Mercy (Sin City Outlaws #2)

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Mercy (Sin City Outlaws #2) Page 9

by M. N. Forgy

  “Please let me know if I’m wrong, but I am pretty sure your eyes were rolled back as far as they would go last night when I put my skills to optimum potential, no?”

  Her eyes narrow, and she jerks from my grip.

  “You really are an arrogant asshole.”

  “And you really like my cock.” I raise a brow and smirk at her. Her cheeks flush and she looks out the window. I’ll take that as a win.

  “So, what are we going to do? Because we can’t just get out and walk where we are, there are people everywhere.”

  “We’re going to have to steal another car, or find gas.”

  She looks out of the corner of her eyes, her lips pursing as if she’s in thought.


  “Let’s steal some gas, maybe we can grab some food while we’re at it.”

  I think I just died.

  “Wait, you want to steal, actually commit a crime?”

  She rolls her eyes. “Don’t be so dramatic.” She points at the dashboard. “I don’t see us with a lot of options here.”

  “Alright, let’s do this.” I rub my hands together, and pull off the exit ramp toward a gas station.

  “Alright, we’ll go inside and you distract the clerk and I’ll reach over and—”

  “Just pull up over there,” she interrupts, pointing to the pump on the other side of a Chevy.

  “The nozzle is still in the truck, and the driver is inside. We can just put it in the van, then return it before the person comes back out.” I slide my gaze over to her, my cock growing in my pants.

  “If we weren’t about to do this, I’d bend you over and fuck you right now.”

  Pulling up to the other side of the pump, she jumps out before I have a chance to.

  “Jillian!” I go after her. I didn’t mean for her to get out and actually do the work. My heartbeat is wild, nervous she’ll get caught and I’ll have to cut a fucker’s throat for coming near her.

  Rounding the van, she steps up to the pump and pulls the nozzle from the truck. Undoing the cap to the van she casually puts the pump in our van and leans against the vehicle.

  “You don’t have to do this, I will be more than happy doing it,” I inform her, using my hand I brace myself on the van.

  “It’s already done.”

  The pump clicks telling us it’s full. Reaching for the handle Jillian beats me to it, and puts it back at the pump.

  “No, put it back in his truck!” I whisper loudly, looking around making sure nobody is noticing us.

  “Oh, right!” She turns, putting it back in the green truck. She runs, and jumps in the van, the same time I do.

  “Wait, food!” she yells, as I begin to turn the wheel.

  “I’ll get it. You stay here.”

  Getting out, I head inside. It smells like coffee, lemon disinfectant, and donuts.

  “I’m sorry how much did you say?” A man asks loudly at the counter.

  Looking across the store I find the bakery putting out fresh donuts. I head toward them.

  Opening a box, I stuff as many sprinkled ones in as I can. Chocolate, vanilla, and strawberry icing, all with rainbow sprinkles.

  “You better call your fucking manager, ‘cause that damn thing is broken!” he shouts. Casually I walk around the register and see the man practically crawling over the counter at the poor clerk, he looks to be maybe eighteen and scared out of his mind. I’d teach that fucker a lesson if it wouldn’t bring attention to me and Jillian. My brows furrow at that thought. Me, dishing out justice and shit? Jillian is starting to rub off on me. What the fuck is happening?

  I walk right out, get in the van, pass Jillian the box of donuts, and drive away unnoticed by all.

  “Oh, my God, you got donuts!” The way she says that, it sounds similar to the little moans she makes when I’m deep inside of her.

  “Damn, you really like donuts, don’t you?”

  She smiles, wraps her plush mouth into the soft dough and bites down, strawberry icing sticking to her teeth. “I told you, they’re my thing.” I can’t help but laugh.

  Reaching over I grab a chocolate one from the box, and take a big bite.

  “I think donuts may be the only honest memory I have of my father right now.”

  She looks out the window deep in thought as she sucks on her fingers to rid the excess icing.

  “You okay?”

  Turning her head, her forehead wrinkles, and eyebrows come together in question.

  “Why wouldn’t I be?”

