His Heart's Desire

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His Heart's Desire Page 30

by Julianna Douglas

  Becca hugged him tightly and smiled into his chest. “Make me yours, Ethan.”

  “In that case...” He pulled a handkerchief from his pocket and folded it into a wide band before placing it over her eyes and tying it behind her head.

  “A blindfold?” she giggled. “Isn't that a little kinky?”

  Even as she said it, Becca felt her face flush, but the mere thought of leaving it in place while Ethan explored her body made her breath quicken and her panties dampen.

  Ethan's throaty laugh next to her ear sent shivers through her. He captured her lips in a deep, sensuous kiss that heated her entire being from the top of her head to the tips of her toes and left her breathless for more. When he pulled back, she felt disappointment at the loss of his touch.

  “Wait here,” he gently commanded. “And no peeking,” he added playfully.

  The sound of his pants rustling told her he had risen from the couch. She listened as he crossed the room, and she heard the sound of a door being opened and closed. Then she waited.

  Her heart pounded as anticipation rose within her chest. A million scenarios ran through her mind as she wondered what he was up to this time. Knowing Ethan, it was sure to be something amazing. After what seemed like an eternity, the door clicked open again.

  She sensed Ethan as he sat down beside her. “Miss me?” he asked as he wrapped his arm around her and planted a peck on her cheek.

  She smiled. “Terribly.”

  She slid her arms around his neck as her lips sought his. He rewarded her with another scorching kiss that she didn't want to end.

  All too soon, his lips left hers. “We better stop that,” he said, “or we'll never make it to the bed.”

  He lifted her into his arms again, carried her into another room, and carefully placed her on her feet. From the direction they had gone, Becca sensed it was the room he had told her was under construction.

  “I thought you told me this room was being remodeled.”

  “How do you know what room we're in?” he asked as he slipped his arms around her waist, pulling her back against his firm chest.

  “Apparently, I have a good sense of direction even when I can't see. Did you lie to me, Ethan Montgomery?” she inquired with mock severity.

  “Ah...maybe a little white lie. But I know when I take this blindfold off, you're going to forgive me.”

  “You sound pretty sure of yourself there, mister.”


  She felt one hand leave her waist and begin untying the loose knot in the blindfold, but he was taking his good sweet time.

  “So are you ready for your other wedding present?” he asked.

  By now she was breathless with anticipation. “Please...”

  “Ooh, begging already, are we? I like it.”

  The deep timbre of his voice sent shivers down her spine.

  “Just take the damn blindfold off already!”

  She didn't mean to sound so testy, but she was practically bouncing with excitement.

  “OK, I'll stop torturing you. Your wish is my command, Princess.” With that, he finally slid the covering from her eyes.

  Becca blinked as her eyes adjusted to the light and she took in the sight before her. To her left was a small fireplace, flanked by two wing-back chairs. A string of candles across the mantelpiece flickered cheerily. Softly lit by more candles on the bedside tables, a beautiful wrought iron bed sat to her right. Its headboard and foot board twisted in an intricate pattern of curlicue scroll-work. Sheer white curtains draped down from the canopy, tied back at the four posts with wide silken ribbons. The bed was made with white satin sheets and coverlet, already turned down for the night and sprinkled with red rose petals, their fragrant scent wafting across the room. The petals trailed down to the plush ivory carpet and across the floor to a set of glass French doors, left open to reveal a luxurious rose-tiled bathroom. The trail of rose petals ended at a huge bathtub already brimming with bubbles. Even more candles bathed the bathroom with their gentle light.

  As what she was seeing finally registered, Becca raised a trembling hand to her lips, and tears coursed silently down her cheeks.

  “You're not saying anything. Are you OK, sweetheart?”

  At the sound of Ethan's kind voice behind her, a sob escaped Becca's lips.

  Instantly, the strong arms encircling her turned her around to face him. As she cried uncontrollable tears of joy, he held her tightly.

  “Shh...what's wrong, Becca?”

