The Wounded

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The Wounded Page 5

by Marilyn Foxworthy

  I gave it a shot and said, “I promise you…”

  But Lark interrupted me and said, “You promise who?”

  I said, “I promise you Lark,” and she cut me off again.

  She said, “And what am I to you? Go all the way. I need you to promise that I can be what I am.”

  I tried again and just went as far as I could in one blatant declaration, hoping desperately that this was what Lark wanted, saying, “I promise you my pretty little fuck-able playmate slave girl wife mate that I will never hesitate to satisfy all of your desires and mine without reservation, anytime, anywhere, and in any way that either of us wants to; never worrying about whether you love me and desire me and are open to me and my lovemaking at all times, day and night. I promise to grab you and fondle you until you squeal anytime I want to.”

  I reached up and began to play with Lark’s wonderful tits.

  I continued, “I promise to fuck you forward, backward, and upside down, balls deep in your wonderful pussy anytime I want to and to shove my stiff cock anywhere you want it, anytime you ask for it.”

  Lark was responding favorably to my words and I kept going, “I promise to tell you what I want and to listen to what you want, sometimes playing my games and sometimes playing yours.”

  Lark broke in and said, “That’s what I want. And one more thing. I want you to bring me here and fuck me in the open as often as we can. I want you to make love to me under the sun and under the stars and make the trees and birds watch. I want you to have me naked and ready, so that when I do put on a dress and go to the village, all I’ll be able to think about is getting back to nature with you. Will you do that for me?”

  I smiled and said, “Of course! Lark, you’re so beautiful and being naked with you is so wonderful. Of course. We can come here as often as you want to. But, Clarice and the nymphs tell me that there are even more magical places here that we haven’t seen yet.”

  Lark smiled and said, “Take me to all of them and let me scream there. Master, I like it outdoors. Oh, don’t roll your eyes at me. From now on, you promise me that you will never roll your eyes or feel uncomfortable when I want to call you my big Love-Master. But anyway, Raven likes being naked just because, but I like it especially outdoors. It isn’t just being naked, it’s being naked in nature. Like I said, with the trees and birds watching. Like we are the only people on Earth. I’m so glad that this is our home and that we have these woods to play in. You really do have a nice penis, by the way.”

  I smiled and thrust my hips up against her and said, “I’m very glad that you think so.”

  Lark laughed and said, “Oh, I do! I look forward to sucking on it tonight.”

  I stammered, “Tonight? But I thought that you were going to do it now. And, what about anytime we want to without hesitation?”

  Lark said, “Of course anytime without hesitation. Any time you want. But not right now.”

  I asked, “What? But, I’m getting excited.”

  She said, “We can do it anytime you want to, but you don’t want to right now.”

  I contradicted her saying, “Oh, I think I do. I think that I really do want to very much.”

  She smiled and said, “No, trust me, you don’t. You think you do, but you don’t. If I suck on you right now, you’ll miss out on something important. I’ll take care of you tonight.

  I tried again to protest, but Lark said, “No. You’re confused. You think that you want it, but you don’t. Trust me.”

  I sighed and said, “OK. Um, that isn’t how I thought this was supposed to work.”

  She smiled again and said, “Oh, but it is. You get to do whatever you want all the time. And right now, you need to trust me to know what you want. You’ll thank me later. And besides, even if you can always do whatever you want, I can always say no if it isn’t what I want. Otherwise, how could you know that I really meant it? I have to have a choice to let you do whatever you want with me or it won’t be good for either of us. It’s not hard to understand. You promised to do whatever you want with your fuck-able pretty slave princess and I promise to tell you no when I need to. That’s simple enough isn’t it?”

  I thought for just a second and exclaimed, “Lark, that changes everything. Wow, thank you. That makes it all OK.”

  Suddenly, I felt much better. This did make it all work perfectly. And now I would never have to worry about it again. I could do anything I wanted and if Lark, or any of the girls didn’t want it, they would just tell me ‘no’. And they wouldn’t be offended that I tried. I could do anything and they wouldn’t be offended. But, I couldn’t force myself on them or force them to do something. Of course, I would never want to.

