

  “Oh wow I’m sorry. I didn’t know. Thanks man.”

  The rest of the night goes pretty smooth. After a few rounds of beer and pool the bar picks up and the music blasts with hip hop and pop songs. I’m at the bar getting another round of pitchers when Lisa, Stephen’s baby sister, taps me on the shoulder.

  “Well, well looks like Mr I’m too good to come visit is back in town!” Her Southern drawl is too cute. I give her a hug and spin her around.

  Lisa’s been in our lives since we met Stephen. She’s the little sister we all wanted. The girl’s a spitfire, but a gentle soul. “How are you baby girl?”

  “Really good! I’m in my second year at UNCW and I met someone,” she giggles jumping up and down. “He’s really nice and I think y’all will like him.”

  “Well I can’t wait to meet him. You deserve the best girl.” I kiss her forehead and wrap my arm around her shoulder. ‘Hit the Lights’ by Jay Sean plays and Lisa takes my hand pulling me on the dance floor.

  I spin her around a few times and we dance to the song. Lisa whispers in my ear, something about how Stephen should get laid tonight and we both laugh. Things are going great until Bradley taps on my shoulder and the expression on his face looks deadly.

  “Really man? You’re fucking all over this bitch while your girlfriend isn’t here? Wow you’re awesome.”

  “A bitch? Who the hell do you think you’re talking to?” Lisa screams.

  “Dude chill. Lisa’s like my little sister.”

  “Yeah whatever I know what I saw and I sent it to Karly. You’re a piece of shit and you had the nerve to judge me for something I did when I was fucking eighteen. Whatever you don’t deserve her. I should go get her and take her away from you.” I’m not sure what happened next but my fist connects with his face a few times. Lisa’s screaming for me to stop and for Stephen and Larry to come and get me off Bradley, but I don’t listen to her. This idiot has some fucking nerve causing unnecessary drama.

  Everyone in the bar lines up around us and Larry’s trying to pull me off. Who the hell does this idiot think he is?

  “Who the fuck do you think you are?” I scream punching his face. Larry gets me off and keeps me back from Bradley.

  “I’m protecting her!”

  I’m about to knock his ass on the ground again. “She doesn’t fucking need protecting! She’s fucking good asshole.” I move out of Larry’s arms and punch him again.

  Chapter 20


  Alexis and I are on our third margaritas when things start to look blurry and everything’s funny.

  “So Larry thought it’d be funny to have sex on the stairs last night and now I have a huge bruise on my ass!”

  “Oh my god,” I laugh out loud, “Stair sex? Y’all should try shower sex. Nicholas is so sexy when he’s fucking me.”

  “Shower sex? Kid’s play!”

  My phone vibrates and it’s a text message from Bradley. “That’s weird.” I take my phone out and open the message.

  “What?” Alexis leans over trying to look at my phone.

  I open the picture message and there’s a picture of Nicholas with some girl whispering in his ear. What the hell is he doing? I kink my eyebrows and am ready to send him a response when Alexis takes my phone and looks at the picture.

  “Awww that’s Lisa. It’s Stephen’s baby sister. Oh my gosh I haven’t seen her in forever! She’s so sweet. You’ll like her.”

  Relief rushes from me. Oh thank God. I trust Nicholas, but the picture threw me off guard. We’ve been absolutely amazing and the love we have for each other is indescribable. I know he appreciates everything I do for him and Emma. I love taking care of them and every night he takes my breath away. It’s been a while since Nicholas has been taken care of and has felt love. I want to give him the world. He has my heart and I never want it back.

  Alexis calls for our server and quickly pays for the bill. “Come on let’s go to Sullivan’s and go see everyone.”

  “Alright.” I grab my purse and we hail a cab since we’ve both had way too much to drink.

  As soon as we get to the bar there’s so many people screaming and yelling. What the hell is going on? Alexis takes my hand and we walk toward the dance floor. Suddenly I see Larry and Stephen trying to get Nicholas off of Bradley. Alexis squeezes my hand and we both gasp at the sight of Nicholas. He’s like an animal and won’t stop punching Bradley. There’s blood on the floor as Bradley deflects the hits, but is failing miserably.

  “Nicholas!” I let go of Alexis’ hand and run to him. His fist lifts but I grab it before he hits Bradley again. Out of nowhere a fist connects with my cheek and I fly off hitting my head on the dance floor. Instant pain travels through my head and neck. Oh shit that hurts.

  “Are you fucking serious? I hear someone yelling. “You just fucking punched Karly! Get the fuck out of here before I kick your ass.” It’s starting to get blurry and my head is pounding. I feel blood coming down from my nose and I hear my dad’s voice; images of him hitting me in the face rush through my head. I close my eyes and tell myself over and over that he can’t hurt me anymore.

  Arms pick me up from the floor, but I don’t open my eyes. “Come on baby you’re okay. Wake up beautiful.” Nicholas. He sits me down on a stool yelling for a glass of water and a wet towel. I slowly open my eyes and see everyone staring at me.

  “Karly! Karly! I’m so sorry!” Bradley yells.

  “Get the fuck away from her. Seriously get the fuck out before I kick your ass again.”