  “Nothing.” She reached up to touch his face and stared at this man before her with a sense of wonder. “You read my favorite book, and you actually listened when I told you about my favorite scene.”

  “Of course I did. Do you think a clueless guy like me could come up with all this on my own?”

  Becca couldn't help but give him a watery laugh. Then she shook her head. “You're anything but clueless. You're amazing.” She took another look around the room. “It looks exactly the way I always imagined it every time I read the book.”

  “I'm glad you like it.”

  “Like it? I love it!” Becca looked up into Ethan's eyes again. “You know, I didn't think this weekend could get any more wonderful, but this...this...” She fumbled around in her brain, searching for the right thing to say, but coherent thoughts seemed to elude her. After a long pause, she said, “I don't think you'll ever be able to top this one.”

  “Well, there is one more thing I'd like to give you that I hope will be even more amazing.”

  When his meaning sank in, Becca bit her lip and ducked her head, blushing. She'd dreamed of this moment for what seemed like forever, but now that it was finally here, she was a little apprehensive. What if it wasn't everything she'd fantasized about for so long?

  Ethan lifted her chin with his fingertip. “Hey, I thought you wanted to get me alone so you could have your way with me. You're not getting shy on me, are you?”

  She still had a hard time holding his gaze. “I don't have much experience at this, you know.”

  He caressed her cheek with the back of his fingers, then placed a butterfly-soft kiss on her lips that made her sigh. “Do you have any idea how long I've waited for this moment, Becca? I couldn't care less about your lack of experience. In fact, call me jealous and possessive, but I'm glad you aren't experienced.”

  Becca smiled at Ethan. She reached behind his neck to pull his head down for another kiss. She plied his lips with her own before boldly flicking his bottom lip with the tip of her tongue.

  He instantly opened his mouth to capture it, drawing it inside to tangle with his own, and he slanted his head to thrust his own tongue more deeply into her mouth. His arms held her snugly against his body, and she could feel his growing erection against her lower belly. She clung more tightly to his neck and whimpered.

  Ethan pulled back, leaving them both panting breathlessly. He nuzzled her cheek as he murmured close to her ear, “Tonight is all about you and your pleasure, m'lady. It will be my final gift to you this weekend.”

  Becca shivered with delight at his words. “Oh, Ethan, I'm all yours. Just tell me what you want me to do.”

  He trailed feather-light kisses across her face. “You don't have to do a thing.” His lips continued to trace a path along her jaw. “Leave it all up to me.” She tilted her head to the side as he nibbled further down her her neck. “Let me treat you like a queen for one night.” Now his lips were on her collarbone and traveling lower still to the small swell of her breast at the top of her wedding dress.

  A small sound escaped from the back of her throat. “Yes.” She breathed the word on a sigh.

  Ethan raised his head to kiss her lips once more before turning her around and slowly unzipping her wedding gown. His hands slid along her upper back to her shoulders, then down her arms, slowly slipping the dress from her body. When he reached her hands, he entwined his fingers with hers as the silken garment pooled at her feet. They stood there for a brief moment, hands enmeshed, b
efore he kissed her shoulder and shifted back.

  Still holding one of her hands, he helped her step out of the gown. His gaze traveled up and down her body, taking in the sexy undergarments she wore, then raised her arm to twirl her around like a dancer. When her back was to him again, he stopped for a moment, obviously admiring the hint of bare bottom peeking from beneath the cheeky panties.

  Becca glanced over her shoulder. “Like what you see?” she asked coyly.

  Ethan turned her the rest of the way before sweeping her against his chest again. His eyes darkened with desire. “God, Becca, if I had known you were wearing that under your wedding dress, I'd have had you up here the minute you said, 'I do.'”

  Becca smiled sweetly. “Glad you like it.”

  “Like it? I love it!” he countered with a mischievous grin. “But you know what I'm going to love even more?”

  Becca shook her head.

  He cupped her bottom and pressed her against his hard length. “You completely naked,” he answered, his voice raspy with need.

