Silent Love_Part Three

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Silent Love_Part Three Page 6

by Kenadee Bryant

  “Dylan,” we both ended up saying at the same time before grinning at one another.

  The rest of the night passed by quickly. One second, we were barely starting Pitch Perfect, and the next, we were both dozing off during the third movie we picked out. It was well after ten by now. You know you are an adult when you are asleep on the couch after ten at night. Both of us were fading, and I knew I had to take Carter home before it got too late.

  I gazed down at her leaning on my shoulder. Somehow, over the course of our movies we watched, she moved closer and closer to me, so now her head was planted on my shoulder and her eyes were drooping shut every couple of seconds. It had been a long and stressful day, so it wasn’t surprising we were so worn out already.

  A smile came up on my lips as I looked at her. Whatever makeup she had on earlier was slowly fading away, showing that she actually had a few freckles on her nose. To me she looked even better without makeup. I honestly could stay right here forever.

  Seeing her eyes close once again and not open like they had been, I knew it was bedtime. I paused the movie and softly nudged Carter.

  “Hey Princess,” I whispered quietly. We were the only ones in the house, but I felt like I had to whisper.

  “Hmm.” She snuggled even closer to my side. I didn’t think I could get her home without her falling asleep.

  “Do you want to sleep here tonight?” I asked, silently praying and hoping she’d say yes. Besides the fact that it was quite a walk back to her place and that both of us were tired, I wanted her to sleep with me tonight.

  “What?” she asked, slowly opening her eyes to look at me. Even with sleepy eyes, the blue stuck out even more, reminding me of the ocean.

  “Want to sleep here tonight? I don’t think either of us are awake enough to walk back to your place.” Carter was quiet as she thought about my offer. I thought she would say no, but instead she nodded.

  “That is okay with me,” she said sleepily. I tried to hold back my grin, but it didn’t work.

  “Let’s get ready for bed,” I said softly. I turned off the TV and slowly stood up, Carter doing the same. I was more awake than she was as she stumbled a little into my side. I shook my head at her as I wrapped my arm around her waist to support her.

  I led us down the hallway toward my bedroom. When I flipped on the light, both of us squinted and I heard Car groan from the bright light.

  “Let me find you something to sleep in.” Reluctantly letting her go, I went to my closet to find her something to wear. Everything I would give her would be too big, but it was all I had. It wasn’t like I had girl clothes just lying around. Grabbing an old grey t-shirt and a pair of very worn-out sweats, I handed them to Carter.

  “Sorry, this is all I have,” I said sheepishly.

  “That is okay. It works.” She smiled at me. I could tell she was a little more awake right now, but I doubted that would last much longer. “I am just going to go to the bathroom to change.”

  “You know where it is.” I gestured out the door and she nodded. She had been here enough to know where it was by now. When she left to get changed, I did so myself. I quickly stripped out of my jeans and shirt until I was standing in only my boxers. As I looked down at myself, I knew Carter wouldn’t like for me to sleep like I normally did. I quickly grabbed the same loose white shirt and threw it on. It would have to do.

  I sat at the edge of my bed and glanced around my room, thankful I cleaned it just the other day. It would have been embarrassing to have her be here with it being a mess. I wasn’t a messy person in general; I learned from my grandma to never leave a room messy, not even your room, but that didn’t mean I didn’t have clothes lying around sometimes.

  It didn’t take long before Carter came walking in dressed in my clothes. My throat dried up, and I couldn’t stop myself from looking up and down her body. Damn, she looked good in my stuff. As I predicted, the shirt was too big on her and came down to the top of her thighs. The sweats were really long on her, and I noticed she tried to roll up the bottoms so she wouldn’t step on them, but it didn’t help much. She was trying to tighten up the string around the waist, but the ties were so worn they didn’t tighten that well. Even though she was drowning in my clothes, she never looked prettier.

  “They are a little big,” she said as she noticed me looking at her. “But they work.” She smiled at me. I noticed her makeup was now all the way gone, which meant she cleaned up in the bathroom. She looked even younger and innocent without that stuff on.