  I said, “Yes. That is perfectly simple and it makes it easy for me. I can do whatever I want to. I promise to. Without reservation. And you will always be willing and agree to it. Unless you don’t. You’ll always let me do what I want, unless you don’t want me to. Lark, this is perfect. I feel really happy. I can have anything I want and make love anytime anywhere, as long as you don’t tell me no. And if you don’t tell me no, then I can do whatever I want. That makes it safe and easy. We should celebrate and have you suck on my penis.”

  She shook her head and smiled.

  I really was frustrated, but playfully, as I said, “Lark, I am your master, and I want my pretty slave girl to suck on my cock! Now.”

  She smiled again and shook her head.

  I said, “But Lark I need it. Sweetie, suck my cock! I’m pretty sure that I won’t regret it. Practice deep-throating me here outdoors, just like you want to.”

  Lark laughed and said, “Of course. But no. Not now. You have to wait. But thank you for asking. I got a bit of a thrill from hearing you tell me to. Tell me to some more. The answer will still be no, but I think if you tell me forcefully enough, I’ll probably have an orgasm. You are a stud,” and she leaned down and kissed me hard on the mouth.

  Chapter 5 There's a Storm Coming

  Try as I might, I could not get Lark to get aroused enough to get her to give in to my desire. She had told me to trust her, and deep down I knew that I was better off if I did. I focused on that and got myself under control. It wasn’t easy. I was aroused and after finding out that Lark would tell me ‘no’, I was very much in love…and I wanted to make love. Badly. But on the other hand, I wanted even more to respect Lark’s insistence that we had to wait. She was refusing me for some good reason.

  Lark rolled over and lay down beside me on her back and held my hand as I tried to calm down and think about something other than sex with her. Then I had to try to think about something other than sex with Viola.

  I sighed and said, “I want to call Viola for a minute. Viola, are you there? Can you talk for a minute?”

  I heard Viola respond happily in the ear-piece, “I’m here Master. What can I do for you?”

  I smiled to myself and said, “I was wondering if you and Aspen, since you’re spending the afternoon together, if you could arrange to get the stone path markers, and the wooden ones from the woodworker, and have them brought to Paul’s farm? If you could, then I could have the nymphs come and get them and start installing them. They will be pretty heavy and you don’t need to carry them, but maybe you can have a workman deliver them to the fence at the edge of the property.”

  Viola said, “That will be fine. It will give us something to do. The Nogud is with me now and I will take her to run errands with me. She can do the work, as she should.”

  I asked, “The Nogud? What do you mean?”

  Viola whispered, “Wait, let me step away for a minute. OK. I can talk more freely. She can’t hear me for the moment. Master, the girl has on the tunic and hood. She will spend the day as a Nogud. It’s what she wants. She very, um, well, she has her own mind for sure. She’s very excited that her day has come, but she insists that she be one of the Nogud for today. And that she has that experience for today only. I think that it might be a wise thing. I regret that she’ll have even a small
part of the experience, but perhaps it is for the best…and she won’t relent in any case. She said that if I wouldn’t accompany her, that she’d go about the village on her own. As much as I hate the idea, we’ll get a cart and she’ll lift the stones and pull the cart from the stone carver’s to the woodworker’s and then to the farm. I’ll have her take it into the woods and leave it there.”

  I said, “Viola, are you sure? I guess that’s the way she wants it. But, don’t go into the woods until both Aaron and Paul have returned. Don’t do anything to interrupt what they’re doing with the new women. Are you sure that Aspen can handle the cart?”

  Viola said, “Yes, she can. It will be hard work. The stones will be heavy. But I understand what she wants and this will be good for her. She wants to be Nogud, like her mother and her mates. So for today, I’ll teach her what she wants to learn. When she gets tired, I’ll have her keep going. If she quits, I’ll send her home and say that she may never come to us again. If she quits, she will go to the school and to the Merchant of Women because we have no use for her.”