  She looked up at him from under her lashes as she fingered the buttons on his shirt. “I would like that. But you know what I would like even more?”

  It was his turn to shake his head.

  With a jaunty grin, she slid her hand up his chest to toy with his bow tie. “You naked,” she replied as she tugged on the end of the tie, making it fall free.

  She started to work on his top button, but he caught her hands in his. He pulled them away and kissed the back of each one. “Allow me.” He backed her up until her legs were touching the bed and gently pushed her down to sit on the edge. Placing his hands on the bed next to her hips, he leaned down to give her another steamy kiss. “I hear you had fun this afternoon at the male revue. How about a little private strip show, m'lady?”

  Becca's breath caught in her throat. She nodded. “Please.”

  Ethan's lips connected with hers one last time before he straightened. Having removed his jacket earlier, he now unfastened his cuff links. She deftly caught them as he tossed them to her one at a time. His eyes locked with hers and never shied away as he slowly unbuttoned his shirt. When he reached the last button, he parted the garment to reveal his chest–broad and muscular, with a light dusting of dark hair. The shirt slid down his arms and fell to the floor. After turning around, he toed off his shoes and bent to remove his socks, giving her a tantalizing view of his rear.

  Once he was upright, he turned and captured her gaze again as his hand went to his belt buckle. He unfastened it and the button of his pants, then unzipped them at an excruciatingly languid pace. Within moments, the pants joined his shirt on the carpet. He stepped out of them and kicked them aside.

  He was now wearing nothing but a pair of black boxer briefs. Her eyes were drawn to the large bulge in the front attesting to his arousal. He saw where her gaze had traveled, and his hand went there too, stroking himself through the thin fabric.

  A mischievous grin spread across his face. “Like what you see, m'lady?” he asked as his hand continued its lazy up and down motion.

  “Oh yes,” Becca croaked. Her hand ached to replace his, and her panties were fast becoming wet with her own desire.

  Just when she thought he was going to torture her indefinitely, he moved his hand from his hard length to slip the underwear from his hips. His gorgeous cock sprang free, and for a moment, Becca forgot to breath. As he stepped from the briefs and came closer, her eyes never left his arousal.

  Her mouth watered, wondering what it might taste like. “Oh my,” she gasped weakly.

  A chuckled rumbled through Ethan's chest, and when she looked up to meet his eyes again, he was watching her. “I guess I should take it as a compliment that the sight my naked body leaves a beautiful woman speechless.”

  Becca nodded vigorously. “Definitely!”

  Ethan knelt at her feet. He grasped one ankle and removed her shoe. “Your turn now, gorgeous,” he murmured seductively.

  “Um-hmm.” Still robbed of coherent speech, it was all she could manage.

  He slid his hands up her leg to the top of her thigh-high nylons. “Know what I was wanting to do the whole time I was taking that garter off?”

  She shook her head.

  “This.” He touched his lips to the bare flesh of her thigh at the top of the stocking. As his hands languorously rolled it down, his mouth kissed, licked, and nibbled its way down her leg inch by inch as her skin was bared to his touch. Every caress of his hands, every flick of his tongue was like an electric shock that sent waves of pleasure straight to her core. It was the most delightful kind of torture. By the time he slid the nylon from her foot and placed a final kiss on her toes, she was panting.

  Becca leaned back on her hands as he reached for the other leg and repeated the sweet torment. Her eyes fell shut as she savored each sensation his hands and lips evoked from her body and strangled sounds escaped from her throat. This time, when he reached her toes, she was whimpering and moaning with need.

  His hands went to her knees. Gently parting them, he slipped his body in between. She forced open eyelids heavy with desire.

  The look he gave her was filled with tenderness and love, underlaid with a hint of something darker. “God, I love all those little noises you make. You're so beautiful when you're aroused. I can't wait to watch you come again.”