  Sending her a smile, I patted the bed for her to come over. I literally couldn’t help but watch her as she made her way toward me. When she took a seat next to me at the edge of the bed, I stared at her face. She really was beautiful.

  “The bed is big enough that we can share it and not smack each other,” I said, glad I had a queen-sized bed, big enough for the both of us. I didn’t make my bed earlier, so the dark blue sheets were kind of all over the place.

  Carter was quiet as she nodded. I didn’t know if it was because she was tired or if she was just now realizing we were going to share a bed.

  “Don’t worry. I won’t touch you.” I raised my hand up. “Scout’s honor.” That earned me a smile.

  “Were you in the scouts?”

  “Hell no.” I shook my head. “I was cooler than them.” Carter just rolled her eyes at me. Next, she got up and went around before sliding into the bed. I followed suit, getting up to turn off the light before going to the other side of the bed. I’d never really slept with another person before, let alone with a girl. Okay, fine, I had slept with a girl, but never really slept with someone; this was a whole new experience to me.

  The both of us crawled under the sheets, and I grabbed the big blue comforter and brought it up toward us. There was a good foot between us, but I could feel Carter’s body as if it were pressed against mine. I lay on my back and looked up at the ceiling before I felt the bed move. My head turned to see Carter lying on her side, facing me.

  “Thank you for meeting my parents today. I know it was something you didn’t want to do, but I really appreciate it,” she said, looking right at me. I rolled over so I could face her as well.

  “Not going to lie, I was nervous and was tempted not to go, but I am glad I did. I actually had a good time,” I said sincerely.

  “I’m glad. My parents loved you, especially my mom. She thought you were the perfect gentleman.”

  “Well, the ladies do love me.” I smirked, only for it to turn into a smile at Carter’s laugh.

  “You’d like to think so.”

  “But seriously, Princess, thank you for inviting me.”

  “You are welcome.” She suddenly then moved forward and raised up on her arm. Being this close to her, I could still see her even without the light. I didn’t even know what she was doing until she moved toward my face. I thought for a second she was going to kiss me, but instead she moved her head and pressed her soft lips to my cheek. It was a small quick peck, but it was sweet. She pulled back and laid her head down. I couldn’t see because the light was off, but I imagined her face was red.

  “Goodnight, Gage,” she said quietly. I didn’t even think as I reached out and grabbed her, pulling her toward me until she was flush against my body. I tried to relax my beating heart, as she was now against me. Placing my arm over her waist, I lay there.

  “Goodnight, Princess.”

  It took a few minutes before I felt her body relax and she sunk against me. I had moved over onto my back, so it was more comfortable for the both of us. I felt her head move onto my chest, and my arm immediately tightened around her. I didn’t want to let her go. I ignored all the butterfly feelings I had right now with her in my arms, sleeping right next to me. I had no clue what she was thinking or feeling right now.

  A little bit later, I heard her breathing slow down and I knew she was asleep. With her on my chest, I looked down at her and a soft smile played on my lips. I lifted my other arm up and moved a piece
of hair away from her face. She stirred a little but snuggled even closer into me. Just like her hand, her body fit perfectly against mine. I placed a soft kiss on her forehead, closing my eyes for a second before I pulled away. Grinning like an idiot, I laid my head down and slowly started to drift off.

  It was in that moment I knew that this was where I belonged. I belonged with Carter, and I knew tomorrow I had to make this official. I had to ask her to be my girlfriend for real, and I could only hope she felt the same way about me.

  Chapter Four


  I woke up on top of something hard and warm. It smelled good, which just made me snuggle in closer. A soft sigh escaped my lips as I pressed my face into the soft material my face was against. If only I could sleep this well and wake up to something to warm and nice smelling every night, I’d never get grumpy from this kind of sleep.

  Going in and out of consciousness, I wasn’t aware of a heavy arm draped across my waist holding me down, nor the warm breath on my neck. I was in a cocoon of warmth and I was not going to leave the bed any time soon.