  I said, “Viola, that’s harsh. You don’t have to do that.”

  Viola said, “Lark, join our conversation. Have you heard Joshua’s side of it? Here’s what I’m saying…” and she recapped her plan for Lark.

  When she was done, Lark said, “It’s the best way. If she wants to know what it’s like to be one of us, even for a day, you have to let her make that choice. She can stay with us or she can go to the school and to the merchant, where she will never have a choice. Viola, this is the best plan for her. If she didn’t want it, we wouldn’t do it, but since she does, you have to show her the choice that she’s making. I wouldn’t have thought of it. You’re the first mate for a reason. Even Clarice wouldn’t have known to do this. I’m proud to be in your bed and to have you as my first mate to lead me in these things.”

  I said, “If you think that it’s for the best.”

  Viola said, “I wouldn’t have done it unless she’d chosen this path herself. She insisted on the tunic for a day at least. She will walk the path that she has chosen. Since she has asked for it, it will be best to do it this way. She will work hard and hide her face and make the choice. I had thought that we would be playing a costume game, but now she’ll have what she wants. Lark, do you really think that I’m a good first mate?”

  Lark said, “I do. You are wonderful and wise. Like I said, not even Clarice would have known to do what you’re doing. Master chose you to lead us, and he chose perfectly.”

  I said, “Viola, I am very proud to have you as the first mate. You are the perfect one for this. I can’t do what we’re doing without you guiding me in these things. If you agree, then tomorrow morning, before dawn, I’ll come to the farm and take the Nogud from your bed and take her into the woods to make her a woman. Have a small pack with water and sandwiches. No, on second thought don’t. I’ll have the nymphs and Raven make a lunch and leave it for us along the way.”

  Viola said, “That will be good. She’ll go to bed exhausted, dreading another day like today, and you will take her away in the middle of the night. But, Master, wait for me to tell you how it goes today. I think that it might not be tomorrow after all. It may be the day after. Let me see how it goes. I think that the day after will be better. She’s in the hood now, but the day is half gone. And if I am right, she may have to make several trips with the cart, not just one. And tomorrow, there may be farm work to do. I’m not being harsh with her. I love her. I’m doing what she truly wants, even if she complains for a moment. But she won’t be allowed to complain. It is her choice. The choice that we all made, to leave the life of the hood and go into the woods with our lover. Yes, plan for the day after tomorrow unless I tell you otherwise.”

  Then, more uncertainly, she added, “Master, is that OK? Am I too bold?”

  I laughed and said, “Not at all. From the beginning I have put myself in your hands. This is your magic, not mine. I will do what you say.”

  Viola said, more happily again, “Then I’ll take care of everything. You are in my hands …but I wish that it were between my lips. Either pair. I miss being with you.”

  I said, “I miss being with you, too. We’ll be together, all of us, in Havenrest, in a few days. Lark is refusing to let me between her lips, no matter how I insist.”

  Viola gasped. At first I thought that she was shocked that Lark would refuse me, but then she said, “Lark, I’m proud of you as well. You’re teaching a great lesson. He will be a better master because of it. Master, you must believe that Lark speaks for all of us. She is us. What she says is the same for me and for Raven and for Aspen. It’s the same for Clarice and the nymphs. Lark, you are truly our medicine woman, as Mandy says, and I am glad to be in your house and I am proud to be your first mate. We’re a good team. I wouldn’t have known how to do what you’re doing. Thank you for doing it for us. I love you. Kiss Raven for me. And don’t make my lover suffer too long. I love him so much. I want to run to you right now, but I won’t. We have our jobs to do today. Master, tomorrow night, before you come, I’ll have Aspen sleep alone on the sofa. I’ll be alone in the bed.”

  Lark said, “Good. We love you Viola. Bless you, my wonderful sister.”

  Viola said, “I love we too. Bless you, my beautiful we. Until we’re all in one bed in Havenrest.”