  “I don’t know; you’ve never stolen anything before. Hell, I don’t think you’ve even used your pepper spray out of its intended use,” I jab.

  She looks down. “It was what had to be done, but yeah, I’m second guessing it. I just—” She looks back out the window, the wind blowing in her hair. “I don’t do things like that.”

  Guilt rushes up my back making me sweat. I should have stolen that gas, I knew it. I know she was doing it because she’s trying to pull her weight, but like she said…it’s not her. Which I’m totally fine with. It’s why I love her. She’s the light to my world, without her it’s dark and violent.

  Grabbing another donut out of the box, I offer it to her. “Here, take another donut. It’ll make you feel better.”

  Looking down, she nibbles on her bottom lip and takes it from me.

  “I’m such a shit deputy.”

  “No, you’re not. You’re trying to live, and you stole a little bit of gas. So what?” Reaching over I rub the back of her neck. “Besides, there can only be one bad ass in this relationship.”


  JILLIAN’S THROAT BOBS, as she looks out the windshield. Realization that we are about as deep as you can get in this shit storm. Her shiny badge, and department-issued pistol mean nothing here.

  The stake out car is gone, and now is our chance to go in if we’re going to do this.

  “You stay here.”

  Her head whips in my direction.

  “No. I’m not staying in here.”

  I grit my teeth. Why do women have to be so goddamn stubborn?

  “Yes. You are. If Lip loses his shit and kills me, you need to run.”

  Her eyes fill with tears as she looks back out the windshield.

  Glancing around I notice a guy with a trash bag, cleaning up trash. Probably a prospect.

  She looks down, a tear slipping down her cheek and landing on her hands.

  “You got this, Jillian,” I open the rusty van door. “Just remember if shit goes down, you run.” She looks at me like I’ve lost my mind, her eyes wide. I grab the gun off the dashboard, and close the door, my heart slamming against my chest at the same time.

  Blood rushes through my body so fast the edges of my vision blacken. This is it. I’m about to see my little brother since…well, since we nearly killed each other.

  This is going to end up one way…mayhem.

  Tucking the gun in the back of my waistband, I blow out a nervous breath and round the van.

  “Here goes nothing,” I whisper to myself.

  The prospect glances up. He’s wearing a beanie, sunglasses, and a beard that is sporting some serious gray. “Lip around?” I ask. He drops the trash bag and runs inside. Guess my face is known around here?

  I don’t falter in my steps, and head toward the club.

  Twenty feet from the door, it’s thrown open, and out steps Lip and the rest of the Devil’s Dust. The look on their faces hard and cold. Fuck.

  I stop, tucking my thumbs in my pocket, leaning my head back slightly as I take in my lil’ bro and his men.

  He looks the same as last time, just less bloody. He’s still sporting the same brownish, reddish colored hair, pretty boy looks, and that scrawny as shit build.

  “What the fuck are you doing here?” He points at me, drawing his gun with his other hand. The rest of his men pulling some kind of weapon out. Gun, knife…is that a fucking bat? I would like to say I never saw that coming, but in all honesty I expected tha

  “Little brother. Nice to see you again.” My tone comes out calm, and collected. But I’m anything but fucking fine.

  “You ain’t my fucking brother,” he sneers. I hate it when he says that.

  “You killed one of our brothers, then walk on our turf,” a man with dark hair starts, “It’s like an early Christmas.” He rubs his hands together, clearly ready to end my life. Glancing along his cut, his name is Shadow and he’s the Vice President.

  “I—” I pause, not sure how to say killing one of theirs was not my intention. It wouldn’t matter, it wouldn’t bring him back. Dropping to my knees and begging for forgiveness won’t get me anywhere. I have to earn my respect. Make them see I mean business, and that’s purely it, I’m here for business. I lower my head, trying to think of what to say next.

  Cold steel is pressed to my forehead, looking up Lip is staring down at me from the other end of the gun. Quickly I draw my gun, and place it to Lip’s temple. His gun to my head, mine to his. The idea that he would even aim his gun at me has me over trying to be civil. I knew it wouldn’t last long anyway. I just didn’t expect Lip to be the first to draw his gun.