  “Hey, Gage, you ready to go to the gym—What the hell is going on here?” someone suddenly shouted. I jerked upwards blinking rapidly. The person—Wait, person? Looking over to my left, I saw Gage sitting up rubbing his eyes.

  “Did you two?” Dylan asked, gesturing between us. I finally looked at Dylan who had busted right into Gage’s room, scaring the shit out of us. He was staring wide-eyed at the both of us before he suddenly shielded his eyes. “Please don’t be naked!” he yelled with his hands now over his eyes.

  “Dylan, you just saw that we had clothes on,” Gage muttered, his voice thick with sleep. And it was honestly the sexiest thing I had ever heard in my life. A guy’s morning voice was a gift from God.

  “Oh, right.” Dylan chuckled to himself as he uncovered his eyes. “What do we have here?” he asked, wiggling his eyebrows at us. I couldn’t help but blush at what he was insinuating. I had forgotten I slept over here last night, in the same bed as Gage. Same bed!

  “Dylan, get out,” Gage grumbled, still waking up.

  “Did something happen between you two?” Dylan asked, totally ignoring Gage.


  “Get out!” Gage and I said at the same time. Dylan just rolled his eyes at us but backed away.

  “Just going to remind you guys to always use protection, wash the sheets, and be aware that I am in the house as well.” I didn’t even see Gage lean down and grab his shoe until it was flying in Dylan’s direction. Thankfully he moved fast enough and jumped out of the room and slammed the door shut, the shoe hitting the door with a thud and falling to the ground. I could hear Dylan laughing as he moved away from the door.

  I couldn’t help but giggle softly. I leaned back against Gage’s headboard and next to me Gage sat up, finally awake.

  “There goes Dylan ruining the moment,” I said, breaking the silence between us. It was kind of awkward as we both sat here in bed together. I wasn’t sure of what to do or what to say, really.

  “I don’t even know why I put up with him.”

  “Because you secretly love him and know that without him, your life would be one big lonely mess,” I offered, smiling. He rolled his eyes at me and stood up. My eyes stayed on him as he stretched his arms above his head, his white t-shirt riding up and showing me a strip of skin. For the life of me I couldn’t pull my eyes away, not even when he put his arms down and he was once again covered.

  “What time is it, anyway?” he asked, slowly moving toward the door.

  “Uh…” I looked over at his alarm to see the time. “Nine.”

  “Stupid Dylan waking us up,” Gage muttered under his breath, but I only caught some of what he said. “Let’s make some breakfast.” He held open the door for me and waited. I flung the covers off and stood up, doing some stretching of my own. That literally was the best I’d slept in a long time.

  When I headed toward Gage I almost tripped, making me remember I was wearing a pair of his sweats that were huge. The ends had come undone while I slept and were now all wrapped around my feet.

  “You look so small in my clothes,” Gage commented, laughing softly at the fact I looked like a drowned rat.

  “Maybe you are too tall,” I countered, bending over to roll the pants up so I wouldn’t keep tripping. “Ever heard of being a normal height?” I asked, leaning back up. Maybe because I was so short he seemed so tall, or maybe he was just freakishly tall.

  “This is a normal height. It is you who are too small to be normal.” I followed after him as we walked down the hallway to the kitchen.

  “I am not that short!”

  “Yes, you are.”

  “No, I’m not.” When we reached the kitchen, I noticed Dylan leaning against the counter drinking a sort of yellow drink, maybe an energizer. “Dylan, tell him I am not that short.”

  “Gage…she is that short.”

  “Hey!” Both guys just grinned at me. “Just gang up on the short girl, I get it.” I pouted as I took a seat at the bar. “Know that I won’t stick up for either of you next time.” I stuck my tongue out at them.

  “You love us,” Dylan said, grinning. “Anyway, what are you making us for breakfast?” I looked at Gage and then back to him.

  “Who are you talking to there?”

  “You, of course.”

  “Me? Why do I have to cook?” I asked, raising an eyebrow at him.

  “Because you are a girl,” he replied in a “duh” tone.

  “What makes you think all girls can cook?”