  I slowly open my eyes and see Bradley looking at me with sorrow in his eyes. He mouths ‘I’m sorry’ before walking out the doors. What happened that made Nicholas act like this? I don’t like this violent side of him and he better have a good reason for fighting.

  “Hey there,” he says smiling. “You okay?” I nod my head and rest against his chest. Nicholas hands me the glass of water and I drink it. The wet towel feels good against my nose. Shit that hit hurt. I look around, but don’t see Bradley anymore.

  “What happened? Why were you hitting him?”

  “He tried starting something with me because I was dancing with Lisa and started talking shit, baby. I’m sorry,” he lowers his head holding my hands.

  “It’s alright,” I place the ice on my face and shudder. I know Bradley didn’t mean to punch me in the face but I still want to scream at him. I leave Nicholas alone for one night and this is what happens. “I guess no more guy’s nights for you huh?” I joke trying to clear the tension.

  Nicholas looks at me with a smile. “As long as no one tries to start drama and saying shit then we’re good. I don’t want him around you baby.”

  Yep he’s pissed. I don’t like him telling me what to do, but I’ll let this one slide. It’s been a long ass night and I’m ready to head home.

>   His fingers entwine with mine and I notice how red his hands are. “Are you okay?” He brushes off my question. I wrap my arms around his neck and nuzzle against him, listening to his breathing slow down, inhaling his manly and clean smell, the smell of my Nicholas. His fingers stroke my hair letting me know how much he misses me. That’s the thing about Nicholas and me sometimes we don’t need to tell each other how we feel. It’s the look in our eyes or our actions that speak louder than words ever could.

  * * * * *

  Today’s my graduation and I’m pacing around my room. I’m so nervous and I can’t sit still. This should be a great day and I should be happy, but all I can think about is how lonely I’m going to look up there getting my diploma. I don’t know why I even feel this way! It hurts knowing that my parents aren’t going to be here, but I do know I have the ones that love me here cheering me on.

  I take out a picture of my parents and me at the beach. Tears run down my cheeks as I reminisce and think how I miss them so much. I’d hope they’d be proud of me? As much as the past haunts me and I hear his words, they were still my parents no matter what. I don’t have hate in my heart for them. I have sorrow and sadness; sadness that they aren’t here on this Earth with me, cherishing these moments of success and utter happiness.

  I get up from my bed and reality hits me again. I’m so nervous and can’t stop twitching. My hair and makeup is done. The pretty dress Patricia bought for me is hanging on the door waiting to be worn. I have everything I need for today but I don’t know why I’m so nervous. This whole graduation thing doesn’t make sense to me. Before I change my mind, I get up and reach for my dress but then there’s a knock on my door.

  “Alexis! I’m fine! I’ll be down soon.”

  “It’s me, Karly.” That voice. That deep sexy voice fills my ears and goes down to my heart.

  “Nicholas?” I squeak. I run to the door and open it. There he is standing in front of me with beautiful red roses and several bags. “Babe what are you doing?” I take the flowers from his hand and he comes inside, setting down the bags on our bed.

  He’s wearing black pants and a baby blue button down shirt. He didn’t button the top and his tan skin is slightly exposed. Oh God I wanna lick him and do dirty and naughty things with him. Damn, my lady bits are on fire right now.

  “You okay?” He asks, coming over to me but stopping before getting too close.

  “Yeah,” I look down, avoiding his intense stare. I give him a kiss and eye my gifts.

  “Open them.” I dive right in the gifts. He’s always doing little things like this. In the Tiffany’s bag is a bracelet with several charms. There are three charms with the initials E, N and K. “Emma, Nicholas and Karly.” I touch each one. There are diamond heart charms between each initial. Each heart has either a ruby birthstone or emerald representing our stones. The last charm is a graduation one. My heart beams with happiness.

  “Now you’ll always have us with you and my heart is yours around our neck, around your wrist and in your hands forever.” He touches the necklace around my neck that he got for me on Valentine’s Day and touches my gently.

  “Oh Nicholas,” I sigh kissing his lips with love and joy.

  “Open this one.”

  I take the small box and look inside. I gasp. Holy shit is he proposing to me? Sensing my shock Nicholas takes out the ring and places it on my right ring finger.

  “This is my promise to you, Karly. It’s not an engagement ring-yet. But a promise that one day I’m gonna make you Mrs. Nicholas Hayes, my wife, my best friend and my partner in this crazy world we call life. This is my promise that no matter what, I’m never gonna leave your side and I’m always gonna love you no matter what.”

  “I love you.” I kiss him again and he looks in my eyes showing me his heart and what he’s feeling.

  “Alright last one.”

  “Oh gosh really?” I open the envelope and find three tickets to Hawaii. “Oh my God. Hawaii?” He nods.

  “We’re leaving on the sixteenth and won’t be back until the twenty-second. It’s your graduation and birthday present.”

  I’m at a loss for words. This man just gave me the best gifts ever- and his heart and love. “Thank you so much. I love it all.” I’m so excited about Hawaii. A week in paradise with my daughter and the man I love. Daughter? Yeah. I like the sound of that.