  Becca smiled at him and raised her hand to caress his face. His hand covered hers, and he turned his head to plant a kiss in the center of her palm. Then he reached out to trail a fingertip over the swell of her breast. He stopped at the front clasp of her strapless bra, toying with it a moment before unfastening it. As it fell to the bed and she was bared to his gaze, her arousal and the slight coolness in the air hardened her nipples. Even though Ethan had already seen her breasts when he pleasured her last night, she couldn't help feeling a little self-conscious about their small size. She ducked her head and resisted the urge to cover herself.

  Ethan lifted her chin. “You aren't getting shy on me, are you?”

  “I–it's just...”

  “What, sweetheart?” Ethan ran his thumb over her bottom lip in a way that almost made her forget her uncertainty.

  Becca shrugged. “They're small,” she finally finished, glancing down at her chest.

  Ethan's gaze lowered to her breasts. His brow creased in thought as though he were pondering a difficult problem. “Hmm...are they? I hadn't noticed.”

  He leaned his head back and forth, carefully considering each one. Becca felt her face heating under his intense scrutiny. Seeming to notice her discomfort, he slipped a hand behind her head and drew her down to meet his lips. It was a tender kiss full of love and the promise of passion that made Becca relax almost instantly.

  Ethan pulled back and smiled. “I think this might require a more thorough examination to disprove your theory.” He trailed both index fingers around her collarbone and down to the twin mounds. With deliberately slowness, he circled each one. “Nice, plump, round. So far, so good.”

  Becca's heartbeat was already picking up speed again at his touch. The concentric circles he drew with his fingertips gradually became smaller and smaller until he brushed the sensitive tips, making her gasp. “Pretty pink nipples. Check.”

  He lightly grasped her ribcage, just beneath her breasts, and moved upward until his hands were cupping her. He looked into her eyes and gave her the hint of a lopsided grin. “They fit my hands perfectly.”

  He began to knead her flesh tenderly. She raised her hands to cover his and leaned into his palms. She couldn't seem to get enough of him touching her. Becca closed her eyes momentarily, reveling in the sensations he was evoking from her body.

  “I see that you're enjoying that,” he said, smiling, “but I have one more test to perform before I can say whether I agree with your assessment.”

  Ethan removed his hands from her. The absence of his touch immediately left her feeling bereft, but he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close until his
face was buried in the valley between her breasts. He embraced her tightly, breathing in her scent before placing a kiss there. Then her lifted his head and flicked one pebbled nipple with his tongue before taking it fully into his mouth. He ran his hands up and down her back, and around to her sides, as he suckled greedily.

  Becca's hands tangled in Ethan's hair, trying to show him she wanted more. She rested her cheek on the top of his head, breathing heavily.

  When he released her, she whimpered briefly until his hot mouth descended on the other side, giving it the same attention. Her head fell back as delicious tension built throughout her body. Soft mewling sounds escaped her throat.

  “Oh, Ethan,” she moaned. “Please...” She begged, wanting his hands, his lips everywhere at once.

  “It's OK, sweetheart,” he murmured while trailing kisses down her belly. “I'm going to take care of you.” He dipped his tongue into her navel, drawing another whimper from her.

  “Lean back on your forearms,” he ordered.

  She instantly complied as he moved away from her. He lifted her hips to remove her now-soaked panties, then repositioned himself between her legs, with her knees over his shoulders. His heated gaze on her most intimate place sent a frisson of excitement straight to her core.

  “God, you're so beautiful.” The words spilled from his lips almost reverently before he lowered his head to place a gentle kiss on her mound. He looked up at her as though asking permission to continue before his tongue snaked out to claim her. He licked a slow lazy path from the bottom of her slit, up through her feminine folds. When he reached the top, he flicked her clit with the tip of his tongue, sending an electrifying jolt through her whole body.

  Becca's head fell back and her eyes closed as she savored the sensations. Her hands fisted in the duvet as he repeated the motion several more times. Each pass of his tongue over the little nub drew her muscles more taut until she thought she couldn't stand the sweet torture another minute.


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