  “Don’t you guys have a mandatory thing where you know how to cook, sew, and clean?” Dylan sounded really confused, which just made this even more funny.

  “You seriously think all women are taught to cook, clean, and sew?”

  “Yes? Help me out here, Gage.”

  “You are all on your own for this one,” Gage said, leaning his forearms on the counter and looking between us with an amused expression.

  “Hate to burst your bubble, but not all women can do those things.”

  “That is stupid.” I arched my eyebrow at him again.

  “So, are men taught to be sexist, jackasses, and players?” I asked, tilting my head to the side and staring at him while I waited for an answer.

  “Uh…I…” Dylan trailed off, looking flustered and embarrassed. “I-I didn’t mean to be sexist.” I kept a stern look on my face for another minute before I smiled at him. Dylan literally looked like I had kicked his puppy. I couldn’t keep messing with him; he was too precious.

  “Dylan, I am playing with you. I know you aren’t sexist.” He let out a sigh of relief and smiled at me.

  “Good, I don’t want to piss you off. Short girls are terrifying.” Dylan said the last part toward Gage, who nodded. Rolling my eyes at the two of them, I stood up from my stool. It was clear neither of them were going to make breakfast, or they didn’t know how to, so it was up to me. I looked like I was dragged through a tornado, and my stomach was growling, letting me know it needed food, so no going out to grab something.

  Passing Dylan, I shoved him to the side.

  “What was that for?” he whined.

  “I’m going to make breakfast, so you need to get out of my way,” I said over my shoulder as I went toward the fridge.

  “What if I want to help?” I straightened up and looked at him, then at Gage who was now standing up and looking right at me.

  “You want to help?” I asked the both of them. They shared a look and shrugged.

  “Why not?” Gage said, the corner of his lip tilting up.

  “I’m a great helper, Carter!” Dylan smiled and placed his hands on his hips. The sight of him made me hold back a giggle.

  “Okay, yeah. You guys can help.” Dylan did a mini fist bump in the air before coming toward me, rubbing his hands together. Gage followed a little slower behind him.

  “What are we making, Chef Miller?” Dyl asked, glancing around as if
there were already food out.

  “Well, what are you guys in the mood for? Eggs, toast, bacon? Or pancakes? Or what do you have that is breakfast-related?” I guess it would be smart to find out what they had to eat first before deciding.

  “We have”—Gage moved over to the cabinet near the fridge and opened it up—“pancake mix and syrup. We also have bread for toast, and I know we have bacon because Dylan loves that shit.”

  “Okay.” I leaned against the fridge for a second, thinking before nodding. “Okay, we will make pancakes with bacon. Sound good to you guys?”

  “That’s all?” Dylan whined.

  “We all aren’t fat-asses like you,” Gage said, nudging his friend.

  “You’d be a whole lot happier if you were,” he shot back. I couldn’t help but high five him for that comeback.

  “So let’s get started!” I clapped my hands together. “Dylan, since you love the bacon, you can cook that. Gage, you will help me with the pancake batter.”

  “Bacon!” Dylan yelled, opening the fridge and getting it out.

  “You know how to make it, right?” I asked, eyeing him. I wasn’t so sure if it was wise to have Dylan man a hot pan.

  “Duh, I do. You get the pan hot, place the bacon in it, and bam! It is cooked!” I stared at him for a full minute before I slowly nodded.

  “Be careful,” I said still worried about him, but let him do his part. He wanted to help. Turning to Gage, I told him to get a bowl and a spoon while I got the mix. I found it cute that the boys wanted to help me with breakfast. Who knew two big bad fighters could be so sweet?

  “What we are going to do is pour some of the mix into the bowl and slowly add water until it is thin enough to make pancakes,” I instructed.

  “Shouldn’t we use a measuring thingy?” Gage asked.

  “Professionals don’t do that, so we are eyeballing it today.” Behind us Dylan giggled at my words, making me roll my eyes.

  “Now you pour some of the mix in, and I am going to quickly go and pull my hair back up so it is out of the way. You okay?” I asked him, not sure if he should be alone with Dylan in the kitchen.


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