  “You think I’d be here if it weren’t the last fucking place on Earth I could go?” I push the words out through gritted teeth, my finger on the trigger.

  “It’s going to be your last place.” Lip seethes, his thumb clicking a bullet into the chamber.

  “You pull that trigger, you’re going down with me.” I give my head a tilt to the side, a scoff ripping up my throat.

  The barrel of a gun is pressed into the back of my neck, causing me to still.

  “I suggest you lower that gun, son.” I shake my head, be damned if two bullets fly through my skull.

  “I can’t do that,” I whisper, my eyes locked on Lip’s.

  “Lip, lower your gun.” The voice orders from behind me, the tone holding an older authority to it.

  Lip’s eyes slide over my shoulder, his brows pinching together.

  “You have to be kidding me.”

  “I’m not. Lower your fucking gun!”

  Lip drops his arm. His gun pulling away from the side of my head. Following suit, I lower mine and exhale a breath that I didn’t realize I was holding. My back sweaty, and hand aching from holding the gun so tightly.

  The gun in the back of my neck pushes forward, reminding me that not all my worries are gone. That I should keep holding my breath instead of taking in air.

  “Turn around.” Gripping my gun even tighter, I turn.

  A man a little taller than I stands with a .45 pointed mere inches from my face. His hair dark and falling around his neck. His eyes are bright green and he looks older, his hair and beard showing signs of gray. Pulling my gaze from his, I look at his cut, finding myself face to face with the Devil himself. The President, Bull.

  “What’s stopping me from pulling this trigger?” he questions.

  That’s a good question. One I don’t know the answer to. If I were him, I’d pull that fucking trigger. I’d end my pathetic life and with it, it might just save not only Jillian but a lifetime of future fuck ups and turmoil.

  “There’s nothing,” I respond, my nostrils flaring.

  He squints his eyes, tilting his head as he looks me over. He looks confused, as if he’s puzzled I’m not pouring my guts out as to why I’m here. Asking for mercy, or explaining the death of one of his members.

  He lowers his gun, but I don’t feel any lighter. I don’t feel that breath of fresh air that I felt with Lip. I feel nothing.

  “Why are you here?”

  “Bull?” Shadow steps up, clearly not agreeing to me still standing on two feet.

  “Step back, Shadow. Last time I checked, I still ran this club.” Bull looks back at me, and shakes his head.

  “You better make this good, or my prospect, Fox, is going to be cleaning your brain matter up all day.”

  “I’m not going to beg to live. I’m not going to drop to my knees and apologize for one of your member’s death.”

  “His name was Tom Cat!” A blond man hollers from the crowd.

  Bull pulls his gun back up, aiming it at my skull once again.

  “Wrong answer, son.”

  “Would you?” I continue, my brows furrowed. “Would you ever say you were sorry for doing what you were bred to do? All I came to do that day was talk, and my club and I were made a mockery of.”

  “Don’t listen to him, Bull. He’s playing you,” Lip states.

  “I’m not,” I chuckle. “I’m not ‘cause, if I were playing you, I’d tell you what you wanted to hear. I’m telling you the truth. The truth that is embedded in every one of us. We are raised to be brutal, raised hot tempered, and to live by our own set of rules. I killed one of your members in a fog of rage, one that I cannot bring back, or change. It’s in the past, and all I can do is move forward and pay my dues. I’m here because I have nowhere else to go. I’m here because it’s the last fucking place on Earth.”

  Bull drops his aim, once again. His face turning from hard to curious.

  Lip shoves forward and slams his fist into my gut. I double over and cough, pulling myself together I return the favor and punch him right in the mouth. The wound in my arm burns to the bone, and aches up my shoulder. Wincing, I grab at it and double over again.

  Lip takes the opening and tackles me to the ground. His fist to my eyebrow, mine to his ear.

  “Boys! Boys!” Hands grab at at the both of us, pulling us apart. Lip is resting his hands on his knees, trying to catch his breath. Placing my hands on the back of my neck I try to calm my breathing. My eyebrow stinging, my lip bleeding.

  “Tell me, Zeek, why are you really here?” Bull questions, crossing his arms.