  “Thank you again baby. I love everything.” I slowly put away my gifts and play with my bracelet.

  “Then what’s wrong?”

  “I guess I’m just nervous. I didn’t want to go to my graduation but Alexis and your mom kinda forced me.”

  Nicholas places his finger underneath my chin and lifts my head up. Holy shit, am I breathing? “Don’t be nervous. This is a great moment in your life. Be proud. I’m sorry your parents can’t be here but you have all of us and we’ll be sure to cheer so loud it’ll make everyone else look weak.” He laughs, caressing my face. His breathing gets faster and I slowly start to close my eyes and give in to his seductive touch.

  “Fuck, Karly.” He says before crashing his lips to mine. The urgency and passion goes straight down between my legs. His tongue pushes past my lips and takes full advantage. His hands are in my hair as he pushes me up against the wall. One hand cups my head while the other trails down my body to my ass. He grips it tightly, letting out a moan.

  I don’t want him to stop, ever. He breaks the kiss looking into my eyes and smiles. “I’ve been thinking about you all day.”

  “I know me too.” I kiss his lips and smile. “You look very handsome today by the way.”

  He rests his forehead against mine. “Thank you and you’ll look beautiful today. “Get dressed and come downstairs angel.”

  “Thanks Nicholas. I’ll be down in a few.”

  “Alright, looking forward to seeing that dress,” he winks before leaving my room and closing my door.

  I stand in the middle of my room touching my lips and remembering our moment; the softness of his lips and the minty freshness of his breath. I finally muster up the courage to finish getting ready and I make my way downstairs.

  When I walk into the kitchen, everyone stops what they’re doing and stare at me. Patricia, Alexia and Emma walk towards me and give me a hug.

  “We’re so proud of you, honey.”

  “Thanks Patricia.”

  “Alright, alright ladies. Come on let’s get some pictures before we have to leave.” Dan gathers the girls up and we head outside on the deck. It’s beautiful outside. The sun is out and not a cloud in the sky. I look up and quietly say a prayer to my parents. Hi mom. Hi dad. I hope you can see me right now and that you’re proud.

  Dan takes a few pictures of us and then Nicholas jumps in and says he wants one with Emma and me. He stands next to me and wraps his arm around my waist and places his other hand on Emma’s shoulder. She’s standing in front of us and I can’t help but smile. Perfect.

  “Alright you three. One, two,” click. “Looks good!”

  “Move everyone! Best friend time!”

  Alexis comes over to me and we pose for a few pictures. I notice Nicholas and Larry staring at us. The heat from his eyes is killing me. Just one look and I’m melting.

  After we take pictures, we all drive to campus. The drive is quick and we all talk about what to do after the ceremony. Nicholas suggests having a BBQ at his house and Patricia agrees calling her staff and tells them to get food ready for us.

  Dan pulls into the campus parking lot and parks the car. We follow everyone and I head towards the group of graduates. Everyone wishes me luck and they tell me not to worry about anything. The entire campus is crowded and there are families and friends everywhere. I see Bradley walking toward me with his dad.

  “Hey graduate,” he says, giving me a hug. We haven’t talked since the night at the bar. He’s been avoiding my text messages and won’t answer my calls. I’m not sure if I should say something to him now, especially with his dad right in front of us.
br />   I hug him back and let out a squeal. “Hey!” He puts me down and kisses my cheek. Oh shit! Oh shit! My cheeks turn bright red. “So why have you been avoiding me?”

  “Because I’m an ass,” he looks away from me, shoving his hands in his pockets. “I’m sorry again for everything. I didn’t know what was going on. I was trying to protect you. I just want you to be happy and when I saw him on the dance floor I thought it was my chance to bring you back to me.”

  “Bradley, we’re friends and that’s it. You know I love you but the love I have for you now is like a best friend.” I take his hand and squeeze it. “Friends?”

  “Best friends.” He nods.

  Bradley’s dad makes it over and gives me a hug. “Hi Mr Achley. Thank you so much for coming.”

  “I’m sorry for everything, Karly. I wish I could turn back time and be there for you when you needed us. I only hope you can forgive me.”

  “Of course.” I hug him back and wipe away my tears.

  “Alright I’m going to find a seat. Bradley. Karly.” He touches my cheek and smiles before leaving.

  Bradley pushes my hair back behind my ear, “You look amazing today. I’m so happy for you. Can I take you out later today?”

  “Oh Bradley I’d love that, but the Hayes are throwing me a family party. I’m sorry. Maybe sometime next week?”

  “It’s alright.” I hear the disappointment in his voice. “Alright sounds like a plan. Well I better get to my dad.” He brings me in for a hug again, “Congrats Snuggles. I’m so proud of you.”

  “Thanks, Bradley.” He gives me one last look before heading back to the bleachers.

  I make my way to my seat, but I can’t help but feel someone staring at me. I turn around and look but I don’t see anything until my eyes meet Nicholas’. I stand there in the middle of the grass, staring back at him. Neither of us breaks contact for what seems to be forever. I can tell he’s mad and I wish I can go over to him and explain what happened. It’s not what it looks like.


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