  And with that, Viola ended the call and Lark and I were alone again.

  Lark said, “Take me for a bath,” and she stood up and pulled me to my feet.

  The cove here was larger than at Paul’s farm or the Tanda Cove, to the east of us. This one, at Newsprings Breast, was perhaps a hundred feet across. It had a wide sandy beach that stretched around front and all the way to the river at the inlet. The inlet itself was about thirty feet across, leaving the cove fairly enclosed and safe for swimming and bathing.

  Beyond the sand was a grassy area, where we’d been making love. It was a lovely spot for a picnic. The grass was about twenty five feet wide, with low brush and then trees on each side. The cove was right on the road and the grass came all the way up. All in all, the water of the cove was about thirty-five or forty feet from the road, the beach was about ten feet wide in most spots, and the river was about seventy-five feet beyond that.

  The cove was shallow, about six to ten feet deep at the deepest spot, about three-quarters of the way across, closer to the river than to the beach. At the inlet from the river, the water was between three and five feet deep at various places.

  Lark pulled me by the hand toward the water, both of us perfectly naked in the afternoon sunshine. It was probably a bit past noon now, and the water of the cove was cool but pleasant; it took only a moment to get used to it and then it was very comfortable. Lark and I dove in when the water was deep enough and swam and played together. For about a quarter of an hour, we just enjoyed the water against our skin. We touched each other playfully often, but the sexual tension was gone and we were just comfortable being with each other.

  After a time, Lark slid up in front of me and asked me to wash her. I smiled and began sliding my hands over every inch of her body, giving her a tender bathing. I sensed that this was a time for tenderness, not sexuality, so even though I did wash her intimately, I didn’t linger or try to arouse her or satisfy my own desires. I was bathing my lover, but not preparing to make love. Not physically, anyway. Perhaps we were preparing to make love emotionally, but not necessarily physically.

  When I’d spent plenty of time loving Lark’s body with my hands, she bathed me in the same way. She stroked and cupped me and washed every part of me. She hugged me and pressed herself against me and slid her bare skin against mine, letting me feel her nipples against my back or chest and her groin against my thigh, but it stayed sensual and not passionate. It was enough to tell me that she loved me and wanted me, but that she didn’t have to have me right this minute.

  When she was done, she came to my front and put her legs around my waist and hugged her body to mine.
She put her arms around my neck and her head on my shoulder and I held her close.

  She whispered, “I love you.”

  I pulled her tighter and said, “I love you, too.”

  She said, “Joshua, this afternoon and tonight will be hard. I’m so sorry. I will do everything that I can for you and I will do anything that you want. I wish that I could spare you, but even if I did, it wouldn’t be the best. I’m so sorry.”

  I was concerned and asked, “What do you mean? What’s going to happen? And how do you know? What’s going on?”

  She said, “I don’t know. I just know that something hard is coming. When we get to Havenrest, to the house. I just know that it will be hard emotionally, but I will be here for you. So will Clarice and Raven and the nymphs. We all love you and we will do whatever we can to help you. I’m so sorry.”

  I said, “But you don’t know what it is?”

  She said, “No. I don’t know. It’s something sad. Probably something about something that you don’t remember about before. I just know that I feel sad for you because it will be sad for you. But, I want to be here for you to help you, afterward.”

  I asked, “Lark, is this something that Clarice told you about?”

  She said, “No. I just feel it. Joshua, what is Clarice?”

  I said, “What do you mean? She’s different. What is it that you want to know?”

  Lark said, “I love her. And I love the nymphs. Mandy is wonderful. And she and Clarice are our true loves and there is no doubt about that, but their eyes are different and I can’t see them like I do other people. I am comfortable with it, but I wondered if you would tell me what they are. What is our Witch of the Haunted Woods and what are her minions? If you’ll tell me.”

  I said, “Of course I’ll tell you. I just want to tell you as much as you want to know, but not more.”

  Lark said, “The unicorn, Flossy, was a little machine wasn’t it?”


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