  “Uncle Frank,” I look back at Lip, whose eyes flash at the name. The way it slips off my tongue could be compared to someone announcing they have cancer. “He played me, all this time he’s been trying to take the club from me. He finally did, and has turned most of my club, and Las Vegas, against me.”

  “Why the hell do I care?” Lip pushes.

  “Cause we’re fucking brothers, because it’s your club too even if you want nothing to do with it.”

  “We’re not—”

  “Shut up, Lip,” Bull orders.

  “But that’s not the reason I’m here. I’m here to save—”

  A strangled cry sounds from the street, and all the hairs on the back of my neck rise. All the pain in my body drains into pure rage.

  “Zeek!” Jillian screams. A blond-haired guy has her by the upper arm escorting her toward us.

  Jillian slams her elbow in the crook of his arms, making him hunch over in pain. She then slams the back of her fist in his face, and bolts up the street.

  “Kane, get her,” Bull orders.

  I step forward, ready to fucking blow everyone’s head off. I shouldn’t have come here.

  “Easy, son. We aren’t going to hurt her, we just don’t want any surprises is all.” Bull insists, holding his hand up to my chest.

  “You fucking let her go!” I demand, pointing at him.

  Kane, and the Ken doll looking motherfucker have Jillian by each arm, hauling her toward us.

  “Get your fucking hands off her now!” I warn, my trigger finger feeling antsy.

  “Bobby, you alright?” Bull asks the pretty boy looking fucker.

  “Bitch can fight,” Bobby groans, wiping the blood from his lip.

  They push Jillian in my arms, and she clings to me like a lifeline. Wrapping my arms around her, I comfort her.

  “Who’s the bitch?” Bull asks, jutting his head toward her.

  “She’s mine.” I push her behind me, in an act of protecting her.

  “Old lady?”

  “Yes.” I look over at Lip. “Our uncle is after her.”

  Bull nods, and scratches his head with the barrel of his gun.


  “He thinks she knows shit about his way of operation, and no
w he wants us both dead.”

  “Sounds like a mess. What else am I missing?” Bull sounds agitated. He can sense I’m not telling him everything and I’m not. I’m not telling them she’s a sheriff, ‘cause they won’t understand. They’re bikers, and in the creed of a biker, law enforcement is the enemy.

  “Why’d you run like a pussy?” Lip quips.

  “Because Frank went after his woman, now Zeek is protecting her. I get it,” Bull adds, already knowing the answer to Lip’s question.

  I nod.

  “Funny, you didn’t seem to care when you took my woman,” Lip barks. Fuck, I did kidnap his girl, I didn’t hurt her though, or have any intention of doing so. I was just trying to get Lip’s attention, nothing else was working back then.

  “You what?” Jillian whispers from behind me.

  “So you thought maybe brother dearest and his club will keep you and your bitch safe. Who cares that you killed a member of their club, is that it?” Bull paces back and forth, putting the pieces together.

  “That’s not it. I’m not saying your member’s blood was shed unprovoked—”

  “You said you wouldn’t apologize for it,” Shadow reminds, arms crossed.

  “I said I wouldn’t apologize; doesn’t mean I don’t regret it.”

  Bull smirks, but not in that happy way, more of a sarcastic way.

  “Did spilling Tom Cat’s blood make you turn to God or something? Did it make you look at the bigger picture that is life? Is that it?” He taunts.

  My left hand balls into a fist. “Don’t get cute.” I’m treading on a fine line of fucking going ballistic.

  His humor falls, and before I can react Bobby and Shadow grip my arms tightly. Jillian grabs at my shirt, yelling for them to get off me.

  “I’ll tell you what’s cute, you showing up here thinking you wouldn’t pay the price for our fallen brother.”

  Jillian screams, as Kane wraps his arms around her like a straight jacket.

  “Get off her!” I try to fight through the hold of Bobby and Shadow, wanting to get to Jillian.

  Bull turns away, and in the blink of an eye a fist slams into my eye. The impact snapping my head back. Warmth and pain spread along the left side of my face and my vision blurs instantly.


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